What are new clerics doing that is annoying all the old players?



  • GenericBrand - Archosaur
    GenericBrand - Archosaur Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Yeah I find it less work on cleric but where is the fun in doing everything with ease?
    Ease = less stress = less chance of error. For myself at least.
    If fragrance or polearm can one shot a barb please show me a video.

    If its dead in one shot, one damn shot you can't cast your so perfect purify either.

    I've healed things with <half the hp of a normal barb without purify.
    Keep in mind, I am talking about dying fast AFTER debuff lands on the barb.

    I can't comment about fragrance since I've never fought it, but I have seen so many barbs (on this server specifically) die in 2-3 hits after Polearm's debuff, more hits if there are multiple healers but the tank eventually dies when purify is not involved.

    True story:
    I was in a squad at lv68 or so with 2 other lv75+ (maybe 80+) clerics doing FB69. The entire squad was below lv89. I want to say the tank was a barb but I don't remember since this was around the start of the server. Anyway, the 2 other clerics were on heal/BB duty for the tank and I was to take care of the rest of the squad even though I offered to to heal + purify the tank and they could do whatever. I tried to tell them using BB was pointless since it will just get knocked down but they wanted to do things their way. So F it if you don't want to listen to me, I'll just do my part and keep quiet.

    We squad wiped a couple of times. Shocking, I know. I started to keep a closer eye on the other clerics after they abandoned the idea of using BB. I noticed the one that was on purify duty was somehow running out of MP and the other cleric was spamming heals only. So I start to toss a purify at the tank as needed, even before that one cleric runs out of MP. And guess what, we didn't squad wipe and polearm dies.

    The end.

    You can tell me purify is not needed for debuff bosses. And maybe for you it's not. But I have seen what happens when you just ignore it and try to "out heal" it. It's not a pretty sight.
  • Kaitica - Heavens Tear
    Kaitica - Heavens Tear Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Ease = less stress = less chance of error. For myself at least.

    Keep in mind, I am talking about dying fast AFTER debuff lands on the barb.

    I can't comment about fragrance since I've never fought it, but I have seen so many barbs (on this server specifically) die in 2-3 hits after Polearm's debuff, more hits if there are multiple healers but the tank eventually dies when purify is not involved.

    True story:
    I was in a squad at lv68 or so with 2 other lv75+ (maybe 80+) clerics doing FB69. The entire squad was below lv89. I want to say the tank was a barb but I don't remember since this was around the start of the server. Anyway, the 2 other clerics were on heal/BB duty for the tank and I was to take care of the rest of the squad even though I offered to to heal + purify the tank and they could do whatever. I tried to tell them using BB was pointless since it will just get knocked down but they wanted to do things their way. So F it if you don't want to listen to me, I'll just do my part and keep quiet.

    We squad wiped a couple of times. Shocking, I know. I started to keep a closer eye on the other clerics after they abandoned the idea of using BB. I noticed the one that was on purify duty was somehow running out of MP and the other cleric was spamming heals only. So I start to toss a purify at the tank as needed, even before that one cleric runs out of MP. And guess what, we didn't squad wipe and polearm dies.

    The end.

    You can tell me purify is not needed for debuff bosses. And maybe for you it's not. But I have seen what happens when you just ignore it and try to "out heal" it. It's not a pretty sight.

    I lol every time i hear that

    Well, its be specifically done many times... and its Not hard to outheal unless you have a **** weapon and are pure vit... seeming how this game is retartedly easy lol -.-
  • Dr_Jeckyl - Heavens Tear
    Dr_Jeckyl - Heavens Tear Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I lol every time i hear that

    Well, its be specifically done many times... and its Not hard to outheal unless you have a **** weapon and are pure vit... seeming how this game is retartedly easy lol -.-

    I'd have to agree. Purify is not a cure all. It is simply a matter of relative numbers. If the debuff increases damage taken say 20%. The healer simply has to be able to outheal by an extra 20%.

    The level, stat allocation and gear of the healer can vary by far more than 20%. Not to mention a fail healer who runs out of Pots or tries to space out heals to save mana.

    I think it is only in marginal squads where the Cleric is weak or the Tank has low HP/Defense that Purify is essential.

    I have been in BH51 and 69 where Mystics have been the healer and Seekers with only 5K HP Tanked Pole without any problem.

    That being said if you are a Cleric and can toss in a Purify on Wyvern/Pole why wouldn't you?
  • SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver
    SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,225 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Is Purify a cure all? No.

    Is it an essentail skill? Yes.

    Some debilitating status effects can be cured over. However, it makes things a lot easier when purify is involved. I have overhealed wyvern's curse with heals (since at the time, I did not know that he needed to be purified). However, other opponents do require the use of this skill.

    I have fought both Pole, and Fragrance, and if you don't purify, you're looking at a probable squad wipe. I've seen Pole hit a bm for 10k, and hit me for 4k through plume shell.

    I'm not saying that mystics cannot do the job. I've never seen one be the main, and only healer for Pole, but then again, I play as a cleric, so who knows? If they can do it without purifying, more power to them, however, as a cleric, I will proudly be the first to say that I do not DARE fight Pole, or Fragrance without purifying. Their debuff is deadlier than Nob, and Wyvern's, and there is a difference in when you purify and don't purify for even them. I have tanked wyvern...on my cleric...so I know firsthand the pain of his hits when purify has not been cast yet.

    I would say that purify is a skill that is essential for ALL clerics to use...not just ones where the tank has lower than normal hp, or the cleric has higher than normal hp. I would love to see someone fight Pole, and Fragrance without being overpowered, and tank the two of them without purify. Not saying that it hasn't been done, but I bet I'd see a lot less volunteers for the job.

    Purify is a great skill, and one that should be used skillfully. Thats the reason why clerics have it to use.
    "Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."

    Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.

    (Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)
  • Tonei - Heavens Tear
    Tonei - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I would assume it's because the new Cleric's are spamming the AoE heal, possible missing the members that need it most while wasting mana when it would be easier to just stack IH (I think that's what it's called.) But like I said, it's just an assumption... And I too am curious for the answer... x3

    There's also the possibility that new Cleric's think it's okay to become purely DD now because Mystic's have "taken over." But that has nothing to with AoE and more to do with people being ignorant in choosing a class best suited for them.

    This :-)
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I'd have to agree. Purify is not a cure all. It is simply a matter of relative numbers. If the debuff increases damage taken say 20%. The healer simply has to be able to outheal by an extra 20%.

    It's not that simple.
  • StacysMum - Dreamweaver
    StacysMum - Dreamweaver Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    If fragrance or polearm can one shot a barb please show me a video.

    If its dead in one shot, one damn shot you can't cast your so perfect purify either.

    I've healed things with <half the hp of a normal barb without purify.

    You do know pole channels his debuff/aoe right?
    You do know it looks like a circle of fire under his feet right?
    You do know a 'good' (probably not you) cleric knows the channel cast time of their purify?
    You do know with 'skill' (learned timings) you can insta-purify on debuff when it hits the tank?

    As far as debuff goes yes if he is hit after debuff it can one shot him if he is not at full health, if that happens then whoever is healing is at fault. Pole can cast debuff and insta-hit right after with a melee attack bad news if you get it wrong.

    I find 3 IH wait for boss channel, purify to be sufficent at BH lvl for both BMs and Barb. If you have the correct gears for your lvl with +2 refines you can also stand in medium range aoe and squad heal entire party on an aoe. I prefer to purify on everyboss channel, guessing whether its goes to be an aoe, debuff or cancelled by a squad mate is quite poor form. Good Clerics will seek perfection in everything they do, simply being adequate is not enough for people to appreciate what you are willing/capable of doing. As for fragrance even on a debuff it still takes 3 to 4 hits to kill a Barb or BM and they usually purge it themselves anyway so Mystic is quite alright spam healling on that boss. Other bosses however pose a much much greater threat to a squad, something you will appreciate in a BH 3-3 if you have ever done it all the way to the end. Saving everyones life on that BH is almost an impossibility and priortising tank survivability over squad members being alive to complete the quest can be tricky but is nonetheless the reason you are there so must be achieved.

    That being said the bosses a Mystic are really required to heal on beggining to end game based on current server quest requirements (due to FC/glitching/heads/oracles) are well within their skill remit. Should that change however (highly unlikely) then the tables will turn. As it stands Mystics are just as good as Clerics for the role of healing, just slightly less/more adaptable in certain situations.
    PWI b:bye
  • Dr_Jeckyl - Heavens Tear
    Dr_Jeckyl - Heavens Tear Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    thumbs wrote: »
    It's not that simple.
    Yes, I am oversimplifying... I know.

    However, the point I'm trying to make is that it is possible for hard bosses like Pole to be handled by a skilled Mystic at the right level without a Cleric present.

    Some players get into their heads that they MUST have a Cleric. In fact just yesterday I saw someone demanding TWO clerics for a BH69 when it can definitely be done with one good Cleric and a good Tank.

    Skill and level make a huge difference.
  • Kaitica - Heavens Tear
    Kaitica - Heavens Tear Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    You do know pole channels his debuff/aoe right?
    You do know it looks like a circle of fire under his feet right?
    You do know a 'good' (probably not you) cleric knows the channel cast time of their purify?
    You do know with 'skill' (learned timings) you can insta-purify on debuff when it hits the tank?

    As far as debuff goes yes if he is hit after debuff it can one shot him if he is not at full health, if that happens then whoever is healing is at fault. Pole can cast debuff and insta-hit right after with a melee attack bad news if you get it wrong.

    I find 3 IH wait for boss channel, purify to be sufficent at BH lvl for both BMs and Barb. If you have the correct gears for your lvl with +2 refines you can also stand in medium range aoe and squad heal entire party on an aoe. I prefer to purify on everyboss channel, guessing whether its goes to be an aoe, debuff or cancelled by a squad mate is quite poor form. Good Clerics will seek perfection in everything they do, simply being adequate is not enough for people to appreciate what you are willing/capable of doing. As for fragrance even on a debuff it still takes 3 to 4 hits to kill a Barb or BM and they usually purge it themselves anyway so Mystic is quite alright spam healling on that boss. Other bosses however pose a much much greater threat to a squad, something you will appreciate in a BH 3-3 if you have ever done it all the way to the end. Saving everyones life on that BH is almost an impossibility and priortising tank survivability over squad members being alive to complete the quest can be tricky but is nonetheless the reason you are there so must be achieved.

    That being said the bosses a Mystic are really required to heal on beggining to end game based on current server quest requirements (due to FC/glitching/heads/oracles) are well within their skill remit. Should that change however (highly unlikely) then the tables will turn. As it stands Mystics are just as good as Clerics for the role of healing, just slightly less/more adaptable in certain situations.

    You do know this thread is about new clerics and how they **** up?
    You do know barbs and bms can easily cancel themselves
    You do know you never said anything about the barb about to die and considering that being a one shot. Yeah I one shot a rank 9 when they lost a duel right before -.- lol
    You should know I know that my sage purify channels in one second, 0.5 to cast and cools down in 1 second(you probably didn't know that)

    I obviously know what I can't handle and won't ever go out on a limb to say I can do something I can't especially with a squad that fails and sucks balls.

    I like purify, just it's not always a requirement. Because clerics can heal full ffs with just chb.
  • StacysMum - Dreamweaver
    StacysMum - Dreamweaver Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Barb channel cancel depends on his accuracy and timing which are not always perfect, it does not always hit. But you of course are pro and already knew this.

    The part about being killed by one debuff hit when on lower HP is still valid, making a point that a healers job on that occasion is to ensure maintenance of a good HP buffer. Why you were going on about killing R9 after duel is quite ridiculous anyway, if they have R9 they WILL have guardian charms and be back at full HP soon as battle ends before your pathetic attempt.

    As far as your rant on sage purify, any fool can read a skill description (which is what you did, not taking into acount reaction time or time to cancel current channeled skills. Takes a bit more to learn something when (about new clerics as you said) you do not have max skills and channeling increases/decreases with gear requiring you to actually learn your class. Unlike your cookie cutter end game build that you could have just asked anybody about.

    Dear god did you say heal full FFs with cbh? What about the poor b***ards being bubbled on 2nd boss? What about dragons? You know what, forget everything I said before, you really are a m0ron, this thread is for you.

    Purify for a Cleric is always a requirement unless you hyper lvled to 100 or have no self respect. Like I said do it nice or do it twice.
    PWI b:bye
  • Kaitica - Heavens Tear
    Kaitica - Heavens Tear Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Barb channel cancel depends on his accuracy and timing which are not always perfect, it does not always hit. But you of course are pro and already knew this.

    The part about being killed by one debuff hit when on lower HP is still valid, making a point that a healers job on that occasion is to ensure maintenance of a good HP buffer. Why you were going on about killing R9 after duel is quite ridiculous anyway, if they have R9 they WILL have guardian charms and be back at full HP soon as battle ends before your pathetic attempt.

    As far as your rant on sage purify, any fool can read a skill description (which is what you did, not taking into acount reaction time or time to cancel current channeled skills. Takes a bit more to learn something when (about new clerics as you said) you do not have max skills and channeling increases/decreases with gear requiring you to actually learn your class. Unlike your cookie cutter end game build that you could have just asked anybody about.

    Dear god did you say heal full FFs with cbh? What about the poor b***ards being bubbled on 2nd boss? What about dragons? You know what, forget everything I said before, you really are a m0ron, this thread is for you.

    Purify for a Cleric is always a requirement unless you hyper lvled to 100 or have no self respect. Like I said do it nice or do it twice.

    Neither is a cleric's?

    Well, okay I guess every rank 9 has endgame shards too as well as max debt along with what they couldn't pay.

    You obviously haven't seen a variety of FF runs. Yes clerics run FFs with just CHB... so how does this make this a tread for me, I specifically stated people do this. Some don't aoe heal at all? Some don't BB. Those poor **** that get bubbled die because the cleric is stupid.

    I don't think there was power leveling 3 years ago, just because I post on one account doesn't mean I pile all my **** which is what your calling my stuff in it.
  • Baby_pho - Heavens Tear
    Baby_pho - Heavens Tear Posts: 636 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    there are always exceptions to any cases. Depending on your squad member's lvl/hp/gear/shards/refine/skills/build.

    yes you can do ff without bb and use chb in mob pulls(depending on the elements i stated above) but bb is always more welcome in pulls.

    debuff/bubble bosses, clerics have purify for this purpose. It makes their healing job easier to do so y not? (i wanna highlight this). I meant healing a sin with 3k hp without purify in frag i can say probably noone can do that. yeah most sins has lol 3k hp with crazy dmg that you have to make them tank( by this i mean heal them as tank bc noone else can tank agro from them). and yes mind you i have heal sins tanking with barely 3k hp during ff(during my high80s. yeah i had more hp than this sin ._.'. this was when EG isnt out yet.).

    again there are extreme cases where purify is a must. (All of this im just talking about ff ect.. lower instances no tt3-2,3-3,warsong...)

    click here for more discusion about purify + other cleric stuff
  • Blueblade__ - Archosaur
    Blueblade__ - Archosaur Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Seriously some clerics are soo lame i was in 59 with a cleric and some others. the cleric continuously used aoe heals when it was useless for some time in the middle the barb went afk and i was tanking cause the rest were magic classes and archers and i had the Bp so decided to tank OMG the cleric only used aoe heals i was taking constant hits and the cleric was aoe healing LOL. i tanked many mobs in 59 before when barb was afk but never died once but for this cleric i died 5 times. And also she uses BB when im killing 1 mob so that i wont die b:surrender

    wouldve been nice if she would heal me with IH ot sth.

    Another day i was doing 51 and the cleric was using BB agaisnt Rankar right next to him b:shocked

    i told him not to but he said no he doesnt want to heal everyone with aoe he wants to be lazy and sit there with BB. well.... the squad died 3 times at rankar but still the cleric wont heal she kept using BB. no matter how much we told her not to........ i left squad afterwards oh and i was not tanking a barb was.

    another day i was doing TT1-2 with a lvl 73 cleric and a LVL 101 seeker and a few dds
    the cleric used only aoe heals even when only the seeker was getting hit and i saw the seekers hp charm getting ***** and i told him to use IH or other single heals but he said that they are lvl3 so if he uses them they wont work well.......... after awhile he uses some debuffs(never seen a cleric do these) and then he started using RB!!!!!(WTF!!)
    we still managed to do TT cause the seeker was charmed and practically his charm was ***** i felt sry for him b:sad

    Ppl seriously if u want to make a cleric pls accept the responsibility.
    Anf if u want to dd make a sin or psy or a archer.
  • Jacerai - Dreamweaver
    Jacerai - Dreamweaver Posts: 943 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    after awhile he uses some debuffs(never seen a cleric do these) and then he started using RB!!!!!(WTF!!)

    Sorry for cutting it down, but I wanted to point out the debuffs. They're nice and help the squad (weee!). Newer clerics don't notice/use them often. Hell, I didn't start leveling them until level 80 or so (oops) when I had the extra spirit and coin. They're darn well useful now (I have demon of one of them).

    I have no idea how many clerics use the debuffs, but they're nice...

    All-in-all, it seems as if you've found yourself in a bad-cleric squad twice. I'm sorry, I really am.
    b:cute The world may be small, but it is far from known.

    Why the rage? It's a draining emotion.

    Me: DaValentine (veno), Jaceraie (mystic), etc etc etc b:chuckle
  • Disarmonia_X - Heavens Tear
    Disarmonia_X - Heavens Tear Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Things that annoy me with new clerics.
    They think their DD is more important than healing because of the 5.0 craze that is going on.
    -It wouldn't be so bad, if they would at least throw their debuffs (dim/ele seal) When there is no barb or veno. However, they don't.
    -When people get under combat - and only one person is receiving damage, they spam cast: Chromatic Healing Beam like no one's business because they are too lazy to select the ONE person taking damage.
    -They don't have max revive (lvl10 or greater: most keep it @ level 1)
    -They also are horribly cocky and when you say anything to them about the job they are doing: as in giving advice, etc: they snap and tell you to mind your own business. G.G. (Yes, that makes me snap back, usually in a boot.)
    - Also rely on Blessing of the Purehearted instead of stream of rejuve to... heal... Like, Really? wth are you thinking? Stream's regen stacks with Ironheart and it also at demon gives a pdef boost, which a lot of the 5.0's running around need due to having **** refines on their ornaments.

    Bleh, w/e. Writing this just frustrates me, and makes me realize when it comes to new clerics: common sense is non-existing.
    ~PWI status: Retired
    P.S. and happily ever after: with Aneu~
  • Mekkhala - Lost City
    Mekkhala - Lost City Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    OH OH OH here are some I'm seeing b:laugh

    - DDing in TW. (And im talking serious TW where the eps are crucial). If you aren't healing the squad, you should be stacking yourself, finding somebody else to buff, or sleeping/silencing/debuffing the enemy. Its just lawltastic to see some ep trying to tempest a cata squad. For starters, that skill is like a huge neon bullseye for every sin in the area.

    -Wearing **** Chan gear. Ok so you like chan. Thats nice. But if you want uber chan, find items that don't lower your defense to the point where a feather can kill you.

    -F*** your Charm EPs C'mon guys. Charms are like 4mill+ (on lC, at least). Just because the tank can charmtank doesn't mean you should sit there. Some new clerics have picked up the "we save lives not charms" saying from the older players. That doesn't mean sit around and let them charmtank, it means keeping people alive is more important than somebodies charm.
  • Disarmonia_X - Heavens Tear
    Disarmonia_X - Heavens Tear Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    OH OH OH here are some I'm seeing

    - DDing in TW. (And im talking serious TW where the eps are crucial). If you aren't healing the squad, you should be stacking yourself, finding somebody else to buff, or sleeping/silencing/debuffing the enemy. Its just lawltastic to see some ep trying to tempest a cata squad. For starters, that skill is like a huge neon bullseye for every sin in the area.

    -Wearing **** Chan gear. Ok so you like chan. Thats nice. But if you want uber chan, find items that don't lower your defense to the point where a feather can kill you.

    -F*** your Charm EPs C'mon guys. Charms are like 4mill+ (on lC, at least). Just because the tank can charmtank doesn't mean you should sit there. Some new clerics have picked up the "we save lives not charms" saying from the older players. That doesn't mean sit around and let them charmtank, it means keeping people alive is more important than somebodies charm..
    +10000000, may I say: I love you now? ^^;

    However, I like my squish gear in instances like 3-2/3-3. It keeps me from getting rusty w.my defensive armor. I always do healing > DD. in my squish gear I usually run around 5.6k unbuffed hp, and 2.9k pdef in that gear, and bosses very RARELY kill me.

    when I'm in my survival Gear, I'm almost @ 7k unbuffed hp, and 14k pdef/45 defense level..
    When I'm done w/gear, I'll have 13.7k hp and 19k pdef buffed w/demon bell :>.
    ~PWI status: Retired
    P.S. and happily ever after: with Aneu~
  • Blueblade__ - Archosaur
    Blueblade__ - Archosaur Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    OH OH OH here are some I'm seeing b:laugh

    - DDing in TW. (And im talking serious TW where the eps are crucial). If you aren't healing the squad, you should be stacking yourself, finding somebody else to buff, or sleeping/silencing/debuffing the enemy. Its just lawltastic to see some ep trying to tempest a cata squad. For starters, that skill is like a huge neon bullseye for every sin in the area.

    -Wearing **** Chan gear. Ok so you like chan. Thats nice. But if you want uber chan, find items that don't lower your defense to the point where a feather can kill you.

    -F*** your Charm EPs C'mon guys. Charms are like 4mill+ (on lC, at least). Just because the tank can charmtank doesn't mean you should sit there. Some new clerics have picked up the "we save lives not charms" saying from the older players. That doesn't mean sit around and let them charmtank, it means keeping people alive is more important than somebodies charm.

    Actually i dont mind how squishy the cleric. As long as he knows how to heal and is pro at it any1 will like him.
  • X__ENGEL__X - Sanctuary
    X__ENGEL__X - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I'd say that the only reason new Clerics get so cocky is cause :

    1) they have r8/r9
    2)they lvled to 80+ in 1-3 days (which makes it worse cause they think they are god by then)

    Either 2 of those or they get REALLY REALLY cocky and dont listen to Constructive critisism.

    Sadly...i have to say I'm power leveled. But when i started i KNEW i was gonna be healing/debuffing since i had watched many times how skilled cleric plays in FCC
  • Ebrithalia - Dreamweaver
    Ebrithalia - Dreamweaver Posts: 441 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I'd say that the only reason new Clerics get so cocky is cause :

    1) they have r8/r9
    2)they lvled to 80+ in 1-3 days (which makes it worse cause they think they are god by then)

    Either 2 of those or they get REALLY REALLY cocky and dont listen to Constructive critisism.

    Sadly...i have to say I'm power leveled. But when i started i KNEW i was gonna be healing/debuffing since i had watched many times how skilled cleric plays in FCC

    same thing for me, i powerlvled my cleric to 70....but i read the cleric forum, checked the skills on ecatomb and asked tips from friends for like....3 weeks before i even made my cleric. Result, nobody died in the 5 bh i did for now. (even got the lvl 70 legendary weapon from a guy that found my job pretty good)

    so, i can understand everyone that hate new clerics....that dont learn the class.
    Ebrithalia -Sage Seeker
  • kerryd
    kerryd Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    actually BB is aoe heals and i had do many Bh with my cleric, believe or not i do BB not at bosses and why? i will explain why. whole squad run around everybody attacs forgetting deffs and what they rly can tank also my heals agrro also chanelling of one magic class is so slow and if person die 2 hits from mobs ofc i will BB to heal all that getting diyng and myself too to be honest when i had use BB at bhs all squad getted attaced well what wa sthe results all was alive so i am telling u guys BB isnt a boss aoe heals its a cleric skill and its AOE heals u use it when u can to keep ur squad buddys alive theres no rules telling when u should use ur skills . so BB or RB or iron or whatever else is good as long u keep squad alive including urself too . so theres my question WHAT IS GOOD CLERIC? the one that make all to keep squad alive and do it good or the one that BB only at bosses with aoe? LOL
  • DraknessDuir - Sanctuary
    DraknessDuir - Sanctuary Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    kerryd wrote: »
    actually BB is aoe heals and i had do many Bh with my cleric, believe or not i do BB not at bosses and why? i will explain why. whole squad run around everybody attacs forgetting deffs and what they rly can tank also my heals agrro also chanelling of one magic class is so slow and if person die 2 hits from mobs ofc i will BB to heal all that getting diyng and myself too to be honest when i had use BB at bhs all squad getted attaced well what wa sthe results all was alive so i am telling u guys BB isnt a boss aoe heals its a cleric skill and its AOE heals u use it when u can to keep ur squad buddys alive theres no rules telling when u should use ur skills . so BB or RB or iron or whatever else is good as long u keep squad alive including urself too . so theres my question WHAT IS GOOD CLERIC? the one that make all to keep squad alive and do it good or the one that BB only at bosses with aoe? LOL

    Well, for one, one that knows that RB isn't a healing skill.
  • losergoddess
    losergoddess Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Well i AM a cleric... This caught my attention cux i stitll think of myself as a new cleric, but i dont do unneeded aoe heals. Like EVERYONE has OBVIOUSLY pointed out IT TAKES TO MUCH MANA. Thats more mp food cosuming which is costing ME money. So i only do that if at LEAST 2 other people (Besides the tank) are losing hp. If one other person is losing hp i quickly stack the tank turn around wellspring surge the one losing hp then go back to stacking the tank. Sometimes even if 2 ppl are losing hp i dont use CMB if they havent lost much hp i just again stack the tank wellspring surge them both then go back to healing tank. Thats how I taught myself to stay alive in dungeons. Cux obviously if tank dies good chance we all die. So obviously cleric runs outta mp food AND mp Tank is kinda screwed unless theres a back up healer but usually theres only one main healer in squad.
  • Ebrithalia - Dreamweaver
    Ebrithalia - Dreamweaver Posts: 441 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Well i AM a cleric... This caught my attention cux i stitll think of myself as a new cleric, but i dont do unneeded aoe heals. Like EVERYONE has OBVIOUSLY pointed out IT TAKES TO MUCH MANA. Thats more mp food cosuming which is costing ME money. So i only do that if at LEAST 2 other people (Besides the tank) are losing hp. If one other person is losing hp i quickly stack the tank turn around wellspring surge the one losing hp then go back to stacking the tank. Sometimes even if 2 ppl are losing hp i dont use CMB if they havent lost much hp i just again stack the tank wellspring surge them both then go back to healing tank. Thats how I taught myself to stay alive in dungeons. Cux obviously if tank dies good chance we all die. So obviously cleric runs outta mp food AND mp Tank is kinda screwed unless theres a back up healer but usually theres only one main healer in squad.

    conclusion i can make on this........you are not a fail new cleric b:victory
    Ebrithalia -Sage Seeker
  • Baby_pho - Heavens Tear
    Baby_pho - Heavens Tear Posts: 636 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    It annoys me how new clerics is "pure mag" but has 2k hp at lvl 80+.

    It also annoys me when there are 2 clerics in an ff and the clerics ask a mystic (mine) for healing assist...b:surrender

    when I am on my mystic, I feel like it would be an insult to the cleric if I heal as many clerics do feel this way( I only step to assist heal if necessary). I was in an ff last week or so on my mystic and there was 2 clerics. 1 main heal(very bossy telling everyone what to do which i dont care cos doesnt effect me), 1 assist(suposedly), the main healer stack ih pretty well on our tanker and aoe heal when needed(but he'd attack sometimes?). the assist healer only aoe heal( attck sometimes also?). Then we reach the bishop boss, the bossy cleric was "assigning" everyone a role, you get bishop, you get boss, blah blah blah(again i dont care cos ill just get bishop anyways). bishop spawns he died and said" why isnt mystic suport healing?". me "there are 2 clerics and you need a mystic to assist heal? what do you want? get bishop or heal?". dumb cleric goes "both". me "then we dont need 2 clerics, we can get antoher dd". btw he has like barely 3k of hp with barb buff. i think he got purged and died cos of the aoe. he's in his late 80s 87 if i remember corectly? if people arent ready gearly/with enough hp to go to ff then dont go and dont be bossy, just explain if there are new players to ff(which there wasnt any cos everyone seems to know what they are doing, maybe the assist healing cleric is, she seems a bit confuse sometimes and not sure what to do. cos she attack at first). all in all i think new clerics are spoil with mystics nowadays and they rely too much on mystics. and if you dont have the hp to go to ff then dont go. i remember when my cleric was in her 80( a long time ago when there wasnt mystics yet) and people would ask me to come to ff i wouldnt go till i sharded/refine/upgrade my gear enough to have 3k+ hp w/o barb buff.
  • Amixia - Lost City
    Amixia - Lost City Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    It annoys me how new clerics is "pure mag" but has 2k hp at lvl 80+.

    i remember when my cleric was in her 80( a long time ago when there wasnt mystics yet) and people would ask me to come to ff i wouldnt go till i sharded/refine/upgrade my gear enough to have 3k+ hp w/o barb buff.

    I'm not really new cleric but, I'm pure mag and people sometimes freak out by my low hp. b:chuckle About 2.8k through 8x. I also refused to set foot in fc before 85 when I felt my gear was done.

    I think new clerics just level faster than they learn basics. Not many people read forum guides and so on. I remember I used to be so scared of pole's debuff in 69 when I reached 80. Then I found a post here in the forums of a simple way to purify instantly. Healing 8x sins tanking pole did good for my ego. b:laugh
  • Youleeah - Lost City
    Youleeah - Lost City Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    lololol don't get mad at the terrible cleric. Learn to hold your own b:chuckle
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I've become more annoyed with the older clerics. The new ones know not to heal 4.0+ Assassins, debuff more often, DD more often, don't sacrifice themselves to save an idiot, have L11 revive and don't whine that it cost so much and only benefits others. -It's a good thing there's p-leveling.
  • Ebrithalia - Dreamweaver
    Ebrithalia - Dreamweaver Posts: 441 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    thumbs wrote: »
    I've become more annoyed with the older clerics. The new ones know not to heal 4.0+ Assassins, debuff more often, DD more often, don't sacrifice themselves to save an idiot, have L11 revive and don't whine that it cost so much and only benefits others. -It's a good thing there's p-leveling.

    the hell you talking about? hmm, did you smoke something before writing this lol?
    Ebrithalia -Sage Seeker
  • Pingfu - Archosaur
    Pingfu - Archosaur Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited November 2011