Assassin vs Fist BM?



  • Ballistixz - Heavens Tear
    Ballistixz - Heavens Tear Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    So, I take it not everyone has figured out this thread is a pointless waste of time.

    Keep it going!! It is still a nice read for me on my down time.

    we realized it on the first page. u can tell the OP even made the thread as a joke because no one can be serious on something like this. but we all like to argue cuz we bored =p

    there are no "pure bm's" at endgame

    fist bm will be demon and most likely have all 4 paths at lvl 10

    so call this "all weapon bm vs sin" if you must but your ignorace is grating thin here

    wtf are u talking about? did u even bother to read wat i said rofl? as a matter of fact, did u even read the damn title of this thread? heres something to help u out with that tho.

    since it will take u time ill just simplified what u failed to read. i was comparing the DPS of a fist BM in pvp/pve with the potential DPS of a sin in pvp/PvE just like the great majority of this thread was doing anyway.
  • Telarith - Sanctuary
    Telarith - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I think all the posts comparing DPS, without even knowing how interval stacks work with speed buffs, pretty much makes any technical arguement a waste of time here :)

    Rib Strike doesn't ruin a fist BM's DPS, because they perma-spark in PvE on bosses (no idea why a team mate would target their own party instead of the boss), and they will not be doing Demon sparking in PvP vs. anyone but an arrogant barb outside of very extenuating circumstances. Either way, no go. And no, a 50% attack debuff will not do a flat cut in half rate of their attack speed, it's not how speed buffs work.
    Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura

    Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx

    :NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.
  • Ballistixz - Heavens Tear
    Ballistixz - Heavens Tear Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    comparing DPS is stupid regardless because no one knows how a sin will work in higher lvls. its all pure speculation. most of the arguments in this thread are only showing what a BM is capable of, but in no way is it proving which of the 2 is better. can we all just say both classes have there own usefulness already like the sane ppl in this thread already stated and stfu about it already x.x we dont even have our sage/demon skills yet.

    agrguing about it has been fun, but i think its time to give it a rest now :s and even if the -50% does not straight cut there atk speed inhalf it does still reduce it which still helps in the long run. but i am tired of arguing this rly. a sin will not be better then a BM and a BM will not be better then a sin. they both specialize in there own areas.
  • Telarith - Sanctuary
    Telarith - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    comparing DPS is stupid regardless because no one knows how a sin will work in higher lvls. its all pure speculation. most of the arguments in this thread are only showing what a BM is capable of, but in no way is it proving which of the 2 is better. can we all just say both classes have there own usefulness already like the sane ppl in this thread already stated and stfu about it already x.x we dont even have our sage/demon skills yet.

    agrguing about it has been fun, but i think its time to give it a rest now :s and even if the -50% does not straight cut there atk speed inhalf it does still reduce it which still helps in the long run. but i am tired of arguing this rly. a sin will not be better then a BM and a BM will not be better then a sin. they both specialize in there own areas.

    DPS is always and forever going to be auto attack. So it can already be debated, because the attack rate of daggers is known, their damage ratio can be found, and the refinement rate is already in game. The only real unknown is what animation ceiling daggers will have for the max APS.

    If anyone thinks a skill exists that will out-damage 5-13 (depends on cast/channel time and how many attacks are used) normal attacks, then they have not given thought to it. It does not matter what adds their demon/sage skills have, it will still not out-do the DPS of normal attack. So unless the interval deficit of daggers is made up somehow, they will not out-DPS fists.

    And in the earlier post I did say they had different specialties and each role was equal, was just explaining to budding new assassin's not to listen to incorrect information about assassin's being higher DPS than a fister, and the inanity of even trying to that route instead of building towards their specialty: high damage spikes that cause useful status effects while boosting their spike the longer it goes on. By the time the charm first ticks, they should have enough buff stacks to easily finish off the target before the charm recharges.
    Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura

    Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx

    :NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Hardest part i find executing all this, is actually targeting a moving object TO tele/stun to. If its few pple sure just press "T". But things like TW will be a ****.
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Arron - Dreamweaver
    Arron - Dreamweaver Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Here comes Arrons random Pro's and Con's!! (personal experience)

    -Fist BM-
    Pros: Survivability, P.def party buff, 1.43 base dps, HP, non-skill reliant, stuns.
    Cons: Easier death from mages due to lower mdef.

    Pros: High natural crit, damage, evade, and acc. Stealth, Higher mdef.
    Cons: Low pdef and HP, strictly 1v1 with lack of stun and aoe, lower dps than fist, reliant on skills.

    Feel free to make edits :P
    "Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk
  • Spiderbait - Raging Tide
    Spiderbait - Raging Tide Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Maze steps
    A special movement of tide born assassins. increase own movement speed and become immune to stuns and immobilization

    i don't have it yet but i should tomorrow i hope, and if the description is correct and it does only use one spark then makes stunning a sin pretty hard and there are anti stun genie skills =]

    ROFL wats so special about that? Bm has basically.. the exact same skill ? Lol

    i think its so funny the way ppl think they can nerf bm by stunnin when bm has skill to become immune to ANY negitive movment effects. Sleep,Stun,Seal b:bye
  • Ballistixz - Heavens Tear
    Ballistixz - Heavens Tear Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    id just like to add one other thing altho its completely not related to the topic. mage classes like venos/wizards/psys will have a tought time with sins. im only speaking from my experiences and this has NOTHING to do on how they will work in higher lvls. but currently i am having a blast killing off mages. i must have fought 20 mages last night and only 3 out of that 20 actually beat me. a few of them were high lvl then i was and i was able to interrupt so many of there spells and teleport straight to them when they tried to kite.

    but the real LOL was when i was fighting this wizard. he was 2 lvls higher then me i beleive. i was able to teleport to him and immobolize so he couldnt kite and intterupt alot of his powerful skills with knife throw and silent. the funny thing is, he nearly killed. he had about half half but i was only at like 300 HP out of the 1.1k i had. so i forced stealth and that saved my **** like litterally. so i used some MP pots to keep me in stealth for a lil while while i let some of my skills cooldown and get a little of my HP back. he had no idea where i was so he litterally ran around like a chicken with his head chopped off lol. he had no idea where i was and he didnt even know wh at to do to defend himself against my inevitable next first atk.

    not knowing when i was going to atk him i waited a bit longer to throw him off guard. after i then came up to him and slept him. i then used my sparked that force stealth gave me and i double critted him with rib slash and slip stream lol. lucky crits but it got the job done cuz i was able to take his HP down pretty quick with normal hits and bleed after that. that one was actually the closest he came to beating me. i dueled the guy like 7 or 8 times i swear and he never beat me lol. he was pretty good tho, but he just had absolutely no idea on how to deal with me.

    anyway thats just my story i wanted to tell out of boredom. has nothing to do with fist BMs vs sins but idc cuz this thread is about to die anyway XD
  • Lusca - Sanctuary
    Lusca - Sanctuary Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    ROFL wats so special about that? Bm has basically.. the exact same skill ? Lol

    i think its so funny the way ppl think they can nerf bm by stunnin when bm has skill to become immune to ANY negitive movment effects. Sleep,Stun,Seal b:bye

    if you could read you would know i mentioned that in response to someone saying a bm will just stun lock the sin and the sin won't be able to do anything
    i never said you could just stun a bm and i know they have the same skill with a different name but it wasn't about stunning the bm it was about the bm stun locking the sin

    btw seal isn't a negative movement effect
  • Ballistixz - Heavens Tear
    Ballistixz - Heavens Tear Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    idk why ur still bothering with these ppl. its obvious that they cant read or just plain to stupid to understand most things ppl are sayingb:surrender there now even going as far as to go on there lvl 1 alts so they can save themselves embarrassment on there main.
  • revolmak
    revolmak Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I have both, though obviously not fully leveled. My fist BM is 42 and my sin is 28 and I'm already confident that my sin can kick my BM's behind.
  • maocchi
    maocchi Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    idk why ur still bothering with these ppl. its obvious that they cant read or just plain to stupid to understand most things ppl are sayingb:surrender there now even going as far as to go on there lvl 1 alts so they can save themselves embarrassment on there main.

    It's obvious what people (most anyway) are saying is that a Fist BM can win 1 vs 1 based on logic and statistics, which you seem to have a hard time understanding due to your undying love for Assassins. Personally I'd like to see this thread keep going because some nice debate points have been brought up and (most) people have been mature about it. Sure it's pointless but a good debate topic is never waste of time. Forums aren't always about fanboyism. Remember that people.

    And no, this is my only account. I don't use the forum much. The only embarrassment here is you paying attention to people's avatars instead of speaking out against points you don't agree on. It makes you look miserable tbh.
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    the more i look at it the more i see it as a rather even machup with a slight edge to the bm

    yall be forgeting that

    A. attack levels crit amp and zerk all affect geni to

    B. bramble rage and T-storm

    C. fists are an endgame build sin vs fist pre level 90 or 99 is kinda gimping the fister a little

    also a quick thought....what would happen if leap back was used same time as sin tele? or tiger leap? or wizzie blink....
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • E/nY - Sanctuary
    E/nY - Sanctuary Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    the more i look at it the more i see it as a rather even machup with a slight edge to the bm

    yall be forgeting that

    A. attack levels crit amp and zerk all affect geni to

    B. bramble rage and T-storm

    C. fists are an endgame build sin vs fist pre level 90 or 99 is kinda gimping the fister a little

    also a quick thought....what would happen if leap back was used same time as sin tele? or tiger leap? or wizzie blink....

    Also idk if anyone said this (kinda busy and didnt read it all xD;) but sins have rib strike and from an earlier post fist bms are all dps right? We can spark more use amp more and i think someone mentioned in a skill spam fight we'd win. So from speculation(by no means a fact seeing as i havent pvp 80+ fist bms nor am i 80+) looks like sins would win. But only time can tell.
  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    This thread has been flawed from the first post and title. A Blademaster is just that. A master of many weapons. By allowing him to only use one of the 4 weapon paths available is handicapping him from the start.

    In the end the best Player will win.


  • Chobsi - Heavens Tear
    Chobsi - Heavens Tear Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Also idk if anyone said this (kinda busy and didnt read it all xD;) but sins have rib strike and from an earlier post fist bms are all dps right? We can spark more use amp more and i think someone mentioned in a skill spam fight we'd win. So from speculation(by no means a fact seeing as i havent pvp 80+ fist bms nor am i 80+) looks like sins would win. But only time can tell.

    IMO, it depends on player skills.
    You amp, (smart)Fist BM stuns you cant take advantage of it.
    You can spark more but BMs would have a much larger defense to even it out.
    +Phys Def buff
    +Diamond Sutra Heal would balance out bloodpaint.
    skill spam fight you may win but you'd both be manaless soon...b:surrender
    "Chobsi the only thing your good at is making your character look good, otherwise your fail"
    "Did that 95 BM just kill himself to your Herc? Mmm..Yep"
    "Oh that thing I thought was a statue, it 1 shot me, switch to your cleric please"
    "So that Hercules guy from the disney movie really aged well.."
    ~Chobsi b:cute
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    This thread has been flawed from the first post and title. A Blademaster is just that. A master of many weapons. By allowing him to only use one of the 4 weapon paths available is handicapping him from the start.

    In the end the best Player will win.


    thank you...seems every single post here invoke a facepalm or 2 >.<

    ok rib strike dosent affect -int gear or buffs

    you cannot spark more than a fist bm with 5 aps


    mp pots exist nobodys gonna run out of mp hp charms exists blood paint is a nonfactor


    now try posting realistic stategies
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Ballistixz - Heavens Tear
    Ballistixz - Heavens Tear Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    maocchi wrote: »
    It's obvious what people (most anyway) are saying is that a Fist BM can win 1 vs 1 based on logic and statistics, which you seem to have a hard time understanding due to your undying love for Assassins. Personally I'd like to see this thread keep going because some nice debate points have been brought up and (most) people have been mature about it. Sure it's pointless but a good debate topic is never waste of time. Forums aren't always about fanboyism. Remember that people.

    And no, this is my only account. I don't use the forum much. The only embarrassment here is you paying attention to people's avatars instead of speaking out against points you don't agree on. It makes you look miserable tbh.

    sigh.... this post is EXACTLY what im talking about. if u READ most of my post ud see im saying the same thing. a fist BM can win 1v1 no one has denied that... and assassin can also win 1v1. no where in this thread did i ever say an assassin can completly annialate a fist BM 100% of the time. they both have equal chances of winning just like any other class does against a fist BM. most of the things i said was to try and make ppl realize that a assassin can go toe to toe with a fist BM which quite a few ppl in this thread think a sin wont stand a chance against a fist BM. they both have equal chances of winning and it all depends on who is the better player not which class is more OPed compared to the other... so no its not about "fanboyism" or me being in love with the assassin class.

    now please, start freaking READING ppls post instead of making urself look stupid with these damn assumptions u want to put on everyone. anyway, ima end this disccussion with u by repeating ur first sentance only chanced around a bit.

    It's obvious what people (most anyway) are saying is that a assassin can win 1 vs 1 based on logic and statistic, which you seem to have a hard time understanding due to your undying love for fist BMs.

    kthx have a good day b:bye oh and PLEASE learn to ****ing read
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    sigh.... this post is EXACTLY what im talking about. if u READ most of my post ud see im saying the same thing. a fist BM can turn the sin to bloody pulp 1v1 no one has denied that... and assassin can also win 1v1. no where in this thread did i ever say an assassin can completly annialate a fist BM 100% of the time. they both have equal chances of winning just like any other class does against a fist BM or a sin.

    now please, start freaking READING ppls post instead of making urself look stupid with these damn assumptions u want to put on everyone.

    well you are a BIT overprotective of your fellow emo fish peoples

    btw fixed the above post to be just a touch less biasedb:chuckle
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Ballistixz - Heavens Tear
    Ballistixz - Heavens Tear Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    uh no not rly. most of us are just saying that a sin can take on a fist BM. but so many ppl in this thread think fist BMs are soooooooo OPed and a sin is sooooooooo weak that they wont be able to do that. all of my post and a few other ppls post have been to make ppl realize that that is not the case. but no matter what we say some of the ppl in this thread just do not want to realize how usefull a sin can be and instead bash how useless they will be and how much better a fist BM will be instead.

    what does that sound like to u? if it does sound like im being a bit overprotective then its mainly because ppl just keep on insisting that a sin is going to be utterly useless compared to fist BMs
  • maocchi
    maocchi Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Oh I'm sorry, I must have missed the part where people stated Assassins are utterly useless. Can you kindly point it out to me?

    And I don't understand. Isn't the whole points of this thread to speculate who would win in a fight? So if people say that a Fist BM will win based on speculations, that is accomplishing the objective of the thread. Why are you being a butthurt? If you don't like the result, argue in a professional debating manner instead of attacking people for making speculations. Or just don't look at the thread anymore.
  • gaiamega
    gaiamega Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i think its a whoever stuns 1st type of the archer wizzy fight scenarios..but an assassin has a sleep an immobilize..a stun a TELESTUN
    critstrike boosts...evasion boosts...rage damage boosts...a move that cheats death then heals us after...a move that dec chance for us to get negative status effect and maze steps MAZE STEPS MAKES US IMMUNE TO STUNS PEOPLE chi increasing moves....the 2nd stealth we get isnt even used for stealth its used like a purify and it gives us a free spark...we also have a move that gives us chi and the immobilizing move gives the exact amount of chi needed to use the sleep one...when the bm is asleep we get a free amount of time to lets say...increase our chi or let one of our old skills charge..then we can stun again...then again becuase we have 2...not to mention our stuns arent just stuns they deal damage with every blow
    we have have a 100% accuracy move...

    fist bm build is 2str 3 dex.....pure dd assassin build is 1str 4dex...more dex..more dmg...more crit...more evasion...luck plays alot with those things but stats influence them alot...

    the BMs speed gets crippled by rib strike..dont give me bull about us getting stunned after rib strike..we have plenty of time with one of our many disabling moves to throw that move in there unharmed

    thats my POV now give me a BMs one
  • Triple_T_K_A - Heavens Tear
    Triple_T_K_A - Heavens Tear Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    gaiamega wrote: »
    i think its a whoever stuns 1st type of the archer wizzy fight scenarios..but an assassin has a sleep an immobilize..a stun a TELESTUN
    critstrike boosts...evasion boosts...rage damage boosts...a move that cheats death then heals us after...a move that dec chance for us to get negative status effect and maze steps MAZE STEPS MAKES US IMMUNE TO STUNS PEOPLE chi increasing moves....the 2nd stealth we get isnt even used for stealth its used like a purify and it gives us a free spark...we also have a move that gives us chi and the immobilizing move gives the exact amount of chi needed to use the sleep one...when the bm is asleep we get a free amount of time to lets say...increase our chi or let one of our old skills charge..then we can stun again...then again becuase we have 2...not to mention our stuns arent just stuns they deal damage with every blow
    we have have a 100% accuracy move...

    fist bm build is 2str 3 dex.....pure dd assassin build is 1str 4dex...more dex..more dmg...more crit...more evasion...luck plays alot with those things but stats influence them alot...

    the BMs speed gets crippled by rib strike..dont give me bull about us getting stunned after rib strike..we have plenty of time with one of our many disabling moves to throw that move in there unharmed

    thats my POV now give me a BMs one

    That right there....proves how newb you are ;s
  • Ballistixz - Heavens Tear
    Ballistixz - Heavens Tear Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    maocchi wrote: »
    Oh I'm sorry, I must have missed the part where people stated Assassins are utterly useless. Can you kindly point it out to me?

    And I don't understand. Isn't the whole points of this thread to speculate who would win in a fight? So if people say that a Fist BM will win based on speculations, that is accomplishing the objective of the thread. Why are you being a butthurt? If you don't like the result, argue in a professional debating manner instead of attacking people for making speculations. Or just don't look at the thread anymore.

    your ignorance astounds me... will u just stfu and read what me and all the others been saying in this thread? its no different from what the BMs have been saying. like i said COUNTLESS ****ING times already we are discussing what a sin will be able to do against a BM and vice versa.

    seriously dude go back and read what we were discussing since u seem to not even understand wat we are talking about. not once in any of my posts did i say i didnt like the result. i even said lots of times a BM can beat a sin and a sin can beat a BM. it all depends on the player. so where the **** a re u getting this BS assumptions about me from?
  • maocchi
    maocchi Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    your ignorance astounds me... will u just stfu and read what me and all the others been saying in this thread?
    Since you mentioned it, I've taken the liberty to re-read all the posts in this thread.

    1. General consensus is that while an Assassin can take on a Fist BM, they won't out damage a BM who isn't stupid and that their lack of defense will severely put them to disadvantage.
    2. You being butthurt about #1.
    3. In a TW, an Assassin could indeed kill a Fist BM. In 1vs1 however, general speculation is that the Fist BM has the upperhand.
    4. You being butthurt about #3.
    5. Assassins most likely cannot reach 5 attacks per second.
    6. You being butthurt about #5.
    7. You calling anyone who favors BM unable to read.
    8. You saying this thread is pointless.
    9. Me trolling you.
    its no different from what the BMs have been saying. like i said COUNTLESS ****ING times already we are discussing what a sin will be able to do against a BM and vice versa.
    And where did I disapprove that? Such discussion has been part of this debate, and all things considered, majority speculates (see how I keep bringing this word up? You might want to look up a dictionary) a Fist BM has more chance of winning in 1vs1. You, of course, can't stop being a butthurt and have to disapprove of all speculations made in favor of BM. A debate is a debate. You can counter any arguments you want, but calling people stupid for having their OPINIONS on the matter is childish and quite frankly, pathetic.
    seriously dude go back and read what we were discussing since u seem to not even understand wat we are talking about.
    Take your own advice.
    not once in any of my posts did i say i didnt like the result.
    You disapproving other people's speculations = you not liking the result. Capiche?
    i even said lots of times a BM can beat a sin and a sin can beat a BM. it all depends on the player.
    I completely agree. But the point of this thread is to SPECULATE WHO IS LIKELY TO WIN IN A 1VS1 FIGHT considering account base logic and statistics. But you somehow managed to take every single posts as factual statements and, unless people mention that Assassins are dripping with awesomeness and has a chance to severely cripple the BM, you had to go out of your way to label them as pointless and baseless.

    It's fine to fight arguments with arguments, but when you start attacking people to fight arguments, you've derailed from the point of debate.
    so where the **** a re u getting this BS assumptions about me from?
    It's obvious that I don't like you and you don't like me, but since it's the day to be jolly, I broke it down for you. Merry Christmas.
  • Ballistixz - Heavens Tear
    Ballistixz - Heavens Tear Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    first off i dont know at all so its not about me liking or disliking u. 2nd u came in here calling me a fanboy just because i "countered" the arguments of most of the BMs in this thread.
    a Fist BM has more chance of winning in 1vs1.

    this is the kind of stuff that i was arguing against and u just happen to bring it up again to prove my point. a fist BM does not have more of a chance to beat a sin just like a sin doesnt have more of a chance to beat a BM. i said awhile back that there chances of winning are about equal. 4th, ur saying im being a "butthurt" yet u are taking what i say very seriously when i was countering the arguments some of the fist BMs put out. infact u call me a fanboy just because i was disagreeing with other BMs arguments... yet your arguments about a fist BM are so far superior to my argument about a sin right? of course.
    You disapproving other people's speculations = you not liking the result. Capiche?

    LOL, u disapproved of nearly everything i said about sin so far. the only thing u actually agreed with me on is that a sin can beat a fist BM but u still stick with ur argument of a fist BM having more of a chance to kill a sin. is that not disapproving of my speculations? do you not like the result? oh w8, this only applies to me but not u because obviously im the only person in this thread disapproving of other ppls speculation and clearly u are not. of courseb:surrender
    you had to go out of your way to label them as pointless and baseless.

    pls bring up the post in where i said labeled them as pointless and baseless as u claim.

    pretty much u disproved many of the things me and other ppl said about sins yet u call me a butthurt or w/e just because i disproved of what the fist BMs said? right... i really want u to bring up the posts where i was showing my "fanboyism" as u said in one of ur other posts. almost every single post i made regarding sin vs fist BM in this thread were just counter arguments against them. is counter arguments not apart of a debate anymore? an example is when someone mentioned "a BM can simply stunlock the sin" and my counter argument was that they have maze steps which makes them immune from stun and 2 skills that makes them avoid it all together. a BM also have the same skill and i never argued against that.

    another argument was about the fists BMs fast atk speed. my counter argument was that a sin can reduces there atk speed by 50%. its not much but it IS something to help them out in long run. and id much rather reduced there atk speed by 50% rather then having them at full atk speed. most of the thread was counter argument after counter argument between fist BM vs sin. so again, pls tell me where u are basing ur assumptions of me from?
  • Bartack - Heavens Tear
    Bartack - Heavens Tear Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    OK, so backing this thread away from the flame (I hope) I was going to ask you assassins out there about how long your buffs last. Reason being, I like to tinker with different max-interval fist builds on the other classes. Not that I would consider ANY class to be sufficient as an ONLY fist build (even bm's need some skills from other weapon paths to be really effective) but I have noticed some barbs swapping to fists near end-game for some DD output. Would an assassin be useless with a heavy armor dex based fist build, swapping to daggers for skills?
  • YellowFin - Lost City
    YellowFin - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    OK, so backing this thread away from the flame (I hope) I was going to ask you assassins out there about how long your buffs last. Reason being, I like to tinker with different max-interval fist builds on the other classes. Not that I would consider ANY class to be sufficient as an ONLY fist build (even bm's need some skills from other weapon paths to be really effective) but I have noticed some barbs swapping to fists near end-game for some DD output. Would an assassin be useless with a heavy armor dex based fist build, swapping to daggers for skills?

    that might work....
    but im going to guess that bm gets more points per str than a sin does, they also get more evasion per dex than a sin does "from what I've read"
    so just wearing the heavy armor and using the fists like a bm wouldn't have anywhere near the same effect for a sin
    so I dont think it would work :/
  • SilentNight_ - Heavens Tear
    SilentNight_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    To be honest this thread don't get the point in my opinion,this cause if you talk about fist bm you talk to a bm whit a range lvl max to 8x.(or lower)
    At endgame avery bm use at least 2 paths,good bm use 3 path and awesome are able to use all 4 paths.
    Talk about "fist bm" is like to say "bleeding assassin" and forgeting all other skills.
    In my opinion the bm is a particular class,it can be the strongest or the wrost of the game,only skilled players can use it whit full potential. (more than other classes because you have to deal whit the swap of more than 1 weapon, till 4)
    The bm is the fastest grinder,good damage spike (axe) and best (or second best,the time will give us the answer) dps, have high pdef and good pdef (marrow), high evasion rate, ability to stunlock and high crit rate + possibility to raise it (dragon bane), no1 else have this alrsenal.
    I really like the assassin, i'll make it my main quitting my 7x (almost 8x) bm, but i must say that probably vs a confident bm, maybe 4 paths sage (i think is the best for 4 paths) that can 100% stun (dragon bash or roar of the pride) and send a myriad swords + glacial spike (sage have 50% to cast it whit just 1 spark) no class can't do anything, most will be 1 hitted.
    The "only" problems is deal whit many weapons and the cost (3 - 4 endgame weapons mean 40mills x 3 - 4, pluse the coin/spirit to max so many skills...) but if someone do it and get personals skills on using it probably he/she will be the best, no match whit anyone.
  • Zhadou - Heavens Tear
    Zhadou - Heavens Tear Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    we realized it on the first page. u can tell the OP even made the thread as a joke because no one can be serious on something like this. but we all like to argue cuz we bored =p

    wtf are u talking about? did u even bother to read wat i said rofl? as a matter of fact, did u even read the damn title of this thread? heres something to help u out with that tho.

    since it will take u time ill just simplified what u failed to read. i was comparing the DPS of a fist BM in pvp/pve with the potential DPS of a sin in pvp/PvE just like the great majority of this thread was doing anyway.

    i'd like to start by saying that you're an idiot.
    now that that's settled, you're a 3x sin... you have absolutely no experience yet you talk all big and strong as if you know exactly whats going on
    third... you're an idiot.. just had to say it again.
    so now that i used those three, extremely logical points, i have decided to side with bm's because you're simply an idiot and people like you make me hate the class they play.
    in conclusion, fist bm's are better just because you're a noob.
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