Upcoming G17/R5 weapon release in PW-CN Discussion
It sounds like an upgraded version of the Distract proc and I'd think the issue with that proc would be that it can be overwritten very very easily and can be purified. Assuming ofc that it doesn't have it's own icon.0
Good to see this thread open again! Thanks for cleaning this up Sylen.
If Sylen is correct, then hosting the housing system will require more resources, but since this is basically the core part of the next expansion I don't see how PWE could skip it. Nation Wars was something easy to modify for our servers that weren't compatible back then. The housing system doesn't seem like something they can simply modify though.
There would be workarounds like putting the materials in the boutique and reducing the price of R9. Yeah, I know, I don't like the idea of another piece of gear put in the boutique, but I wouldn't be surprised honestly.Other options would be to change our forges so that we only need the new dungeon to farm the weapon instead of the housing system. I assume there are daily quests related to your house or inside your house server that you need to do to obtain some materials or something. If they decide to modify things for our version like they did with the NW forges, they could even have our forges require less materials to manufacture the weapons (I think our NW forges require less Supply Tokens?), although it seems lately Wanmei has been making less modifications between the versions.
Anyway, in short, I don't think this expansion is something PWE can just skip so I think it's safe to bet we're definitely getting the G17 weapons one way or another. 0 -
Our rank 9 is different from China's. There could be a possibility that this weapon will be changed for us too.0
we need confirmations boys..
1st confirmation required: Can classes obtain more than one g17 weapon since those aren't class restricted except for tb-ns-mystic-archer weapons?
2nd confirmation required: Did anyone in PWCH obtain the 5th cast already? Are weapons in any database to be checked yet? (Chance to get the procs on fifth cast, weapon damage range etch)
3rd confirmation required: Weapon procs, the % chances of each offensive and defensive proc pretty please
4th confirmation required: Is the 100% mag\phys red offensive proc debuff, stack with its own new debuff icon, or is it not
bumpin this0 -
kingspellcaster wrote: »Our rank 9 is different from China's. There could be a possibility that this weapon will be changed for us too.
I would just assume that it would be along the lines of +50 ATK/DEF and a varriation of 15-25 ATK/DEF
So as a lower/weaker casted G17 would be on par with an R9 thrid cast but making people farm/pay for that extra edge as always.
But I think the varriation on it being either ATK or DEF is the driving factor along with the beautiful procs it comes with.0 -
2nd confirmation required: Did anyone in PWCH obtain the 5th cast already? Are weapons in any database to be checked yet? (Chance to get the procs on fifth cast, weapon damage range etch)
3rd confirmation required: Weapon procs, the % chances of each offensive and defensive proc pretty please
Kitty found them on chinese PWdatabase. Use google translator to read them in engrish, it's quite easy to deduce what thingies mean. Or you can just check this thread for meanings of unique adds.
Edit: There's +80 def. lvl and +80 att. lvl versions of each of the weapons below.
All of these are G17 5th recast:
Dual swords
Magic Sword
Regarding the mats, according to what Kitty found from the database the upgrade mats are crafted from items you get from house quests. There seems to be 10 different kinds of quests. Unfortunately the google translated quest descriptions were too much for Kitty to understand, she needs to see how the house system works to know better.
There was also another way to craft the mats with no quests or drop rates mentioned. Cash shop?Post edited by kittyempressa on
Kitty's gone. She gave up on PWI. And she's a black metal Kitty naow.
Kitty's Youtube-channel("Kitty does eet"-series and much moar): KittysamaRT
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kittyempressa wrote: »2nd confirmation required: Did anyone in PWCH obtain the 5th cast already? Are weapons in any database to be checked yet? (Chance to get the procs on fifth cast, weapon damage range etch)
3rd confirmation required: Weapon procs, the % chances of each offensive and defensive proc pretty please
Kitty found them on chinese PWdatabase. Use google translator to read them in engrish, it's quite easy to deduce what thingies mean. Or you can just check this thread for meanings of unique adds.
All of these are G17 5th recast:
Dual swords
Magic Sword
Regarding the mats, according to what Kitty found from the database the upgrade mats are crafted from items you get from house quests. There seems to be 10 different kinds of quests. Unfortunately the google translated quest descriptions were too much for Kitty to understand, she needs to see how the house system works to know better.
There was also another way to craft the mats with no quests or drop rates mentioned. Cash shop?
so every class can obtain more than a weapon? uh
0 -
so every class can obtain more than a weapon? uh
Presumably yes, since base G17 is crafted from 10 daily quests' rewards. Base G17-pike for example.
Most of them aren't class-restricted either so inb4 OP-claw barbs.
Kitty's gone. She gave up on PWI. And she's a black metal Kitty naow.
Kitty's Youtube-channel("Kitty does eet"-series and much moar): KittysamaRT
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The mat dependencies are really difficult to navigate. As far as I can tell the mats come from Housing Quests / Drops from boss of new instance / rewards from the new pvp tourney. I'm not sure if all of those will be required though.0
I've checked pwdatabase a few days ago and the Matsn can be farmed in the new instance or from Housing system quest but farming will be a pain since new instance boss hit harder than any previous boss in the game also they dont drop all mats just seom basics and a few rare mats for 4th and 5th recast
You can check 1 red mat needed here
New instance boss have 47m HP and 1 hits for 250k magic damage xD check here[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I will change the world..........0 -
Am i missing something, i do not see the purify buff in the list on the chinese page. I was also under the impression that we get both a defensive proc and an attack proc, not a major issue. I just wanted purify on axes
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Am i missing something, i do not see the purify buff in the list on the chinese page. I was also under the impression that we get both a defensive proc and an attack proc, not a major issue. I just wanted purify on axes
The pwdb page doesnt show the possibilities for the 2nd proc because it's a separate pool and the site is not accounting for that. If you look at the 3rd stage and 4th stage g17 you see all the procs since those have 1 proc but from a combined pool of all 10.0 -
but seems not all phys classes can get purge on weapon also wtf last cast is def level only? while 4th cast is 70 atk lvl?
i am confused0 -
but seems not all phys classes can get purge on weapon also wtf last cast is def level only? while 4th cast is 70 atk lvl?
i am confused
Oh true, Kitty forgot that there's 2 alternatives for each G17r5-weapon: +80 def. level and +80 att. level. When making those links Kitty just looked for database pages with mats needed visible, she didn't check which levels they have. Kitty edits the post to mention that.
And all melee weapons have same procs, Kitty checked. Purge for all! (y no purge love for casters? Q.Q)
Kitty's gone. She gave up on PWI. And she's a black metal Kitty naow.
Kitty's Youtube-channel("Kitty does eet"-series and much moar): KittysamaRT
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Thats all fine and dandy but im excited to reach more then 200+ defense levels omgerd any non jades chars better step up their game for sacrificial slash shall come with a vengence!! >. <105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
{REMOVED} hell SSqpq its gonna be madness with those weaponsPost edited by sylenthunder on0
Lol this game is getting so stupid but I guess I should start working on Warsoul daggers...0
="Quote" rel="hypereccentrik">Lol this game is getting so stupid but I guess I should start working on Warsoul daggers...
For what? G17 weapons dont require warsoul weapons to be made.
If thats why you wanna make warsoul daggers has no point.
If you simply wanna make warsoul daggers just to have them then good luck in making them fast.0 -
@bloodedone87 he can always make an alt army and play nw smart and make about 200-300 on each on DG hahahaha105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
I dont know what this picture means exactly. I think someone is comparing the weapons or something like that. First it says to be G16 but to me it looks like warsoul( actually warsoul is G16 too and R9r3 is also G16 but people use terms of warsoul and R9r3 instead of G16 and use G16 only for Nirvana Tier 3 to not confuse between them) Second is R9r3 and third its G17 4th cast. But I really dont know what they try to show with this picture. Edit: Just noticed that G17 4th cast has a much higher durability compared to R9r3. Is double +50.
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It sounds like an upgraded version of the Distract proc and I'd think the issue with that proc would be that it can be overwritten very very easily and can be purified. Assuming ofc that it doesn't have it's own icon.
i saw a video of some new skills from that WF fox chinese channel, seems update is bringing buffs debuffs with new icons, i am quite sure i've seen a new type of immunity\untargetable\dodge the damage buff icon0 -
stats on r9r3 aint the same like we got in our version, unless im missing something here .... it appears that g17.4 is already stronger than r9r3 though :8 -- i do miss the proc on g17.4 - is there simply none? - *sigh* time to get some coins to the side .... just feels like a bummer , recently got my r9 +12 .... thats not gonna last for long nowbloodedone87 said:I dont know what this picture means exactly. I think someone is comparing the weapons or something like that. First it says to be G16 but to me it looks like warsoul( actually warsoul is G16 too and R9r3 is also G16 but people use terms of warsoul and R9r3 instead of G16 and use G16 only for Nirvana Tier 3 to not confuse between them) Second is R9r3 and third its G17 4th cast. But I really dont know what they try to show with this picture. Edit: Just noticed that G17 4th cast has a much higher durability compared to R9r3. Is double +50.
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All i gotta say is everyone who ditches Puri spell proc is fair game for 200+ def lvl SS QpQ combo YAY!!! Hopefully the untargetable proc is lower chance since it completely craps on Puri spell hahaha105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
All i gotta say is everyone who ditches Puri spell proc is fair game for 200+ def lvl SS QpQ combo YAY!!! Hopefully the untargetable proc is lower chance since it completely craps on Puri spell hahaha
all defensive procs are a valid option to purify:
a 100% tidal
dodge the damage
shield that absorbs all damage and then does smt
untargetable and enemy loses the tab
what i think is that you get all def and atk procs in the same "chance pool" which means you will need tons of rerolls, also you might get 2 def procs or 2 atk procs
combined with the option of getting those weapons multiple times, you can viably get 1 broken def lvl defensive weapon and 1 broken atk lvl offensive weapon
f.e. i'd get a 80 def lvls purify untargetable
and a 80 atk lvls mag zerk + crit rate increase0 -
But this is PW. We know well the weapons are going to be OP with crazy proc-rates.
0 -
what i think is that you get all def and atk procs in the same "chance pool" which means you will need tons of rerolls, also you might get 2 def procs or 2 atk procs
combined with the option of getting those weapons multiple times, you can viably get 1 broken def lvl defensive weapon and 1 broken atk lvl offensive weapon
f.e. i'd get a 80 def lvls purify untargetable
and a 80 atk lvls mag zerk + crit rate increase
This is wrong. The g17r5 weapons come with 2 procs with an offensive pool of 5 for the first proc and a defensive pool of 5 for the second.
The g17r3 and g17r4 weapons come with only 1 proc but they use a combined pool of the 10 defensive and offensive procs for that proc.0 -
@asterelle still that does imply as @limonazza said you will keep rerolls until you get the best possible atk/def ratio you need for your personal playstyle right? If this is the case then darn this game still favor luck over time or money which stinks man...
Anyways anyone know if all physical weapons have the same chance at aĺl the same procs? I ask this because I dont mind getting dual weps infact I prefer it since PWCN r9 is dual wep and dual swords have like 2k or 3k more damage then single weapon atleast for seekers (let the bm,sin;barb QQ begin about seeker zerk crit magic when psy and wiz can do it too lol sarcasm atleast they will get more heat then we ever will for it) anyways I hope I can have the awesome bald for def and lvl with purge/anti target with the atk dual swords with zerk and im kinda in between tidal and untarget. Id love to be able to dodge a ton of debuffs like sins EEK105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
@asterelle still that does imply as @limonazza said you will keep rerolls until you get the best possible atk/def ratio you need for your personal playstyle right? If this is the case then darn this game still favor luck over time or money which stinks man...
Yes, limonazza's mistake was 2 def skills on the weap at the same time, which can't happen.0 -
@shade13 its a funny thought though Tidal + untargetable FTW with def level jsod full vit clerics would never die they are rediculous as they are now hahaha105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
you say that things will never die.... i'll put it like this. I hit the average r93rd +10-+12 player for 20k crits with minimal debuffs, 60k++ triple spark and full debuffs. So 3 words: Zerk Crit That.
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