Wizards VS Psychics



  • Shadowvzs - Lost City
    Shadowvzs - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    let me ask what happen if i seal a psyhic/do a pyro edge tempest(that fire ulti) and same time absolute domain?

    how reflect the dmg if i am immune from dmg's?
  • altima
    altima Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I've made a Psychic and I have to say there pretty cool.

    The spells are very fast and have decent mana consumption.
    So far my psychic can grind like no other, with very little downtime.
    I never really use potions, but when i do I'm a demon.
    Even though I never use pots, I still lvl faster and kill faster then most.

    This class is very 1v1 right now, I can 1v2 but I have to heal afterwords.
    (Thank you for the heal spell Game Designers. I love it!! :P)

    Black Voodoo is very helpful to kill mobs quicker. But when I need it I can change to White Voodoo. Yes that's right these spells have a can be switched when needed. We don't always have to be tanking, and we don't always have to be damage dealing.

    (Since we cast fast, when we see you channeling your ultimate spell.. we can try to tank it. The duration last 60 seconds, but it can be switched back after 8 seconds.)

    I haven't played Wizard yet, and I will probably make one. My Wizard will probably be way better at AOE, but I doubt they will be as good at 1v1 as a psychic because our DPS is really good.

    Yes, a psychics real strength is the ability to cast super fast, we don't have to kill you in 1 hit but we can kill you in 3 in the same amount of time. (Any side can win, It really depends on who's strategy is better, Who has the better gear, and computer lag. There are many factors to take into play.)

    Yes we all know Wizards are "Ohhhh so Powerful"... Pull the stick out of your bumb, you're not gods gift to MMO's..

    Wizards are strong, Psychics are strong, but they play differently. They are just 2 different types of Magic Users. Ones more of a Elementalist and the others more of a Warlock. They should be very similar in damage output by endgame, overall. Why? Because games are suppose to be balanced.

    (Just because you can nuke everyone with low resist gear doesn't mean you will own somone who has high resist gear. This is when strategy comes into play. Both of these classes should be very good even against each other. Like Ying vs Yang, a constant struggle with the evenly matched.)

    But don't think this class outclasses a Wizard. They have there own roles and own strengths. Better AOE, variety of elements.. and so forth.
    Also, only time will really tell the true potential of the Psychic, but they will most likely be on equal ground with the wizard.
  • Specialmats - Heavens Tear
    Specialmats - Heavens Tear Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    i'm pretty sure that wizards will have a higher damage output than psychics but psychics will have more dps, so most likely psychics will become the strongest classes in the game in terms of damage. wizards will have the benefit of having more rounded defenses than psychics with their stone barrier tho.

    psychics have way less channeling time than wizards and do comparable damage.
    [your signature has been removed, please contact an admin for more information]
  • altima
    altima Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Psychics Soulforce is pretty much opposite of wizard barriers....
    (In staid of taking less damage, you deal more damage.)
  • Nukesrus - Harshlands
    Nukesrus - Harshlands Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Psychics are just magic Blademasters. :D
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Psychics are just magic Blademasters. :D

    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Lusca - Sanctuary
    Lusca - Sanctuary Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    psychic earth ulti looks much better than wizzies earth ulti o=
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Sad to say, Psychics with Black voodoo on can never out dps an Archer in terms of damage output.

    Why? Psychics seldom crit, just like Mages. Archers shoots faster (unless using xbow) and has the advantage of range with crits. Try out-dpsing an Archer with a slingshot. With -interval gears add-ons.... the dps is gonna be scary.

    I laugh at the newbie psychics claiming they are the next best thing since invention of bread and how little they know about DD classes.

    I have played 3 different DD classes before and I do know their strengths in PVE aspect.

    Yes, Psychics may stack - channeling gears + genie to cut down their already superb channeling, but all in all, an archer doesn't use much mana to get their output.

    And the psychic above claiming to have no downtime... is simply lying to himself on not using pots.

    Psychics have no ability to regen mana and could only suffer no downtime unless the following:

    a. Stacked Mana recovery.
    b. Focus powder
    c. other apothecary.
    d. use of charms

    As far as I know, psychics need to meditate to regen their mana (which means down time), or they are resting for 40 secs after each kill.

    Perhaps, it would also be fair to say Psychics are dpsing mages due to their constant output of damages.

    But, I will prefer to partner with mages due to fact that they are usually cautious about pulling aggro.

    Many a times, I have seen nub psychics pulling aggro. How do they pull it?

    They throw on black voodoo and start chain casting and if they are not careful, they end up dead pretty fast.

    Some of them are smug enough to take on an elite mob that was not tanked and usually suffer for it.
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Sorry bud, but you are sadly mistaken if you think we dont out damage clerics.I crit 25-30k on non debuffed/amped targets in pve.No offense at all, I can agree with you on the fist bm since i have a 95 fisty( even wiz cant out dd a geared fisty)but you cant make asumptions about a class that you have not played fully and experienced to some degree past 7x. ( i dont know what you have played but im guessing you dont have a psy thats past 7x correct me if im wrong) And yes our damage is almost on par with a wiz(My level). Not quite as much but close and we do out damage clerics, we are not a support class we are a DAMAGE DEALING class. (fyi veno damage is lower than clerics) so its obvious you have not played any of those classes to the full potential and your just making irrational generalizations based on what you have seen from people your level.

    Sorry, but I beg to differ. As you would have noticed, your matk on your orb weapon is always lower than other magical weapons, till your lvl 100 weapon, which does better damage (being higher in damage range) than the rest of the lvl 13 weapons.

    So, in other words, unless you could +8 and above (which would mean you are crazy), your basic nukes will never be on par to a mage, comparing blow for blow.

    If you are talking about dps, yes, you are correct. But 25k to 30 k crit, is not very possible on a target without amped / debuffed used with black voodoo in conjunction with tide spirit.

    With the combination above, yes, it might be possible to hit that high on a crit, with a highly refined orb and highly dependant on your timing and luck and for what? 15 secs? With increased channeling speed?
  • Shadowvzs - Lost City
    Shadowvzs - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Sorry, but I beg to differ. As you would have noticed, your matk on your orb weapon is always lower than other magical weapons, till your lvl 100 weapon, which does better damage (being higher in damage range) than the rest of the lvl 13 weapons.

    So, in other words, unless you could +8 and above (which would mean you are crazy), your basic nukes will never be on par to a mage, comparing blow for blow.

    If you are talking about dps, yes, you are correct. But 25k to 30 k crit, is not very possible on a target without amped / debuffed used with black voodoo in conjunction with tide spirit.

    With the combination above, yes, it might be possible to hit that high on a crit, with a highly refined orb and highly dependant on your timing and luck and for what? 15 secs? With increased channeling speed?

    maybe he tryed with bm heavenly dragon XD
    then in his side dont was debuff only on bm do it XD
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    If channeling gear does not affect casting time, this means wizards get proportionally greater benefit from channeling gear than psychics do.

    (Of course, if channeling gear does affect casting time... )

    Channeling Gear DOES NOT affect casting time.

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • /Groovy/ - Harshlands
    /Groovy/ - Harshlands Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I dueled lvl 83 Psychic twice today. I can safely LOL at people who thought they are OP.

    It felt like dueling wizzie - annoying like hell without sparks.

    Earth Vector deals nice damage even when I had my Stone Barrier up but I think it didn't stun me (was lucky?).

    I saw reflect skill in action as well, lvl 3 Pitfall did 530 dmg to my opponent and it reflected 120 dmg to me. Survivable :P

    With Black Voodoo she outdamaged me by a bit, after Undine our damage was smiliar.

    With White Voodoo on she took more damage than dealt to me (maybe underleveled skill?)

    I didn't have a chance to try Undine + Blade Tempest, didn't have sparks at first and then didn't want to burn her charm ;)
    Packs World International
  • Snow_Flake - Raging Tide
    Snow_Flake - Raging Tide Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I dueled lvl 83 Psychic twice today. I can safely LOL at people who thought they are OP.

    It felt like dueling wizzie - annoying like hell without sparks.

    Earth Vector deals nice damage even when I had my Stone Barrier up but I think it didn't stun me (was lucky?).

    I saw reflect skill in action as well, lvl 3 Pitfall did 530 dmg to my opponent and it reflected 120 dmg to me. Survivable :P

    With Black Voodoo she outdamaged me by a bit, after Undine our damage was smiliar.

    With White Voodoo on she took more damage than dealt to me (maybe underleveled skill?)

    I didn't have a chance to try Undine + Blade Tempest, didn't have sparks at first and then didn't want to burn her charm ;)
    Thanks for the confirmation.
    I've been thinking a lot about this matter and this post cleared my mind.
    I'm heading to get a wizzie as my main then =D

    Any further confirmation would be helpful b:thanks
  • altima
    altima Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Sad to say, Psychics with Black voodoo on can never out dps an Archer in terms of damage output.

    Why? Psychics seldom crit, just like Mages. Archers shoots faster (unless using xbow) and has the advantage of range with crits. Try out-dpsing an Archer with a slingshot. With -interval gears add-ons.... the dps is gonna be scary.

    I laugh at the newbie psychics claiming they are the next best thing since invention of bread and how little they know about DD classes.

    I have played 3 different DD classes before and I do know their strengths in PVE aspect.

    Yes, Psychics may stack - channeling gears + genie to cut down their already superb channeling, but all in all, an archer doesn't use much mana to get their output.

    And the psychic above claiming to have no downtime... is simply lying to himself on not using pots.

    Psychics have no ability to regen mana and could only suffer no downtime unless the following:

    a. Stacked Mana recovery.
    b. Focus powder
    c. other apothecary.
    d. use of charms

    As far as I know, psychics need to meditate to regen their mana (which means down time), or they are resting for 40 secs after each kill.

    Perhaps, it would also be fair to say Psychics are dpsing mages due to their constant output of damages.

    But, I will prefer to partner with mages due to fact that they are usually cautious about pulling aggro.

    Many a times, I have seen nub psychics pulling aggro. How do they pull it?

    They throw on black voodoo and start chain casting and if they are not careful, they end up dead pretty fast.

    Some of them are smug enough to take on an elite mob that was not tanked and usually suffer for it.

    First off comparing a psychic to a archer who is fully geared with specific gear is ****. This forum is about mage vs mage... not Mage vs Archer.

    Second, I'm saying psychics are good and on par with the wizard. I'm not saying they are the best and outrank them.

    I said very little downtime. As a full Mag Psychic I have allot of MP regen and hardly ever get hit because of landslide and the quick spells. Usually 2 - 3 low MP cost spells and one enemies down. If need health I use Bubble of Life because my mana regens way faster then health does. And no Psychics don't rest after only 1 kill, they rest after many many quick kills.

    Wizards and Psychics are just 2 different mage classes, whatever one floats your boat is fine. But saying one is better then the other is ridiculous.

    Also just because you met a few bad psychics doesn't mean they are all bad. I could say the same thing about mages.. I've met a bunch who died... Oh but mages only reach full potential at 90+?? Well what about psychics?? Who's to say we haven't seen there full potential at 90+??

    I get that you love your Wizard, but bashing another class is absurd. They obviously took the time to create a unique mage class that is different from the old one.

    Like I said ones more of an Elementalist and the other is more of a Warlock. In new MMO's the norm is to have a few different type of spellcasters for the players to choose from.

    (Clerics, Elementalists, Necromancers, Warlocks, Summoners.. and so forth. They are not better then each other they just give the player the variety to choose which mage they like to play best.)
  • RezzErection - Dreamweaver
    RezzErection - Dreamweaver Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    that's nice in theory.
    But PWI made a habit of making unbalanced classes, hence the never ending topics about who's who.
  • altima
    altima Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    There are always bugs the first time around, that's why there is always many patches to try and fix these problems. It is mostly because when game designers design classes they have favorites of there own and usually end up overpowering them.. lol.. What can you say, we are all human.. (Well hopefully..)

    But spending a whole year to level a character based off of who's more powerful?? To find out patches have fixed the problems. Just play what you think you like best. It all comes down to play style and character of choice.
  • PureIove - Harshlands
    PureIove - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I dueled lvl 83 Psychic twice today. I can safely LOL at people who thought they are OP.

    It felt like dueling wizzie - annoying like hell without sparks.

    Earth Vector deals nice damage even when I had my Stone Barrier up but I think it didn't stun me (was lucky?).

    I saw reflect skill in action as well, lvl 3 Pitfall did 530 dmg to my opponent and it reflected 120 dmg to me. Survivable :P

    With Black Voodoo she outdamaged me by a bit, after Undine our damage was smiliar.

    With White Voodoo on she took more damage than dealt to me (maybe underleveled skill?)

    I didn't have a chance to try Undine + Blade Tempest, didn't have sparks at first and then didn't want to burn her charm ;)

    this is funny becuz i two shot groovy ;3 lol so many times... undine wont work btw with.... SOR and tempest? a non factor with psychic will ;3 learn learn learn ... btw i am an ex lvl 100 wiz... i know the difference ;)
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    this is funny becuz i two shot groovy ;3 lol so many times... undine wont work btw with.... SOR and tempest? a non factor with psychic will ;3 learn learn learn ... btw i am an ex lvl 100 wiz... i know the difference ;)

    why wont undine work?
    who's ur old wiz?
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • Borsuc - Raging Tide
    Borsuc - Raging Tide Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    If channeling gear does not affect casting time, this means wizards get proportionally greater benefit from channeling gear than psychics do.

    (Of course, if channeling gear does affect casting time... )
    But then they get crit gear instead? Channeling stat is kinda crapish anyway.
    this is funny becuz i two shot groovy ;3 lol so many times... undine wont work btw with.... SOR and tempest? a non factor with psychic will ;3 learn learn learn ... btw i am an ex lvl 100 wiz... i know the difference ;)
    You did this without 89+ boosts? b:surrender
    Earth Vector deals nice damage even when I had my Stone Barrier up but I think it didn't stun me (was lucky?).
    15% to not get stunned, so yeah, very lucky LOL.
  • /Groovy/ - Harshlands
    /Groovy/ - Harshlands Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    this is funny becuz i two shot groovy ;3 lol so many times... undine wont work btw with.... SOR and tempest? a non factor with psychic will ;3 learn learn learn ... btw i am an ex lvl 100 wiz... i know the difference ;)

    Nice necro b:laugh

    95+ twoshotting 91 fail wizard is nothing to brag about, archers at that level oneshot me about 50% times and no one calls them OP ;)

    Also, I would probably two shot you as well if you wouldn't switch to White Voodoo just before BT hits :P

    Try twoshotting XuLin, Nurfed or any other lvl 100 wizard with proper gear and THEN we will talk about OP :)
    Packs World International
  • Rangergod - Raging Tide
    Rangergod - Raging Tide Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    This is silly ... how the heck could 1 class like "kill"(as in kick them out of game so to speak) another class (sure there is 1class keeping the other "in check" As a game desigher/programmer myself I would have to say. the differences in magic is logical for a game such as this one (forum rules wont let me name other mmo's and its not thery its logic. Not everyone enjoys a slow channel/cast magic character. You wouldn't like(i'm sure) if all they had was psychics, veno(without pet), or clerics(without healing) No class is best... Even better talk to the programmers yourself, truly they could have decided who is the best already. Give it a rest and end this thread i doesn't make most game "makers" smile when their users are arguing about something as semple as classes... go play the game.
    #include <stdafx.h>
    #include <iostream>

    using name space std;

    cout << " Eric Out" end;
    cout << " This is C++ coding language." endl;
    "In case you can't do the math, as you stand there alone and consider fighting me, you'll be facing an army of over 30,000 hollows!" - Aaroniero Arruruerie, Novena Espada

  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    #include <stdafx.h>
    #include <iostream>

    using name space std;

    cout << " Eric Out" end;
    cout << " This is C++ coding language." endl;

    that won't compile lmao

    you could try..
    making namespace one word
    adding a space between int and main
    after "Eric Out" adding another insertion operator
    changing end to endl
    add another insertion operator after language."
    moving the semicolon to after the 0 in return 0
    putting the return function INSIDE the main function


    edit: here it is

    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    int main() {
    cout << " LOL" << endl;
    cout << " You suck at coding C++ " << endl;

    return 0;
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    hey could you stop that talk please?

    <<< traumatized after a test which had COBOL, among other subjects.

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Rangergod - Raging Tide
    Rangergod - Raging Tide Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    that won't compile lmao

    you could try..
    making namespace one word
    adding a space between int and main
    after "Eric Out" adding another insertion operator
    changing end to endl
    add another insertion operator after language."
    moving the semicolon to after the 0 in return 0
    putting the return function INSIDE the main function


    edit: here it is

    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    int main() {
    cout << " LOL" << endl;
    cout << " You suck at coding C++ " << endl;

    return 0;

    Meh, it was a minor error, and I was typing with a wii remote...(was giving my pc a better graphics card). and i added #include <stdafx.h>
    because i am using visual C++ to do it. it won't comp. If i don't put that.
    "In case you can't do the math, as you stand there alone and consider fighting me, you'll be facing an army of over 30,000 hollows!" - Aaroniero Arruruerie, Novena Espada

  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Meh, it was a minor error, and I was typing with a wii remote...(was giving my pc a better graphics card). and i added #include <stdafx.h>
    because i am using visual C++ to do it. it won't comp. If i don't put that.

    it was 7 errors in 8 lines of code (if you can call it that)
    I dunno what compiler you are used to, but eclipse doesn't need stdafx.h to compile.
    It's pretty obvious you aren't a programmer.. IJS
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • Nakhimov - Lost City
    Nakhimov - Lost City Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I dueled lvl 83 Psychic twice today. I can safely LOL at people who thought they are OP.

    You do ralise that 8 levels is kinda a lot? You've got 90 gear and they're languishing in hh80.

    Bad, bad example.

    edit; lawl at the C++ heroes in this thread.
    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • Rangergod - Raging Tide
    Rangergod - Raging Tide Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I don't use eclipse, and it works on mine.( minus the careless mistakes I made.) Hey, you sound like you know about C++, and if that is the case you can't say you haven't made some mistakes typing with a remote -.-. Anyway, lets end this on here( breaking forum rules, "off topic")
    "In case you can't do the math, as you stand there alone and consider fighting me, you'll be facing an army of over 30,000 hollows!" - Aaroniero Arruruerie, Novena Espada

  • /Groovy/ - Harshlands
    /Groovy/ - Harshlands Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    You do ralise that 8 levels is kinda a lot? You've got 90 gear and they're languishing in hh80.
    I posted that on January 5th, when I was low 8x b:surrender
    Packs World International
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    elemental shell, mage star, stone barrier ...

    (bless boxed) fow -> undine-> 1 spark -> sleep -> frenzy -> channeling bt -> extreme poison -> good night sir b:chuckle
  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    elemental shell, mage star, stone barrier ...

    (bless boxed) fow -> undine-> 1 spark -> sleep -> frenzy -> channeling bt -> extreme poison -> good night sir b:chuckle
    *insert expel or domain*

    Now your target is alive and your defenses suck and you've got no energy left to counter anything. Good game, goodbye.
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
This discussion has been closed.