Oracle Noob?



  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    You go oracle as much as you want. I could care less if you spend a thousand bucks a day on oracles, as long as you dont squad with me and act like a fool. However, if you come crying for help, and dont know what any skills/items do, then you are an oracle noob.

    Agreed, you want to orcale fine by me, just don't go around not having a clue about your character or more annoying the game, or acting holier than thou, and all will be fine. ^^
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Delecroix - Heavens Tear
    Delecroix - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    There 2 types of people that use oracles;

    1. Those that work and have lifes, and just to keep up with there friends. Then again they shouldn't be playing an MMO if they don't have much time.

    2. Noobs who can't be bothered to play the game and achieve something, hitting high level with oracles, ain't nothing to be proud about.

    Personally I don't care about them, just hate clueless people who oracle there level and try to look down on others when they don't know what a celestial fragments do.

    Uhm, that was directed at hteh person I quoted. You had no reason to dissect it like that. Because I was talkign to THEM specifically, no one else. b:chuckle

    @Sasha: I wasn't exactly trying to be insulting. Me having a job doesn't make me any better then anyone else. But it certainly doesn't make me ANY worse then them either. I can rock and roll with the best of them, anytime, anyplace. My IRL doesn't get in the way of the time I get to play the game. I have a very nicely balanced life, TYVM. My point to that person was that, MMOs are neverending games that you can put as much or as little time into and still find quite a bit of enjoyment from them, no matter what walk of life you have. Now lets all hold hands and sing Kumbaya >.>
    Current Characters
    Delecroix | 5x Assassin | EqualiZeR Executor |Heaven's Tear

    Gwendolynne | 9x Heavy Venomancer | EqualiZeR Director | Wolfen's Wife | Heaven's Tear

    Diva | 8x Axe/Vit BM |DraGonS Faction | HavocLegend's Wife | Dreamweaver

    Xyleena | 5x Pure Init Cleric | EqualiZeR Faction | Heaven's Tear
  • KeMeK - Heavens Tear
    KeMeK - Heavens Tear Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    **** part is hitting lvl 60 is obtainable with 4-7 days.. waste of coinage. GTFO troller and go bury your face in the sand, this saves it from happening when you go out and pk
  • Delecroix - Heavens Tear
    Delecroix - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I'm gonna laugh with good players behind these Oracles "Noobs" Own your faces in PVP. >.>; I really am. I know some really good players who Oracle'd their Tideborns up. Good player is good, no matter what class they rock. <3 to Lypi.
    Current Characters
    Delecroix | 5x Assassin | EqualiZeR Executor |Heaven's Tear

    Gwendolynne | 9x Heavy Venomancer | EqualiZeR Director | Wolfen's Wife | Heaven's Tear

    Diva | 8x Axe/Vit BM |DraGonS Faction | HavocLegend's Wife | Dreamweaver

    Xyleena | 5x Pure Init Cleric | EqualiZeR Faction | Heaven's Tear
  • HB/ - Lost City
    HB/ - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    lol yea.. im 63 and used only the oracles that quests gave me.. everything else is grind ^^
  • Delecroix - Heavens Tear
    Delecroix - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I bought all of my Oracles with in game money, H'Omg Go me. >.>;;;

    I can't spend hours and hours grinding to "learn" I think I have learned my char jsut fine with oracles.
    Current Characters
    Delecroix | 5x Assassin | EqualiZeR Executor |Heaven's Tear

    Gwendolynne | 9x Heavy Venomancer | EqualiZeR Director | Wolfen's Wife | Heaven's Tear

    Diva | 8x Axe/Vit BM |DraGonS Faction | HavocLegend's Wife | Dreamweaver

    Xyleena | 5x Pure Init Cleric | EqualiZeR Faction | Heaven's Tear
  • Tidelord - Dreamweaver_1386746192
    edited December 2009
    I just oracle to lessen the grinding. Which was only a few lvls untill I reached this lvl. I have way too much quests that need to be done, and I'm doing my quests, but if I have nothing to do, and I have to grind.....I use them.

    Using oracles after I did my quests and dailies isn't something noobish imo. Grinding is a typical korean term and I don't like it. There's absolutely NO FUN in grinding, especially at high lvls. Grinding a day to get 20 percent is RIDICULOUS.

    Grinding or oracles has nothing to do with being noob either. Grinding is a repetitive task u have to do in order to get higher lvl. Oracles does the same, only faster. So the question is, if u can lvl faster and u have the money to buy oracles, and u have more time left for fun things that can be done instead of grinding all day, what the hell is the problem?

    Not all of us just blindly use oracles to lvl, and never plan on it either. But oracles itself isn't noobish
    Just cuz some ppl don't do anything but using those, doesn't mean u have to generalise it and call everyone noobish. How naive can u get :/
  • Delecroix - Heavens Tear
    Delecroix - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    **** part is hitting lvl 60 is obtainable with 4-7 days.. waste of coinage. GTFO troller and go bury your face in the sand, this saves it from happening when you go out and pk
    lol yea.. im 63 and used only the oracles that quests gave me.. everything else is grind ^^
    I just oracle to lessen the grinding. Which was only a few lvls untill I reached this lvl. I have way too much quests that need to be done, and I'm doing my quests, but if I have nothing to do, and I have to grind.....I use them.

    Using oracles after I did my quests and dailies isn't something noobish imo. Grinding is a typical korean term and I don't like it. There's absolutely NO FUN in grinding, especially at high lvls. Grinding a day to get 20 percent is RIDICULOUS.

    Grinding or oracles has nothing to do with being noob either. Grinding is a repetitive task u have to do in order to get higher lvl. Oracles does the same, only faster. So the question is, if u can lvl faster and u have the money to buy oracles, and u have more time left for fun things that can be done instead of grinding all day, what the hell is the problem?

    Not all of us just blindly use oracles to lvl, and never plan on it either. But oracles itself isn't noobish
    Just cuz some ppl don't do anything but using those, doesn't mean u have to generalise it and call everyone noobish. How naive can u get :/
    Amen. This what I wanna say. Only I am meaner. >.< I R not a nice person.

    But yes, a noob will be a noob, whether they have oracles or not. Some of us choose to use them as leveling tools, so we can get to levels faster, have access to the skills quicker and get more time to learn how to use them, when to use them, what combos to use, etc. You can't learn what you don't have access too.
    Current Characters
    Delecroix | 5x Assassin | EqualiZeR Executor |Heaven's Tear

    Gwendolynne | 9x Heavy Venomancer | EqualiZeR Director | Wolfen's Wife | Heaven's Tear

    Diva | 8x Axe/Vit BM |DraGonS Faction | HavocLegend's Wife | Dreamweaver

    Xyleena | 5x Pure Init Cleric | EqualiZeR Faction | Heaven's Tear
  • BlindApathy - Lost City
    BlindApathy - Lost City Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    How naive can u get :/

  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I can't spend hours and hours grinding to "learn" I think I have learned my char jsut fine with oracles.

    Yes, you've learned exactly how to kill one mob over and over for hours. Grats. lol
    Heavens TearI'm gonna laugh with good players behind these Oracles "Noobs" Own your faces in PVP. >.>; I really am.


    Obvious troll is also funny troll. Funny as in laugh at you, not with you.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Sneakret - Heavens Tear
    Sneakret - Heavens Tear Posts: 618 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    quite liked the post stating that even your guildies will call you an oracle nub due to the truth of the matter xD

    Did I oracle - yes
    Do I play like **** because of it - no(I sure as hell hope not)

    Biggest mistake yet - telling a barb on a 59 bh that stealth doesn't work in fb's

    Error - Of course stealth works, but you have to have either a) a higher level than the mob, or b) up cat tread to make up for level disad. Hardcore facepalmage for this. barb if you see this I'm sorry for giving you misleading info.

    It's still a game and there is no black and white answer that best fits all, that's what they point out as stereotyping and profiling.

    After 8 characters the idea of doing every damn q line again and again really didn't seem so alluring to me so after having q's done, if I needed an oracle to hit the next level and begin experimenting with new skills your damn right I went and grabbed a few.

    lvl without experience hurts you and your squad; if you take the time to oracle a char, please take the time as well to dump some of that unused quest time into developing playing skills and strategies.
    I can see what you see not,
    Vision milky, then eyes rot.
    When you turn, they will be gone,
    Whispering their hidden song.
    Then you see what cannot be,
    Shadows move where light should be.
    Out of darkness, out of mind,
    Cast down into the Halls of the Blind.
  • Skippy - Dreamweaver
    Skippy - Dreamweaver Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    ah well,,, if your already experienced in the PW thing,,, and just want to speed lvling up, sure why not? but i know some dudes who oracle from lvl 40 to 90+ and dont even know their own skills and sjit oO

    now thads an oracle noob
  • Dosinn - Dreamweaver
    Dosinn - Dreamweaver Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Personally, i dont give a damn if someone uses Oracles to lvl their character or not. Ive used Oracles myself, for example, i Oracled from lvl 69 to 70, cause i had spent a week and a half grinding, doing BH/CS, and questing, and i couldnt take it anymore. On my Tideborn, i bought 1 Zens worth of Oracle 1s, and used em to help lvl. I also used a pair of Oracle 2s to hit lvl 36 on the same character, and ill prolly Oracle my Sin several more times. What I DO care about is if the person knows what the bloody hell their class is supposed to do. Fortunately, true Oracle Noobs are rather rare now, since most oracle spots are camped by higher lvls using Oracles to break the boredom of grinding, and those nubs have had to go out and learn their char the traditional way. For example, I did the Tideborn weapon token quest for Trioc today on my Sin, and the bm in our sqaud was pretty much useless. She didnt know how, or when to use Roar of the Pride, and had ZERO axe skills, and used the lvl 50 stash hammers the entire time. Fortunately, i was in a pretty good mood, so i gave her some advice, and she learned quickly. So, to sum up my rant: whether someone uses oracles or not doesnt matter. Whether they know how to play their class, does.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Oracle noobs aren't necessarily fail. I know one or two that are pro, but they're still oracle noobs.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Dosinn - Dreamweaver
    Dosinn - Dreamweaver Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Oracle noobs aren't necessarily fail. I know one or two that are pro, but they're still oracle noobs.

    If they know how to play their class, more power to them. Its the ones that dont know how to play their class that tick people off to no end.
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    bm in our sqaud was pretty much useless. She didnt know how, or when to use Roar of the Pride, and had ZERO axe skills, and used the lvl 50 stash hammers the entire time. Fortunately, i was in a pretty good mood, so i gave her some advice, and she learned quickly. So, to sum up my rant: whether someone uses oracles or not doesnt matter. Whether they know how to play their class, does.

    Not really an "oracle n00b" or indeed nub of any kind if she learned quickly and took your advice.
    A n00b is someone completely unwilling to listen to good advice and who arrogantly believes themselves perfect in every aspect. A player may have junk equips, no skills and do everything wrong and still have the potential to be amazing if they're willing to learn.
  • darckazuma
    darckazuma Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Well u all have good points... for ppl who use's oracles go for it if u can spare a few hundred bucks, and for those ppl who oppose it well what can we do it's a part of the game... and some some just dont like to keep grinding, but u know what though eventually ppl who oracle will start to learn thier class and be good at it. I know it's unfair to some ppl who lvled up the old fashion way but ti's fine because these oracles wont be around forever
  • eald
    eald Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I love reading young peoples posts.

    As soon as their intellectual capacity is exceeded, out comes the flaming and insults.b:laugh

    Can anyone add something useful here?

  • memegirl2
    memegirl2 Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    OK, everyone take a deep breath and a reality check. How someone chooses to play this game or spend their own money is their own business. People showing their anger, "towards another player" because they buy oracles to lvl up is a waste of time and rude. It is beginning to sound like those giving this player a hard time are jealous they have the money to do this. You guys complaining they cannot rely on this player in a squad because they leveled up using oracles but don't have experience, blah, blah and blah ect...Really? You wouldn't even have known if he or she hadn't shared the information about the buying the oracles with you. As long as they can pull their share in a squad who cares how they got there. PW is getting money from sales to this person you are attacking, allowing you and me to play for free people. I love Perfect World and Happy Holidays to all.b:bye
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    b:laugh This thread is rather funny a oracle noob is a oracale noob regardless of how well they play or not. It simply refers to someone who skipped all of their low level quests and used oracles instead. Just like not all noobs are nOoBs then not all oracle noobs fail but your still a noob regardless. b:cute Just learn to cope.
    b:surrender Did that sound as stupid to you guys as it did to me I mean its like the truth and all but sounds pretty stupid. b:angry What pisses me off is every dam person who pays for them thinks noone likes them using the oracles and lashes out at everyone even though even in this thread not a single person has said that using them is a bad thing. You guys need to chill seriously.
  • Cernunnosx - Heavens Tear
    Cernunnosx - Heavens Tear Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Let people spend $ on oracles, their choice and keeps the game free so i can level and be just as good as them if not better for no cost.
  • Cotto - Heavens Tear
    Cotto - Heavens Tear Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    can you really blame people to oracle nowadays? And no i dont oracle but think about it.

    PWI has eliminated the sense of accomplishment to dollars. every hard to work for mounts to hard rewarding instance weapons can now be bought for few dollars. and it has become a cash shopper heavy game now.

    so with more and more people choosing the easy way to get things why level or take things slow? nobody much anymore to enjoy the game with as being a normal leveler theres no accomplishment. what are they going to look forward to? being high level? work for end game gear? lol. all thats ready to buy. so people oracle to stay with the pack to be competitve even if you dont need to.

    its a game so i understand people wanting tobe successful quick to enjoy it nowadays. cause the days to farm a instance to get something nice nowadays doesnt make much sense when you can buy it now
  • Chandrasekar - Sanctuary
    Chandrasekar - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Noob oracle noob good and bad player leearning lolllllll.All means what tks Nietche .
    My main is Abime a lvl 82 veno with herc when il go on bh everyone die with me and after what.... i learn adaptation if we survive we found a way il hardly play my lvl and whatt.... lol im happy to help lower level.

    Gain and play you always win untill you play by the way come help me when il need

    ho il forgot an old Klingon dicton in the blood of my ennemies il found the peace .. damn mobs you carryng peace.
    Buarrr Klingon need drink fight kill sleep good friend story and story and fight and spit on other sell slave travel suffer get scar be unhappy eat her sister take afork and rip off an ear...m mmVan goht is a Klingon....breath the the Nova genesis and die old and sick asking money and be harash by youngers one so the green dogs can carry her body over the road show all the glory of a species.
  • BIackTyphoon - Heavens Tear
    BIackTyphoon - Heavens Tear Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    guys u just are jealous. getting to know ur chara is a matter of weeks.(played a private server....practically the same). so thats not an issue. there are even ppl who don't sue them and are noobs. so thats rly not an issue. those who ask questions do not have to be noobs cause of that....u forget some things like locations or me....had to do a quest forgot the location(was long ago since i last did that) and i asked for flamed and called a noob.....well k i think its stupid but there are ppl like just stop and lvl. everyone chooses theier own playstyle
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Admit it or not, everyone knows you used oracles for the sake of bragging rights, and for some faked status symbol in a game.

    quoted for truth

    why are you playing in the first place? to show everyone you paid your way to the "top"?

    "Ding lvl 101"
    the end
  • /NiKi - Lost City
    /NiKi - Lost City Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Well it makes people like me feel they did something great since I'm higher lvl than you and the only oracles I have used are the 2 from supply stash at lvl 35 and the oracle V some levels ago.
    How does it feels to pay and still be behind? :)

    thing is u oracled up on easy lvls,i hope u have fat wallet cuz u gonna need alot more oracles
    on higher lvls when it takes over 20mil exp to gain 1 lvl.
    and those people who lvl without it are behind now probably,but after u hit 9x u gonna lvl much slower even if u oracle,and those ppl are gonna catch up to u,only difference is going to be that they gonna know much
    more about tideborn class then u.
    if u can afford it,use oracles to speed up some lvls,when u are without quests and stuff,but dont go all way through lvls without actually playing ur class. b:surrender
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    thing is u oracled up on easy lvls,i hope u have fat wallet cuz u gonna need alot more oracles
    on higher lvls when it takes over 20mil exp to gain 1 lvl.
    and those people who lvl without it are behind now probably,but after u hit 9x u gonna lvl much slower even if u oracle,and those ppl are gonna catch up to u,only difference is going to be that they gonna know much
    more about tideborn class then u.
    if u can afford it,use oracles to speed up some lvls,when u are without quests and stuff,but dont go all way through lvls without actually playing ur class. b:surrender

    everyone uses the oracles from the supply stash and the oracle V from that 5x quest in misfortune. there's even another quest that gives an oracle at 8x i think, for the acephalid blade major b:chuckle
    you misread her
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • /NiKi - Lost City
    /NiKi - Lost City Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    oh well my bad but i meant about using oracles in general,quoted it cuz of last sentence
    ''how does it feel to be behind''.using 5 or even 10 oracles till lvl 90, dont means anything. but some people never do theirs quests,wq's etc. and lvl up ONLY with what some other people said in previous posts they use oracles to lvl little bit faster,no quests to do and still 20-30% to go,but ''oracle noob'' dont level little bit faster or gain few % they are skipping levels and theirs quests.
    theres people who hit 6-7x with assasins/psyhics in 1st week of released tideborn.
    oracle or not eventually we all gonna be around same lvl,just oracled players gonna start learning then about theirs class.they have adventage now over people who cant afford oracles,especially in new server,good thing its pve instead of pvp,but they will lose it on higher lvl.
  • Gaijen - Sanctuary
    Gaijen - Sanctuary Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    The original post was clearly an inflammatory post designed to provoke a reaction. A typical "troll" post. Replying with such intensity only encourages more of these types of posts. You are "feeding the troll" and giving the poster that which he/she seeks.


    As to the use of Oracles, the Cash Shop, AnniPacks or any other part of the game:

    To each his own

    Enjoy the path you choose and let others enjoy theirs. Time will tell the true tale.
    Some people are like Slinkies. They aren't really good for anything, but you can't help but smile when you see one falling down stairs. b:chuckle

    Helpdesk: Double click on "My Computer"
    User: I can't see your computer.
    Helpdesk: No, double click on "My Computer" on your computer.
    User: Huh?
    Helpdesk: There is an icon on your computer labeled "My Computer". Double click on it.
    User: What's your computer doing on mine?
  • Lady_Sam - Lost City
    Lady_Sam - Lost City Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    So it makes me a noob that i choose to lvl faster then normal? i think not?

    Personally, I think the reason people call them oracle noobs is very simple. You spend your entire game on a single mob who you easily outlevel and outdamage. When it comes to group work, you have no idea how to play your character, no idea of your damage or any kind of tactics.

    Let me give you an example. The tideborn are out, people are abusing those oracles badstyle. I squadded with a 6x psychic who aggroed every single thing and didn't listen when I said he needed to control his damage. He was a stubborn sonofa*****. That is an oracle noob.

    A high level don't make you pro, it's how you play.

    Sorry for rant! b:chuckle
This discussion has been closed.