The Return of Anniversary Pack Discussion Thread



  • losttoast
    losttoast Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    nope, because these people need to feel like they have some type of control in their lives... or something like that

    They DO have control, they have the power either to get over it and push forward, or QUIT.

    One way or the other, you aren't going to change the Dev's minds. Unless this game crashes.

    Then the game will come back with new promises and end up right back in the same spot.

    PW may be a game, but PWI is a business. How hard is it to understand they are going to try and get all the money they can out of you?


    The simple fact that people are trying to convince the Dev's not to try and make as much money as possible is simply ignorant.

    They are not going to listen to a bunch of people whining.

    However, maybe they WILL listen to action.
  • Nemesyk - Raging Tide
    Nemesyk - Raging Tide Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    losttoast wrote: »
    They DO have control, they have the power either to get over it and push forward, or QUIT.

    both of those actions involve giving up control b:victory
    Retired Character

    New main is Alexenokin of Lost City
  • losttoast
    losttoast Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    That means your suggesting players have control over the game past what they are given by the creators. You don't own PW, therefore you have zero control over the direction it takes. OUTSIDE of paying money to further it along because money is what moves everything.

    The only true control players have are to play the game (Or choose not to), make suggestions (which may or may not be heard), or make the choice to spend money (or continue with F2P).

    Outside of that everything you say is considered as mere suggestions.
  • Nemesyk - Raging Tide
    Nemesyk - Raging Tide Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    losttoast wrote: »
    That means your suggesting players have control over the game past what they are given by the creators. You don't own PW, therefore you have zero control over the direction it takes. OUTSIDE of paying money to further it along because money is what moves everything.

    The only true control players have are to play the game (Or choose not to), make suggestions (which may or may not be heard), or make the choice to spend money (or continue with F2P).

    Outside of that everything you say is considered as mere suggestions.

    i'm not disputing that point. you're right on the money with that

    what i'm saying is, is that the forum posting population (ie, those who post actively) are not ever going to quit QQing on the forum :)
    Retired Character

    New main is Alexenokin of Lost City
  • losttoast
    losttoast Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i'm not disputing that point. you're right on the money with that

    what i'm saying is, is that the forum posting population (ie, those who post actively) are not ever going to quit QQing on the forum :)

    Well my friend... you have won this round.

    That reason, along with QQ'ing in game is the only reason i came over here to post. lol >.>
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Who the hell made up "QQ" anyway? It sounds stupid and doesnt even look like someone crying.
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
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  • Malei - Sanctuary
    Malei - Sanctuary Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Who the hell made up "QQ" anyway? It sounds stupid and doesnt even look like someone crying.

    This made my night. :3 Thank you b:chuckle
  • Fishtaco - Lost City
    Fishtaco - Lost City Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    anni packs should be removed
  • shootingstarvn
    shootingstarvn Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    anni pack back due do popular greed demand
  • warlos
    warlos Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Check my thread here

    It was this, was cos Moderator close it hahahahaha

    Annivarsary Pack = pwi want more $$

    I am not sure if GM has yet realize that we all know Annivarsary Pack is the lamest promotion sale.

    Common GM's if really want to help perfertworld to increase Zen sale think hard and come up with better idea

    how many Anniversary PWI Perfectworld has hehe Change the pack name pls.

    Anyways here is suggestion to increase sale GM's :-)

    SET PRIC LIMIT ON Auction House GOLD
    How much should it be, that part leaving it to u GM
  • Ruli - Heavens Tear
    Ruli - Heavens Tear Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    GM's the players dont want the anni packs. Can you please contact your markting team an try get em too stop throwing this stuff at us. We dont like them, we dont want them.
    We got pride in the game an every time these packs are put in it takes that pride an sense of accomplishment from us.
  • PartyAnimal - Harshlands
    PartyAnimal - Harshlands Posts: 693 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    warlos wrote: »

    Annivarsary Pack = pwi want more $$

  • ShAdeReAP - Sanctuary
    ShAdeReAP - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    actually u would be surprised if everyone who wanted the packs back said that they actually did
    half of the players dont like the packs but the other half does
    lol i just think of it as...u know if u worked hard for something that everyone who couldnt work for it had to buy
  • Cernunnosx - Heavens Tear
    Cernunnosx - Heavens Tear Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    GM's the players dont want the anni packs. Can you please contact your markting team an try get em too stop throwing this stuff at us. We dont like them, we dont want them.We got pride in the game an every time these packs are put in it takes that pride an sense of accomplishment from us.

    Sadly their income from the anni packs begs to differ. If people didnt want them and want them by the shed load they wouldnt be back.
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    GM's the players dont want the anni packs. Can you please contact your markting team an try get em too stop throwing this stuff at us. We dont like them, we dont want them.
    We got pride in the game an every time these packs are put in it takes that pride an sense of accomplishment from us.
    I must not be a player, because I want them back. Would be nice if they would stop leaving, however. Additionally, I was not aware that PWI forces you, vicariously through the interwebs, to charge zen with your CC and buy x amount of packs. They need to sell me whatever technology they use to do this. b:chuckle
  • warlos
    warlos Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    [removed discussion of disciplinary action, send a PM if you need to discuss something]
    anyways, have a Merry Xmas with the return of the packs.

    P.S: See??? I said theyll be back by Santa's demandb:chuckle

    hi :P no offense b:laugh

    r u one of the PWI admin or Player, cos maximum player hate Anni pack which is destorying game play. SANTA'S DEMANDb:question hearing and looking at it in post 1st time b:laugh

    GM's pls update URL

    Mention Santa's Demand hehe
  • ShAdeReAP - Sanctuary
    ShAdeReAP - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    warlos wrote: »
    hi :P no offense b:laugh

    r u one of the PWI admin or Player, cos maximum player hate Anni pack which is destorying game play. SANTA'S DEMANDb:question hearing and looking at it in post 1st time b:laugh

    GM's pls update URL

    Mention Santa's Demand hehe
    lol did u not read wut was said by others above u? Cernunnosx was right people do want them back...just look at how many ppl buy and sell them
    Sadly their income from the anni packs begs to differ. If people didnt want them and want them by the shed load they wouldnt be back.
    I must not be a player, because I want them back. Would be nice if they would stop leaving, however. Additionally, I was not aware that PWI forces you, vicariously through the interwebs, to charge zen with your CC and buy x amount of packs. They need to sell me whatever technology they use to do this. b:chuckle
    and your actually one of the few that admit openly in the forums when everyone says "nobody wants them back" lol nice
    not saying ur stupid or anything but atleast those few ppl admit they wanted them back
  • FranzKafka - Dreamweaver
    FranzKafka - Dreamweaver Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    To late to remove them since the damage is done.In less than 6 hours gold went from 350k to 450k.Nice move there b:surrender
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i don't understand...isn't this undermining their oracle sale? high gold will put oracle IIs over 100k each buying from the boutique, but market price tokens is already making it so much cheaper.

    you would think they at least wait until the oracle sale was over...
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • thoriumxenon
    thoriumxenon Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Just another saying I hate anniversary packs and I've never met a player who does like them. Sure there are a few spending a ton of RL cash to buy them, but there is no way it can represent any significant percentage of players.

    PWI needs to cap aution house gold prices. Simplest way is to add a NPC that sales gold at a fixed amount. That would force the auction house sellers to compete for lower prices.

    Note high gold prices forces players who cant afford ZEN to wait for the market to drop. In other words it reduces the volume of the market for the gold trading players. It doesn't matter to PWI what the in game gold prices are, they just care how much ZEN they sell. If they are so hurting for cash, they need to cap the gold price. That will allow more players to buy from auction house and thus the gold traders will buy more ZEN. And the gold traders should also learn that they can make the same profit from selling a higher volume at a lower margin.

    Back to waiting for gold to drop...accumulating coins...not spending them...
  • Densetsu - Lost City
    Densetsu - Lost City Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    its funny how a free to play game is more expencive then a pay2play. it just shows the greed from the people who made this and the lack of creativity. we havent had a real event that wasnt a sale of w.e item.

    where are real events collect this find that etc snowmen find the easter bunny turkey's running wild on the server.

    this game has become pointless for those who dont cashshop or cash shop a bit. in a f2p game cashshop is there for support not as a main feat of the game pwi lost their way and obviously are completely clueless about what kinda of company they are or what is good for their game.

    bad lower players with great cashshopped equipment beating people with way higher lvls just because of how much money they spend thats what this server has come too.

    At this point i rather p2p were there are real events (pwi event = OMG NEW SALE). i dont mind spending money on a game i enjoy but it shouldnt effect gameplay as much as it has in pwi with the never ending pack sales making they unique game items that are hard to get freely available leaving you with nothing to work for just things to buy its really sad.

    ps. 95% of the f2p games out there do a way better job at making events and keeping the game intresting with less then half the money pwi makes. SO LEARN TO MAKE REAL EVENTS (NOT SALES) AND DONT PUT UNIQUE ITEMS FOR SALE THAT SHOULD BE EARNED.

  • Sandaili - Dreamweaver
    Sandaili - Dreamweaver Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    ps. 95% of the f2p games out there do a way better job at making events and keeping the game intresting with less then half the money pwi makes. SO LEARN TO MAKE REAL EVENTS (NOT SALES) AND DONT PUT UNIQUE ITEMS FOR SALE THAT SHOULD BE EARNED.

    Wow. This was the first time I saw an actual good point about the direction of PWI. I do remember fun things in other games. I haven't seen any in this one other than the main thing...eventual TW...and PVP...

    But I don't think the company can really do much, PWI in general. They don't have developers, right? They just buy the game from other people? Or am I wrong, and PWI bought the game and now actively develops it?
  • Vibe - Raging Tide
    Vibe - Raging Tide Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Great, you just ****ed up the new awsome server that the gold price was 190k...
  • Densetsu - Lost City
    Densetsu - Lost City Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Wow. This was the first time I saw an actual good point about the direction of PWI. I do remember fun things in other games. I haven't seen any in this one other than the main thing...eventual TW...and PVP...

    But I don't think the company can really do much, PWI in general. They don't have developers, right? They just buy the game from other people? Or am I wrong, and PWI bought the game and now actively develops it?

    they dont even have too develop new things they just have to use what they have. for instance a christmas tree which was a npc, make it into a mob that randomly appears over the map and when you find one and kill it it drops certain items or items that you need to collect. you can do a lot of things if you just set your mind to make a enjoyable event which i havent seen at all in pwi except the christmas event last year with the snowmen and the collecting cards thats the only time it was a real event without having to buy items.
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    they dont even have too develop new things they just have to use what they have. for instance a christmas tree which was a npc, make it into a mob that randomly appears over the map and when you find one and kill it it drops certain items or items that you need to collect. you can do a lot of things if you just set your mind to make a enjoyable event which i havent seen at all in pwi except the christmas event last year with the snowmen and the collecting cards thats the only time it was a real event without having to buy items.

    They had events for last holiday season, yet instead of using them over again, they drop sales on us instead. So much for the "Holiday Spirit". Just like real life, the joy of giving, etc. has been replaced by greed and the "Gimme, gimme, gimme" mindset people seem to have now. At least someone is getting a Christmas present... So, Merry Christmas, you Schmucks. Sure, the tideborn could count as a Christmas present for us, but it still doesn't excuse your behavior.

    EDIT: I've also played some other F2P games as well. Their events were amazing. Crowded, but amazing. And they didn't have to drop sales on us, either.
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Oh well, the only good thing is.....welcome back 5kMP pots for 1k coins....
  • Barbariankev - Heavens Tear
    Barbariankev - Heavens Tear Posts: 831 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i could have known that they would return eventually
    i sorta lost hope that they would disapear forever
    thats all i got to say and yes i hate it
    its impossible to always do the right thing we all make mistakes i am not different from that
    just try to be a good person

    english isn't my native language so there might be a few spelling/grammatical errors in my posts
  • Darksmiley - Heavens Tear
    Darksmiley - Heavens Tear Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    If there was ever a good place to admit playing a private server, it's in a 30+ page QQ thread that will never be read b:chuckle

    Amen to that brotha.

    On a side note. I love the annipacks.. Seeing how i'm married and have a FULL TIME JOB... i cant spend endless hours farming for money to get my stuff.. so i put 20 in.. and got my TT90 gear. I'm not afraid to support a game that i like.
    Darksmiley - A.K.A PWI's old ****

    A look at my time: Chaosgods-->Lostsoulz-->Titans-->Triad-->(break from pwi)-->Caesar-->(break from pwi)-->Hikary-->Titans -.-
    I don't TW atm b:surrender

    Shoulda rolled a PVP server -.-
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    *returning to his Christmas events on that other game he is playing*

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Heal_Titan - Sanctuary
    Heal_Titan - Sanctuary Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i dont really care about the packs i dont want 2 anything in them but i what i dont like is that they affect the price everything else that i do want.

    im also get tired of spending months grinding 2 still not be able 2 afford things. its seems the higher u get in lvl the more coins is drained out of u. also i would like apoth items 2 use less herbs. since i cant buy charms i have 2 use apoth and it takes way 2 long 2 get the herbs 2 make them. also put a limit on the amount of oracles u can use at once so ppl actually play the game instead of purchasing pre-made endgame characters.

    and more free stuff. 4 a F2P there isnt really alot of awesome freeness u can get. release trial fashion and trial mounts and gear (mayb more colors of weapons). i would b happy even if 4 1 week out of every month i could have a mount. b:victory