Anniversary Pack Discussion



  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    wait for it people.....

    Back by terrorist threat.. Anniversary boxes!


    rofl xDb:laughb:chuckle
  • Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Sure.. It was all right for people who were making money and stuff; people who have access to zen all the time..
    I had 2 dollars left over from a while back's spending, so I just bought two anniversary packs and sold them off 490k each. That was the only good part of this chaos for me. XP

    It was meh. : D
    Remember to feed your Clerics three meals a day! <3
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    No one would be "taken out" or quit. That's what you don't understand. What good would it do you if a gold cap was implemented and the next day, there was no gold in the AH? The gold sellers could sell it for 500k over WC, so why would they follow the AH saying they can only sell for 200k or less? It's not about spamming WC, it's about how a gold cap would change absolutely nothing.

    How about making an NPC sell gold for 200k. Automatic cap lol. Just like Jolly old Jones event using 100k per guardian charm as cap
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I will love PWI forever if they are gone for good when I log back in after maintenance!
    Raging Tide
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Developer greed ftw <3 Look forward to them at Xmas guys they make a lot of money off them.
  • Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I will love PWI forever if they extend it til the end of December. b:pleased
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Honesty, the only think i feel the anni packs did was cause the PVP people to quit, this would have happened anyways it just sped it up. NEF has a hold on the map (makeing more money every week) and as long as everyone wears down LEG by constantly attack then NEF will take the rest. As far as the PW economy is concerned it is our (PW PLAYERS) job to fix it, although a gold npc (previously mentioned, not my idea) would help speed up the correction. The PVE people only got hurt by gold prices driving the market up but can make it. If we all as a PW majority drop our prices on stuf the market can recover and the greedy people with have to follow. Thanks for reading this, Your friendly Aristocrat

    "One mans hero is another mans enemy™"
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    its soo good but then yet its so not because every thing goes up BY A LOT !

    AND the good thing is flawless shards are cheaper.

  • Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Gold will NEVER be sold for in game coin. Just remove that thought from your head entirely. The GMs have already stated that in this issue there will NEVER be any change on that stance. Every gold is viewed as a real dollar, and offering it thru game currency, to their accounting = giving away free money.

    Anyway, why would they want to put a price cap on gold? Simple micro-economics here. Higher demand = higher gold prices. Higher gold prices means the suppliers are more willing to go out and supply gold by charging zen. And thus PWE makes more money. Anyone who says high gold prices arent in PWE's best interest hasnt studied economics. PWE wants ppl to be more motivated to charge zen.
  • Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    its soo good but then yet its so not because every thing goes up BY A LOT !

    AND the good thing is flawless shards are cheaper.
    .. and subs, and oracles, and sesame, and chips, and frost/lunar gear, and socket stones, and teles -- shall I keep going? b:chuckle
  • Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    finally took the packs out, thanks
    Call me San.
  • Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    .. and subs, and oracles, and sesame, and chips, and frost/lunar gear, and socket stones, and teles -- shall I keep going? b:chuckle
    Actually, looking over my notes from when the Anniversary packs were first put into the game, the socket stones, mystical tome pages, wardrobe and cupboard stones, and teleport stones were all initially cheaper in the cash shop than from tokens. The packs drove up the price of gold enough that these items became cheaper to acquire with tokens. Only the subs and telecoustics were initially cheaper via tokens than from the cash shop.
  • Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Actually, looking over my notes from when the Anniversary packs were first put into the game, the socket stones, mystical tome pages, wardrobe and cupboard stones, and teleport stones were all initially cheaper in the cash shop than from tokens. The packs drove up the price of gold enough that these items became cheaper to acquire with tokens. Only the subs and telecoustics were initially cheaper via tokens than from the cash shop.

    Well, 1gold bought you 15 tokens (or better) - so actually, most of those items were just plain cheaper to get via tokens than directly, no matter WHAT the price of gold.
  • Posts: 235 Arc User
    edited November 2009

    Packs are NEVER coming back again.



    I'll sell you my soul.
  • Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I wonder if gold will ever be back down to 100k again b:cry
  • Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I'm actually hopping they add them back for like 3 days *puppy dog eyes* Come on I wanna stuff your pockets abit more! I need muh 10,000 tokens back :(
  • Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Yep tele's and stuff like that were a lot cheaper.

    And gold charms were selling for like 1.8mil at a minimum, Dragon orbs were like, what, 200k?
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Well i didnt read all 122 pages but i get the idea everyone. From my experience with the event was mixed. On one hand the cost of sharding and making subs TT armor/weapons became extremely reasonable (as long as u farmed the mats u are ok). On the other hand gold prices and everything else on AH went through the roof. Before the event u could make TT 90 gear for 10-20 mil. Now i see people charging up to 20 for one peice. Also, It is VERY disapointing to see people buying there way to the top. This type of playing takes all the fun out of the game for most of us. I never thought i would see a level 85 archer obliterate a level 100 wiz in TW........ Give me a break. The Annipacks have given way to an all new class: The Ubber Noob! no exp required to own everything, no knowledge of the game to get your gears!

    What this is doing is completely ruining the PvE aspects of the game. It is extemely difficult to geting a lunar run now. I got 1 lunar run in the last 2 months.... Some of us like to actually play the game ok. There is a way to make it good for everyone though - PVPers PVPers Uber Noobs and Harcore players alike. Go ahead with event packs but please dont include items like lunar weapons and armors. When u do this u effect the game negatively in the following ways:

    1. decrease in team work in dungeons like TT and lunar - ESPECIALLY LUNAR

    2. Extreme amounts of gold inflation that may have PERMANENTLY damaged, as the gm's put it, "The extremely fragile PWI economy".

    3. People quiting out of frustration, anger, or disillusion with a system that wipes out there pride and accomplishment because of a company that succumbs to greed.

    All of this eventually will effect the game negatively b/c people will burn out financially and crave some real adventure. I think event packs are great if they stimulate the trade because lets face it, if we don't spend any money then you cant run your supercomputers. But if u give people an easy way out they will eventually not need any money. They will have everything they need. Things like lunar weapons, rings and ornaments. Things like Tokens potions and rare mounts are more healthy IMO because they give people items to obtain that are not normally attainable in game, aid in the game play and at the same time stimulate and balance the economy. It is so nice to look on AH and be able to trade skill books that were on attainable before. However watching the rich people get all there end game rings wore me out almost to the point of retirement. I didnt luck out on this event, and now no one wants to do lunar. How do you now expect me to attain my rings? Anni packs forever?

    I hope that u do not release these packs again in the same form. Please think about not only your bank accounts but also your player base. more players = more $$$$ = more servers = more interaction = more fun all around. b:victory

    Thanks for listening to our input GM's b:pleased
  • Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I think you make a valid point. I also noticed that the average player lvl has increased due to people using oracles to get exp rather then doing quest and grinding. I even admit to using oracles becuse it is effecient but still these packs have caused a huge inflation. Though i guess i am on no ones side on this becuse i did enjoy the event. I kinda wish it would have lasted a few days more though... anyways thanks for listening and i am still enjoying the game to the best extent i can.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Honestly Perfect world Staff, i have a strong disliking for you're actions towards you're release of this pack that not only was given an unfair advantage to the people with "excessive Economic funds" Not only did you're packs ruin it for the players who can't charge much zen but you also destroyed most of the goals Higher levels really wanted to earn and feel proud of, You gave a pack that made people quit do to the Gold price's Rasing Extreamly high & You also made the game slight boring, people with money to spend get really good gear, while people who have to earn it sit and watch, Maybe Reconsider and actually think about Everyone Thanks for you're Time " My personal thoughts, intended to be with all respect to the staff"

    xocassieox :]
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Heaven's Tear is up, Anniversary Packs are back ..........
  • Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Why are the Anni Packs back?!
  • Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    i dont respect it. i think its the dumbest thing ever. honestly just make em permanent to fix the gold prices or rename them. something this is getting ridiculous
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    xarfox wrote: »
    Please discuss the recent addition of Anniversary Boxes within this thread. Any flaming or non-constructive criticism will result in your post being removed.

    Please remove anni packs, they really ruin the game for all of us.
  • Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Why are the Anni Packs back?!

    maybe its bug.. it has to be a bug... please say its so.... b:cry

    !~ Da Tearful Sheets
  • Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    wow.... just wow....
    After ALL the griping they return..... popular demand again pwi? Perhaps by the greedy devs.... not the player base.
  • Posts: 431 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    b:angry <
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I am seriously considering RQ'ing... b:sad

    This just isn't cool.
    They provide good revenue for you, I am sure. And if your stock is dropping then you need that revenue. You are going through hard times as a business.

    There has to be another way though...
    Your anniversary is over.
    You are going back on your word (you said they would be gone this month).
    You have lost a lot of credibility and your fanbase is shrinking.

    I like this game.
    You can pull it back from the dead.
    Please don't feel like it's going to die, and so you need to get as much from it as you can before it does.


    Do some heavy advertising,
    Spread the word of your game.

    Offer new items.
    But not this...
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    so im biggining to wonder are these going to be permanant or are we just celebrating the anniversary of the anniversary packsb:surrender
  • Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Playing other games now while waiting for tideborn.

    THis game = gone if tideborn does not live up to expectations.

    Aniversary packs have just turned into Monthly packs, back by popular demand
This discussion has been closed.