What are new clerics doing that is annoying all the old players?

QueenOfNukes - Heavens Tear
QueenOfNukes - Heavens Tear Posts: 98 Arc User
edited January 2012 in Cleric
I've been noticing a lot of threads where old time players and other clerics are highly annoyed with new clerics because of how they heal. Something about using AOE-heal? I'm not sure what's going on, can someone please enlighten me?

I dont' use AOE-heal much though. I just want to know what new clerics are doing that's causing the huge hoo-hah. Would be nice to know if I'm making a mistake myself.
"Beware of the Queen, she'll nuke our heads off if we don't listen to her. b:surrender" - Devereaux

QueenOfNukes was created on 16th June 2011.
Post edited by QueenOfNukes - Heavens Tear on


  • Allondria - Archosaur
    Allondria - Archosaur Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I would assume it's because the new Cleric's are spamming the AoE heal, possible missing the members that need it most while wasting mana when it would be easier to just stack IH (I think that's what it's called.) But like I said, it's just an assumption... And I too am curious for the answer... x3

    There's also the possibility that new Cleric's think it's okay to become purely DD now because Mystic's have "taken over." But that has nothing to with AoE and more to do with people being ignorant in choosing a class best suited for them.
  • Soira - Raging Tide
    Soira - Raging Tide Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I agree with Allondria. I've seen a lot of clerics using CHB (the aoe heal) when only one person actually needed healing, meaning a wellspring or IH would have been not only better, but would also use less mana.I really don't understand why they preffer to spam this skill that is only useful at a boss that aoes or when more than 2-3 squadmates are being hit by something (at least imo). Not to mention it has 3.5 seconds channeling and 3 seconds cooldown.

    As for DDing only, it's ok to only DD if there's another cleric or a mystic in squad, but you should make sure the other person is ok with it, and you're not just rushing in to nuke stuff without saying anything. Even as the only cleric in squad you can DD a bit if you feel that your squad doesn't need a lot of heals, but you should always keep an eye on those health bars in case something goes wrong.
  • __Jhuv - Sanctuary
    __Jhuv - Sanctuary Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    With my mystic i did and do instances with random squads. Sometimes i see nice clerics and i add them on fl xD But often more i see things.. i really dont have words.

    They BB when truly not needed, they dont res dead squad mates, they aoe heal, they use ih once and twice then back to aoe heal or wellspring if you're lucky.. i've seen also clerics using ONLY the first skill of heal you get *i dont remember the name.. the once that looks red color*.

    I am ok with that, maybe they are new to the game and i was too. At first i never used ih myself.. But someone taught me and i learn. Now the thing hate the most is they dont listen to tips.. if you try to say something they: 1 QQ aefoiuhiuoesfns i am the best healer of the world and then leave squad, 2 they dont even say anything and keep do what they were doing.

    Now i'm not saying all new clerics are made this way, but the most i've seen till now are..
    __Jhuv - Mystic
    __Hysper - Cleric
    __Hysen - Venomancer
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I was in a 69 yesterday that I felt like helping out on. Barb, myself, psychic, wiz, and a couple others I forgot. Barb has pretty decent gear and seemed to know what he was doing, so I figured I'd let him tank... at least, that's what I planned on at first.

    Then we decide to clear a little bit. Barb's HP keeps falling and the cleric is busy DDing (note: the cleric hadn't buffed anyone yet, but I figured that was because we weren't all inside yet and let it go). After about 2 rooms with no support whatsoever, the cleric finally uses four purehearts to get the barb back to full HP. Suddenly, I'm worried and I check the cleric's HP from squad window.... 2.2k WITH level 10 BKI (HP buff). One of the lower levels in the squad mentioned needing Serpentrex, so the rest of the squad agrees to it. We gather to buff and everyone except the cleric buffs up.... we then have to yell at said cleric for 4 minutes before she realizes to buff us. By now, I'm on twitch reflexes because I can tell this cleric, frankly, sucks... but we go ahead and run in. So we're fighting Serp and what does our cleric do? She starts to DD while our Barb's HP starts to drop. After having the rest of the squad yell at her to heal, she finally listens and starts to channel chromatic... but whoops! Barb's dead now. So after a bit of her DDing again (I now have aggro and am just acting like I would if I were doing the boss solo) she finally resses the barb... and then goes into BB immediately without rebuffing the barb. Problem is, she barely has enough MP now for BB to last any length of time and when it pops, she sits on the ground and meditates. Basically, the Wiz and Psy wound up playing cleric for me through the rest of the run (granted, I didn't need it but it was nice of them) and when we get to Pole and Nob, I get annoyed so I tell everyone else in the squad to stay in the lake. Once our so-called cleric starts to DD, I jump in the lake as well and let it kill her before booting her from squad and finishing the run.

    And what pisses us older players off? **** like this is so bloody COMMON nowadays that a cleric that actually knows what we'd consider basics is a rarity. When you consider that, it kinda makes sense why so many people bash clerics more than normal nowadays.
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    what kossy said and it gets better. my best example is

    FC, killing harpy in big room. The rest is melee, so i start to kill one harpy alone. Cleric next to me. So i see my HP drop and drop and drop and drop...only 8 HP left and i do soul transfusion...and what does the Cleric? Starts to channel her AOE...while i kill harpy ALONE .

    Some Clerics are just abnormaly stupid. Like using AOE heals before each pull in FC...seriously? This **** doesnt stack, so its useless if anyone else HP is at 100%! Good morning...lvl93!

    What i hate as well, is the constantly 1hr rebuff at everything. One dies...1h rebuffs...dies again..again 1h rebuffs. This takes looots of time to channel and cast it, if you do it like almost every 10min. Its only one person who is dying. Why the hell waste 50% of MP on AOE buffs for one person? Its like..the next squad wouldnt have any Cleric, who cant do same.
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • apex1predator
    apex1predator Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Regarding the 1hr buffs..most ppl insist on getting 1hr buffs after they die. Only experienced peeps dont mind(which are becomming rarer :P)

    Ive seen some pretty horrid things done by the new crop of clerics, saying barbs are tankers and thus only they get heals, saying that purify has a 30sec cooldown, stack 3 IH then go afk without saying a word and last but not least: being called in as a replacement cleric then proceeding to DD with the most fail gear you can imagine as a cleric(Aka NONE) whilst saying; im lvl 100 so i do more dmg than a 89 demon sin.

    I'm far from being pro but compared to these clowns im godlike.
  • QueenOfNukes - Heavens Tear
    QueenOfNukes - Heavens Tear Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    Okay, I'm glad I've never met these clerics on my barb/veno/mystic and I'm glad I'm never guilty of doing such stupid things. I can't stop giggling now.

    I love IH and SoR. They're awesome together. Ahhhh! (:

    But yes, I do notice that players in general now refuse to listen to tips, soooo their refusal just makes things worse. Oh well, this is why I hate random squads. They think they're gods when they have level 60 quest gear at level 90 and try to bulldoze through everything.
    "Beware of the Queen, she'll nuke our heads off if we don't listen to her. b:surrender" - Devereaux

    QueenOfNukes was created on 16th June 2011.
  • Yogaxpto - Dreamweaver
    Yogaxpto - Dreamweaver Posts: 273 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I usually stack ih on the one who's getting attacked... plain as that...
    The aoe heal is when multiple members in squad are about to run out of hp, and beware to use it if you're brave, everyone got every mobs aggro, and you have no exp to loose or you might easly steal aggro in some stituations...
    Trolling since September 2008b:victory

    Don't worry. I might stop trolling and say something useful... One day....
  • Gol_D_Chad - Sanctuary
    Gol_D_Chad - Sanctuary Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    hmm..for some odd reason, i haven't met such clerics who AOE heal all the time when it's not needed and when only one person is getting hit o.o but i've seen many who abuse BB. Sometimes, they will use BB when there are 3+mobs or at a boss since there are usually DDs who want to have aggro wars. I've done it too. But i have seen it a few times from other clerics who BB when there's only a few mobs.b:laugh

    There's also the possibility that new Cleric's think it's okay to become purely DD now because Mystic's have "taken over." But that has nothing to with AoE and more to do with people being
    ignorant in choosing a class best suited for them.

    ^I've seen this constantly when clerics just want to DD(even when there's no mystic or other cleric) and they heal when someone's almost dead and such or fail trying.And dding is like the main reason that they become pure magic-.-. But they end up dying or close to dying constantly and endanger the squad when they refuse to heal. But at least, there are some lvl 90+pure magic clerics who have decent gear to allow them to steal aggro and do a lot of damage while still being able to survive well.
    Sailing this perfect world for treasure and Glory. This pirate awaits adventure and this is my story. (OP overdoseb:victory)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    New clerics don't use SoR...
    New clerics use BB all the time... (I never even got BB till after 6x, but things were different then. Only place we needed it was TT, which I never did for a long time as I preferred to merchant, and Frost was near-impossible.)
    New clerics think they can DD better than other DDs... (no, sorry, you never will)
    New clerics power-level and think they are as good as other clerics...
    New clerics use CHB all the time...
    New clerics are bad in TW cause they think they DD... (good for me, tbh)
    New clerics only use hour buffs...
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1029711&page=45
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • Allondria - Archosaur
    Allondria - Archosaur Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    My first char was a Cleric on Sanctuary and I got it to like, lvl 30. I don't claim to be an amazing healer, or any of that, but I have the sense to know what my class does and stick to it. It should be common sense but now it's some rarity, and that's really sad. What originally brought me to play Cleric in the first place is because I was a WoW player and a good PvP healer/support. I wanted to be the same in PWI, but because of the lack of teaching, bar these forums that I have been lurking since I started I got frustrated and quit. I didn't have anyone to team with and it was just annoying to even try by myself basically. This was also during finals pre my highschool graduation. I actually plan to remake one after I take this Mystic to endgame, and maybe before then if these new Cleric's don't stop being stupid. Not even ignorant anymore... If a veteran is trying to help you, LISTEN. I have never made it past lvl 35 in PWI, but I assume I seem like I have been playing a bit more than that because I take my time, read, listen and most importantly. Learn. Something a lot of new players, namely the Cleric's lack apparently. And just seeing the Cleric's in this community (Now that I am a member) give me hope that I too will become a decent healer in PWI one day. So for that, I thank you all in giving me hope for playing my favorite class. <3 And also for making me giggle like a little girl, because this is just too good. :3
  • Soira - Raging Tide
    Soira - Raging Tide Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    New clerics only use hour buffs...

    I only use the 1hr buffs once, at the beginning of the instance when the whole squad is in (or when most of it, if someone is too lazy to come in and the squad got bored waiting for them and started).But sometimes things like this might happen:

    *After buffing up, the squad reaches boss in 10 minutes.*
    Me: Ok, I'm ready, go.
    xxx: Rebuff squad pls.
    Me: You are buffed already, no need to rebuff.
    xxx: Rebuff squad pls.
    Me: But I buffed you 10 minutes ago D: and these buffs last A WHOLE HOUR! D:
    xxx: Cleric, **** and rebuff!
    Me: b:sweat

    Maybe some actually get used to spam 1hr buffs cause of this? b:puzzled
  • jiq
    jiq Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    New Clerics power level nonstop instead of doing BHs and 'practicing' healing. They use their skills but they do not KNOW them. I recently met a lvl100 Cleric who didn't believe me that IH stacks. Fail.
  • Yogaxpto - Dreamweaver
    Yogaxpto - Dreamweaver Posts: 273 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I only use the 1hr buffs once, at the beginning of the instance when the whole squad is in (or when most of it, if someone is too lazy to come in and the squad got bored waiting for them and started).But sometimes things like this might happen:

    *After buffing up, the squad reaches boss in 10 minutes.*
    Me: Ok, I'm ready, go.
    xxx: Rebuff squad pls.
    Me: You are buffed already, no need to rebuff.
    xxx: Rebuff squad pls.
    Me: But I buffed you 10 minutes ago D: and these buffs last A WHOLE HOUR! D:
    xxx: Cleric, **** and rebuff!
    Me: b:sweat

    Maybe some actually get used to spam 1hr buffs cause of this? b:puzzled
    I usually get used to leave squad and bl the stupid demanding person...
    Trolling since September 2008b:victory

    Don't worry. I might stop trolling and say something useful... One day....
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    There is no class in this game that's hard to master. Players can easily get down how to play a cleric in a single day or reading these very forums, the only thing with a moderate learning curve is how much they pay attention.

    As for doing chrome I notice clerics doing it somewhat frequently in FF, but the reason I notice them doing it is likely due to people not warning them when the boss is about to die. They target the boss, spam chrome, know when to hyper. In many cases if they keep people healed I won't say anything when on other characters. The prob is, especially for lower levels, chrome usually isn't enough, and for an idiot cleric, that type of healing might translate into other instances which would cause squadwipes. For instance, a non-bloodpainted fist BM will get creamed on Dracoboa doing chrome -- it happened to mine numerous times (this was in 2010).

    Other noob things some clerics do is wellspring on high HP characters, which I suppose might be ok if they have a really high magic attack and lvl 10/11 skill, but otherwise, stream channels only slightly slower and heals at least twice as much.

    For those who paid attention 2 and nearly 3 years ago when starting to play will understand that there are always going to be stupid people attaining high levels. The only reason you see more stupid people is because there's more high levels. Experience tells me it's the same proportion of decent players to idiots from before hypers came out.
  • Yogaxpto - Dreamweaver
    Yogaxpto - Dreamweaver Posts: 273 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    The thing is that PWI is giving high lvls to guys "who don't know what ih is at lvl 100",
    I mean i got that ih was very good when i was lvl7...
    I really struggled to have the account i have along those years and i still have to squad with "possibly idiots" to keep lvling without fc? (meaning ofc grinding is not so much for clerics and gammas are extint, unfortuantely).
    Janus, i liked your coment ("Experience tells me it's the same proportion of decent players to idiots from before hypers came out") but shouldn't the reputation that in pwi is "hard to lvl up" to keep those who just want to win away?

    I though that deserving to be 100+ was possible, but seeing what i see in DW, i'm starting to think it is impossible seeing the fact that it can be almost as easy has having a lvl 10 char.
    Trolling since September 2008b:victory

    Don't worry. I might stop trolling and say something useful... One day....
  • LenieClarke - Heavens Tear
    LenieClarke - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    this game has a reputation for being hard to level up in? that needs to change, if so.

    levels mean nothing in this game, rank means nothing in this game, fancy gear just means you've spent a lot of cash on this game. never take any of those as a sign of competency or experience, because they're not.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.
  • Furries - Dreamweaver
    Furries - Dreamweaver Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    one thing that kinda annoyes about new cleric is they try to level too fast.
    they think that the more they level the better stronger heals that they will get.

    the issue is they dont spend the time on to learn when to use each heal, how to quickly select squad mates and how to properly access situation to determin wethere they can be saved or wether or not they can and it would be better to let them die and rez them rather than take aggro and get ourself killed as well as themself.

    i completely understand if someone is new and they cant afford the coin to max thier skills and get mold weps for better heals.

    but i do expect them to take their time to learn to play their class. and not have a lvl 40 white wep during thier 60s with bh 51, have 800 hp and be using pureheart.

    i love helping new people i do expect them to also want to try to be better. otherwise im wasting my time.

    the reason why im such a good player isn't becuase of my gear. its becuase i take the time to be the best i can at each level. something that i dont think ehough people do. As the majority just rush to get to lvl 101 now
    Killing level 80's with a lvl 60 is a lot more fun than killing level 90's with a level 100.
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    As has been stated, no amount of levels / gear / rank / stats / etc. can compensate for common sense and an ability to learn from those who have more real experience (not game exp) than yourself.

    A good newbie will always play their class as well as they can, even if they don't know perfectly what to do yet. Back in 2008, I was doing my fb19 with four other RL friends, including my fiancee, who was the cleric in that run. No one told her why IH was better than pureheart. None of us even knew that. So we ran on pureheart for most of that run... and the rest of our squad (two BMs, a barb, and myself, all in the late 20s) each made standard newbie mistakes as well. It took us a few tries and one squadwipe, but we managed to do the run anyway. Actually, we did it by confusing the boss - one of us would take aggro, take some damage (mitigated somewhat by the pureheart), then retreat into the water pool out of its reach, at which point it would turn to someone else. With four of us swapping out, it turned out to be surprisingly effective. :P

    Of course, we're all higher and know more of these "common-sense" things now, but sometimes the only way to learn is to make mistakes. Give me an intelligent newbie who learns from his mistakes over a kid who read a couple of guides any day.

    That said, I've been building my cleric on the Archosaur server recently and I've been paying close attention to the people I do BH with. This is particularly true for tanks, but even a good DD is not to be sneered at in this day and age, and I won't friendlist an idiot just because he plays a barb. Rule of thumb: people who communicate with their squad get more contacts and more squad invites. Among my contacts, for instance: a barb who more-than-competently tanked his own fb51 bosses, at least two BMs who are comfortable with instance aoe mechanics, a sin who knows how to moderate her damage and can handle herself 1v1 against any instance mob, and a mystic who I love to bring along when I can due to her tendency to make full use of her healing herbs and backup heals.

    Frankly, I'm given to think they do their jobs better than I do, but maybe I'm being too hard on myself. :P

    But that just brings me back on-topic (so, sorry for the tangent).

    AoE heals instead of IH? Obviously misguided, but it strikes me as useless how some people just assume the cleric is "stupid" for doing that. As Furries alluded to,
    the issue is they dont spend the time on to learn when to use each heal, how to quickly select squad mates and how to properly access situation to determin wethere they can be saved or wether or not they can and it would be better to let them die and rez them rather than take aggro and get ourself killed as well as themself.
    ...meaning, IMO, today's clerics are having trouble prioritizing rather than knowing how to use their skills properly.

    Let's face it, the sin who just pulled a leeroy jenkins and has 3 mobs on him is not going to live. At that point you should be praying that your tank is competent enough to make up for that with a few well-placed AoEs or use of Alpha Male. But the #1 mistake clerics make is healing that idiot, and the #1 reason they do that is because they think every squad member must be saved at all costs.

    It doesn't help when the DDs (usually the stupid ones) mouth off at the cleric like it's their fault when they die. It also doesn't help that today's clerics are usually very soft-hearted, generous folks who genuinely don't like to see their squadmates die, which means they'll start to believe the idiot DDs who yell at them. Thus it just becomes a cycle of encouraging bad tactics.

    I liken PW's cleric more to D&D's cleric... in that they're not just a healer, they're often a leader. Hence, a good cleric does more than mash IH; they constantly have their eye on the situation and know how to see a trainwreck coming, and how to mitigate it as best they can. What today's clerics need to learn is, that sometimes that means letting an idiot die.

    As for buffs, meh. I hate recasting the hour buffs. I try to wait until everyone is in the instance, and if we have a straggler, they just get half-hour buffs. I recast the hour buffs only when they run out or if there's been a significant number of deaths/DCs in the party around the same time. Why? Because I don't feel like constantly keeping my eye on everyone's buff indicators to see whose magic shell (or other buff) has run out. A cleric has enough to worry about, anyway. :P
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • Ashivas - Dreamweaver
    Ashivas - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    About 2 months ago I started having a common occurance on my cleric, the squad would tell me to do the most obvious shiit. And I'd reply with "I'm not ****** stupid I know how to play". Shiit like heal me, res him plz, dont aoe heal I'll be the tank, just ih me plz. Don't dd, just heal. And I started to get pretty pissed about it, eventually I'd cuss people out, I'M NOT ****ING DUMB I KNOW WHAT TO DO DAMN!!! Then I started playing my sin, and my god are the new age of 7x-9x clerics god awful terrible. They do the most ridiculous stupid *** shiit it makes me want to go to pk mode just to kill them... I soon found myself telling clerics the same stuff people would tell me on my cleric, why? Because 99% of new clerics are terribad 12 year olds who don't speak English or handle criticism very well..."don't tell me how to play ok omg you all failzors I quit you nubs find another cleric fail squad you a suck big ya!!"

    And thats why us "old school" clerics are pissed off.

    Oh and sorry for typos I'm typing this from my phone and cba to make sure auto fill didn't *** up my wall of text.
    Ashura Tyrant you foul mouthed little boy! I must keel yew nao =3
  • apex1predator
    apex1predator Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    Other noob things some clerics do is wellspring on high HP characters, which I suppose might be ok if they have a really high magic attack and lvl 10/11 skill, but otherwise, stream channels only slightly slower and heals at least twice as much.

    What do you call high hp? a BM with 12k hp or a barb with 16k?
    While SoR does give a massive boost its also 3,5 times the manacost of a wellspring. Id rather do 2 wellspring and save my charmtick than SoR with tick to get the same result. Barb/Bm wont die in either situation and that gives me a few secs to save the sins hide because hes gone rambo on us :P
  • Kayleigh - Raging Tide
    Kayleigh - Raging Tide Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I had never noticed this before as my main was a cleric so I healed the fc instances I went in. But when I started leveling my barb. I encountered some clerics that did nothing but Chomatic Healing Beam all the time, even though I was obviously keeping aggro all the time. I've since things such as bb at zimo in bh 59. I understand CHB after a boss aoe as I do that myself with my cleric. But really doing nothing but. Some of the squads I was in because of those clerics I woud have died if my barb wasn't sage vit build. With the new era of powerleveling with fc heads, I simply don't trust most players nowadays unless they prove they can actually do things properly.
    Started March 2010
    Kayleigh - 102 Sage Cleric
    KayTheBarb - 100 Sage Barbarian
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    .__. ...There are really clerics that spam nothing but CHB the entire run?...Good lord, I've been gone for too long. This is news to me. Usually I only do that if people in my squad are dueling for chi uncharmed and I have time to replenish that mp before pulls come. I've got some lvl30 +3k mp food saved up just for instances (I don't think they make it anymore, only the lvl75 kind XD) in cases for that.

    DD? Me?? <__< Being that I'm currently uncharmed and that I'd rather save my mp for keeping people alive, I'm glad I don't do that. My full mag build may give me amazing damage, but aggro is something that I do not want. I'd much rather heal. Even if there's another cleric in the squad, over healing people is better than no one healing. I never overbuff higherlevel buffs either =P

    I'm aware of heal aggro, and have gotten yelled at for not healing when only one mob was aggro'd and the other's were not. But that's the tanks fault, not mine. Because of this I usually only run with my favorite barb as tank, since she keeps aggro so well <3

    IH is my favorite heal, I love that it stacks 5x and could stack more if I have -chan gear. Wellspring is a close second, but it's almost useless for tanks, at least at my current level. Once I get to be higher, it'll be better, but always second to IH.

    IMO, Chromatic is way too much of a mana drain to be useful for anything other than emergencies. SoR is in this category for me as well, usually I'll only throw it on if my stacked IH is not doing the job and needs an extra push that wellspring just would not satisfy.

    I'm not as skilled in using BB though, as a lot has changed since I was here. Being asked to BB on Farren in bh39 I can understand, but asked to BB on EVERY boss there? <_<''' What are you people nuts? lol I do need more practice for when it's proper to use BB now a days, I know that much.

    Spamming the hour buffs more than necessary can really drain on mana, I'd only buff once everyone's there and when they expire, and give those that missed it the 30min buffs. I'm also aware of people that may use powders/apoth to buff themselves, so while a macro would make buffing easier, I'd rather keep them separate just in case someone doesn't warn me first =)

    Yes, I do currently have low hp. I'm saving up on mirages and shards so that when I get my lvl60 gears I can be properly refined. I'm hoping to have more than 4.6k hp by then so I can survive those not so fun AoEs in TT and other instances.

    Of course, I'm not really a new cleric. =P I have played one since '08. I've just been on vacation for a while, and decided to start anew. I've already been asked by a few people to be their personal cleric, one of which plays a lvl101 cleric as their main. *.* The fact that clerics have gotten this bad is rather new to me. I saw one the other day, while I was grinding on Hexweb Kings, that didn't purify at all, and used pureheart to heal...>__o Needless to say, he died. A lot. Poor guy.
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • SilverCleric - Lost City
    SilverCleric - Lost City Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    After reading many of these posts this is the exact reason why there is so few clerics in this game. No joke...

    ✰The Nostradamus of PWI ✰

    ★ A not so Retired Veteran of PWI ★

    ✰ ~SilverCleric~ ✰
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    What do you call high hp? a BM with 12k hp or a barb with 16k?
    While SoR does give a massive boost its also 3,5 times the manacost of a wellspring. Id rather do 2 wellspring and save my charmtick than SoR with tick to get the same result. Barb/Bm wont die in either situation and that gives me a few secs to save the sins hide because hes gone rambo on us :P
    A decent stream heals over 8K (both mine and my wife's). My wife's wellspring hits for 3.5-4.5K. If that 1 second makes the difference between charm tick and not, one needs to ask what they're doing to allow a charm tick in the first place. High HP = more HP than a decent cleric's stream would heal for. My standards are low.

    Anyhow, just did FF and BH69 on my Mystic and the cleric in both instances sucked. I spam healed the **** out of the barb in Fragrance and Polearm because two different clerics didn't know or want to purify. The cleric on Fragrance was busy typing while the cleric doing Polearm didn't purify a single time. Thankfully I had rez buffs on everyone because the cleric stunk.
  • SinFulGodX - Sanctuary
    SinFulGodX - Sanctuary Posts: 347 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Only read the first reply


    I think its the aoe heal thing and noob clerics in general


    In BH79 we walkin and walkin after i forgot which boss. We walkin to Stig+Linus after the bosses. The cleric used BB on the other 2 bosses. (I had to tell her to BB and WHERE to BB). We are talking and it came up to how fast we lvled. So the cleric (lvl 8x's or 9x's) said she has frost lvled her cleric from lvl 1 and did the occasional BH. So, i tell her it's not smart to do that because you won't know how to use all your heal skills correctly. Then she said the STUPIDEST thing i have EVER heard."This clearic not for heal, this only for sage ress for my BM". I facepalmed and called her a fail. The worst part is she believed sage ress has 0% exp loss and demon doesn't

  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Not healing at all.

    Meditating mid boss.

    What is Plume Shell?

    BB has to be used always.

    CHB even if only one person being hit.

    Lack of aggro mechanics.

    Using Blessing of Purehearted -.-

    Never learned Revive.

    Lack of common sense.

    Dependant on OTHER Clerics to heal or be in squad.

    Lack of instance knowledge (TT/HH).

    MP QQ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Blames other's for their deaths when their fault.

    Spoiled with free wine, etc (similar to Barb's in this)

    Lack of RB knowledge/mechanics.

    Wait, they need to heal?

    I need to level Purify over level 1?

    Feeling of entitlement.

    I could go on and on and on and on....b:surrenderb:cry
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Prophete - Dreamweaver
    Prophete - Dreamweaver Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Just a quick remark to Kayleigh:
    People have always BB at Zimo, as far as I know.
    It makes things easier, ant at this level, a lot of melee char are getting hit pretty hard by zimo's magic attack. If the barb doesn't hold well aggro, next melee who gets it will get 2-3 shot.

    Apart from that, those clerics make us ashamed.
  • __Jhuv - Sanctuary
    __Jhuv - Sanctuary Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    It doesn't help when the DDs (usually the stupid ones) mouth off at the cleric like it's their fault when they die. It also doesn't help that today's clerics are usually very soft-hearted, generous folks who genuinely don't like to see their squadmates die, which means they'll start to believe the idiot DDs who yell at them. Thus it just becomes a cycle of encouraging bad tactics.

    I am that cleric o_o Sorry if i dont want anybody to die! O_O Bah if you dont even try to play on funny mode and let everyone who aggros a bit more dieing.. why did u make a cleric ? ^^ To Pull, Heal One *Only one*, oh someone took aggro.. no im too lazy to heal him. Oh yay 1 mob's dead! Ok now let's ress everyone i got dead.....
    Ahahahaah xD
    Anyway I think, and that's my modest opinion, you HAVE TO heal every jerks and try to keep them alive. If they die because of their being.. jerks, well that's not your fault. But if they die and you didnt even try to heal them.. well that's another thing..
    Of course there are certain situation you can see far from 1km they're gonna die and it's not worth an ih xD
    __Jhuv - Mystic
    __Hysper - Cleric
    __Hysen - Venomancer
  • brazenbusboy
    brazenbusboy Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    The blame I believe lies with the more experienced clerics who have failed to pass on their knowlege. Unlike many other MMOs PW seems to have a general lack of decent player authored guides. There are a few, but the quality is mostly substandard, showing little evidence of more than one quick writting session that is never updated and usually pretty sloppy and dis-organized.

    Look at the single cleric guide stickied in the Clerics section. It hurts your eyes to try and pick useful information out of the wall of text presentation.

    I don't play a cleric and have no idea how they should be played, but I do know from my own experience that the guides for any profession here are pretty minimal.

    Times have changed. Many endgame clerics leveled up during times when the server population was high in new players like themselves, so information sharing was more common. New players today face a hard time finding squads and viable guilds. No wonder they don't know all the ins and outs.
    Just some guy