I am going to say my piece and be done...



  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    I don't think I'd want to talk to such an unpleasant, pompous jerk anyway. :/ how did that application ever get through for such a job as this?

    On second thought, I'm curious to know how much they paid for the job
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at rikasstorycorner.deviantart.com
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I understand your pain.

    I tend to refer the *majority* of my online text-based snark to Fark.com, only dipping my toes in to this poorly-chorinated gene pool when a particularly juicy target presents itself.

    I've discovered that there is an online game that shares the name of this forum that's surprisingly interesting to play. I spend the majority of my online time there.

    Give it a shot!


    \honestly, is it really worth the grief?
    \\suspects Konari asked himself the same question
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • GreatStorm - Sanctuary
    GreatStorm - Sanctuary Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    <3 I am not saying go pm him, re read it plox? O_o

    I just meant that the ones that would have pmed them is/are far less then the amount of people voicing their disgust openly on the forums.

    I tried Pming him, I wasnt gonna do this openly, but my PMs were ignored and everytime I ask for a answer he Quotes me from a PM I sent him 2 months ago raging to him. So yea. b:surrender
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Wow, must've been one hell of a post... He was without a doubt one of the more civil and helpful posters on this forums. I didn't have a clue.

    I'm not surprised you don't know, to be honest. No offence, intended. I'm actually shocked about the number of people who don't know, if I'm even more honest. Either GMs have been working hard to keep his ban quiet or people weren't as vocal about it as I thought they were.

    A lot of people did not like Keph getting banned (although admittedly they also said his last post... did warrant it.)

    But it takes a lot to make people like Keph lose patience, which is why I think so many were surprised.
  • GreatStorm - Sanctuary
    GreatStorm - Sanctuary Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    On second thought, I'm curious to know how much they paid for the job

    DP but nothing. They are volunteers picked by frankie himself
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    For the same reason, they don't seem to dare to respond either. They either cannot or will not answer, and this in turn is just as bad. Admittedly, at this point, nothing they say would truly rectify the situation, but a small token to say this thread has been read might very well go a long way. Yet, nothing happens.

    They cannot lock it. They don't seem to dare to respond. And their silence does nothing but reinforce people's idea that they ignore the valid complaints, for whatever reason. At this point, Frankie has a lot to answer for. His silence does not help him, but locking this thread would be so much worse.
    About the responses, it is not at all about reinforcing people's idea of anything. This is entirely made up in the heads of a few posters. It's because posting at this moment = trying to put out an oil/grease fire with water. The best thing to do in their position is let people vent and get over it.

    And while frankie is a GM and is a publishing side representative of PWI..
    That is why we have frankie. He doesnt work on the content(pretty sure). He is the go between for the community and the rest of the GMs. He is suppose to read this. He is suppose to respond. He is suppose to do his job
    .. he is not entitled to respond to every topic that users ambiguously interpret that he should respond to. In all likelihood GM's (and even Community Managers) have other duties that don't include responding to every single post made calling them out or criticizing them. This is a no-win situation too.

    Without a doubt he screwed up and the community rightfully doesn't trust him now, but a few people posting are not only clueless as to what a GM/CM job encompasses, but how one is supposed to endure a disaster such as this.

    And as mentioned, mods here are volunteers -- that's how it generally is. Not employees or punching bags. Konari obviously was a special case, and they are paying for that now.
  • GreatStorm - Sanctuary
    GreatStorm - Sanctuary Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    About the responses, it is not at all about reinforcing people's idea of anything. This is entirely made up in the heads of a few posters. It's because posting at this moment = trying to put out an oil/grease fire with water. The best thing to do in their position is let people vent and get over it.

    And while frankie is a GM and is a publishing side representative of PWI..

    .. he is not entitled to respond to every topic that users ambiguously interpret that he should respond to. In all likelihood GM's (and even Community Managers) have other duties that don't include responding to every single post made calling them out or criticizing them. This is a no-win situation too.

    Without a doubt he screwed up and the community rightfully doesn't trust him now, but a few people posting are not only clueless as to what a GM/CM job encompasses, but how one is supposed to endure a disaster such as this.

    okay go look at the TT discussion
    TW discussion
    DQ discussion
    TW rule discussion
    tell me the last time frankie said ANYTHING. He could have responded to one of these at least. He hasnt in MONTHS.
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    okay go look at the TT discussion
    TW discussion
    DQ discussion
    TW rule discussion
    tell me the last time frankie said ANYTHING. He could have responded to one of these at least. He hasnt in MONTHS.
    Frankie saying anything won't help. What can be done is related to the developer's side, which is in China. All he can do is relay what they tell him. That's it. He can request, he can plead, he can translate, but in the end, the content that's actually moved forward is entirely approved by the developer in China. This is how it is for every foreign MMO gaming company with an American publishing subsidiary, whether they are part of the same company or not. Obviously PWE has less obstacles being it's own developer and publisher, but it obviously doesn't decrease the level of incompetence and disconnect. The only way developers learn is if you hit them with their wallet. Good luck on that though.
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    About the responses, it is not at all about reinforcing people's idea of anything. This is entirely made up in the heads of a few posters. It's because posting at this moment = trying to put out an oil/grease fire with water. The best thing to do in their position is let people vent and get over it.

    And while frankie is a GM and is a publishing side representative of PWI..

    .. he is not entitled to respond to every topic that users ambiguously interpret that he should respond to. In all likelihood GM's (and even Community Managers) have other duties that don't include responding to every single post made calling them out or criticizing them. This is a no-win situation too.

    Without a doubt he screwed up and the community rightfully doesn't trust him now, but a few people posting are not only clueless as to what a GM/CM job encompasses, but how one is supposed to endure a disaster such as this.

    And as mentioned, mods here are volunteers -- that's how it generally is. Not employees or punching bags. Konari obviously was a special case, and they are paying for that now.

    I won't necessarily deny either of your statements, both are true.

    But the fact of the matter is, at this point, nothing he could do would work. Not responding gives the impression that he ignores it - and he has pulled the "not responding" move too regularly for many people to see it as anything else.

    So many people are so unhappy that even if he did respond, many of them would not find it good enough. Another reason he doesn't respond, even in the face of the fact not responding looks as bad as responding might do.

    And if he were to lock this thread and move it, it would be the end of him.

    So while I agree he doesn't have to respond to every thread (believe me, I do agree with this and, as acting admin on two other forums, I understand it. You cannot be everywhere at once, and some threads you never reach in time nor need to) there are threads in the past that deserved his response and as such, never got one. There have been threads moved, locked, merged, stickied or unstickied at his command that should never have been tampered with. And so on, and so forth. His sole duty is not to respond to every thread, quite right. But the threads in the past that have been made, that did deserve the CM to check in and leave some kind of response, did go ignored. Repeatedly.

    And it has happened often enough that it's now left a lasting impression on many people.
  • GreatStorm - Sanctuary
    GreatStorm - Sanctuary Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Frankie saying anything won't help. What can be done is related to the developer's side, which is in China. All he can do is relay what they tell him. That's it. He can request, he can plead, he can translate, but in the end, the content that's actually moved forward is entirely approved by the developer in China. This is how it is for every foreign MMO gaming company with an American publishing subsidiary.

    Still He could at least keep us updated like

    Hey guys talked to Devs we are still trying to figure something out sorry for the delay

    Something like a person that actually gives 2 cents about this community *cough*Spoons*cough* would have said
  • SugarPrinces - Sanctuary
    SugarPrinces - Sanctuary Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    a wise man once said... im jus sayin.
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Still He could at least keep us updated like

    Hey guys talked to Devs we are still trying to figure something out sorry for the delay

    Something like a person that actually gives 2 cents about this community *cough*Spoons*cough* would have said

    What is this?
    Hey guys,

    Please discuss Twilight Temple changes from the most recent patch here.




    We've spoken with the devs and they've agreed to remove the 4 hour time limit from TT.


    Update 2 (8-20-2010)

    in regards to RedsRose post

    We'll test this, and if it turns out to work the way you've described (meaning that the boss acts the same way regardless of kill count), we'll submit this to the devs and see what's going on.


    Update 3

    The Mob Counter was indeed not functioning correctly, and it was subsequently fixed.

    The time limit has been increased to 8 hours as well.

    Isn't that an update? Maybe your ire is being directed at the wrong person, here, pertaining to that issue. Frankie is only an intermediary between the development of the game and the player. He can't kick them in the *** to make them move faster. I guarantee you they report bugs and such that people do, and I guarantee you they get tired of having to push things in the nicest way possible to get fixed. In the end, the developers decide, to them, and their cost-effectiveness, which is worth fixing and which is not. This game shows you it's cards when they keep releasing anni packs. That's the development side choosing money over fixes. That's where you stop putting any damn money into the game until they do. People don't, so there's no negative reinforcement to MAKE them fix bugs.

    I won't necessarily deny either of your statements, both are true.

    But the fact of the matter is, at this point, nothing he could do would work. Not responding gives the impression that he ignores it - and he has pulled the "not responding" move too regularly for many people to see it as anything else.

    So many people are so unhappy that even if he did respond, many of them would not find it good enough. Another reason he doesn't respond, even in the face of the fact not responding looks as bad as responding might do.

    And if he were to lock this thread and move it, it would be the end of him.

    So while I agree he doesn't have to respond to every thread (believe me, I do agree with this and, as acting admin on two other forums, I understand it. You cannot be everywhere at once, and some threads you never reach in time nor need to) there are threads in the past that deserved his response and as such, never got one. There have been threads moved, locked, merged, stickied or unstickied at his command that should never have been tampered with. And so on, and so forth. His sole duty is not to respond to every thread, quite right. But the threads in the past that have been made, that did deserve the CM to check in and leave some kind of response, did go ignored. Repeatedly.

    And it has happened often enough that it's now left a lasting impression on many people.
    Indeed, he made a few critical errors surrounding the community. As pointed out earlier, in topics where people have outright asked for a response to certain changes in the game (a rightful question that he, as a GM/CM, needs to relay to developers), I've seen some get outright nasty, and opposed to deleting their posts and responding to legitimate concerns, I've seen them post warning those who are breaking forum rules and not even addressing the concern at hand. This kind of thing will indeed breed resentment, and just like the Konari issue, they get nailed for it. It's bad customer service and community managing.
  • Chillum - Dreamweaver
    Chillum - Dreamweaver Posts: 887 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Wow, must've been one hell of a post... He was without a doubt one of the more civil and helpful posters on this forums. I didn't have a clue.

    Essentially he embedded an image of a hand giving the finger to the viewer. Was warned the first time and subsequently did it again not too long afterwards.
  • GreatStorm - Sanctuary
    GreatStorm - Sanctuary Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    What is this?

    Isn't that an update? Maybe your ire is being directed at the wrong person, here, pertaining to that issue.

    Indeed, he made a few critical errors surrounding the community. As pointed out earlier, in topics where people have outright asked for a response to certain changes in the game (a rightful question that he, as a GM/CM, needs to relay to developers), I've seen some get outright nasty, and opposed to deleting their posts and responding to legitimate concerns, I've seen them post warning those who are breaking forum rules and not even addressing the concern at hand. This kind of thing will indeed breed resentment, and just like the Konari issue, they get nailed for it. It's bad customer service and community managing.

    8-20 hmmmmm today is 10-01? see what I am talking about. People still have issues with TT 3-3 is IMPOSSIBLE to farm unless u have the gear already. b:surrender
  • Adultswim - Lost City
    Adultswim - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    This entire thing has saddened me. I am sure you know what I am talking about as you attempt to douse the flames of the fire that you all started.

    As the flames burn on, I would like to point a few things out that you may or may not already know. However, in light of recent events I think that hearing this (from one of your most active forum members) might help to make you better understand where people are coming from.

    First, the PW section of PWI Games has ALWAYS been largely neglected It has been the players in THIS community that have often been the ones to police their own forums. It has worked and in some cases it has not worked. However, we have done well considering the lack of "care" as so many would call it.

    Secondly, the community looks to the GM's to be a safe-guard, a trusting member of the actual PWI staff to whom they can go too if needed. You frankie, I am sorry to say, have never really connected with this community in a way that (imo) you should have. This results in a skeptical view and a reluctance to trust. Any resemblance of trust that was there or even left for some was shattered with the Konra thing. Konra is first and fore-most my friend, and I talked with him for a LONG time yesterday. Once I saw his post I immediately pm'd him on msn because it is all to obvious it was him. A poor choice for him and a poor choice for you imo. You tried to trick a community, one in which is smarter then maybe you all might think. I told Konra and I am telling you that this was a terrible move.

    Thirdly, I am admin of 2 forums and currently mod 4 and I can tell you this forum is sadly not done well in either respect. There is no consistency, there is no set way, there is no 100% cut and dry way that it is dealt with. You bring in mod's that are qq'ers and spammers and expect the community to welcome them with open arms = no. Additionally you bring in those that know little about the current changes and how they affect the community because they themselves have never experienced these changes first hand. It seems to much of the community that it is those who kiss-butt that become mod's rather then those that are consistent and trusted within the entire community. The PW community that is, one that, saying this again, has been over-looked for a LONG time.

    Fourth, along with the overlooking of these PW forums, the mod's tend to be NOT in the U.S. meaning that during much of the forums peak times, there is no one but you attempting (and not really doing) to watch the forums. Lately, I have often stopped reading these forums because based on title before even opening the thread I KNOW it should be closed. I should not have to PM you nor the mod's at every turn. When I left these forums, I began posting on a alt to just linger and see. Then when Konra became mod (tbh I was not 100% on that either) I was more active because I was helping and feeding him with the threads he needed to focus on. I came back on Rose because he ASKED me too in order to help him.

    I know many that know these forums and know these forums and this community WELL. However, the "leaving" (*cough*You know what I mean by this*cough*) of Aryanna and the attempted lie and the Mod appointments has ONCE AGAIN shattered this community. It is sickening and disheartening. At what damn point will the CM's LOOK AND LISTEN to the community. JUST ONCE FFS!! All we are asking for is a voice. Maybe a voice like Spoon's or even Dvork was an amazing CM here.

    Step up and LISTEN to the community!! What is done now is done and it is just...I don't even.

    You are "forcing" out once again a HUGE part of the community that has been here and been honest and supported and LOVED THESE DAMN FORUMS. Even if the game is going to hell for many and even if they have stopped playing the game THEY ARE HERE ON THE FORUMS!! That has to tell you something about this damn community.

    Take all of this or leave it but the fact is people are fed up. People are pissed. People are hurt. People no longer trust (with what little they has left).

    From the community:

    For heaven's sake, FOR ONCE look and listen to your community. We no longer sit and have decent discussions. We are kept in the dark, unless some of us research and seek the info ourselves. We no longer care. We DON'T trust!!! If that does not make you sit and ponder and wonder then maybe it is all worthless and pointless to even attempt to help others here.

    Shouldn't the current state of these forums tell you anything? Anything? How the hell could you not think this would not happen? You have thrown the community into a damn uproar!!

    And tbh I feel slightly sorry for the new mod's because they just DO NOT KNOW THESE FORUMS!! Yes I said it and I will again, THEY DO NOT!! I or about 10+ people can and WILL go toe-to-toe with them on navigating these forums, finding posts, seeing necro's just by the title...THESE are things I worked so hard with with Konra and he was getting it. The new ones have A LOT TO LEARN. And I am sorry, this time, I WILL NOT help and tbh I am not sure anyone will. Sorry frankie but your community know these forums better then even you. When we have to PM you threads that are dangerous or necro's etc...You know what I mean.

    I don't even at this point...and tbh neither does much of the community.


    An always loyal member of this community and now I just do not know...


    OMG so long and tiresome. i dont rely on PWI forums for my emotional support. i think frankie is doing a fine job but tbh i am in game and rarely come to forums unless i need to look something up or about maint. i have better things to do that emo out about a game forum. FYI GMs and mods are not here to baby sit your *** when you pms!! i dont see in the job descroption that they need to "connect with players". in fact a good GM doesnt connect to much with any certain player as it shows favoritism. ofc frankie cant answer everyone's whiney pm's. unless it was a crazy emergency i would never think to pm a GM on the forum.

    all in all, players need to grow up and stop expecting gms and mods to handhold them through everything. if you need that much emotional support to get through the day i suggest calling a suicide hotline to seek help for you disorder. or maybe online gaming isnt for you. this is a freaking game. not the drama bored housewives of archosaur.
  • GreatStorm - Sanctuary
    GreatStorm - Sanctuary Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    OMG so long and tiresome. i dont rely on PWI forums for my emotional support. i think frankie is doing a fine job but tbh i am in game and rarely come to forums unless i need to look something up or about maint. i have better things to do that emo out about a game forum. FYI GMs and mods are not here to baby sit your *** when you pms!! i dont see in the job descroption that they need to "connect with players". in fact a good GM doesnt connect to much with any certain player as it shows favoritism. ofc frankie cant answer everyone's whiney pm's. unless it was a crazy emergency i would never think to pm a GM on the forum.

    all in all, players need to grow up and stop expecting gms and mods to handhold them through everything. if you need that much emotional support to get through the day i suggest calling a suicide hotline to seek help for you disorder. or maybe online gaming isnt for you. this is a freaking game. not the drama bored housewives of archosaur.

    What part of CM dont u get? Sorry what does the COMMUNITY MANAGER do then?
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    OMG so long and tiresome. i dont rely on PWI forums for my emotional support. i think frankie is doing a fine job but tbh i am in game and rarely come to forums unless i need to look something up or about maint. i have better things to do that emo out about a game forum. FYI GMs and mods are not here to baby sit your *** when you pms!! i dont see in the job descroption that they need to "connect with players". in fact a good GM doesnt connect to much with any certain player as it shows favoritism. ofc frankie cant answer everyone's whiney pm's. unless it was a crazy emergency i would never think to pm a GM on the forum.

    all in all, players need to grow up and stop expecting gms and mods to handhold them through everything. if you need that much emotional support to get through the day i suggest calling a suicide hotline to seek help for you disorder. or maybe online gaming isnt for you. this is a freaking game. not the drama bored housewives of archosaur.

    First post on what would seem to be a level 6 alt and you openly claim that you don't come on forums much.

    This shows you have no credibility on these forums, compared to Rose.

    Your opinion is your own, but this happens to be highly insulting and derogatory. On behalf of the community, may I say: GTFO with you and your flames.
  • ragenight
    ragenight Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    OMG so long and tiresome. i dont rely on PWI forums for my emotional support. i think frankie is doing a fine job but tbh i am in game and rarely come to forums unless i need to look something up or about maint. i have better things to do that emo out about a game forum. FYI GMs and mods are not here to baby sit your *** when you pms!! i dont see in the job descroption that they need to "connect with players". in fact a good GM doesnt connect to much with any certain player as it shows favoritism. ofc frankie cant answer everyone's whiney pm's. unless it was a crazy emergency i would never think to pm a GM on the forum.

    all in all, players need to grow up and stop expecting gms and mods to handhold them through everything. if you need that much emotional support to get through the day i suggest calling a suicide hotline to seek help for you disorder. or maybe online gaming isnt for you. this is a freaking game. not the drama bored housewives of archosaur.

    frankie stop posting on alts.
  • GreatStorm - Sanctuary
    GreatStorm - Sanctuary Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    ragenight wrote: »
    frankie stop posting on alts.

    lmao oh my god.....I laughed so......hard....
  • SugarPrinces - Sanctuary
    SugarPrinces - Sanctuary Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    OMG so long and tiresome. i dont rely on PWI forums for my emotional support. i think frankie is doing a fine job but tbh i am in game and rarely come to forums unless i need to look something up or about maint. i have better things to do that emo out about a game forum. FYI GMs and mods are not here to baby sit your *** when you pms!! i dont see in the job descroption that they need to "connect with players". in fact a good GM doesnt connect to much with any certain player as it shows favoritism. ofc frankie cant answer everyone's whiney pm's. unless it was a crazy emergency i would never think to pm a GM on the forum.

    all in all, players need to grow up and stop expecting gms and mods to handhold them through everything. if you need that much emotional support to get through the day i suggest calling a suicide hotline to seek help for you disorder. or maybe online gaming isnt for you. this is a freaking game. not the drama bored housewives of archosaur.

    Unfortunately reds post really had nothing to do with the game itself, the forum is a separate entity in itself, and the mods/cm's you see here you'll likely rarely see in-game, there are some in the forums here that dont even play anymore, just stick around in the forums to chit-chat and the like. While i agree that the game-players shouldnt need a gm to hold their hand through everything, thats completely unrelated here as yeah, this thread has nothing to do with the game itself, well i should say reds post had nothing to do with.
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    8-20 hmmmmm today is 10-01? see what I am talking about. People still have issues with TT 3-3 is IMPOSSIBLE to farm unless u have the gear already. b:surrender
    Just to note I edited the part of my post in response to you. You responded pretty quick.

    Indeed people have issues with 3-3. Hell, I haven't played since 9/17 (my birthday, if I logged in it was to mail an RL friend my genies which took a week to make tradeable) and I bet the rubber banding issue still hasn't been fixed, especially noticing two lack of maintenance's in a row. Netherqueen is still bugged I bet (the occasions where her timing of her AOE will not relate to the AD's from the Old Man and she will do it way outside that and the squad will die), RB still has a ton of bugs I bet, and little to nothing has changed.

    PWE should NOT have changed 3-3 or Nirvana. Instead, the wiser thing to do is create new content, and hell, fix friggen bugs for a change. This is not Frankie's fault. Indeed I'm sure he's aware that he's going to catch fire being the intermediary between us and the developers, but a good portion of the blame being put on him is way over the top, completely unrealistic, and a wise publisher will not respond to this, but delete things and/or stay quiet and let people vent until they're done. I guaran-effing-tee you he has likely sent in countless reports to their developers (I have worked in this field before), and in his position there is little he can do after that.

    Flaming the **** out of Frankie is not going to get them to change TT or Nirvana or RB or make new content. Not spending any RL money will. That's the only tried-and-true way to speak, is with your wallet. They will get the message, but that's something a community has to embrace themselves. There's too many people enjoying spending a lot of RL money and they have decided that the constant gambling and lack of bug fixes / content updates is their cup of tea. That's where you find another game that's more worth your time. Again, they will get the message.

    Summarizing, the ZOMG TT R TEH SUX F U FRANKIE posts are over the top, illogical, and completely unnecessary, with little knowledge of how developing and publishing for MMO's is actually done. Those who have a beef with how he is managing the community in terms of moderators, in terms of lack of decent service, they obviously are pissed for a good reason, because he screwed up -- and again, he's paying for that now.
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I would just like to point out that, every time Frankie does make a post on a relevant issue, even if it's "sorry for the delay, we're working on it..." 90% of the immediate replies are thanking him for the update.

    Do people criticize him for not telling us more? Yes, because we're frustrated about it. But in the end, we know it's his job description and the PWE execs (and to a lesser extent the devs) are really the ones at fault. So you see a lot less of an outburst, and what outburst there is, is outweighed by the people who appreciate even that little nugget of Frankie's time.

    My point is this: I could understand Frankie not wanting to post if he was afraid of being sound-bitten... and admittedly, we do. But on the whole, the small scraps of compassion and courtesy he does provide us are always well-received. It should be easy to determine, from there, that people like it when you're engaging and open with them.

    Spoons understood this. I used to think that Frankie did, as well. -_- Frankie, you really need to restore our faith in that concept, okay?
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • GreatStorm - Sanctuary
    GreatStorm - Sanctuary Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Just to note I edited the part of my post in response to you. You responded pretty quick.

    Indeed people have issues with 3-3. Hell, I haven't played since 9/17 (my birthday, if I logged in it was to mail an RL friend my genies which took a week to make tradeable) and I bet the rubber banding issue still hasn't been fixed, especially noticing two lack of maintenance's in a row. Netherqueen is still bugged I bet (the occasions where her timing of her AOE will not relate to the AD's from the Old Man and she will do it way outside that and the squad will die), RB still has a ton of bugs I bet, and little to nothing has changed.

    PWE should NOT have changed 3-3 or Nirvana. Instead, the wiser thing to do is create new content, and hell, fix friggen bugs for a change. This is not Frankie's fault. Indeed I'm sure he's aware that he's going to catch fire being the intermediary between us and the developers, but a good portion of the blame being put on him is way over the top, completely unrealistic, and a wise publisher will not respond to this, but delete things and/or stay quiet and let people vent until they're done. I guaran-effing-tee you he has likely sent in countless reports to their developers (I have worked in this field before), and in his position there is little he can do after that.

    Flaming the **** out of Frankie is not going to get them to change TT or Nirvana or RB or make new content. Not spending any RL money will. That's the only tried-and-true way to speak, is with your wallet. They will get the message, but that's something a community has to embrace themselves. There's too many people enjoying spending a lot of RL money and they have decided that the constant gambling and lack of bug fixes / content updates is their cup of tea. That's where you find another game that's more worth your time. Again, they will get the message.

    Summarizing, the ZOMG TT R TEH SUX F U FRANKIE posts are over the top, illogical, and completely unnecessary, with little knowledge of how developing and publishing for MMO's is actually done. Those who have a beef with how he is managing the community in terms of moderators, in terms of lack of decent service, they obviously are pissed for a good reason, because he screwed up -- and again, he's paying for that now.

    okay so what are we suppose to do? PM them? I said in another thread and I will say it again. Lets play a game. PM frankie and see how long/even if he PMs u back. Over/Under 2 months. Yes i might not get them to change it but, why not say "hey this is how TT is. This is how TT will be end of discussion." instead they still have the TT discussion up for some strange reason? You know why? They want to hide the QQ so they dont have to read it. I have read the entire TT discussion can frankie REALLY say he did the same? Or the TW discussion or the DQ discussion. That is suppose to be his job. He is suppose to be our life line to the GMs that is what spoons said the CM job is/was. Spoons was always happy to ask the devs question cause it made the community happy even if we get the answer we wasnt looking for. It isnt that we want to be right. we just want to be talked to like people, not be shunned like a red headed step child who gets nothing and is told to like it..

    Sorry for hte wall of text
  • Maragon - Dreamweaver
    Maragon - Dreamweaver Posts: 645 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    far as the TT change. ok they fixed a counter but alot of people have said that it hasnt changed the boss muchb:surrender


    the updates and changes come from China. imho PWI needs to renegotiate their contract with PWCN. THIS IS NOT CHINA. Here the game has a completely different audience with a different playstyle and different expectations. Thus, it will have different problems. it is basically a different game set in the same world. PWI needs to have control over their own game and be able to accept/reject "balance" changes where they is/is not the same problem that has arisen in the PWCN version. WE DONT HAVE PEOPLE SPAMMING GOLD FARMERS. in 18 months I have seen 1 hacking player a 5x bm with a tauroc valorian picking up drops for him (I know it was his because there were only 2 of us around but thats beside the point).

    What is the majority of the QQ on these forums about? updates to the game itself. just look at the first pags. stuff thatis coming from china (besides packs but lets not go there). Why is the majority about updates? because people love the game. This game was great when I started. Now? it has a lot of potential (this potential could be brought out if pw would FIX THE NERFS, forget fix just revert the nerfs. dig down into the version control system, dust off the old code and reimplemented a bunch of it.

    At this point I miss the days when it was QQ nix bleed QQ and that was about it.

    not nerfed content = much less QQ = less QQ = happier community = good publicity for people thinking about the game

    what do alot of people do when looking at trying a new game? ind out what does the community have to say about the game. to state the obvious these forums would drive away nearly anyone checking out the game (see formula above to remedy)
  • Katzyn - Sanctuary
    Katzyn - Sanctuary Posts: 1,270 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    Flaming the **** out of Frankie is not going to get them to change TT or Nirvana or RB or make new content. Not spending any RL money will. That's the only tried-and-true way to speak, is with your wallet.

    While I agree that "flaming the **** out of Frankie" will not change anything, we still have to complain verbally about it. Because there are still those of us who haven't charged ZEN for ages, if ever. And there are so many people who DON'T visit the forums, who will continue to charge ZEN, because they don't know of our struggle. How many lower-level players are charging ZEN right now, and don't even know that the higher leveled TTs are "broken", Nirvana is "broken", random bugs haven't been fixed in various places? They wouldn't know, because a great many players don't visit the forums.

    So, even if those of us on the forums stop charging, and that's it, it's not going to make a difference. We still need to complain (as well as stop charging), and complain loudly, til we're heard.
    Katzyn, level 101 Demon Veno
    Kylenea, level 99 Demon Cleric
    ForestSonata, level 6x Mystic
    Proud wifeh of Yudai <3
    ~Courtesy of the amazing Forsakenx~
  • Maragon - Dreamweaver
    Maragon - Dreamweaver Posts: 645 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    While I agree that "flaming the **** out of Frankie" will not change anything, we still have to complain verbally about it. Because there are still those of us who haven't charged ZEN for ages, if ever. And there are so many people who DON'T visit the forums, who will continue to charge ZEN, because they don't know of our struggle. How many lower-level players are charging ZEN right now, and don't even know that the higher leveled TTs are "broken", Nirvana is "broken", random bugs haven't been fixed in various places? They wouldn't know, because a great many players don't visit the forums.

    So, even if those of us on the forums stop charging, and that's it, it's not going to make a difference. We still need to complain (as well as stop charging), and complain loudly, til we're heard.

    this is all true. alot of people would never have known about the nerfs had it not been for the forums. I wouldnt have known about nirvana since I only know an handful of ppl 100+. as i was lvling I was hearing people say that TT3x wasnt too bad to farm your gear in then i get here and am basically told "good luck your gonna need itb:shockedb:bye" after a patch. go back in game and ask some friends and the forums are confirmed.
  • Katzyn - Sanctuary
    Katzyn - Sanctuary Posts: 1,270 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Yeah, a lot of my guildies don't read the forums, so they didn't know about the TT issues, either...Nor the lack of maintenance in the past couple of weeks, etc.
    Katzyn, level 101 Demon Veno
    Kylenea, level 99 Demon Cleric
    ForestSonata, level 6x Mystic
    Proud wifeh of Yudai <3
    ~Courtesy of the amazing Forsakenx~
  • Tojop - Dreamweaver
    Tojop - Dreamweaver Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Wait, when did they break nirvana? b:sad
  • GreatStorm - Sanctuary
    GreatStorm - Sanctuary Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Wait, when did they break nirvana? b:sad

    seal random aggro etc.

    but anyways thanks to everyone this thread has more posts than a sticky threadb:kiss

    and being ignored just like a sticky thread
  • Tojop - Dreamweaver
    Tojop - Dreamweaver Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Have you...actually done nirvana since they made those changes? It's not really much harder, just takes a bit longer.