This game will die unless...



  • Ponza - Lost City
    Ponza - Lost City Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Yeah this isn't even a pvp game. If it was there would be no monsters and players would get exp and level up by killing other players.

    There is a heck of a lot more to this game than just pvp, actually the pvp is just a little diversion from the real game considering how boring pvp gets in a hurry.

    I'm sorry but what game are you playing? If you played mmo's for the pve, you would go play something like World of Warcraft or Lord of the Rings online. The pve in this game is insanely mindless, and 99% of the time you don't even need to pay attention to the game to beat the pve, especially with a charm equipped. FB's are a joke, TT's were designed mainly to burn charms and money, and half of the time you can sit there afk with a macro going to kill stuff, lol.

    Sure it's nice for chatting and talking, and that's a big part of an mmo, but gameplay also matters.

    Do you think they designed the genie system for pve? Since when did you ever need to use stun immune or bleed immunity in pve? They devoted an entire expansion to pvp!!
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I'm sorry but what game are you playing? If you played mmo's for the pve, you would go play something like World of Warcraft or Lord of the Rings online. The pve in this game is insanely mindless, and 99% of the time you don't even need to pay attention to the game to beat the pve, especially with a charm equipped. FB's are a joke, TT's were designed mainly to burn charms and money, and half of the time you can sit there afk with a macro going to kill stuff, lol.

    Sure it's nice for chatting and talking, and that's a big part of an mmo, but gameplay also matters.

    According to the GMs, AFK killing is grounds for account suspention/ban..... I hope you are not running macros to kill stuff while afk.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Agravain - Heavens Tear
    Agravain - Heavens Tear Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Play another class (60-99). Fight an equivalent leveled veno with a phoenix in open 1v1 PVP. Fight one in mass PVP. Die at least once, and win at least once. Come back and give everyone your thoughts. Stop making arguments for classes that you've never played (for example, saying that an archer can reliably and quickly kill a phoenix in 3 shots).

    You are entirely right. I would also argue the opposite; that those crying foul should also play a veno and learn for themselves if a veno with nix is an unskilled, overpowered player, or if the veno is indeed doing something to win his battles.
  • Voices - Lost City
    Voices - Lost City Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    According to the GMs, AFK killing is grounds for account suspention/ban..... I hope you are not running macros to kill stuff while afk.

    He takes the keyboard with him.
    You are entirely right. I would also argue the opposite; that those crying foul should also play a veno and learn for themselves if a veno with nix is an unskilled, overpowered player, or if the veno is indeed doing something to win his battles.

    Agreed. I own a veno, and I can cry about how much more money it earns than any other character I've ever played. The real fight for me was continuing playing a class with little or no challenge involved, which is where I think your stereotype comes from.
  • Ponza - Lost City
    Ponza - Lost City Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    You are entirely right. I would also argue the opposite; that those crying foul should also play a veno and learn for themselves if a veno with nix is an unskilled, overpowered player, or if the veno is indeed doing something to win his battles.

    I'll tell you how a good veno can win with almost 100% certainty in pvp.

    A good veno builds his char for good survivability, and knows when to stun in pvp to either keep the enemy stopped for as long as possible, or to bypass the charm tick w/ bug abuse. He knows how to fight a robe and a heavy armor. For robes, its simple, nix, stun, nuke. For heavy armors it requires kiting, fox form switching, amps, debuffs. A good veno knows to invest in fast aerogear for effective kiting, and is aware of his environment and what classes he should send the nix on first, and when to nuke and when to kite, knowing that he can do large amounts of damage even while running away, unlike other classes who must stop to attack.

    Pve-wise, farming TT/instances is not just sending the herc in to attack, you also need to juggle fox-form, amps, heals, debuffs. With enough practice you can beat some TT bosses in *squad* mode, with just you and your herc. But it takes a long time to do this.

    I want you to do this and see how devastating you can be in pvp, even against skilled players.
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I'm sorry but what game are you playing? If you played mmo's for the pve, you would go play something like World of Warcraft or Lord of the Rings online. The pve in this game is insanely mindless, and 99% of the time you don't even need to pay attention to the game to beat the pve, especially with a charm equipped. FB's are a joke, TT's were designed mainly to burn charms and money, and half of the time you can sit there afk with a macro going to kill stuff, lol.

    Sure it's nice for chatting and talking, and that's a big part of an mmo, but gameplay also matters.

    Do you think they designed the genie system for pve? Since when did you ever need to use stun immune or bleed immunity in pve? They devoted an entire expansion to pvp!!

    Killing players is quite boring. They all fight in the exact same very predictable way every single time. Throw them off with an anti-stun pot or something and all they do is die. Same players, almost all of the same level have identical gear, identical skills, day in, day out. Boring as hell.

    If you came to this game for the pvp you are playing the wrong game. It's far too boring and there is not nearly enough to it.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I'll tell you how a good veno can win with almost 100% certainty in pvp.

    A good veno builds his char for good survivability, and knows when to stun in pvp to either keep the enemy stopped for as long as possible, or to bypass the charm tick w/ bug abuse. He knows how to fight a robe and a heavy armor. For robes, its simple, nix, stun, nuke. For heavy armors it requires kiting, fox form switching, amps, debuffs. A good veno knows to invest in fast aerogear for effective kiting, and is aware of his environment and what classes he should send the nix on first, and when to nuke and when to kite, knowing that he can do large amounts of damage even while running away, unlike other classes who must stop to attack.

    Pve-wise, farming TT/instances is not just sending the herc in to attack, you also need to juggle fox-form, amps, heals, debuffs. With enough practice you can beat some TT bosses in *squad* mode, with just you and your herc. But it takes a long time to do this.

    I want you to do this and see how devastating you can be in pvp, even against skilled players.

    Any class can be devastating in pvp when used by skilled players....
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Any class can be devastating in pvp when used by skilled players....

    Most players don't seem to realize that, like wizards.

    An add on to what I was saying before.

    What did you do to get your high level? NOT pvp.

    What did you do to get your gear? NOT pvp.

    What is most of the time on the game spent doing? NOT pvp.

    How are you going to level that genie? It sure as heck isn't pvp!
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Ponza - Lost City
    Ponza - Lost City Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Any class can be devastating in pvp when used by skilled players....

    Man I find it funny that all of these pve-server players think nix are perfectly fine, while almost every pvp player who's had some experience realizes that a skilled nix user (which is rare on a pve server) is one of the most powerful characters in the game.

    Also zoe yea I agree that the combination of pve advancement and pvp action is what makes this game fun. You think using a pot in pvp is auto-win because you fight people who don't pvp on a regular basis. On a pvp server A LOT of people use all kinds of pots, damage reduction, accuracy pots, anti-stun and chi, and most pvp players realize this.
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Man I find it funny that all of these pve-server players think nix are perfectly fine, while almost every pvp player who's had some experience realizes that a skilled nix user (which is rare on a pve server) is one of the most powerful characters in the game.

    Also zoe yea I agree that the combination of pve advancement and pvp action is what makes this game fun. You think using a pot in pvp is auto-win because you fight people who don't pvp on a regular basis. On a pvp server A LOT of people use all kinds of pots, damage reduction, accuracy pots, anti-stun and chi, and most pvp players realize this.

    You do realize that the pve-server players have the option to go white and pvp, right? Get over the fact you are in a pvp server, you are not that special or any more skilled than any of the good pvp players of the pve servers.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Man I find it funny that all of these pve-server players think nix are perfectly fine,

    There is nothing wrong with the Phoenix.

    The problem is with Flesh Ream.

    The Phoenix does not start with Flesh Ream, the venomancer must teach that skill to the Phoenix.

    I hope you were paying attention.
  • Ponza - Lost City
    Ponza - Lost City Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    There is nothing wrong with the Phoenix.

    The problem is with Flesh Ream.

    The Phoenix does not start with Flesh Ream, the venomancer must teach that skill to the Phoenix.

    I hope you were paying attention.

    Yes, i guess people spend $200 on a phoenix, and then decide not to teach it flesh ream to save money.
  • Xhinzo - Harshlands
    Xhinzo - Harshlands Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Well I started mmos after coming from a heavy addiction to rpgs.

    One of my first and still favorite is the very PvP based (not to be named) game where you purchase it first but its free to play after that (technically). Why am I not still playing it?: Because it had a very limited PvE aspect.

    My next favorite mmo I started a while back. Some will instantly know it as the one game where every class can have a pet but the pet classes can use 2 of them. BTW. I find it funny that the release date for the genie expansion is alarmingly close to that of my former favorite game.

    Now I play Perfect World and I find it to be have more of what I needed from the PvE aspect.

    Now unto the PvP aspect;
    Zoe what you have to realise or I'm sure you do by now is that in an environment where a game is f2p but supported by a CS it immediately creates grounds for PvP imbalance. That imbalance alone makes PvP in most of these mmos worthless. What?
    Simple e.g. in my former favorite game, get your weapon to +10 or higher and get enough pdef and instantly you are a super star in PvP. No real skill required. All builds for all classes are basically the same if not carbon copies of each other. Same thing here, e.g. wizard either LA or Pure get green or yellow weapon + it to 8 or higher and BAM, you are a PvP star. Same thing with venos, Pure of Fox, Add Nix and BAM you are a star.

    These games are not skill based. They are item based. And when CS item provide heavy bonuses over free/dropped items then they become nothing more than an exercise in who can get higher level than who and spend more cash/get lucky/both than who.

    Whereas in the very first game I mentioned skill usage is paramount. On top of that per class, there are a variety of builds that can work due to the variation in skill builds. Finally to flesh it out, the PvP is very team oriented. Yes one of the hallmarks of PvP is team PvP. If I want a good 1v1 brawl, I got a bunch O games on from my SNES (e.g. SSF) to my GameCube (e.g. SC) that I can use to abuse a friend (and funny enough they involve more skill than 1v1 mmo PvP does still).

    So like you I am waiting for the gem of a mmo where it has PWI type PvE or better mixed in with (game description 1) type PvP.

    However I don't hurt my head much because unlike the other games where I was quickly at the top, I'm taking my cool time with PW. As you can see lvl 40 and in no hurry. I've been to the top in other mmos and I know exactly the feeling you have Zoe. Its a mixture of hope and dissapointment that you finally get rid of when you decide to quit and try a different game!

    The funny part for me is going back to the old forums and see that PvP issues and suggestions you have made to enhance it are still largely ignored by the developers and 3-4 "expansions" later still remain the same. Instead each "expansion" brings new things to level up more!!!!!!
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Yes, i guess people spend $200 on a phoenix, and then decide not to teach it flesh ream to save money.

    How does teaching a Phoenix Flesh Ream make the Phoenix the problem?
  • Notbad - Heavens Tear
    Notbad - Heavens Tear Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    well...instead if you see a veno using your wings/whatever and hunt her down. -.- btw blood clott for genie xD hehe can't wait for that..
    Baby theres no other super star you know that i'll be..Listening to lady gaga b:laugh
  • Notgood - Heavens Tear
    Notgood - Heavens Tear Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    ya but, theres a factor that changes the result to the ending; venos are week (unless hard amourmed veno) kill the veno and you kill the hand that feeds it. Copy cat it; do DOTs to it and run. More advantage ranger: posion,bleeding, lighting dmg over time and slow speed, do those on them and run they'll die soon and you'll win b:cute then you can laugh..
    Why am i like this cause you made me like this...
    I guess you really didn't know...
  • Akiratojo - Heavens Tear
    Akiratojo - Heavens Tear Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Why don't people just shut up?

    What the hell is with all these QQ threads?
    To whoever said to experience other classes:

    I have a 89 demon wiz - LC
    82 BM - HT
    60 nix veno - HL
    How is that for experiencing other classes?

    Ive had enough to say that people just complain because they like to complain, it's human nature to complain about things.

    I've killed enough nix venos in my time to say that yes - nix is good, and people that complain obviously don't know how to PVP well.

    newsflash people: ITS A GAME, GROW UP

    Sure, nix is powerful - that's why it is a legendary pet and cost's money!
    07-Ghost fan
    Warning: This user has bad spelling
  • RogueFox - Heavens Tear
    RogueFox - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    This game will die unless...

    w8 for it....

    almost there

    u give me a cookie ^.~
    hehehe i like my sig >:)
  • RogueFox - Heavens Tear
    RogueFox - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Why don't people just shut up?

    What the hell is with all these QQ threads?
    To whoever said to experience other classes:

    I have a 89 demon wiz - LC
    82 BM - HT
    60 nix veno - HL
    How is that for experiencing other classes?

    Ive had enough to say that people just complain because they like to complain, it's human nature to complain about things.

    I've killed enough nix venos in my time to say that yes - nix is good, and people that complain obviously don't know how to PVP well.

    newsflash people: ITS A GAME, GROW UP

    Sure, nix is powerful - that's why it is a legendary pet and cost's money!

    rage type ftw, cuz shes right guys if u pay $200 for a flying pet or 24 mil expect some good results (idk how many times i said it to lol)
    hehehe i like my sig >:)
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Yeah since when has the stupid flesh ream issue even altered the game any? When I went to TW my first few times, it wasnt a phoenix we feared. It was a barb who took almost 7-10 people to take down.We knew if he got that armegeddon off on us, we were dead. Behind him... a 9x demon archer. Easier to kill, but getting to him was the problem.

    the 9x veno with them? easy kill -.-; My 7x could kill her sad 9x ****.

    flesh ream is the issue! not the phoenix! get it through your heads! If you cant kill a venomancer, you do realize, you suck at this game!
  • RogueFox - Heavens Tear
    RogueFox - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I'm sorry but what game are you playing? If you played mmo's for the pve, you would go play something like World of Warcraft or Lord of the Rings online. The pve in this game is insanely mindless, and 99% of the time you don't even need to pay attention to the game to beat the pve, especially with a charm equipped. FB's are a joke, TT's were designed mainly to burn charms and money, and half of the time you can sit there afk with a macro going to kill stuff, lol.

    Sure it's nice for chatting and talking, and that's a big part of an mmo, but gameplay also matters.

    Do you think they designed the genie system for pve? Since when did you ever need to use stun immune or bleed immunity in pve? They devoted an entire expansion to pvp!!

    i dont use macros O.o if i did i would leave my comp on all night all day and be at lvl 40 right now
    hehehe i like my sig >:)
  • RogueFox - Heavens Tear
    RogueFox - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Yeah since when has the stupid flesh ream issue even altered the game any? When I went to TW my first few times, it wasnt a phoenix we feared. It was a barb who took almost 7-10 people to take down.We knew if he got that armegeddon off on us, we were dead. Behind him... a 9x demon archer. Easier to kill, but getting to him was the problem.

    the 9x veno with them? easy kill -.-; My 7x could kill her sad 9x ****.

    flesh ream is the issue! not the phoenix! get it through your heads! If you cant kill a venomancer, you do realize, you suck at this game!

    hey cant forget heavy venos, they are a lil more difficult to kill than arcane venos, so if its a heavy veno wailin on ye and its pet they have an excuse...sort of i think, i havnt seen a heavy veno yet, i just hear bout em
    hehehe i like my sig >:)
  • Ponza - Lost City
    Ponza - Lost City Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i dont use macros O.o if i did i would leave my comp on all night all day and be at lvl 40 right now

    Do you guys even know what a macro does? It's SUPPORTED by PWI, in fact they put macros into their own game. Try opening up the skills window and exploring for once.
  • Burn_ur_ass - Sanctuary
    Burn_ur_ass - Sanctuary Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Saving Ladies...For the Old Fashioned Joy of Killing....

    hope the only lady u wanna save is me sethie... b:cute
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Do you think they designed the genie system for pve? Since when did you ever need to use stun immune or bleed immunity in pve? They devoted an entire expansion to pvp!!
    half the FB 39 monsters + one boss can use bleed
    FB51 monsters love to spam stun
    rebirth order gammas final boss can use the BM AOE stun
    infact alot of the RB gamma bosses can stun.
    i THINK empyrean slither can bleed
    these are just a few examples

    next question, why is it people think these skills can instantly fix it every time. you have no idea how long the stun/bleed fix cooldowns are, nor do you know if theyre a 100% chance. you just see "omg chance for fixes on these statuses it MUST be 100%"

    note also, they have other skills to aid you, not just bloodclot >_>;

    and trust me, you need to be there when fighting TT monsters, and higher level FBs, you obviously havent been to FB70 or any past it, you idiot, as you need to have a REALLY good barb and 2 clerics for it. Go AFK during a boss that hits my herc ~ 1k each hit? If Im not constantly healing thats gunna fry me if herc dies.

    Go get some levels and play the game before you accuse it of your nonsense
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    threads like this are pointless because too many people who dont have enough experience in game (pvp since that's really the only area flesh ream applies) feel that their opinions must be heard

    some dont even know it's flesh ream
  • RogueFox - Heavens Tear
    RogueFox - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i still say this game will die unless u give me a cookie
    hehehe i like my sig >:)
  • Ponza - Lost City
    Ponza - Lost City Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    half the FB 39 monsters + one boss can use bleed
    FB51 monsters love to spam stun
    rebirth order gammas final boss can use the BM AOE stun
    infact alot of the RB gamma bosses can stun.
    i THINK empyrean slither can bleed
    these are just a few examples

    next question, why is it people think these skills can instantly fix it every time. you have no idea how long the stun/bleed fix cooldowns are, nor do you know if theyre a 100% chance. you just see "omg chance for fixes on these statuses it MUST be 100%"

    note also, they have other skills to aid you, not just bloodclot >_>;

    and trust me, you need to be there when fighting TT monsters, and higher level FBs, you obviously havent been to FB70 or any past it, you idiot, as you need to have a REALLY good barb and 2 clerics for it. Go AFK during a boss that hits my herc ~ 1k each hit? If Im not constantly healing thats gunna fry me if herc dies.

    Go get some levels and play the game before you accuse it of your nonsense

    And what do the 2 clerics do? healing in this game is spamming IH, blue ball, with occasional purifys thrown in. Tanking requires bleed spamming in tiger form, spell inturupt (which actually takes some amount of attention). Don't go boo-hoo'ing to me because you think pve in this game takes skill, it doesn't, it's perfect for mindless idiots like you.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    And what game ISNT a skill spam fest when it comes to killing monsters? Did it actually occur to you, that if they spam IH too much they can catch aggro from the boss and actually have to time their heals inbetween spamming them?

    Did you know if they didnt spam that bleed and get the hate factor, the DDers would steal aggro and die?

    If they dont purify, bye bye barb, bye bye party.

    Tanking a boss with a herc, keeping that herc alive, and keeping the boss debuffed? try juggling that on a veno.

    ****ing inexperienced noob. Go learn to play the game before you come thinking someone like -your- opinion matters. Youre just a whiny little tw@t who thinks his opinion is heavy and valid. But you dont even know anything about half the **** you make up. Bring some facts to an argument you ****head before you go dishing out the flames.
  • Ponza - Lost City
    Ponza - Lost City Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    And what game ISNT a skill spam fest when it comes to killing monsters? Did it actually occur to you, that if they spam IH too much they can catch aggro from the boss and actually have to time their heals inbetween spamming them?

    Did you know if they didnt spam that bleed and get the hate factor, the DDers would steal aggro and die?

    If they dont purify, bye bye barb, bye bye party.

    Tanking a boss with a herc, keeping that herc alive, and keeping the boss debuffed? try juggling that on a veno.

    ****ing inexperienced noob. Go learn to play the game before you come thinking someone like -your- opinion matters. Youre just a whiny little tw@t who thinks his opinion is heavy and valid. But you dont even know anything about half the **** you make up. Bring some facts to an argument you ****head before you go dishing out the flames.

    Actually, yes, I did know all that. You think you're the only one with all this "secret" pve knowledge? And didn't I already state earlier than solo'ing TT's and FB's w/ a herc requires knowledge and patience? maybe you should calm down, and learn2read.