Anniversary Pack Discussion



  • Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I really wouldn't be surprised if these packs came back every single month due to "popular" demand.

    What I disapprove of, however, is how legitimate threads in this forum are being locked simply because, as the mods so quiantly put it, "pack" appears in the search results. Great moderating indeed.
  • Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Honestly Perfect world Staff, i have a strong disliking for you're actions towards you're release of this pack that not only was given an unfair advantage to the people with "excessive Economic funds" Not only did you're packs ruin it for the players who can't charge much zen but you also destroyed most of the goals Higher levels really wanted to earn and feel proud of, You gave a pack that made people quit do to the Gold price's Rasing Extreamly high & You also made the game slight boring, people with money to spend get really good gear, while people who have to earn it sit and watch, Maybe Reconsider and actually think about Everyone Thanks for you're Time " My personal thoughts, intended to be with all respect to the staff"

    xocassieox :]

    i strongly subscribe that.
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    That has nothing to do with us. We didn't know they were coming back either.

    u dont give that kind of important information to ur boss and higher admins?????

    not saying "wow we have so much stress of packs...everybody hates it...etc"...

    sorry but ur jobs realy only closing spam threads??????
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    What exactly is the extent of the mods powers. If all you can do is lock/move threads than i understand. But some threads that are worthwhile discussions are getting locked because of a a few individuals who come in and start talking about anni packs. On most other forums, mods also have the power to edit/delete individual posts. So instead of just searching for "anni" or "packs" and pressing lock, why not actually read the thread and if it's not too far gone just delete those individual posts and leave a message like "all anni pack related posts removed, please stay on topic". Sure it's a little more work, but no one forced you to be a mod.
  • Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I thought my cash shop was glitched when I went to see if anything was on sale. You know, considering PWI's anniversary was 2 months ago and these packs were already removed twice.
    I sharted in my pants a bit because I thought they had seriously left them in permanently. Which, brace yourselves ...........
  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    What I disapprove of, however, is how legitimate threads in this forum are being locked simply because, as the mods so quiantly put it, "pack" appears in the search results. Great moderating indeed.

    They're locking them because there's already a thread on the subject, which they have already asked everybody to keep the discussions in. Hence, new topics on the subject are redundant and unnecessary.
    Don't mind me, I'm just here for the free food!
  • Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Except for how it's already pretty obvious that people who post in this thread with legitimate things to say are pretty much ignored, seeing as the only responses are regarding spamming and "omg dont b rude 2 admins lol."

    The whole "keep discussions in one thread" thing is just a flimsy front for wanting to keep all legitimate discussion somewhere where it can be ignored, it seems.
  • Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    sorry but ur jobs realy only closing spam threads??????

    do you even have a job? b:laugh

    or does your mum still buy you new clothes when you dribble jam down them :)
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Guess we'll just have to accept it, packs will just keep coming back every month b:laugh
  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Except for how it's already pretty obvious that people who post in this thread with legitimate things to say are pretty much ignored, seeing as the only responses are regarding spamming and "omg dont b rude 2 admins lol."

    The whole "keep discussions in one thread" thing is just a flimsy front for wanting to keep all legitimate discussion somewhere where it can be ignored, it seems.

    The problem is everybody's coming down on the MODS, not the admins. They're essentially janitors for the forums. (No offense, andracil & aryanna b:chuckle) They have no say in what happens in the game, they have no control over the packs or any of this **** that has people riled. All they can do is try to keep the forum organized & civil. And that's exactly what they're doing. Even with all the flaming. Kudos to them, and shame on everyone blaming them.
    Don't mind me, I'm just here for the free food!
  • Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Ya know I didnt mind packs the first time. I understood why they were around. This is a business after all. The second time I was angry..but whatever.
    But really? again? how long this time?

    Are the developers or whoever it is who decided what goes into the CS TRYING to make all members quit before the expansion?
  • Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Guess we'll just have to accept it, packs will just keep coming back every month b:laugh

    even if that is the case, there is absolutely no reason for others to flame at mods for doing "their" job, if you don't like it get off the forum and stop QQ'ing
  • Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    The problem is everybody's coming down on the MODS, not the admins. They're essentially janitors for the forums. (No offense, andracil & aryanna b:chuckle) They have no say in what happens in the game, they have no control over the packs or any of this **** that has people riled. All they can do is try to keep the forum organized & civil. And that's exactly what they're doing. Even with all the flaming. Kudos to them, and shame on everyone blaming them.

    +1 for the truth
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    For me a big part of the game involves trading -buying and selling - making money and spending it on my main character,gear,refine etc.To be able to trade you need a steady economy so you know what stuff buy and sell for.After a year of playing and trading the last 3 months have been rediculous with first a cash shop sale every 3 days ,then events on and of every couple of days or weeks.I do spend $ in the cash shop-try to keep it around $15 to $20 per month for months played-as that is what Id pay for a p2p game and here I do get something for the money.Well im kind of tired of this obvious "lets rake as much money in as possible" ploy by PWI with no regard to the effect it has on players.

    Guess its time to take an extended break,and maybe look around to see if there is a game where its about the gameand the player and not only about the money.

    Cya around.
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    if you don't like it get off the forum and stop QQ'ing

    gotta say PWi's very customer friendly
  • Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    QQ post

    should be closed
  • Posts: 235 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I can understand the mods side of this.

    Its why I'm posting here, instead of making a new thread.

    But if you think about it from our side.

    We've all seen how this thread, in large part, has been pretty much ignored.

    So why post to this thread, if its just going to be ignored?

    So far, Eatwithspoons has told us;

    That we should keep posting.

    Because we don't account for enough of the actual population.

    So, we keep posting.

    And Andracil tells us;

    Keep it to this thread.

    So, we keep posting.

    But the only action taken.

    Is one that counter-acts what we say want.

    So basically, the PWE company.

    Has told the PWI community, that we have to listen to and respect the company.

    While the PWE company ignores and disrespects the PWI community.
  • Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    gotta say PWi's very customer friendly

    ok you go phone up a company phone line and start shouting down the phone at them and being abusing i think 10/10 times they will hang up on you

    To gain respect and friendly support you must first show the shame to them, treat others how you wish to be treated yourselves
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Whose fault it is doesn't matter anymore because my interest and passion for this game has been beaten to death. I had stepped away when packs came out again to take time off and return when things had settled down. It's apparent to me now that this is unlikely to ever occur.

    Leave MODs alone
    Leave GMs alone
    Leave Developers alone

    and /ragequit with me b:surrender

    ($~500 spent on this game when it was good)
    I'm taking my business to a place that deserves it
  • Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    What I love most about these threads is that everyone is attacking the GM's, when in reality they should be attacking themselves. It's not their fault that people are buying them when they put them into the cash shop. The only reason they bring them back is because they have a rather good amount of people buying the packs. And I will admit, yes I am one of those people. So why not make a profit? It's all a business people. Get that into your head. If YOU don't like the damn things, then don't buy them. And if you don't have the money to buy them and your still Q__Qing about it, then get off. WE DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR PETY STORIES! Stop attacking the GM's, and especially STOP attacking the poor forum mods. They only control what is said on the threads, not what's in game. So back off and go get a life.
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    ok you go phone up a company phone line and start shouting down the phone at them and being abusing i think 10/10 times they will hang up on you

    To gain respect and friendly support you must first show the shame to them, treat others how you wish to be treated yourselves

    we don't want the ***** packs that's all.
  • Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    we don't want the ***** packs that's all.

    complain to the right people then... the GM's not the MODS
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    we don't want the ***** packs that's all.

    Edited post please do not go around the filter as that is a banable offence.
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    On the anniversay re-release page it says, "This box will be on sale from October 13th at 1:00am Server Time until November!" I swear it said November 1st the first time, but it does not now, so that's moot. Anyway the Items will be available through sometime in the month. Could someone stickie this or something so that we can have our forum back and the endless posting and locking war will come to an end?

    You babies really have ruined the forum. (this line should be removed if stickied)b:shutup
  • Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited November 2009

    I'm so excited, we have new expansions coming up, new lands, celebrating our 3rd year of playing this game.

    Oh, I guess I'm just mushy. I don't know what inspired me to post this, but thanks PWI! b:laugh

    I love spending time with you.
  • Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    =_= I give. The hundreds of locked threads weren't enough of a sign? I would like some honesty. Are the stupid packs ever going to be gone?
    Good post? d=(^_^)=b
    Bad post? q=(-_-)=p
    Troll post? t(^_^)t
  • Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited November 2009

    So why?
  • Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    we don't want the ***** packs that's all.

    ROFLMFAO judging by your lvl u need them the most, get to 30 and buy some oracles.

    I like the packs, they are an easy way of getting dice tickets and do-all cards.
    I also don't mind them bringing them back, threads like this give me something to lol at while doin wq.

    So please pwi, keep them rolling, if u stop, i wont get my morning laugh.
  • Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    But it's only been around a year? Unless you mean other versions.

    b:chuckle Oh no, PWI wouldn't have Anniversary packs 3 times in the span of one year. That's just crazy talk.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Mmm... onestly, i dont understand why you put anniversary packs again.
    Isnt anniversary passed? So why do we still have these packs?=_=
    They make gold go up, right now is 500K!!!
    I know you get profit from this, but think to the other poor people that cant really afford it @_@

    Sorry for my bad English.
    And i dont accuse anyone, just hope you will decide to remove them =_=
This discussion has been closed.