Sins having best DPS in game
Asperitas - Lost City wrote: »In reality, yeah it is probably just a dream, or something of latent potential that is unable to be harnessed.
But it's part of your class, and it's what your capable of doing. No harm in pointing that out. You know you have it at your disposal. Whether to use it or not is totally up to you. Knowledge is power.
When someone asks you:
"Hey your car's top speed?"
You're going to peek at the dashboard, look at the highest number on the speedometer and tell them something like
"230 km/h"
You're not going to say:
"100 km/h" because that's how fast the road limit is.
Point is, nobody's talking about how useful this is going to be in squad situations. They're talking about potential, capability and possibility.
And people like discussing about those things
I see. Humans enjoy discussing on mundane things.
However, the 'power' which you speak so fondly of, remains as part of the knowledge which only a few selected individuals, may be able to truly harnessed it.
I see things in co-relativity. I would find situations for this potential and simulate them under different scenarios and find out the most efficient way to use it.
As I am being led to believe, some individuals has ran through this simulation and the conclusion that we have reached, is inevitably, the same.
However, you have mentioned that humans do enjoy a mundane discussion on trivial things, so I am able to understand the human psyche in a better manner.0 -
MANray_ - Sanctuary wrote: »Before anyone takes the "highest dps" thing for granted let me remind all you again IT HASN'T BEEN THEORETICALLY PROVEN. As i understand it Demon Spark multiplies weapon damage, let's asume for argument's sake it will work the same with sins. What is the level of the daggers that give -interval? Are there higher level fists that provide it too? What's the numbers on said daggers? Do you know if the attack provided by each point of Dex overwhelms what BMs get from Str 2-1? Cause that may as well be the ratio needed considering 2.5 Str is the fist build. People are going on about using Subsea Strike and Power Dash along with Demon Spark, which can't be sustained at 4 chi a hit, not with both skills at a cost of two sparks.
This theory, as sound as it may seem, works off unproven concepts.
1. Daggers generally get higher damage than claw/fists. At same level yes, probably, but what is the level of the daggers that provide interval?
2. Higher crit rate allows for considerable extra damage. How much higher is the extra crit rate? 10%? A level 100 sin should have around 20% crit without gear bonuses, a fistie may get half that. How much does each get from gear? Is a 10% chance really enough to overwhelm other factors in average dps.
3. Higher dex provides more of an advantage than lesser amounts of Str. We don't know how much or if any at all. As i've said before the ratio interests us.
4. Gear bonuses are equivalent at same level. Not necesarily true, since a fistie may have easier access to - interval he may gear something different that may provide a crucial advantage. Is the BM forced to use a tome that provides faster attack for instance? And what else could he equip that may raise his damage if not?
5. All pertinent factors have been accounted for. Does anyone even know what the highest proven (as in actually demonstrated) dps is? There may be something missing in the picture none of us has thought about.
Proving something, even in theory, requires intellectual rigueur. You can't just take things for granted and assume everything will go your way. This sin theory is flawed since is yet to be supported by, yes theoretical, math.
You can't just design a pet theory and consider it fact without actually going into details. As i've said before, there is such a thing as character calculators, USE THEM. If the gear required is missing LOOK IT UP, screen it, and do the math yourself. I'm not just taking someone's word that something is in game when i haven't seen it. There's such a thing as burden of proof. IT'S THE DUTY OF WHOEVER MAKES THE CLAIM TO PROVE IT.
well ima say this first, sins dont get 4chi per hit. they get 5 per hit now. they changed it in the lastes patch. on top of that they have inner harmony which gives 200 chi instantly. rising dragin which gives 150, and tackling which gives 50. that combines with chi pots and they will never run out of chi, they nearly have a infinite ammount of chi with all the chi gain skills they have on top of 5atk/sec. so yes they can spam double and triple sparks like crazy.
as slight example: triple spark-->inner harmony (+200 chi)--> PD(+40% crit rate--> melee atk. rinse and repeat.
the highest lvl daggers that provide interval is nirvana. there lvl 100 and grade 13. u can check out the forges for that. or actually ill provide a screen.
as for crit rate, well a lvl 100 full dex sin can have 400 dex. this is naked without any dex adds. obviously the crit rate and dex can raise alot higher depending on equips being worn. but lets say a sin does have 20% crit rate and a fist BM has 10. thats a 10% difference that can be made into a 50% difference with PD. PD will give the sin 60% crit rate while the fist BM is still at 10. now without PD we have wolf emblem. 30% extra dmg to our criticals over a BMs criticals. so fist BM will have 10%-50% less criticals and will be doing 30% less critical dmg.
ratio for dex is 3 or 4 min patk per dex and 4 or 5 maximum patk per dex. this is without any atk modifiers from me.
waffle said she would do the math herself but she never showed up. and you are right, there is many unknown factors to account for but we can still weigh in the known factors. we know the atk and grade of nirvana and they refine more or less the same as fist if that is what you wanted to know.0 -
Michael_dark - Lost City wrote: »Yes, that's all fine and dandy but...
What if there is no barb... and the party consists of a BM, Archer, Mage, etc... you force stealth, aggro is reset, then the boss will target the next highest aggro class, such as mage or archer. If the BM cannot quickly steal aggro, or if a cleric fails to keep up with who to heal... the potential of a party wipe is pretty high. Herc may gain aggro, but only after the other dps classes realize that they need to stop DD and wait for the herc. In those few seconds a lot can happen.
So you may indeed be right if there is a barb around, but there isn't always a barb around, and an archer or mage with highly refined weapons can easily keep a herc from getting or holding aggro, even on ? bosses.
actually when u use stealth it doesnt go straight to the DDs. it goes back to whoever had aggro before u took it. if u took aggro from a BM and u use stealth the boss will go back to hitting the BM. if it goes to a archer it means the archer stole aggro from the BM as well or it could mean the archer was generating the 2nd most aggro after the sin. when you use stealth it resets aggro on the sin only as if the sin was never there in the first place. so the aggro will be transfered to whoever it was on before sin took aggro.
stealth does not get rid off aggro for the whole party it just gets rid of aggro from off the sin. the aggro that other players generated stays on.0 -
Asperitas - Lost City wrote: »I've tried building up the two characters on pwcalc.
The assassin calculator doesn't seem to be complete, but the gear is there. Just missing the weapon. If you factor in the nirvana daggers, you'll end up with the same interval as BMs.
I also couldn't locate daggers on pwdatabase so I can't post it here. But I've compared the lv 69 daggers to the lv 70 claw Dark Flash, and the daggers have a slightly higher damage.
I tried Ecatomb myself and couldn't find wep either (which really is the whole point here). A screenie of a high level sin and the info from the Nirvana forges may be all we need to make an educated estimate. Ballistix claimed in some post a sin gets +3 atk from each dex point but i can't seem to confirm it. Made a sin myself, leveled it up to 3 (took all of 5 minutes) and i only noticed attack go up because of level. I statted 8 in dex and atk didn't move at all...0 -
MANray_ - Sanctuary wrote: »I tried Ecatomb myself and couldn't find wep either (which really is the whole point here). A screenie of a high level sin and the info from the Nirvana forges may be all we need to make an educated estimate. Ballistix claimed in some post a sin gets +3 atk from each dex point but i can't seem to confirm it. Made a sin myself, leveled it up to 3 (took all of 5 minutes) and i only noticed attack go up because of level. I statted 8 in dex and atk didn't move at all...
it does that with fist BMs aswell at low lvl. atk doesnt move when you add in str when ur low lvl.
but if you want ill show a before and after picture of my Patk with +3 dex and without +3 dex from my chest piece. so brb.0 -
Ballistixz - Heavens Tear wrote: »well ima say this first, sins dont get 4chi per hit. they get 5 per hit now. they changed it in the lastes patch. on top of that they have inner harmony which gives 200 chi instantly. rising dragin which gives 150, and tackling which gives 50. that combines with chi pots and they will never run out of chi, they nearly have a infinite ammount of chi with all the chi gain skills they have on top of 5atk/sec. so yes they can spam double and triple sparks like crazy.
as slight example: triple spark-->inner harmony (+200 chi)--> PD(+40% crit rate--> melee atk. rinse and repeat.
the highest lvl daggers that provide interval is nirvana. there lvl 100 and grade 13. u can check out the forges for that. or actually ill provide a screen.
as for crit rate, well a lvl 100 full dex sin can have 400 dex. this is naked without any dex adds. obviously the crit rate and dex can raise alot higher depending on equips being worn. but lets say a sin does have 20% crit rate and a fist BM has 10. thats a 10% difference that can be made into a 50% difference with PD. PD will give the sin 60% crit rate while the fist BM is still at 10. now without PD we have wolf emblem. 30% extra dmg to our criticals over a BMs criticals. so fist BM will have 10%-50% less criticals and will be doing 30% less critical dmg.
ratio for dex is 3 or 4 min patk per dex and 4 or 5 maximum patk per dex. this is without any atk modifiers from me.
waffle said she would do the math herself but she never showed up. and you are right, there is many unknown factors to account for but we can still weigh in the known factors. we know the atk and grade of nirvana and they refine more or less the same as fist if that is what you wanted to know.
If you're spamming skills then you really aren't getting 5atk/sec are you? I would appreciate it if you could make it clear what the most efficient combo would be so we don't have to go through this twice once we start running numbers (as if...).0 -
MANray_ - Sanctuary wrote: »People are going on about using Subsea Strike and Power Dash along with Demon Spark, which can't be sustained at 4 chi a hit, not with both skills at a cost of two sparks.
Look, I don't mean to sound rude here, but you're wrong about many things. Sins have a skill that instantly grants them 2 sparks. Using that skill and potions that give chi, a sin can triple/subsea/pd.
Sins gain 5 hit per chi, and in addition to that the aforementioned 200 chi gain skill, sins also have a 150 chi gain attack and a 50 chi gain attack.Giodia - Heavens Tear wrote: »
It seems that I am unable to gasp the true intention of the potential which many speaks.
Imho, the awesome 'dps' (or 'best' dps for that matter) is like a double edged sword which you may not be able to use to it's full potential due to factors with I have repeated too many a times.
Then what good is power when one is unable to use when the potential is able to bear fruit?
Asperitas says it like it is. This thread is about sins potentially having the best DPS in the game. You have to understand, we're not trying to glorify anything. We're not trying to say we're better than any other class. We're not trying to say we're more useful in squads. We are just addressing whether or not the Assassin class has the highest endgame DPS. This topic is personally important to me because I've always wanted to use the class that attacked the fastest in the game. After I learned that more than one class possesses this trait, I decided to find the class with highest endgame DPS to build for PVP reasons.0 -
Ballistixz - Heavens Tear wrote: »as for crit rate, well a lvl 100 full dex sin can have 400 dex. this is naked without any dex adds. obviously the crit rate and dex can raise alot higher depending on equips being worn. but lets say a sin does have 20% crit rate and a fist BM has 10. thats a 10% difference that can be made into a 50% difference with PD. PD will give the sin 60% crit rate while the fist BM is still at 10. now without PD we have wolf emblem. 30% extra dmg to our criticals over a BMs criticals. so fist BM will have 10%-50% less criticals and will be doing 30% less critical dmg.
ratio for dex is 3 or 4 min patk per dex and 4 or 5 maximum patk per dex. this is without any atk modifiers from me.
waffle said she would do the math herself but she never showed up. and you are right, there is many unknown factors to account for but we can still weigh in the known factors. we know the atk and grade of nirvana and they refine more or less the same as fist if that is what you wanted to know.
Your analysis is naive and lacks rigor. A -.1 dagger has the same speed as an NPC fist for one thing.
Power dash is a 2 spark move that gives more crit for a few seconds. BMs actually have a 2spark move called heavens flame that doubles all damage including crits. For that matter demon BMs have a move that gives them a crit rate of 100%.
There is far too much hand waving in this thread from low level sins not remotely close to achieving the build they are basing their arguments on. Post a real build and demonstrate a sustainable DPS.
Time to put up or shut up[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
Genie Calculator - - (don't use IE)
Socket Calculator - -
MANray_ - Sanctuary wrote: »If you're spamming skills then you really aren't getting 5atk/sec are you? I would appreciate it if you could make it clear what the most efficient combo would be so we don't have to go through this twice once we start running numbers (as if...).
its not skill spamming... inner harmony is INSTANT. PD takes 0.4 secs to channele and 0.8 secs to cast and does dmg at same time. thats barely any time wasted at all in dpsing especially when ur doing dmg while ur at it. doing extra dmg for a self buff that takes next to no time to channel and cast is is pretty good.
also about the patk thing. here is my dex with without +3 dex.
here is my Patk with +3 dex.
as you can see 3 dex added 9 min patk and 12 maximum patk for me.0 -
Look, I don't mean to sound rude here, but you're wrong about many things. Sins have a skill that instantly grants them 2 sparks. Using that skill and potions that give chi, a sin can triple/subsea/pd.
Sins gain 5 hit per chi, and in addition to that the aforementioned 200 chi gain skill, sins also have a 150 chi gain attack and a 50 chi gain attack.
Dude, really, are all this amazing skills 0 channeling 0 cast? Once again, if you're spamming skills then you're not getting 5 attacks a sec for dps purposes...
Edit; @Ballistix, 1 sec lost means 5 attacks less even if you're doing damage and will make further hits more effective. Once again, let's work on what you think is the most efficient combination (and do not include chi pots, this is about sustaining damage not spiking) please list what skills you would use, in which order, and what their effect, chaneling, casting and cooldown are.0 -
for the record, before we go on, let us remind ourselves that damage increased by primary attribute is dependent on your weapon damage.Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
Qui: b:dirty0 -
Asterelle - Sanctuary wrote: »Your analysis is naive and lacks rigor. A -.1 dagger has the same speed as an NPC fist for one thing.
Power dash is a 2 spark move that gives more crit for a few seconds. BMs actually have a 2spark move called heavens flame that doubles all damage including crits. For that matter demon BMs have a move that gives them a crit rate of 100%.
There is far too much hand waving in this thread from low level sins not remotely close to achieving the build they are basing their arguments on. Post a real build and demonstrate a sustainable DPS.
Time to put up or shut up
the diffrence with heavens flame is they cant sustain it nor spam it like sins can spam there 2 spark skills. once heavens flame runs out they have nothing to follow up on. for a sin if PD runs out they can go to subsea and wolf emblem. if subsea runs out they can go to PD and wolf emblem. they dont have to worry about buying chi pots either since they can spam there sparks. it is consistent DPS and never stops and they dont need to switch between weapons to do it.
with heavens flames its one big burst for a little bit and once it runs out thats it. u have to wait on cooldown to use it again. with a sin there burst atks are constant since they can just switch from one burst dmg move to the next.0 -
Asterelle - Sanctuary wrote: »Power dash is a 2 spark move that gives more crit for a few seconds. BMs actually have a 2spark move called heavens flame that doubles all damage including crits. For that matter demon BMs have a move that gives them a crit rate of 100%.
-GS's effect only has a one in two chance of activating, while PD is 100%.
-GS requires the demon cultivation of the skill. We have no idea what sin sage/demon skills do.
-GS's effect lasts for 5 seconds, PD 8.
-GS grants 100% critical. With PD, a geared sin will probably have 6x%.
-HF lasts for 6 secs, unless if demon cultivated. Subsea 8.
-HF is a 100% amp, Subsea 30%.
I wish we could do a better comparison. I'm really itching to know sage/demon tideborn skills.
@MANray_ - it's hard to discuss the most efficient dps combo because the TB classes are incomplete.
Barring skills except for tri-spark, I am almost certain a sin wiill out dps a fist/claw bm because of what Quilue just posted and because of the critical rate advantage, not to mention the small damage advantage daggers have over fist/claw.
But using skills, it's really harder to say for now.0 -
MANray_ - Sanctuary wrote: »Dude, really, are all this amazing skills 0 channeling 0 cast? Once again, if you're spamming skills then you're not getting 5 attacks a sec for dps purposes...
Edit; @Ballistix, 1 sec lost means 5 attacks less even if you're doing damage and will make further hits more effective. Once again, let's work on what you think is the most efficient combination (and do not include chi pots, this is about sustaining damage not spiking) please list what skills you would use, in which order, and what their effect, chaneling, casting and cooldown are.
3spark-->inner harmony(instant 200 chi)-->PD(takes 1.2 sec total for the skill animation to finish. gives +40% crit rate and deals base physical dmg and +2737.9 p dmg at max) imo 5less atks for 40% more crits is worth it. especially since your still getting some dmg dealt from the skill.
you can replace PD with subsea if you want while PD on cooldown or something and it takes about the same ammount of time to cast. and deals more initial hit dmg then PD. and if you are worried about the time it takes to cast these skills effecting your DPS (even tho the effects it gives should more then make up for it...) then u can throw a few chi pots in along with all of your chi gain skills.
but since you said not to include them then we can add in Rising dragon strike+tackling slash if inner harmony is on cooldown. RDS gives +150 chi and deals base physical dmg +100% gear dmg +3442.4 physical dmg. takes 2 seconds in total for skill animation to finish. tackling does about the same initial hit dmg as PD and takes 1.5 sec for animation to finish and gives +50 chi. in total thats 200 chi for when inner harmony is in cooldown and a good bit of dmg that is being dealt.0 -
It's not just 1 sec whatever the description says, been playing long enough to know sparking isn't instant. You're mistaking instant channeling as meaning no casting. And for how many secs would you continue to attack? All the way till demon spark is down? Because if Dash is 8 sec you can't account for it's effect through the whole spark. Also, Inner harmony has a 60 sec cooldown which means you only get to use dash once a minute (once again, this is about SUSTAINED damage output) and please, i don't even want to get into what sage/demon TB skills will use. Already this thread is fueling too many delusional fantasies...
Also; Looking through the BM forums i found that Str doesn't add to damage in a per point basis but rather acts as some form of multiplier. This is the reason adding Str to a lowbie BM will seem to have no effect. As a caster i was oblivious about this. If the same holds true for Sin's Dex, then the only reasonable way we have of getting at the truth is to take a look at a lvl 100 sin's attack without any gear bonuses. Pure dex build would be the ideal since we are talking max damage, now where do you find an oracle noob when you actually do need one? That is unless someone comes up with a working formula...
Edit; lol, got ninja'd with your edit while writing my post, Dash has itself a 30 sec cooldown so 2 times a minute is the most you can use it. Now, let's figure dps for a minute then divide by 60 k? We are still nowhere near knowing what a level 100 sin hits for...0 -
no its instant trust me. look at wolf emblem as an example. wolf emblem is also instant cast. it is instant in every sense and meaning of the word lol. no channele time no cast time and ur able to keep on atking without stoping while casing wolf emblem at the same time.
it doesnt channele and it it doesnt cast. all u see is a red geyser of blood pop up or w/e the hell it is for the skill animation and thats it. ur able to atk while this animation is going on.0 -
Ok, let's not worry about animations... Can you get a screenie for the interval daggers? I'll look in archer's forums for how much dex increases attack.
Edit;@Skyxii, i'm not the one who brought up skills and would much rather just calculate dps using nothing but the (hypothetical) Demon Spark. However if the claimants to "highest dps" are using skills as an argument i can't ignore it.0 -
MANray_ - Sanctuary wrote: »Ok, let's not worry about animations... Can you get a screenie for the interval daggers? I'll look in archer's forums for how much dex increases attack.
u mean the nirvana daggers? i already put a screen shot of those up a page or 2 back.0 -
Ballistixz - Heavens Tear wrote: »u mean the nirvana daggers? i already put a screen shot of those up a page or 2 back.
Sry m8, you're right. is attack 603-924? can't seem to read it (old age, you know)0 -
I don't see why this discussion even exists, I mean, it is blatantly obvious that an Assassin will out damage a fist BM.
Absolutely everything points towards it.. basically, we have to just wait until our 79 moves are implemented, we get demon/sage moves and triple spark just so we can "prove" it to the idiots that are in denial.0 -
MANray_ - Sanctuary wrote: »Sry m8, you're right. is attack 603-924? can't seem to read it (old age, you know)
here is bigger pic0 -
These points are hard to discuss. I wish I could do a better comparison, but some reasons include:
-GS's effect only has a one in two chance of activating, while PD is 100%.
-GS requires the demon cultivation of the skill. We have no idea what sin sage/demon skills do.
-GS's effect lasts for 5 seconds, PD 8.
-GS grants 100% critical. With PD, a geared sin will probably have 6x%.
-HF lasts for 6 secs, unless if demon cultivated. Subsea 8.
-HF is a 100% amp, Subsea 30%.
I wish we could do a better comparison. I'm really itching to know sage/demon tideborn skills.
@MANray_ - it's hard to discuss the most efficient dps combo because the TB classes are incomplete.
Barring skills except for tri-spark, I am almost certain a sin wiill out dps a fist/claw bm because of what Quilue just posted and because of the critical rate advantage, not to mention the small damage advantage daggers have over fist/claw.
But using skills, it's really harder to say for now.the diffrence with heavens flame is they cant sustain it nor spam it like sins can spam there 2 spark skills. once heavens flame runs out they have nothing to follow up on. for a sin if PD runs out they can go to subsea and wolf emblem. if subsea runs out they can go to PD and wolf emblem. they dont have to worry about buying chi pots either since they can spam there sparks. it is consistent DPS and never stops and they dont need to switch between weapons to do it.
with heavens flames its one big burst for a little bit and once it runs out thats it. u have to wait on cooldown to use it again. with a sin there burst atks are constant since they can just switch from one burst dmg move to the next.
power dash is 2 sparks too... you cant 'sustain it' either. subsea as well. your entire post relies on a chain of moves with a minute long cool down, and 2 two spark moves, they cant be used in chains consistently, there is a large gap between them. with how fast demon BM can regain his chi, its to really hard to have HF on or triple spark going multiple times a minuteI don't see why this discussion even exists, I mean, it is blatantly obvious that an Assassin will out damage a fist BM.
Absolutely everything points towards it.. basically, we have to just wait until our 79 moves are implemented, we get demon/sage moves and triple spark just so we can "prove" it to the idiots that are in denial.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
advice to fledgling archers:
Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.0 -
I love all these 4x and 5x sins posting lol.[EvilMarlon - Sanctuary] It would be nice to be a male veno i tryed a veno and my dad saw me and he thought i was **** it took me a whole month for him to even talk to me again. <-- LMAO b:chuckle0
you are forgetting that on top of the chi skills a sin also has 5atk/sec and gets 5chi per atk.0
Ballistixz - Heavens Tear wrote: »you are forgetting that on top of the chi skills a sin also has 5atk/sec and gets 5chi per atk.NAHNAHNHA IM NOT LISTENING, WE CAN DO THIS THIS AND THAT, WERE BETTER. arguments are really proof right?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
advice to fledgling archers:
Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.0 -
WaffleChan - Sanctuary wrote: »b:chuckles
eh i dont get it? are we resorting to childish jokes now x.x?
i may not be as high as lvl as some of the other sins out but most are saying the same thing even at higher lvls.
also someone that doesnt even have a sin has no reason to talk about lvl since they keep saying inaccurate things like sins getting 4chi per hit (which is not true they get 5chi per hit) and PD not increasing crit rate. there lack of knowledge of the class is just as bad if not worst then lack of lvl for a person that has played the class and knows what the skills do.
so far waffle u have been wrong on most ur points with sins because of ur lack of knowledge on the class itself. ur purely going off of ecatombs site which he himself said is not entirely finished yet when it comes to the sin and psy class.0 -
Ballistixz - Heavens Tear wrote: »eh i dont get it? are we resorting to childish jokes now x.x?
it is the equivalent of plugging your ear and going NAHNAHNHANHANHA IM NOT LISTENING.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
advice to fledgling archers:
Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.0 -
Ok, so i used Ecatomb's calculator using the highest level of daggers i could find there (lvl 99 Barrier thorn-Gutbreaker) which are rated at 522-783 (much less than Nirvana daggers). With 405 points in Dex this makes for 2302-3268 phys attack. The average dmg would be 2785. Let's use this number.
With 5 attack a sec this would be an average dps of 13925.
Demon spark adds 500% of weapon damage, that's an extra 3262 per second
17187 b:shocked
Once again this figure would certainly be lower than the real one since i'm using lower damage just for the exercise.
Edit; please, i would really appreciate it if someone could find a flaw in my logic.0 -
WaffleChan - Sanctuary wrote: »its the way you behave to any comprehensive argument placed against you. you did the same when someone argued about applicable PVE options for a bow on an assassin when the situation arises. you do not listen, you just say your dumb repetitious 'lmao thats re tarded' and just mock the person because you refuse to hear what they say.
it is the equivalent of plugging your ear and going NAHNAHNHANHANHA IM NOT LISTENING.
err no, i wholeheartedly addmitted there is some uses for bows in certain situations. what i was saying was about sins using bows to GRIND with.0 -
MANray_ - Sanctuary wrote: »Ok, so i used Ecatomb's calculator using the highest level of daggers i could find there (lvl 99 Barrier thorn-Gutbreaker) which are rated at 522-783 (much less than Nirvana daggers). With 405 points in Dex this makes for 2302-3268 phys attack. The average dmg would be 2785. Let's use this number.
With 5 attack a sec this would be an average dps of 13925.
Demon spark adds 500% of weapon damage, that's an extra 3262 per second
17187 b:shocked
Once again this figure would certainly be lower than the real one since i'm using lower damage just for the exercise.
Edit; please, i would really appreciate it if someone could find a flaw in my logic.
(522 + 97 + 97 + 99 + 75) * (1 + 405 / 150 + .6 + 5) = 8277 min
(783 + 97 + 97 + 99 + 75) * (1 + 405 / 150 + .6 + 5) = 10704 max
that is actually average 9491 DPS, NOT 13925.
i dont think you know how to calculate demon spark |:[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
advice to fledgling archers:
Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.0
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