Anniversary Pack Discussion



  • Lightaine - Heavens Tear
    Lightaine - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    It is now beyond "fixing", while i dont claim to be any sort of economical genius, past sales and the JJ money sink event after has revealed a trend that resulted in higher coin for gold exchange.

    These events spike gold value to absurd amounts, while they last, after they have a money sink event (like JJ)

    JJ is not a coin sink. It is a gold sink, therefore rising gold prices higher, producing oracles that make coin appear out of nowhere.
  • Yuufa - Heavens Tear
    Yuufa - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    JJ is not a coin sink. It is a gold sink, therefore rising gold prices higher, producing oracles that make coin appear out of nowhere.

    Perhaps you are right, maybe a gold sink in the guise of a coin sink? After there is the 100k coin donation option... i guess thats far less popular then the guardian angel option?
    I have no use for signatures... hypocrisy aside xD
  • TheCorrupt - Sanctuary
    TheCorrupt - Sanctuary Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    but man what a ride xD j/k lol

    Not for me. It would probably drive me insane and cause me to go on a killing spree.

    One thing I forgot to add to my above post: I refuse to buy any of these packs. I am but a tiny fish in a big ocean, but it is my way of showing that I don't like these packs and that they should go away and never return.

    Sure you can win some good stuff, but I know of someone who bought 100 of the packs and only got 2 Tokens Of Best Luck. All the rest were normal tokens. Do the math people. Packs are 1 gold each. 1 gold is $1. That means this person spend $100 to get...nothing!

    GM's, listen up. The economy in real-life sucks. People are out of work, can't pay their bills, and are losing their homes. What we need are sales, good deals, and, God forbid, free stuff! I'm a loyal player. I have a lvl 73 Barb that I recently stopped playing on to level up another character, but still I love the game and put countless hours into it. Would it really kill any of you to show some gratitute and appreciation to players like me? Or to show gratitute to all players in a time of the second depression?

    What you're doing is drawing people away from this game. What do you care about GM's? Us, or just your fat wallets? Because without us, there would be no PWI, and you would be like the majority of people now: unemployed.
  • KatieMorgan - Sanctuary
    KatieMorgan - Sanctuary Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I feel like I ought to post something, but everybody has already said it all a thousand times. If fact, we've all said it both before AND after the second-go-round of the packs, but our opinions don't seem to affect the decisions being made to any significant degree.

    So to sum up: personally, I'm making quite a bit of in-game coin thanks to the packs, so my character is profiting. Also, because so many higher-levels are ragequitting, my character is also advancing up the ranks due to attrition.

    But despite that, I'm completely disenchanted with the game right now because it all seems very pointless. The very things I used to tell my friends about why the game is so good (ie. "it has a complex, stable economy", "the cash-shop sells mostly vanity or convenience items, meaning you can't just pay-to-win", "the core game-play doesn't revolve around the cash-shop", etc...) have been compromised repeatedly. Sure, I'm profiting, but I feel like I'm on a rudderless ship heading towards the rocks.

    PWI seems to have become the very type of game I was trying to avoid. Instead of a game that offers solid free-to-play gameplay while making its money through optional purchases, the game now revolves completely around the cash-shop.

    Even if you're a free-to-play player that does very well without paying, like me, you're still constantly affected by the economic chaos that the non-stop cash-shop promotions keep causing. And yes, I PROFIT from that chaos, but that doesn't mean I think it makes for a fun, good game.

    Warren, I agree with you completely. I am also a free-to-play player that does very well each time one of these economy-jarring events rolls around. I make more and more coins each time the economy is thrown into chaos and values of items and gold are turned upside down by one of these sales, yet with each event I dislike this game more and more.

    It has become increasingly pointless to play this game the way it was initially designed to be played. The best way to for a free-to-play player to do well in this game now no longer involves actually "playing the game" (e.g. killing mobs, doing quests, grinding, instance runs like tt, fb, ff, lunar, etc.), but rather just spending all your time merchanting and taking advantage of all the arbitrage situations that arise in the ever-volatile game economy. Then you just take all the money you make and buy your way to the "top", whether for you that means level, reputation, gear, whatever.

    There is no longer any end-game goal in this game that can be achieved through traditional gameplay that cannot be achieved quicker and easier through merchanting. Want to be top level? Buy a bunch of packs/tokens and get oracles and level like crazy. Want to have high rank/reputation? Buy a bunch of packs/tokens and get wraith badges or wedding candy and suck em down. Want to have top end-game gear? Buy a bunch of packs/tokens and directly get frost/lunar gear, or get chips and turn into TT or warsoul mats. I think you get the idea...

    Basically, through these events, I have accumulated almost all the top end-game gear that I could ever want, yet I am about 10% as happy and satisfied as I was a few months ago when I had none of this gear and felt like it was a real challenge to try to go out and get even a single one of these items. Back then, it would've actually been meaningful to obtain one of these elite pieces of gear.

    I understand that PW is a business, and I can't blame them for wanting to make as much money as they can while this game still has momentum. If PW truly understands what they are doing, and is consciously sacrificing it's playerbase for a quick moneygrab, then so be it. However, if PW really thinks that these events aren't completely eroding their game and honestly believes they are bringing these events back "by popular demand", then that would be gross mismanagement of a previously beautiful game and this would be a sad sad day...

  • JOKER_ - Heavens Tear
    JOKER_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Who is we?
    if i made a poll you would knowb:chuckle unfortunately some smart MOD would close it asap coz...
    unfortunately polls can be faked (with alts),
    i have never seen so pr0 GMs in any MMORPGb b4b:surrender
  • Yuufa - Heavens Tear
    Yuufa - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited October 2009

    Wow, 100% on the ball with that whole post. agree definitively.

    EDIT: cut the whole post out of the Quote to avaiod a huge wall of text for my tiny reply
    I have no use for signatures... hypocrisy aside xD
  • Kephras - Heavens Tear
    Kephras - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    This is one reason the thread exists, unfortunately polls can be faked (with alts), so asking for real player comments makes it easier for us to know that real players are submitting their feedback, as opposed to: level 1 alt, level 3 alt, blank forum nick, level 7 alt, etc.

    Has there been enough negative feedback yet? b:surrender
  • BladesFury - Heavens Tear
    BladesFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Warren, I agree with you completely. I am also a free-to-play player that does very well each time one of these economy-jarring events rolls around. I make more and more coins each time the economy is thrown into chaos and values of items and gold are turned upside down by one of these sales, yet with each event I dislike this game more and more.

    I understand that PW is a business, and I can't blame them for wanting to make as much money as they can while this game still has momentum. If PW truly understands what they are doing, and is consciously sacrificing it's playerbase for a quick moneygrab, then so be it. However, if PW really thinks that these events aren't completely eroding their game and honestly believes they are bringing these events back "by popular demand", then that would be gross mismanagement of a previously beautiful game and this would be a sad sad day...


    Totally agrees, two thumbs up for u.

    Rising tide expansion pack is the only thing holding quite a number of the population back now. Please, do not release a bugged expansion pack. The day PWI devs do that is the day of massive outflow of players it will be

    PWI used to be good, now its just trying to milk the cash cow, either because they see that the downfall of PWI is coming or they have a really bad marketing team
  • Magicsaber - Dreamweaver
    Magicsaber - Dreamweaver Posts: 727 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Sure you can win some good stuff, but I know of someone who bought 100 of the packs and only got 2 Tokens Of Best Luck. All the rest were normal tokens. Do the math people. Packs are 1 gold each. 1 gold is $1. That means this person spend $100 to get...nothing!
    This is just lottery. Like any other lottery it had been made to gather money from the people.

    And if anyone want to play in game - he will. Ignore red messages about winners:
    *someone* just got Token Of Best Luck
    *someone* just got Token Of Best Luck
    *someone* just got Token Of Best Luck
    *someone* just got Token Of Best Luck

    Clear chat window from this trash and play like you want.

    Here example of chances to get some goods from Anniversary Pack.
  • Santacruz - Heavens Tear
    Santacruz - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    up untill about a few months ago this game was fun, past that point it didnt become fun (rising gold prices affecting everything) the only thing keeping me going was friends and the drive for 89/90, now that i have hit that what is there left?

    when "you" spend so much time and effort into perfecting your armour to your choices it makes you happy when you can finally wear it and admire your hard work, but then you walk down arch and what do you see? a player with all +8/12 equiptments with lunar ornaments and a shed load of end game gear that just makes you feel so useless that all of your work was for nothing and now u just want to quit because you cant compare.

    while i slaved away, made hard decisions and worked my **** off to save and gather and pestered my freinds to death for help, someone has got triple the power of me by typing in a few digits and clicking the right click a few times.

    what are you trying to make the lessar mortals with the in ability to flush their bank account feel like when there playing this game? quite frankly i feel like all my work was for nothing and ive been cheated
  • BladesFury - Heavens Tear
    BladesFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    up untill about a few months ago this game was fun, past that point it didnt become fun (rising gold prices affecting everything) the only thing keeping me going was friends and the drive for 89/90, now that i have hit that what is there left?

    when "you" spend so much time and effort into perfecting your armour to your choices it makes you happy when you can finally wear it and admire your hard work, but then you walk down arch and what do you see? a player with all +8/12 equiptments with lunar ornaments and a shed load of end game gear that just makes you feel so useless that all of your work was for nothing and now u just want to quit because you cant compare.

    while i slaved away, made hard decisions and worked my **** off to save and gather and pestered my freinds to death for help, someone has got triple the power of me by typing in a few digits and clicking the right click a few times.

    what are you trying to make the lessar mortals with the in ability to flush their bank account feel like when there playing this game? quite frankly i feel like all my work was for nothing and ive been cheated

    welcome to the perfect world /sacarsm.
    seriously, all of us feel ur grief. This game is going down if nothing is done about this
  • Santacruz - Heavens Tear
    Santacruz - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    welcome to the perfect world /sacarsm.
    seriously, all of us feel ur grief. This game is going down if nothing is done about this

    Aye :(

    The only way i can actually play this game now is to ignore a lot of things so i dont let it get to me
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    up untill about a few months ago this game was fun, past that point it didnt become fun (rising gold prices affecting everything) the only thing keeping me going was friends and the drive for 89/90, now that i have hit that what is there left?

    when "you" spend so much time and effort into perfecting your armour to your choices it makes you happy when you can finally wear it and admire your hard work, but then you walk down arch and what do you see? a player with all +8/12 equiptments with lunar ornaments and a shed load of end game gear that just makes you feel so useless that all of your work was for nothing and now u just want to quit because you cant compare.

    while i slaved away, made hard decisions and worked my **** off to save and gather and pestered my freinds to death for help, someone has got triple the power of me by typing in a few digits and clicking the right click a few times.

    what are you trying to make the lessar mortals with the in ability to flush their bank account feel like when there playing this game? quite frankly i feel like all my work was for nothing and ive been cheated

    It is not any different that "other games" that you have to pay to play. In those games, if you have the money, you can just pay someone to powerlevel your character, and you can even tell them which gear you want. Than you play your alt for a week or two, and VOILA, you have a maxed out character with top of the line gear, and you did not even have to do any of the grinding.

    Just like in RL, money has an impact on the amount and quality of the "toys" people have.

    Poeple should not need external validation to be happy, if they do, than they will never be happy, no matter what, since there will always be someone that has or does something better than they do. Be happy for who you are and for what you have done, and do not worry about the other people.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Sancrkf - Heavens Tear
    Sancrkf - Heavens Tear Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    up untill about a few months ago this game was fun, past that point it didnt become fun (rising gold prices affecting everything) the only thing keeping me going was friends and the drive for 89/90, now that i have hit that what is there left?

    when "you" spend so much time and effort into perfecting your armour to your choices it makes you happy when you can finally wear it and admire your hard work, but then you walk down arch and what do you see? a player with all +8/12 equiptments with lunar ornaments and a shed load of end game gear that just makes you feel so useless that all of your work was for nothing and now u just want to quit because you cant compare.

    while i slaved away, made hard decisions and worked my **** off to save and gather and pestered my freinds to death for help, someone has got triple the power of me by typing in a few digits and clicking the right click a few times.

    what are you trying to make the lessar mortals with the in ability to flush their bank account feel like when there playing this game? quite frankly i feel like all my work was for nothing and ive been cheated

    that's it, hard work means nothing anymore, even our false sense of accomplishment was taken away now
    Call me San.
  • Yuufa - Heavens Tear
    Yuufa - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    up untill about a few months ago this game was fun, past that point it didnt become fun (rising gold prices affecting everything) the only thing keeping me going was friends and the drive for 89/90, now that i have hit that what is there left?

    when "you" spend so much time and effort into perfecting your armour to your choices it makes you happy when you can finally wear it and admire your hard work, but then you walk down arch and what do you see? a player with all +8/12 equiptments with lunar ornaments and a shed load of end game gear that just makes you feel so useless that all of your work was for nothing and now u just want to quit because you cant compare.

    while i slaved away, made hard decisions and worked my **** off to save and gather and pestered my freinds to death for help, someone has got triple the power of me by typing in a few digits and clicking the right click a few times.

    what are you trying to make the lessar mortals with the in ability to flush their bank account feel like when there playing this game? quite frankly i feel like all my work was for nothing and ive been cheated

    And did you not have fun PLAYING pw ro get that gear? Did you not enjoy the TT runs, the FB runs, the questing? Did you not, do you still not feel satisfaction from your own achievements?

    If not, then you should not have played. if you are not having fun playing, and its just a big ol CHORE as u describe so profoundly i feel bad that you have even bothered to have played.

    Whats it matter if the guy next too me as +12 gear and i have +4 ? does it make me any less viable as a team member in a TT run? as another man on the TW battle field? Can i not still heal players? can i not still have run in my role? can i not still play to make more money and add more ++++ to my gears?

    As a lvl 90 veno, are u suddenly unable to "pull" mobs in awsome TT90 (or whatever gear) did you suddenly become useless in a party becuase someone else has +12 gear? Im a little confused.
    I have no use for signatures... hypocrisy aside xD
  • BanexOfxEvil - Sanctuary
    BanexOfxEvil - Sanctuary Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    And did you not have fun PLAYING pw ro get that gear? Did you not enjoy the TT runs, the FB runs, the questing? Did you not, do you still not feel satisfaction from your own achievements?

    If not, then you should not have played. if you are not having fun playing, and its just a big ol CHORE as u describe so profoundly i feel bad that you have even bothered to have played.

    Whats it matter if the guy next too me as +12 gear and i have +4 ? does it make me any less viable as a team member in a TT run? as another man on the TW battle field? Can i not still heal players? can i not still have run in my role? can i not still play to make more money and add more ++++ to my gears?

    As a lvl 90 veno, are u suddenly unable to "pull" mobs in awsome TT90 (or whatever gear) did you suddenly become useless in a party becuase someone else has +12 gear? Im a little confused.

    i beleive what shes trying to say is she put effort and time into getting her gear and anyone can now get gear of the same grade or higher by simply pressing a button.
    we can use the horses as an example.... some players had worked hard for those and because of that they wer worth 20m... next thing they know they dropped to less then 1/4 of the original price and everyone has it =o
  • Mala_Curica - Lost City
    Mala_Curica - Lost City Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    well if u could give us npc which sells most important things (charms,dolls etc.),or a npc where we can trade coins for gold,or atleast setup limit on gold price in ah,because even after packs were gone for the 1st time gold sellers kept gold high.
    i believe everyone would be happy.cs players can keep buying packs,and other players can afford things they need b:surrender
    theres few people mad because of hard work for lunar weapons etc,but they probably deal with it of players is mad because of gold prices cuz they are not being able to afford things they need and theres few possible solutions to fix it without pwi losing money.
    and no,this dont means everyone would trade coins for gold,cuz some players prefer to use real money then grind a few milions.
  • Pint - Dreamweaver
    Pint - Dreamweaver Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Sure you can win some good stuff, but I know of someone who bought 100 of the packs and only got 2 Tokens Of Best Luck. All the rest were normal tokens. Do the math people. Packs are 1 gold each. 1 gold is $1. That means this person spend $100 to get...nothing!

    Reading this makes me think two things. One, does this mean you wish the rares or "Good" items from the anniversary packs were more common?
    Or do you think this person who was willing to spend his/her money for minimal reward "in your eyes" shouldn't have done it?

    Honestly going through this forum and reading how so many people dislike the packs are back, what mostly isn't posted are all those who like that there back. Like they (gm's/dev's) said back by popular demand? Well I for one either believe this and those that were pushing for it are simply laying in the weeds or the (gm's/dev's) made this up to make or build more revenue from people buying zen.

    I must admit that the amount of strong feelings in this topic are really impressive. IMO it is nice to see people voice there opinion about things and hope for a change. Though it kinda seems like some of the posts are more rant then valid feed back. Like many have said there here so deal with it really. Can simply not buy them and play the game like you want to play it. And just cause some one else has that plus 12 gear doesn't make u useless now just because you don't.

    It is a game after all so lets play and have fun? b:laugh
  • Yuufa - Heavens Tear
    Yuufa - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    i beleive what shes trying to say is she put effort and time into getting her gear and anyone can now get gear of the same grade or higher by simply pressing a button.
    we can use the horses as an example.... some players had worked hard for those and because of that they wer worth 20m... next thing they know they dropped to less then 1/4 of the original price and everyone has it =o

    And im saying that fact alone doe NOT negate the fun and experience you have developing your skills, and actually playing the game. But peoiple like to make it seem like its a huge chore to actually participate in the game they rolled a character on.

    I play to have fun, and i dont feel like ive had LESS fun just becuase some people can do in one click, what took me a mth farming TT for. Acyaully thinking back i had more fun in that month than the people who got better stuff from one click.

    If the games such "work" why are you playing?

    Now as to why i dont like the anni packs, is the effect they have on the economy, i dislike doing TT runs without a charm, but they cost so much, i miss zhen cuase no one does it, its much harder to score a TT run, FC is a non event, warsoul well that wont happen with the stinking anni packs making it easy. i.e. its harder to find people that want to play the game, dont give me BH, im tired of the lighting fast suicidal havoc involved in Bounty Hunter. People think that just cuase they got 10-20lvls on all the nmobs they can jjst go everywhere at once, not wait on buffs, hell not even wait for the cleric to get there, ending up dead.
    I have no use for signatures... hypocrisy aside xD
  • Rathaman - Lost City
    Rathaman - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    And im saying that fact alone doe NOT negate the fun and experience you have developing your skills, and actually playing the game. But peoiple like to make it seem like its a huge chore to actually participate in the game they rolled a character on.

    I play to have fun, and i dont feel like ive had LESS fun just becuase some people can do in one click, what took me a mth farming TT for. Acyaully thinking back i had more fun in that month than the people who got better stuff from one click.

    If the games such "work" why are you playing?

    Now as to why i dont like the anni packs, is the effect they have on the economy, i dislike doing TT runs without a charm, but they cost so much, i miss zhen cuase no one does it, its much harder to score a TT run, FC is a non event, warsoul well that wont happen with the stinking anni packs making it easy.

    The thing is that some ppl are playin on pvp servers....imagine u working hard to get the gear and mostly lvl in order to become good or prevent pkin from other even the low lvl players would be lvled in 1 month and also get the high end gear...only because the gms saw the high revenue from anniv.packs and had the great idea to repeat somethin that allready passed...
    me too bought and i am still buyin the pack because i have to, in order to follow up the others....this game is a competition.......
    but i am not sure how random the gifts are....spended 30 gold in a try and got only tokens....tho some old players in server and higher lvls get the good things one after another......
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Poeple should not need external validation to be happy, if they do, than they will never be happy, no matter what, since there will always be someone that has or does something better than they do. Be happy for who you are and for what you have done, and do not worry about the other people.

    I have had this argument so many times with people, I'm going to have to make it my .sig.


    \it's a game
    \\put on your Big Girl Panties and Deal With It
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • Blackcrater - Heavens Tear
    Blackcrater - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    wow i really like that!!! u rock epidemik!!!!! ROFL!!!!
  • Yuufa - Heavens Tear
    Yuufa - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    The thing is that some ppl are playin on pvp servers....imagine u working hard to get the gear and mostly lvl in order to become good or prevent pkin from other even the low lvl players would be lvled in 1 month and also get the high end gear...only because the gms saw the high revenue from anniv.packs and had the great idea to repeat somethin that allready passed...
    me too bought and i am still buyin the pack because i have to, in order to follow up the others....this game is a competition.......
    but i am not sure how random the gifts are....spended 30 gold in a try and got only tokens....tho some old players in server and higher lvls get the good things one after another......

    I will admit my view point in this particular point of view is somewhat limited, being a pve server player, but i know what pvp servers are like (lvl 75 wf in oracle MY).. Anni packs or not, in gank servers any form of cashshop player could potentially lvl faster than you, outgear you, and thus PK you unfairly.. (feels like ive said this before....)

    And in the case of the pvp where a lvl 1 gets up into high lvls inside a mth, i say awesome less time spend dealing with tards who have epeen problems griefing lowbies xD
    I have no use for signatures... hypocrisy aside xD
  • _HBIC_ - Sanctuary
    _HBIC_ - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2009

    Whats it matter if the guy next too me as +12 gear and i have +4 ? does it make me any less viable as a team member in a TT run? as another man on the TW battle field? Can i not still heal players? can i not still have run in my role? can i not still play to make more money and add more ++++ to my gears?

    As a lvl 90 veno, are u suddenly unable to "pull" mobs in awsome TT90 (or whatever gear) did you suddenly become useless in a party becuase someone else has +12 gear? Im a little confused.

    yes, yes, sure you can heal, maybe depends if you get a role over the +12 guy, sure you can play anyone can play

    no a veno can still pull, less useful next to the +12 guy

    you think your gonna get that party when mr uber mcnoober +12 bank role guy comes along with his infinite hp and says basically..
    i cant die i have 14khp as a veno, I can tank these TT bosses, FB bosses without a pet or a healer and i'm charmed.
    Has any of you ever seen +12 gear?
    lets look at LA real quick..
    my +3 LA chest piece lvl 80 gives me like 80 hp
    a +12 lvl90+ LA armor give more than 1,000 hp
    add on 4 socketed +10 vit stones.
    add on the bonuses you get on this end game gear from the packs.

    sure you can still heal and debuff or whatever.. but you have just taken a step back in the food chain.
    Not to mention PVPing with your +4 gears vs +12 bank role guy.. I rule in favor of bank role guy.
  • Lady_Iona - Heavens Tear
    Lady_Iona - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    honestly i think it has already done enough damage to the economy last needs a break b:surrender

    i know im not forced to buy the anni packs, and i wont...
    but it affects almost the price of everything else and ...ughb:angry

    Very true, it does affect the price of everything else. I was going through Archo looking at the prices of mats... Glaze was being sold for anywhere between 11-15K each. Someone who is looking to do their lvl 6 crafting quests aren't going to have a whole lot of fun doing so.

    One of my guildies was saying that the Anni Packs have nothing to do with the price of Glaze. The way I look at it, they are wrong. The Anni Packs are helping to set the price of Gold being sold in the AH, and many items (mats included) have their prices set based on what the current Gold price is.

    It is nice to see that the prices on Gems and Shards have gone down, but that has been the only side effect from this so-called event that has had a positive outcome for me personally. I have not, nor will I, buy zen to purchase these Anni Packs. I did not approve of them when they first appeared, my mind still has not been changed on the matter. I also have not bought any Gold with in game currency since the day it went over 130K, and until these weekly sales stop, I do not plan to even check out how much Gold is going for unless I am needing to know how much I need to plan to spend on mats to craft something.
  • X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear
    X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,301 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Well since these packs have returned I've had afew close friends quit, its not nice! b:sad

    The only thing keeping me here, and ALOT of other players, to be honest, is the hope these new classes will be worthwhile playing, if not, think ill go to ****. At least ill spend less money there, and feel 1/2 a sense of accomplishment, which is now impossible in PWI.

    I started playing this game over a year ago, it was great. I came from Dark Orbit, a free to play game like this, the economy died, GM's became money grabbing, countless bugs. Wow that sounds familiar, and that games now dead, hmmmm, so many similarities......

    And GMs, dont be childish and delete 1/2 my post cos i mentioned 1 or 2 other games. Show we can all be mature about things :)

    EDIT: wow u censored NOIA (spelt backwards shhhh lol)....guess you GM's cannot be mature about things, shame really
  • Lady_Iona - Heavens Tear
    Lady_Iona - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I've used the cs alot, but having the anniversary packs again, it's just too much. I'd rather do some kind of quest for tokens (or even cube) to get tokens than to get them from the packs.

    A quest for Tokens would be absolutely awesome. That would give people a chance to get their hands on them that for whatever reason cannot afford to do so with ingame currency or real life cash.
  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    There is no longer any end-game goal in this game that can be achieved through traditional gameplay that cannot be achieved quicker and easier through merchanting. Want to be top level? Buy a bunch of packs/tokens and get oracles and level like crazy. Want to have high rank/reputation? Buy a bunch of packs/tokens and get wraith badges or wedding candy and suck em down. Want to have top end-game gear? Buy a bunch of packs/tokens and directly get frost/lunar gear, or get chips and turn into TT or warsoul mats. I think you get the idea...
    Yup. Before JJ there was a balance between the merchanting I did and the in-game questing. However, merchanting scales along with the whatever the current Gold prices are, while in-game questing does not.

    The result is that for every moment you play the game you're losing out by not cat-shopping and just buying the XP/Rep/Equipment instead. For example, from 5:30p to 9:30p my cat-shop earned 750k profit which buys 135 Reputation. There's no way anybody doing 1-man-army, FBs, Quests, whatever for those 4 hours could ever hope to compete with that, since I was literally doing nothing the whole time (well, actually I was playing a FPS on my other computer, something I haven't done in years).

    That's a pretty boring way to play, so of course I do go out and try to complete quests anyway, but there's no actual reason to do so.

    So in the end you're playing an RPG that doesn't reward you for role-playing, in fact it punishes you. The pleasure of striving to get ahead is gone, and instead I just watch as my wealth increases exponentially and wonder when, if ever, that wealth is going to mean something again.
    PWI Merchanting Guides:
  • Emerencia - Sanctuary
    Emerencia - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Get rid of the packs, pls. D: Popular demand, and the majority of us are angry about them.. Hmm.. People are quitting over these packs, is it worth it to make more money to have several loyal players quit? (........Don't answer that). Seriously though, with gold on Sanctuary at around 470-500k, how are we supposed to be able to afford anything? ALSO, including the battle pet sale during this sale was a horrible idea. I've been watching the prices of SoF and Ph.. It was about 5-10k before battle pet sale. Which estimates to 50m-100m for a phoenix or a hercules. Now, according to the AH SoF and PH are 18k EACH. That's 180m for either pet. ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY MILLION.

    Get rid of the packs please, do something about gold.. Don't make this game pay to play.. 470k for a bronze charm 180m for a legendary pet? outrageous.
  • ColdSteele - Lost City
    ColdSteele - Lost City Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    yes, yes, sure you can heal, maybe depends if you get a role over the +12 guy, sure you can play anyone can play

    no a veno can still pull, less useful next to the +12 guy

    you think your gonna get that party when mr uber mcnoober +12 bank role guy comes along with his infinite hp and says basically..
    i cant die i have 14khp as a veno, I can tank these TT bosses, FB bosses without a pet or a healer and i'm charmed.
    Has any of you ever seen +12 gear?
    lets look at LA real quick..
    my +3 LA chest piece lvl 80 gives me like 80 hp
    a +12 lvl90+ LA armor give more than 1,000 hp
    add on 4 socketed +10 vit stones.
    add on the bonuses you get on this end game gear from the packs.

    sure you can still heal and debuff or whatever.. but you have just taken a step back in the food chain.
    Not to mention PVPing with your +4 gears vs +12 bank role guy.. I rule in favor of bank role guy.

    Honestly, I know what you're saying and I will say right now... I HATE THE PACKS. But at the same time, you can still play and have fun in-game. You can still participate in the TT runs, and FBs, and TWs, you just might not do as much damage as the guy with +12. But you can still go and still have fun. Remember, THIS IS A GAME. Games are meant to have fun in. So what if some guy wants to spend $10000000000, to buy his +12 end game gear. He just wasted that money, imo at least.

    As for your argument that you'll get a less likely chance to participate in runs because they will chose others over you, I think this is also false. There probably aren't a lot of the ppl with +12 gear DYING to get in on the HH run or anything because they already have their gear. Why go farm mats? Plus, even if they do, which is unlikely, there is little chance that 6 people with +12 are going to fill the team not allowing you to join.

    As for pvp. Yes, it sucks. But get used to it. If it's not the anni packs, they'll just spend their money on double exp scrolls, thousands of dolls, or things to buy low, sell high on. Because this game has a cash shop, like all other CS games, they WILL get higher than you, and WILL get better gear.

    Again, I really don't like the anni packs at all. I do realize they'll get that gear anyway and that it's their money to waste, but it is messing with the game economy which is my beef with them. Hard to tank a few things without a charm and with charms at 1m, I'm not gonna be charming up for just anything. b:shocked
    It's too bad but "free to play, pay to win"-sckye

    These "updates" are seeming more and more like downgrades.

    aryannamage: Not PWE GM's they are all greedy b:angry
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