Unofficial Guide to the Earthguard



  • Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Mystics so far look quite interesting...according to this information their healing abilities are actually quite substantial, and in addition they have the spirits/pets...I prefer to refer to them as spirits since they are skill summoned and not tamed like pets are.

    Basically if you actually look at the heals, they are different from clerics in one major aspect. They are based off the targets max hp, not your magic attack. This could make things very interesting.

    According to the progression of their skills, at level 3 the first healing skill will heal 9% of targets max hp + a number, if it follows that same progression of 3% more healing per level, at level 10 your talking the mystic being able to heal over 30% of a targets max hp instantly. The channel and cast are also only 1 second combined, and a 1 second cooldown. Basically this means that if its really based off max hp, that only the skill level matters, and a mystic with level 10 of this skill will heal the same as one at a higher level, and quite possibly much higher than a cleric of the same level, at least early on, considering how spammable this appears, and the fact clerics have to develop magic attack to heal more. They will probably be able to heal high hp targets faster, aka...healing over 30% of a barb with over 35k hp instantly every 2 seconds.

    Then of course there is the buff which activates heal over time...that I found less interesting, but still useful since then you can prepackage a heal on someone if they get attacked.

    As for the res skill....this could have some very cool effects, mostly in tw, since with the cooldown only being 30 seconds, and the duration being 15 mins, while the squad is regrouping, the mystic can at least probably buff half of them to be ready to get back up if they die. Prepackaged res basically.

    They will not replace clerics, since I still see no aoe heal at all, and they dont have bb, or a res which actually is reliable (AKA if you die with a mystic in squad and were not pre buffed your pretty much up a creek without a paddle). But they will make a great supplementary healer.

    ^ thats the vibe im getting from the healing skills at least based on the given information.

    This and they have their spirits. If the damage on the aoe traps goes up substantially then they could be quite an annoyance in mass group pvp (cus they have a giant effect radius). The other types appears comparable to a veno pet. Using the spirits they could easily dd while spam healing someone even.
  • Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    They will not replace clerics, since I still see no aoe heal at all, and they dont have bb, or a res which actually is reliable (AKA if you die with a mystic in squad and were not pre buffed your pretty much up a creek without a paddle). But they will make a great supplementary healer.

    ^ thats the vibe im getting from the healing skills at least based on the given information

    My thoughts exactly. They can never truly replace a cleric.

    Granted, you might be able to substitute a cleric for a mystic in certain situations, much like how you can substitute a barb for a BM (pre-endgame 5.0 wtfbbqhax where the BM becomes the main tanking class), but it won't be quite as effective.
    I main a 97 Psy named /\bra. The forums don't like his name.
    So I post on my Barb.
    [On possibly-permanent hiatus]
  • Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    On my own experience on the test server, chinese players were using mystics as healers for culti bosses. Well, not that they are hard anyway lol But that's the kind of support I'm expecting from mystics. Small healing tasks here and there without needing to ask a cleric all the time.

    That auto-res buff will probably give a new boost to cata pullers in TW. We may have to kill now a barb cata puller twice b:laugh

    The seeker's Def Lvl buff for me now is +18 Def Lvl at lvl4, so I really expect it to be +30 when maxed.

    Also, one more detail, the Crit. rate buff *stays up* even if you die or disconnect.
    Well, that's actually not really a buff, but a skill that enchants weapon stats directly.
  • Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Mystics so far look quite interesting...according to this information their healing abilities are actually quite substantial, and in addition they have the spirits/pets...I prefer to refer to them as spirits since they are skill summoned and not tamed like pets are..

    That is the draw to me on this class, I tend to like summoner types (pets, spirits, etc...)

    Be interesting to see what they can do.
  • Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    b:sad still no seeker skill list. Please find one people! i really wanna see them!

    on a side note, lets dance b:cute

    Male Mystic dance @ 1:10 = epic
    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
  • Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    b:sad still no seeker skill list. Please find one people! i really wanna see them!

    on a side note, lets dance b:cute

    Male Mystic dance @ 1:10 = epic

    And people thought the Tideborn were being spoiled in animations...

    Have you EVER seen a female Psychic dance? The next time you get the chance, ask them to press that dance emote. It's pathetically sad.
  • Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    So I read the last 16 pages and it sounds like the mystics are the more interesting of the two classes? Good work trying to make a guide, I feel anyone who does something is better then someone who just Beetches:)

    I would really like to hear about seekers....i was excited by a new melee class to try however isn't there a reason BM's rarely use swords? I mean I tried a BM and I was told its axes all the way......Then 5aps with fists. I would like to hear how the seeker is gonna have an advantage of some sort somewhere.....By limiting them to a single weapon I feel they are nerfed from the start? Please if someone has information/experience with BM's how is this not just a BM with weapon limitations?
  • Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    All BM's attacks do physical damage. Some of the seeker attacks do magical damage, so that's one big difference. It also seems like more of the seeker's skills are non-AOE ranged.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    And people thought the Tideborn were being spoiled in animations...

    Have you EVER seen a female Psychic dance? The next time you get the chance, ask them to press that dance emote. It's pathetically sad.

    The male psy dance is the same. b:sad
    So I read the last 16 pages and it sounds like the mystics are the more interesting of the two classes? Good work trying to make a guide, I feel anyone who does something is better then someone who just Beetches:)

    I would really like to hear about seekers....i was excited by a new melee class to try however isn't there a reason BM's rarely use swords? I mean I tried a BM and I was told its axes all the way......Then 5aps with fists. I would like to hear how the seeker is gonna have an advantage of some sort somewhere.....By limiting them to a single weapon I feel they are nerfed from the start? Please if someone has information/experience with BM's how is this not just a BM with weapon limitations?

    I imagine that the Seeker's skills will be highly DPH based (high weapon attack% + nice 4 digit numbers). Plus a good few of their skills are entirely magic damage (based off their p.attack) and they have a couple really nice ranged attacks as well. So HA classes are going to have fun fighting them.
    I main a 97 Psy named /\bra. The forums don't like his name.
    So I post on my Barb.
    [On possibly-permanent hiatus]
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    This is an extremely good heal, which i think can replace ironheart in common situations

    The cleric's wellspring at lvl 7:
    heal target by 260 + 14% of magic attack. With 1.5 channel, 1 cast and 1 cooldown

    and cleric's ironheart is 1 channel, 1 cast and 1 cooldown

    while this skill at lvl 7 is 240 HP + 21% of magic attack, with 0.5 channel, 0.5 cast and 1 cooldown.

    The healing amount of this skill is superior in comparison to wellspring surge, and the channeling speed and cast meaning the time a cleric heal you 2 times with ironheart you could get 3 wellspring surges instead.

    Based on my experience normal situations (excluding places where you need aoe heal and BB) wellspring is enough for me or my healing target to survive without stacking too much ironheart cause each wellspring gives off about 3-4k hp, enough to fullheal most people from half health when i see fit. So you can imagine how good this heal is gonna be
  • Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    This is an extremely good heal, which i think can replace ironheart in common situations

    The cleric's wellspring at lvl 7:
    heal target by 260 + 14% of magic attack. With 1.5 channel, 1 cast and 1 cooldown

    and cleric's ironheart is 1 channel, 1 cast and 1 cooldown

    while this skill at lvl 7 is 240 HP + 21% of magic attack, with 0.5 channel, 0.5 cast and 1 cooldown.

    The healing amount of this skill is superior in comparison to wellspring surge, and the channeling speed and cast meaning the time a cleric heal you 2 times with ironheart you could get 3 wellspring surges instead.

    Based on my experience normal situations (excluding places where you need aoe heal and BB) wellspring is enough for me or my healing target to survive without stacking too much ironheart cause each wellspring gives off about 3-4k hp, enough to fullheal most people from half health when i see fit. So you can imagine how good this heal is gonna be

    Does her heal have a limited range, like the Psy's does?
  • Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    i can see the mystics second heal (recover hp each time you recieve damage) being a realy good addition to bosses and such,

    also this thread realy needs stickying, cant let this guide fall down to the bottom, atleast till we get the real deal in feb
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
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    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    from what i have heard seeker will be using the already existing swords in the game. and not some new class specific one like sin daggers or psy soulspheres. can anyone confirm this.

    cause it would be nice to stock up on mold swords before the expansion releases and the demand for them skyrockets.
    Killing level 80's with a lvl 60 is a lot more fun than killing level 90's with a level 100.
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    from what i have heard seeker will be using the already existing swords in the game. and not some new class specific one like sin daggers or psy soulspheres. can anyone confirm this.

    cause it would be nice to stock up on mold swords before the expansion releases and the demand for them skyrockets.

    Yeap. Seekers will be using swords/blades already ingame. No new weapons for Seekers or Mystics. (unless the devs change it untill february 2011 for PWI, but I dont think so).
  • Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Yeap. Seekers will be using swords/blades already ingame. No new weapons for Seekers or Mystics. (unless the devs change it untill february 2011 for PWI, but I dont think so).

    Close... there are a handfull of class specific weapons but as far as I know you can only get them from quests, i.e. the Mystic's fb19 reward (Which looks totally cool btw.)

    Also there are 2 new warsouls (1 for each class), but otherwise mystics will be using the standard magic weapons; Magic swords, glavies, patakas, and wands

    On a slightly off-topic note; the encyclopedia feature thing will get another 3 buttons added to it with the new expansion, the skill trainer npcs (the ones near general summer in arch) will be directly opposite the TB ones, and i dinged level 33 today :)
    My YT Page: "" I have HD PWI/Minecraft Videos
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    "Only those who worked hard for their power are worth to be respected..." - Wolfssohn - Sanctuary
    "When life gives you lemon, set up a catshop and sell lemonade at 15% markup." Okeano - Harshlands
    Also, Minecraft is awesome.
  • Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    from what i have heard seeker will be using the already existing swords in the game. and not some new class specific one like sin daggers or psy soulspheres. can anyone confirm this.

    I'm curious about that too. I was hoping their big sword had stats similar to polearms. Faster attack rate than axe/hammer with slightly less damage. If they only do sword/blade damage, it makes me wonder about their survivability. I guess their special skills and stances might improve their dps.
  • Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    This piece of ... what-do-you-even-call-this isn't a guide.

    It's some random no-name trying to break the forum record of most posts in a row.

    If it was an actual guide, it wouldn't need reserved posts, nor would the only post with any content be a Table of Contents.

    Oh and yes, I am obviously a massive no-life troll. I thought that was obvious. Like, really, really obvious. Was that enough "obvious" for you?
    On the WeCareOmetre you, sir, just received a -1 FAIL b:chuckle .
    As you can see, a lot of people like this thread, me included, although I read the 130+ thread page by page before this.
    Thank you Lupu for putting all the info in a neat package b:pleased
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Hey, thanks for this guide, I'm happy to finally see some examples of character customization.
    Could you upload pictures of the different "third eyes" available ? ^^
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Here are the images of all the "third eyes" available.
    You can also see that you can choose to have no eye and that the "eyes" are something that floats in front of the forehead (Unless it is still some glitch but I've noticed it in all presets) so they aren't tattoos or anything.

    Eye Side View: Click
    No Eye (I considered it the invisible Eye 1 xD): Click
    Eye 2: Click
    Eye 3: Click
    Eye 4: Click
    Eye 5: Click
    Eye 6: Click
    Eye 7: Click
    Eye 8: Click
    Eye 9: Click
    Eye 10: Click
    Eye 11: Click
    Eye 12: Click
    Eye 13: Click
    Eye 14: Click
    Eye 15: Click
    Eye 16: Click


    P.S> Sorry for not making it in just 1 picture b:surrender
  • Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Do they have a functional use?
  • Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    None afaik, just looks beautiful. b:chuckle

    Also to previous poster, that's my favourite female hairstyle. b:cute
  • Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    So much for the anti stealth thingy.
  • Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Done updating, adding a ton of seeker info soon.
  • Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    added some seeker skill info :D
  • Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Learned at level: 24
    Description: decreases opponents metal resistance by 12% for 330 at level 1, will stack with archer/cleric debuff,
    Range: 15.5 at level 1

    This is incorrect. That spell increases metal damage the enemy takes by 12% similar to Heaven's Flame or Extreme Poison, not decrease enemy resistance.
  • Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    added some seeker skill info :D

    Thanks I was looking forward to that. :D

    ✰The Nostradamus of PWI ✰

    ★ A not so Retired Veteran of PWI ★

    ✰ ~SilverCleric~ ✰
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Does her heal have a limited range, like the Psy's does?

    It does have a range, not like psychic's aoe heal if that's what you mean. It have the same range as a lvl 7 wellspring surge though, which is the same healing distant as cleric
  • Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Not sure if it was said before, but the lvl30 free flayer quest will ask for 5 Rhino Horns in exchange for a kite.
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Learned at level: 13
    Description: a buff that makes your sword glow red, adds an effect to 2:3
    Effects: -

    Learned at level: 9
    Description: medium range physical attack
    Range: 8.5 at level 1, 13 at level 10

    Seekers have something like "combos". When you are buffed with 1:1, hitting a mob and the mob gets marked by your "buff icon", you can use the 2:3 skill and the mob will get two debuffs. Freeze and increases damage received (extreme poison effect.)

    There are others "combos" like this one, but I don't have more info now, sorry.

    PS: English is not my primary language, so, sorry about grammar and other errors. I hope you can understand.
  • Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Any chance I could get a translation of this quest? Its for the mystics Third summon.


    EDIT: NVM problem solved.

    For future reference, the mystics third summon skill quest requires you to go to the lake-with-tree-in-center and swim around under it. The quest will auto-continue when you hit the right spot.
    My YT Page: "" I have HD PWI/Minecraft Videos
    I am a non-cashshopper. I registered on: 08-26-2008 22:21:23
    "Only those who worked hard for their power are worth to be respected..." - Wolfssohn - Sanctuary
    "When life gives you lemon, set up a catshop and sell lemonade at 15% markup." Okeano - Harshlands
    Also, Minecraft is awesome.


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