Wizards VS Psychics
Shadowvzs - Lost City wrote: »Psy have immune skill, voodoo's and fast skills instead nuker skills (and till lv59 archer/abrb dot the **** dmg and purifiable the psy bleed 1 spark and noon puriable)
i am not against the skill but if need only 1 spark then or more cooldown or puriable pls, or will be more spark cost than 1.
Why do you even bother posting? Nobody can understand your "Engrish" anywayYoutube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
[SIGPIC]http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=684hgk&s=5[/SIGPIC]0 -
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »Why do you even bother posting? Nobody can understand your "Engrish" anyway
why not? i can tell my opinion too, ofc have few ppl who speak 10 language fluent... but sorry not everybody perfect....0 -
Not really a scientific study here but I have a level 73 psych and my wife has a level 73 wizard. We grew, leveled and tweaked the two together. Each one has a complete set of TT armor and weapons. All gear is level 4 refinement, 4 sockets and immaculate or perfect shards. Each of our weapons has refine of 5 and 2 perfect sapphire stones. We also have maxed our skills for our levels. Both toons have hp and mana charms.
In other words, there are no skill, weapon, level, armor or shard advantages for either toon. We have dueled several times trying different combos of buffs. We have tried white/black/no voodoo; each with no spark, each with two sparks; no buffs, etc...
The results are that my Psych wins about 7 of every 10 duels (especially if I can get diminished vigor and/or soulburn cast). We attribute the Psych's wins mostly due to casting speed (at least as far as we can tell). However, if I put on white voodoo or no voodoo she (the Wizard) wins ... or, if we are brambled, I can't beat her. Either way, the winner usually finishes the other off in less than 10 seconds (thus the charms only react once)Since when did the word "fail" change from a verb to an adjective? A character can "fail" (as a verb) or be a "failed" character (as an adjective), but there is no such thing as a "fail" character.
If "Barb" (not "arian") is short for Barbarian and "Veno" (not "mancer") is short for Venomancer then shouldn't we be calling Assassins something other than "sins"?0 -
KayLinda - Sanctuary wrote: »Not really a scientific study here but I have a level 73 psych and my wife has a level 73 wizard. We grew, leveled and tweaked the two together. Each one has a complete set of TT armor and weapons. All gear is level 4 refinement, 4 sockets and immaculate or perfect shards. Each of our weapons has refine of 5 and 2 perfect sapphire stones. We also have maxed our skills for our levels. Both toons have hp and mana charms.
In other words, there are no skill, weapon, level, armor or shard advantages for either toon. We have dueled several times trying different combos of buffs. We have tried white/black/no voodoo; each with no spark, each with two sparks; no buffs, etc...
The results are that my Psych wins about 7 of every 10 duels (especially if I can get diminished vigor and/or soulburn cast). We attribute the Psych's wins mostly due to casting speed (at least as far as we can tell). However, if I put on white voodoo or no voodoo she (the Wizard) wins ... or, if we are brambled, I can't beat her. Either way, the winner usually finishes the other off in less than 10 seconds (thus the charms only react once)
First of all, TT70 arcane armor sucks. Your choice shows that you have little knowledge about building your characters for PvP.
Second, duels is nothing like real PvP and prove nothing. You can't use charms, pots, genie skills, there are no other opponents to interrupt or distract, etc. etc.
Third, you compared only your skills and experience in playing your own class, not the class balance.
Example: some time ago during PK war I used Sutra combo on lvl 100 BM and killed him with nice crit, does it mean wizard as a class is more powerful than BM? b:surrender
Every class is good if the player in front of the computer knows how to play it. Every class can fail, even heavy cash shopped, if the player is clueless.Packs World International0 -
Shadowvzs - Lost City wrote: »why not? i can tell my opinion too, ofc have few ppl who speak 10 language fluent... but sorry not everybody perfect....
You're not "telling" your opinion at all, your previous post was just jibberish. If you are going to try to get a point across, whoever you are talking to needs to understand what you are saying.
@KayLinda.. pretty much what groovy said. You obviously have no clue how to build your character (i.e. HH 70 armor that you 4socket with immac/perfect shards and refine to +4 is beyond ****), so nobody has any reason to believe you or your wife know how to duel. Besides that, you can't compare wizards to any other class at level 73.. it is known wizards are "late bloomers" and aren't any good until end game anyway. In addition, the skill of the player makes a HUGE difference in duels/PvP etc. There are a lot of people out there that suck at their class, so you can't decide class balance based on one person.Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
[SIGPIC]http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=684hgk&s=5[/SIGPIC]0 -
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »You're not "telling" your opinion at all, your previous post was just jibberish. If you are going to try to get a point across, whoever you are talking to needs to understand what you are saying.
Not trying to be mean but it is PWI >.>, and there is probably a 90% chance you can't fluently speak whatever her main language is. I kind of understood what she was saying b:avoid.
Yum, time for sleepz0 -
PenutButer - Dreamweaver wrote: »Not trying to be mean but it is PWI >.>, and there is probably a 90% chance you can't fluently speak whatever her main language is
. I kind of understood what she was saying b:avoid.
Yum, time for sleepz - I saw what you did thereDvorak wrote:20. Post only in English.
We have to make sure that we can properly moderate and understand the topics being discussed in the various forums. So please, keep everything in English.
taken from http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=63291 under the "other rules for posting"
It is PWI, the forums are for people that understand English.. and its frustrating when people don't take the 20 seconds to check what they wrote. I understand that people to speak other languages etc, but there is also a reason I don't go posting on Russian/Chinese/Arab forums. If I spend over a minute reading and re-reading a sentence trying to make sense of it and can't figure it out, I'm well within my rights to complain in my next post.Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
[SIGPIC]http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=684hgk&s=5[/SIGPIC]0 -
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »taken from http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=63291 under the "other rules for posting"
It is PWI, the forums are for people that understand English.. and its frustrating when people don't take the 20 seconds to check what they wrote. I understand that people to speak other languages etc, but there is also a reason I don't go posting on Russian/Chinese/Arab forums. If I spend over a minute reading and re-reading a sentence trying to make sense of it and can't figure it out, I'm well within my rights to complain in my next post.
By your logic, only english professors who spend hours dictating perfect sentences should be allowed to post on a GAME forum.
I am sorry but I think alot of the stuff he says isn't relevant with his other server stuff, BUT atkin his english and then linking that is just rude -.-0 -
FoxyGurlly - Lost City wrote: »IT is forums, where like the game, slang and often times grammar and spelling are not cared for. HE is posting in english, and by quoting that, you are just showing that you are being difficult.
By your logic, only english professors who spend hours dictating perfect sentences should be allowed to post on a GAME forum.
I am sorry but I think alot of the stuff he says isn't relevant with his other server stuff, BUT atkin his english and then linking that is just rude -.-
I was referring to the post below, if you followed quotes back a bit you would realize this. I don't have any problem with slang, or even missing punctuation misspelled words etc as long as you can understand what the post was saying.Shadowvzs - Lost City wrote: »Psy have immune skill, voodoo's and fast skills instead nuker skills (and till lv59 archer/abrb dot the **** dmg and purifiable the psy bleed 1 spark and noon puriable)
i am not against the skill but if need only 1 spark then or more cooldown or puriable pls, or will be more spark cost than 1.Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
[SIGPIC]http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=684hgk&s=5[/SIGPIC]0 -
/Groovy/ - Harshlands wrote: »First of all, TT70 arcane armor sucks. Your choice shows that you have little knowledge about building your characters for PvP.
Second, duels is nothing like real PvP and prove nothing. You can't use charms, pots, genie skills, there are no other opponents to interrupt or distract, etc. etc.
Man, such hostility! You would have think I kicked your dog or something. Any real reason your reply had to be so personal?
Anyway, with the immaturity ignored here, all I was pointing out was the results we have experienced with 2 equally prepared toons at our current level. Obviously, different techniques, builds, buffs, etc... may very well lead to different results. It was in no way a boast, judgment, or a gloat, just an observation based the opportunity to test 2 toons on equal builds at an equal level.
BTW, a quick look at my avatar would have told you I am on a PvE server; therefore, building for PvP is a non-sequitor.Since when did the word "fail" change from a verb to an adjective? A character can "fail" (as a verb) or be a "failed" character (as an adjective), but there is no such thing as a "fail" character.
If "Barb" (not "arian") is short for Barbarian and "Veno" (not "mancer") is short for Venomancer then shouldn't we be calling Assassins something other than "sins"?0 -
KayLinda - Sanctuary wrote: »Man, such hostility! You would have think I kicked your dog or something. Any real reason your reply had to be so personal?
Do you have any idea how boring the forums would be if we didn't create our own drama? The only reason I (and I'm assuming many others) even browse these forums at this point is just to make fun of anyone that is wrong.Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
[SIGPIC]http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=684hgk&s=5[/SIGPIC]0 -
SurferGirl - Dreamweaver wrote: »btw we also got will of the phoenix as awesome dmg aoe. and hailstorm sage/demon. isnt bad either . also demon Emberstorm is pretty nice, and sage emberstorm dosnt even tick u
and not to even mention DB. we dont lack aoe's ourselfs either
WotP is very situational. People have to be all bunched together and you pretty much have to be right up in their face to cast the spell. Not going to happen a whole lot in TW unless you have a death wish. Same deal with DB and emberstorm. You are not going to run into a group of people and hope to cast DB or emberstorm and expect to live. Hailstorm is ok-ish but still rather weak.
Wizards don't lack aoes but most of them are suited for PvE rather than PvP. Only the level 59 ultimates are any good.Mizuoni - Dreamweaver wrote: »1 aoe that bypasses charm > 2 aoes that just ticks charm and does a little extra damage, ijs
Bypassing charm is not a big factor when I'm talking about AOEing a group of people. It's not like taking down the catapulling barb where you get him down to just before charm ticks and then kill him with BIDS. Which I admit wizards are better at doing.
When you're AOEing, it's not like you're gonna go "ok everyone, get everyone to just above half HP so I can cast BIDS and bypass everyone's charm." Some people's charms are going to tick. You can't help that. But during the 10 seconds (or 13 with dimished vigor) that charm is in cooldown, psychics spamming AOEs will deal more overall damage.0 -
KayLinda - Sanctuary wrote: »BTW, a quick look at my avatar would have told you I am on a PvE server; therefore, building for PvP is a non-sequitor.
If by simply stating the facts I offend you then I wonder what would happen if I would really make personal attack on you o.OPacks World International0 -
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »Do you have any idea how boring the forums would be if we didn't create our own drama? The only reason I (and I'm assuming many others) even browse these forums at this point is just to make fun of anyone that is wrong.
tis true.darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
Hawk:Do this. closing thread
frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
58% chance to get tokens
41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »I was referring to the post below, if you followed quotes back a bit you would realize this. I don't have any problem with slang, or even missing punctuation misspelled words etc as long as you can understand what the post was saying.
excuse me if at 12pm i made more mistake in postYesterday, 12:10 PM (european time zone )
u can think its a quest and u must find out the sense XD
(this is the drunked english category b:laugh)
but lets close the offing, if u have any problem, then u can write pm because offing i dont think better than my **** english0 -
/Groovy/ - Harshlands wrote: »Server is not an excuse, you are the one who came here and told us about your PvP experiment. It was a matter of time when someone will post about flaws in your test.
If by simply stating the facts I offend you then I wonder what would happen if I would really make personal attack on you o.O
Yeah, I'm sure you're big and bad. I really don't like to get into personal arguments with teenagers (either chronologic or mental age). Would be glad to discuss, exchange ideas, and learn on a mature, non-offensive level. I look to the forums for that. It's just too bad you have to avoid all the swinging e-peens to do so.
Please reply when your ego deflates and your manners inflate.Since when did the word "fail" change from a verb to an adjective? A character can "fail" (as a verb) or be a "failed" character (as an adjective), but there is no such thing as a "fail" character.
If "Barb" (not "arian") is short for Barbarian and "Veno" (not "mancer") is short for Venomancer then shouldn't we be calling Assassins something other than "sins"?0 -
KayLinda - Sanctuary wrote: »Not really a scientific study here but I have a level 73 psych and my wife has a level 73 wizard. We grew, leveled and tweaked the two together. Each one has a complete set of TT armor and weapons. All gear is level 4 refinement, 4 sockets and immaculate or perfect shards. Each of our weapons has refine of 5 and 2 perfect sapphire stones. We also have maxed our skills for our levels. Both toons have hp and mana charms.
In other words, there are no skill, weapon, level, armor or shard advantages for either toon. We have dueled several times trying different combos of buffs. We have tried white/black/no voodoo; each with no spark, each with two sparks; no buffs, etc...
The results are that my Psych wins about 7 of every 10 duels (especially if I can get diminished vigor and/or soulburn cast). We attribute the Psych's wins mostly due to casting speed (at least as far as we can tell). However, if I put on white voodoo or no voodoo she (the Wizard) wins ... or, if we are brambled, I can't beat her. Either way, the winner usually finishes the other off in less than 10 seconds (thus the charms only react once)
zzzz what a joke duel vs wiz at lvl 70 b:laughb:laugh
you should try duel vs your wife at 90 or 100 tho..
and ya +4 4 sock tt70 is re.tarded.. i wish i had perfect shards in my tt 90 eq lmao
pls b:shutup0 -
Perfect shards in tt70? That's pretty silly.
But hey, if you got the $$$ to throw at it, whatever.
Shouldn't last more than a couple weeks anyway... then you can +5 +4socky with G9 in your tt80 too. Have at it. b:victoryThe doctor will see you now.0 -
Arma_Geddon - Heavens Tear wrote: »Perfect shards in tt70? That's pretty silly.
But hey, if you got the $$$ to throw at it, whatever.
Shouldn't last more than a couple weeks anyway... then you can +5 +4socky with G9 in your tt80 too. Have at it. b:victory
Ah, think I understand the disdain now. For a week or two, doesn't make sense. However, we hold our toons at each level until we max our skills. Thus, we have been in the early 70s for almost 2 months while we build spirit to increase skills. We stop at each level until all skills are maxed. So the equipment should last us 3 to 4 months.
Also, the Engineer in me loves to tweak. If there is a better piece of armor, shard, weapon, etc... we go after it - quest, grind, AH, a lot of PQ .... I agree with other comments, there's not a lot of armor choices at level 70. But, I look at it this way -- If we are going to stay at a level for a while, why not set the objectives to better ourselves at those levels? I really like that there are always ways you can improve yourself without having to level. Also enjoy what you can do at each level - to me, it's not a race to 100.
Meanwhile, the wife is like a shark in goldfish pond in merchanting. She does this more than hunt. She can scour the cat stands and auctions and turn a 20 mill profit in a night. So we use that money on our tweaksSince when did the word "fail" change from a verb to an adjective? A character can "fail" (as a verb) or be a "failed" character (as an adjective), but there is no such thing as a "fail" character.
If "Barb" (not "arian") is short for Barbarian and "Veno" (not "mancer") is short for Venomancer then shouldn't we be calling Assassins something other than "sins"?0 -
Like I stated, if you have the $$ to throw at it, by all means. 20M a night? I honestly don't know how two toons in their 70's make that kind of cash, even when playing the AH or catshops. I do think you're exaggerating a little. You don't have to justify your playstyle to me, although I don't really understand why you'd want to spend 3-4 months in your 70's, then at your pace, probably another 3-4months in your 80's... Everyone at your level now will eventually vastly outlevel you; you'll be missing out on a lot of experience and spirit from higher level instances. Honestly though, if that's how you have fun and enjoy the game, by "tweaking" your toon as best as you can at your low level, which overall is nonfactor anyway; you'll just end up doing it over and over again, and wasting that not so easily earned 20mil a night on gears that you eventually won't use anymore. Eventually...
BUT GL BRO! b:byeThe doctor will see you now.0 -
by the time he's in the 80s the PWI servers will be wiped like the PW-MY were d^_^b
How long exactly do you think this game will last? It's already on life support for a few months. Get to endgame, use those 20mi/night to get skills and endgame gear, try endgame instances. You're going to end up without anything to do but BH and/or PK, but at least you'll have some fun.
Stalling the lvls around 70 and 80 just to enjoy game content...really? There is no content in this game beside FB/TT/BH. Trust me, I lvled to 90 before the BH was introduced in this game.____________
I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
George Carlin
~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~
Ursa - Dreamweaver wrote: »by the time he's in the 80s the PWI servers will be wiped like the PW-MY were d^_^b
How long exactly do you think this game will last? It's already on life support for a few months. Get to endgame, use those 20mi/night to get skills and endgame gear, try endgame instances. You're going to end up without anything to do but BH and/or PK, but at least you'll have some fun.
Stalling the lvls around 70 and 80 just to enjoy game content...really? There is no content in this game beside FB/TT/BH. Trust me, I lvled to 90 before the BH was introduced in this game.
I agree. This game dying. I'm just waiting for GW2 and then see ya.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
same here, and I know a buch of others waiting for the same thing.____________
I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
George Carlin
~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~
Astrohawke - Lost City wrote: »WotP is very situational. People have to be all bunched together and you pretty much have to be right up in their face to cast the spell. Not going to happen a whole lot in TW unless you have a death wish. Same deal with DB and emberstorm. You are not going to run into a group of people and hope to cast DB or emberstorm and expect to live. Hailstorm is ok-ish but still rather weak.
Wizards don't lack aoes but most of them are suited for PvE rather than PvP. Only the level 59 ultimates are any good.
Bypassing charm is not a big factor when I'm talking about AOEing a group of people. It's not like taking down the catapulling barb where you get him down to just before charm ticks and then kill him with BIDS. Which I admit wizards are better at doing.
When you're AOEing, it's not like you're gonna go "ok everyone, get everyone to just above half HP so I can cast BIDS and bypass everyone's charm." Some people's charms are going to tick. You can't help that. But during the 10 seconds (or 13 with dimished vigor) that charm is in cooldown, psychics spamming AOEs will deal more overall damage.
let me rephrase
1 aoe one shotting people > 2 aoes that tick a charm and then do a little extra damage :P
Even if the aoes dont one shot anyone a hailstorm is a nice fast aoe with great damage.Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze0 -
Ummmm... so..... to throw my two cents in. I have a lvl 62 Psychic and a lvl 22 Wizard
Saphiratude FTW! b:chuckle b:laugh
Konari got me on the Wizard path b:surrender0 -
KayLinda - Sanctuary wrote: »Would be glad to discuss, exchange ideas, and learn on a mature, non-offensive level. I look to the forums for that.
You tried to find out which class of the two is better. You claim that Psychic beat Wizard in 7 out of 10 duels, with equal gear involved.
I say that every class is as good as the player who plays it and the only thing that you managed to prove is that you can beat your wife's character 7 times out of 10 duels.
If a good driver in Honda races against average driver in Mazda and wins, does it mean Honda is better car overall? Or that the first driver is better at controlling his car?
To be honest, I don't expect proper answer to my post from you, probably will be another personal attack... b:surrenderPacks World International0 -
I'm so tired of being called a weakling because of my channeling time b:cryb:cry
Psy's are cheap, I'm telling you. Fast channeling and great damage output. Plus, defensive skills which we lack (aside our barriers).
I love my class and I'm not going to change it.
But it would be nice if people stopped bashing us for being wizards. >.>
Besides, we were here before psyichics. >_______>;0 -
SaphiraGione - Heavens Tear wrote: »Ummmm... so..... to throw my two cents in. I have a lvl 62 Psychic and a lvl 22 Wizard
Saphiratude FTW! b:chuckle b:laugh
Konari got me on the Wizard path b:surrender
level your wizard to 60 then come back and speak your thoughts.Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze0 -
This thread is so loooong... I have to make it longer! b:laugh
Here is my $0.02. I've played both classes, and I keep coming back to wizard purely out of preference. I want to master being a wizard before I spend too much time on my alts. I think the Honda / Mazda example given earlier is perfect. Neither class is ridiculously overpowered than the other. It's the player that counts more than anything.
I've been in squads with 90+ barbs who had no idea what they were doing, and we've been party wiped. I've been attacking the same dungeons with a 7x barb who actually knew how to play and we did fine. The levels aren't as important as knowledge of the class and the player's skill. I think the same thing applies to the wizard / psy debate.0 -
Mizuoni - Dreamweaver wrote: »let me rephrase
1 aoe one shotting people > 2 aoes that tick a charm and then do a little extra damage :P
Even if the aoes dont one shot anyone a hailstorm is a nice fast aoe with great damage.
Again, I say how often are you doing this? All of those AOEs that one shot people need 2 sparks. So what are you doing when they're not up? You are using single target spells that are gonna tick charm anyway. Then you die and lose all your chi and have to keep using single target spells.
A psychic is constantly spamming his AOEs, chi or no chi. Also you're not the only one in a TW and not everyone is a wizard. There will be other people attacking and they will tick the charm. Who ends up providing better DPS while those charms are on cooldown to ensure more kills? Who increases charm cooldown by 30% so you have a better chance of killing someone before their charm can tick a second time?
And let's not pretend hailstorm has good damage >.>0
This discussion has been closed.
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