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Official Feedback Thread: Great Weapon Fighter Changes



  • gentlemancrushgentlemancrush Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 445 Cryptic Developer
    edited April 2014
    warpet wrote: »
    crtic damge is bugged on gwf for example when i fully buff up ibs it do some 14-15k damage but its crtics are some 27-29k and my gwf have 145% crtic damage

    This is a bug in the math. I have fixed it locally and it should be heading to preview this week.

    As far as goals for these changes, there are actually a few primary goals here.

    First, SoS and Deep Gash were both far more powerful than any other options at T1 and therefore were required choices by every single GWF regardless of spec. This isn't good for the health of the class or balance changes.

    Secondly, The Destroyer tree really struggled to compete with the other trees in terms of being unique because the large portion of the damage any GWF dealt was coming from Deep Gash, which was not functioning as intended.

    Third, we are ratcheting back the highest damage sources a bit to make other classes more competitive rather than trying to buff everyone else to that level because dungeons and foes were never really designed around players being able to deal as much damage as Wizards and GWFs deal on live currently. *Note* Wizard is also getting changes soon. A better comparison would be to TR at this time.

    We want the three feat trees to feel distinct, but fixing a broken feat should not stop the other feat trees from working, and this belies some far more serious issues with those trees as well as some core issues with identity in the Instigator tree. These are things we would like to fix, but we have to get damage and broken feats in line before we make those changes because otherwise we won't have the right information to make those changes.
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    This is a bug in the math. I have fixed it locally and it should be heading to preview this week.

    As far as goals for these changes, there are actually a few primary goals here.

    First, SoS and Deep Gash were both far more powerful than any other options at T1 and therefore were required choices by every single GWF regardless of spec. This isn't good for the health of the class or balance changes.

    Secondly, The Destroyer tree really struggled to compete with the other trees in terms of being unique because the large portion of the damage any GWF dealt was coming from Deep Gash, which was not functioning as intended.

    Third, we are ratcheting back the highest damage sources a bit to make other classes more competitive rather than trying to buff everyone else to that level because dungeons and foes were never really designed around players being able to deal as much damage as Wizards and GWFs deal on live currently. *Note* Wizard is also getting changes soon. A better comparison would be to TR at this time.

    We want the three feat trees to feel distinct, but fixing a broken feat should not stop the other feat trees from working, and this belies some far more serious issues with those trees as well as some core issues with identity in the Instigator tree. These are things we would like to fix, but we have to get damage and broken feats in line before we make those changes because otherwise we won't have the right information to make those changes.

    Sos was never my choice Cuz its not good for tanking Class ,Tank class need dot and Pure DPS to keep agro but we lose both .
    So if you say this is need cuz was too powerfull give somthing in exchange for both Sentinel TANK and insigniator .

    'We want the three feat trees to feel distinct, but fixing a broken feat should not stop the other feat trees from working, and this belies some far more serious issues with those trees as well as some core issues with identity in the Instigator tree. These are things we would like to fix, but we have to get damage and broken feats in line before we make those changes because otherwise we won't have the right information to make those changes."

    Sentinel Threat generation is absolutely not working . No matter how much you stack on it . Pls fix this if somone want to Be DPS from me k but pls let at least 1 Tank in the game cuz GF failed her job total after mod 2 many ppl see GWF in replace for GF.
    But after DG nerf we lose the agro and i dont think you will cut all CW s power in half they have broken armor pen and they do 3-6 mill more dmg then any Destroyer spec GWF in Preview Tested if you want i can post some screenshots after i am home .Also there is dc too if you not know there is a healing agro only working on him & not on Life .S user ppls.
    Pls work on somthing to GWF tank is not a waised money like on preview .
    Look on sentinel tree its a ture tank more then any gf tree pls make it viable make more much more threath on it.(I think this was her intention from devs too)
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    This is a bug in the math. I have fixed it locally and it should be heading to preview this week.

    As far as goals for these changes, there are actually a few primary goals here.

    First, SoS and Deep Gash were both far more powerful than any other options at T1 and therefore were required choices by every single GWF regardless of spec. This isn't good for the health of the class or balance changes.

    comparing gwf to some other class doesnt matter as long as there is cw that deals 2x more damage than any other class, you need to compare against best option for party not some tr nobody needs since fix of running

    Secondly, The Destroyer tree really struggled to compete with the other trees in terms of being unique because the large portion of the damage any GWF dealt was coming from Deep Gash, which was not functioning as intended.

    Third, we are ratcheting back the highest damage sources a bit to make other classes more competitive rather than trying to buff everyone else to that level because dungeons and foes were never really designed around players being able to deal as much damage as Wizards and GWFs deal on live currently. *Note* Wizard is also getting changes soon. A better comparison would be to TR at this time.

    We want the three feat trees to feel distinct, but fixing a broken feat should not stop the other feat trees from working, and this belies some far more serious issues with those trees as well as some core issues with identity in the Instigator tree. These are things we would like to fix, but we have to get damage and broken feats in line before we make those changes because otherwise we won't have the right information to make those changes.

    SoS gave nice utility to gwf, so if we lose all utility we need to be Nr1 in damage by far since its only thing we give to party.

    atm destroyer is the ONLY tree worth playing in pve, you should rework inst to give equal damage(though destro should be more encounter based while inst at-will based) and you have to do smth about inst capstone there is too much random damage flying around(like these ticks from valindra) for it to be useful , maybe reverse it so it gives damage bonus for x seconds after TAKING damage, that would feel more in line with rest of GWF skillset and feel.

    SoS and Deep gash now will be feats ppl skip, so from must have to must skip

    about wizards getting fixed Soon(tm) - wizards are broken op in pve since betas and nothing(meaningful) has been done about it except reducing mob pushing

    i know you are busy working, but more communication from ppl really required about major things like these, hour or 2 spent on forums a week by somebody from team are really beneficial to community, cause being left in the dark is really frustrating, instead of some mods who dont know what they are doing half the time :P
    Paladin Master Race
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Why all devs avoid the one REAL big question why is GF and GWF tank not need ? Cuz we dont have agro why can a single pet do more agro and gain instant agro from boss then from any Guardian or Great Weapon ?Even a white quality [Man at Arms] can instant agro adds and bosses.
    Why cant the GF&GWF Sentinel not do her job ?
    This is a core element of D&D and any other mmo TANK CAN TANK DMG /TANK CAN AGRO adds boss ppl .
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Third, we are ratcheting back the highest damage sources a bit to make other classes more competitive rather than trying to buff everyone else to that level because dungeons and foes were never really designed around players being able to deal as much damage as Wizards and GWFs deal on live currently. *Note* Wizard is also getting changes soon. A better comparison would be to TR at this time.

    We want the three feat trees to feel distinct, but fixing a broken feat should not stop the other feat trees from working, and this belies some far more serious issues with those trees as well as some core issues with identity in the Instigator tree. These are things we would like to fix, but we have to get damage and broken feats in line before we make those changes because otherwise we won't have the right information to make those changes.

    First, Thanks for taking the time to respond here. Seriously, its re-affirming when we see acknowledgements and it goes a LONG way to boosting faith in you guys.

    Second, to me, it seems pretty telling that the final feat for destroyer is a 40% damage boost and this is to "balance the class". Is that not telling you that for a class to be "balanced" and STILL not up to par with current CWs on LIVE/PTR they need a 40% dmg boost?
    I mean that does blow my mind.

    Third, Have you thought about keeping Deep Gash similar to LIVE but putting it deeper in the tree? Say the second to last tier? This would mean you do have to spec full Destroyer to get it, and it COULD be amazing.

    Forth, These changes just made ALL Sents worthless in both PVP and PVE. PVE - Cant tank/hold agro worth anything. PVP - Cant do ANY damage compared to the added tankiness. Sure there was a balance issue here but you just took away MAJOR amounts of DPS from non-Destoryer builds.

    SOTS - went from about a 9% dmg boost to 5%, and Deep Gash went from north of 30% to now about 5%. While I understand for T1 feats that is OP that you can gain 40% dmg boost - In PVE it was honestly NEEDED!
    PVP? Sents dealt too much damage I agree, But NOW Sents deal such little damage they cant do anything for either PVP or PVE.

    If you REALLY wanna balance the classes out, now unfortunately you need to look at what you took away from Sentinels AND Instigators and try to compensate THEIR feats.
  • cookiecrisp15cookiecrisp15 Banned Users Posts: 532 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2014
    Destroyer feat- Great Weapon Focus needs a buff to 5/10/15/20/25% at will dmg its a joke that GWF have probly worst atwill dmg with greatsword as weapon
  • pandapaulpandapaul Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 424 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2014
    This is a bug in the math. I have fixed it locally and it should be heading to preview this week.

    As far as goals for these changes, there are actually a few primary goals here.

    First, SoS and Deep Gash were both far more powerful than any other options at T1 and therefore were required choices by every single GWF regardless of spec. This isn't good for the health of the class or balance changes.

    Secondly, The Destroyer tree really struggled to compete with the other trees in terms of being unique because the large portion of the damage any GWF dealt was coming from Deep Gash, which was not functioning as intended.

    Third, we are ratcheting back the highest damage sources a bit to make other classes more competitive rather than trying to buff everyone else to that level because dungeons and foes were never really designed around players being able to deal as much damage as Wizards and GWFs deal on live currently. *Note* Wizard is also getting changes soon. A better comparison would be to TR at this time.

    We want the three feat trees to feel distinct, but fixing a broken feat should not stop the other feat trees from working, and this belies some far more serious issues with those trees as well as some core issues with identity in the Instigator tree. These are things we would like to fix, but we have to get damage and broken feats in line before we make those changes because otherwise we won't have the right information to make those changes.

    Thank you for the reply
    But I feel the real questions are still being avoided.. And have not been answered and that is what people are concerned about

    Firstly you so deep gash and student of the sword offer to much as a T1.. Well move them further into the destroyer tree.. Every GWF uses them because there isn't any other options.. The t3/t4 feats in GWF are so horribly bad that everyone stacks the T1... The GWF feats are very bad now... There is a few must haves but now it's difficult to spend all your feat points.. Because there isn't enough useful feats to use... It's that bad especially with the high end gwfs
    Next you have added nothing to benefit a party.. Without student of the sword we have nothing to bring to a party.. At all.... This needs to be addressed.. Why would u bring a GWF at all now . Sub par damage. Sub par tanking now.. No party benefit... Why?? No reason at all... You need to add some design to benefit a party because u have taken the last part way
    Executioner style is a terrible feat .. Even after changes.. It's fools gold and has almost no benefit.. It's dealing damage to things that aren't needed.. Things that are about to die.. I'm sorry but if this is all we have left then the class is finished

    Dps is so highly linked to Agro.. Now we can't dps or tank... What's left??

    Please address the ninja nerfs too. Why haven't we heard anything about the unstoppable nerfs.. This is disappointing... We aren't stupid but yet it seems like we are being treated that way

    Now you say cw will be addressed.. You have released nothing.. When?? This is important... With mod 3 upon us everyone is worried that it will come with the most imbalanced module yet... You say soon.. When? Give us something.. Because this is a major concern

    Please you need to actually add feats that benefit GWF.. Not take Away the good ones and add more bad ones

    Right now if these changes go ahead GWF is dead again.. Please understand that....
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    This is a bug in the math. I have fixed it locally and it should be heading to preview this week.
    'll be watching to see if I reach 60k critical one with my ibs + bf + tutti quanti. if yes, sounds great.

    As far as goals for these changes, there are actually a few primary goals here.

    First, SoS and Deep Gash were both far more powerful than any other options at T1 and therefore were required choices by every single GWF regardless of spec. This isn't good for the health of the class or balance changes.

    true. but changes need to be proportionate in the precise sense that sacrificed the debuff is necessary to highlight another feature class as a tank or damage in relation to live, considering that the "status quo" for now, is even more pronounced .. . mainly ice wind where everything is a danger to the melee, ie, the "fighter" becomes the most vulnerable.

    Secondly, The Destroyer tree really struggled to compete with the other trees in terms of being unique because the large portion of the damage any GWF dealt was coming from Deep Gash, which was not functioning as intended.

    said that in feedback thread from the last module ... several times, let it be said in passing.

    Third, we are ratcheting back the highest damage sources a bit to make other classes more competitive rather than trying to buff everyone else to that level because dungeons and foes were never really designed around players being able to deal as much damage as Wizards and GWFs deal on live currently. *Note* Wizard is also getting changes soon. A better comparison would be to TR at this time.

    ok, nothing Could be more emblematic of what to "look for rogue." he has the unique ability to disarm traps. until Module2 at least it is served?

    does not help torment the ghost of the "dead class." and what it means to "be looking for cw"? he will not blow it over while I'm trying to accumulate all these stacks?

    Waiting for the patch about.

    We want the three feat trees to feel distinct, but fixing a broken feat should not stop the other feat trees from working, and this belies some far more serious issues with those trees as well as some core issues with identity in the Instigator tree. These are things we would like to fix, but we have to get damage and broken feats in line before we make those changes because otherwise we won't have the right information to make those changes

    again, Waiting for the patch about.

    ps:is not really the post of someone angry. I really do not know what to expect, or what I can do to prevent a "disastrous" scenario occurs. I'm not really optimistic about it, not even.
  • cookiecrisp15cookiecrisp15 Banned Users Posts: 532 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2014
    This is a bug in the math. I have fixed it locally and it should be heading to preview this week.

    As far as goals for these changes, there are actually a few primary goals here.

    First, SoS and Deep Gash were both far more powerful than any other options at T1 and therefore were required choices by every single GWF regardless of spec. This isn't good for the health of the class or balance changes.

    Secondly, The Destroyer tree really struggled to compete with the other trees in terms of being unique because the large portion of the damage any GWF dealt was coming from Deep Gash, which was not functioning as intended.

    Third, we are ratcheting back the highest damage sources a bit to make other classes more competitive rather than trying to buff everyone else to that level because dungeons and foes were never really designed around players being able to deal as much damage as Wizards and GWFs deal on live currently. *Note* Wizard is also getting changes soon. A better comparison would be to TR at this time.

    We want the three feat trees to feel distinct, but fixing a broken feat should not stop the other feat trees from working, and this belies some far more serious issues with those trees as well as some core issues with identity in the Instigator tree. These are things we would like to fix, but we have to get damage and broken feats in line before we make those changes because otherwise we won't have the right information to make those changes.
    mind telling us why unstoppable duration on preview is 30%~shorter than on live?
    1st you make a Tree that is based on unstoppable to generate the stacks to benefit the dmg and then you ninja nerf unstoppable duration this doesnt make any sense.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Destroyer feat- Great Weapon Focus needs a buff to 5/10/15/20/25% at will dmg its a joke that GWF have probly worst atwill dmg with greatsword as weapon

    Honestly this exactly...

    I swing my 2h weapon with 1000 top end for 500-600 hit on a dummy....

    I swing my 1h sword on GF with 670 top end and it hits for 1200....

    Yes there is a power difference, but honestly a big solution to GWF would be to address the at will dmg... I personally wouldnt mind slowing down the at wills but have them hitting much much harder - you know, like your actually wielding a massive 2h weapon?

    Second the above point, why is Unstoppable so much shorter duration? The stacks are not hard to get, but it seems like a pretty large nerf to the class as a whole when you make the tanky build unviable, give GWFs nice damage now, but they cant survive at all ....
  • gentlemancrushgentlemancrush Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 445 Cryptic Developer
    edited April 2014
    mind telling us why unstoppable duration on preview is 30%~shorter than on live?
    1st you make a Tree that is based on unstoppable to generate the stacks to benefit the dmg and then you ninja nerf unstoppable duration this doesnt make any sense.

    I can't find any evidence of any change to Unstoppable duration. It is still 8 seconds at max, which is scaled to your current Determination percentage. Could you provide more context as to why you think it is 30% shorter? That is a pretty serious change, and one that doesn't appear to be present in any data I can find.
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    " Executioner style is a terrible feat .. Even after changes.. It's fools gold and has almost no benefit.. It's dealing damage to things that aren't needed.. Things that are about to die.. I'm sorry but if this is all we have left then the class is finished"

    that is a good point. cause additional damage when the enemy is dying with ibs still going; is a guarantee of gain ap. but and sure strike?

    tell by the way, this bonus is given from which a percentage of hp? 25%? 30% 10%?
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Since we complain a lot I just wanted to drop how welcomed it is to see gcrush asking specifics, providing feedback and explaining the thought process behind the changes on a regular basis around here. It does not only make you feel that somebody cares but also lets us test changes specifically towards their intended goal.
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I can't find any evidence of any change to Unstoppable duration. It is still 8 seconds at max, which is scaled to your current Determination percentage. Could you provide more context as to why you think it is 30% shorter? That is a pretty serious change, and one that doesn't appear to be present in any data I can find.

    When you the amount of damage unstoppable (or use a encounter, i dont know), at least the destroyer, often cause a "delay" in Kicking prolonging effect .... this in live from module 1.

    are these bugs that support the class. is not a question of evidence. or you test for yourself, or rely on our word. Now if this was "fixed", I'd love to know what will be given in return.

    we are not really wanting to gain advantages with this topic. no feedback here has the pretense of making the best gwf than it is currently.
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Somthing is total wrong the hole patch about the GWF i total broken whit 45% crit chance from every 10 hit only 1 hit crit ?
    45% is not 10 % i tested it whit 100 hits only 28 hit was crit do i somthing wrong or idk(now its 28%). Deeper test 500 hit 128 hit crit (now its 25%) .
    Aslo whit Formorian fable GS 10127 power 61 % base dmg buff(sure strike base dmg 875 -1050) its too low .

    Also i tested unstoppbe its still 8 sec dont know what ppl are talking about.

    Also whit Formorian fable GS 10127 power 61 % base dmg full destroyer IV best crit Dmg full stack 20 DP and
    3 stack Destroyer "feated " my best dmg whit P vorpal IBS 24 k OMG+2600 DG dmg .

    Lets See Sentinel same power Formorian fable GS 10127 power 61 %.IBS 18k lol+2600 DG dmg .

    Lets see marked and controlled IBS 21300+2600DG dmg so the difference in the old setup and the new setup is 2700 dmg keep your fancy destroyer.

    So after marking and change to destroyer "try to be tank" he cant do the job too the DMG nerf is huge like hulk , in live if i do whit the same power 28k IBS i do now 28k DG dmg what helped me keep agro on adds and boss now nothing helps the sentinel to keep the agro .He is failing her job also Destroyer "fake DPS" fail to be tank as GF too.

    BY Odins beard NO pls dot destroy our GWFs at least buff Sentinel tree agro/threat generation "aoe Threat by huge amount the nerf is huge too" .
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    I will try and give solid feedback here as it seems to me that you truly want feedback.

    - From playing the GWF in zone pvp I found my current Sentinel build completely worthless. I dominate current LIVE PVP and didnt do that bad either in PVE. Sure CWs would double my damage but from Deep Gash/SOTS and Slam I had a fair chance in holding agro for short bits if I attacked first as a fully geared out Sent versus lower 12-14k GS CWs.

    Now, my damage is nerfed SO hard, I literally feel completely toothless... SO! I can adapt, I went Destroyer as that seems to be the ONLY way to play the class. While its fun (getting fun crits in PVE) it really misses the core problem of the class and it seems to be you just exchanged "Sent or GTFO" to "Destroyer or GTFO" and didnt really change the REAL issue.

    What is the REAL issue:
    The specs are not viable, the feats need a rework.

    The fact you have to have a final feat boost Damage by 40% to make it balanced?
    - Lets consider the GF final tier feat in Conqueror tree - This isnt a 40% dmg boost, it doubles your power, and even when I am running Profound Conqueror set (which stacks power) I go from a 20% damage boost from Power to a 37% damage boost from power. THis also scales based on guard meter.

    SO, AT BEST its a 17% dmg boost... Compared to 40%?! Now, I am not advocating for "nerfs/buffs" I am MERELY pointing out the insanity of the NEED for a GWF rework NOW that you toned back our other feats....

    ALL of this feedback/testing tells me one thing Crush.....

    GWFs NEED feats like Deep Gash to make them viable. SO, in a true sincere effort to help you guys out I have compiled a list of IDEAS that may or may not be of value to you I have broken these up into the different TREES:

    Tier 1) SOTS - Fine, leave it at 5% that makes sense to me.
    Tier 1) Fleet Footed - The 4e says this just gives pure Run Speed. So, Make this a pure run speed % Something like 5% or even 8%.
    Tier 3) Allied Opportunity SHOULD be - Mighty Leap and Not So Fast deal 50% more damage. Mighty Leap now PRONES targets hit with the AOE. Not so Fast slows targets by 30% and lasts .4/.8/1.2/1.6/2s longer.
    Tier 3) Nimble Runner - Sprint and Charge grant 25% deflect chance (up from 10%) and you gain 10% more stamina recovery. This makes Sprint a viable defense now for Instigator.
    Tier 4) Group Assault - ALL At Wills deal an additional 2/4/6/8/10% damage AND no longer lose damage based on number of targets hit. - This would be a significant DPS boost for PVE!
    Tier 4) Crippling Strike - Boost this to 80% and 6 seconds.
    Tier 5 (CAPSTONE) - Instigators Vengeance - This should be: Increase damage by 10% upon RECEIVING damage, stacks 3 times (30% boost - to compete with a 40% Dest capstone). Lasts 6 seconds (is refreshed upon receiving damage).

    Assuming the current LIVE build

    Tier 2) Powerful Challenge (This was some of the issue why Sents were OP in PVP) - Grants 15% Critical Severity and critical strikes deal an additional 25% Threat to marked targets.
    Tier 3) Grudge Style - ALL at wills have a increased 5% chance to crit and generate an additional 25% threat.
    Tier 3) Intimidation - This is worthless because the two encounters are worthless... Beef up the encounters and this will work.
    Daring Shout, This should replicate Enforced Threat - AOE damager
    Come and Get it, This needs to be a quick animation with BIG "pull" effects as well as maybe a 1 second Daze at the end for CC AS WELL AS a damager. (Because of the nature of 3 encounters, nobody slots utility encounters)
    Tier 4) Master at Arms - This should be a damage bonus (Sents NEED it) Increases damage by 2% for each stack of weapon master - still gives 5AC. (10% dmg boost + 2.5% DR)
    Tier 4) Defiance - Your DAILY powers deal an additional 10% damage and 25% more threat AND your defense is increased by 25% for 6 seconds.
    Tier 5 (CAPSTONE) Sent Aegis - Increased Defense by 20% AND all incoming healing by 30% (has other synergies).

    These are just IDEAS!

    I think this would make the Instigator path attractive and viable - a little less damaging but more "opportunistic" with things like mighty leap prone, Sprinting more = high deflect. And the capstone beefing up damage nicely.

    Sentinels get a little more damage boosters and alot of nice threat boosters.

    This all then gives you the playing field to level out CWs a tad.
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    about what I said about the delay in unstoppable, this also happens in the preview, and contrary to what I thought, is not linked to damage values​​.

    I really do not know why, during battles, there is this feeling that he's unstoppable is smaller, and it definitely is not a kind of collective delusion that I have died alot in preview.

    weird ... but retreat here the misinformation.

    "- Lets consider the end tier feat in GF Conqueror tree - This is not the 40% dmg boost, it doubles your power, and even when i am running Profound Conqueror set (Which stacks power) I go from a 20% damage boost from Power to 37% damage boost from power. THis Also scales based on scoring guard."

    gf, conqueror or not, is not "unfettered torrent of rage and anger que deals a crushing amount of damage on the foe is Likely to Survive.". he is a defender, in its hegemonic function now.

    Finally, the destroyer feets are VERY powerful , that no one disagrees. the problem is that the gwf itself is very weak, and as there is a fear around the sentinel ...

    "Tier 3) Allied Opportunity SHOULD be - Mighty Leap and Not So Fast deal 50% more damage. Mighty Leap now PRONES targets hit with the AOE. Not so Fast slows targets by 30% and lasts .4/.8/1.2/1.6/2s longer."

    know what would be cool? if not so fast would cause delay in the countdown of the enemy, equal to that enchant of cold ... can not remember the name.

    ps:if the instigator turned a 'melee controler "that, instead of taking advantage of the logistics of distance, used speed, I definitely will roll another gwf.
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I actually like that aggro is the distinctive difference between the GWF and GF and I don't think any buff is necessary for the GWF in that area. Right now, you can go full DPS, survivability or utility (or whatever Instigator is) with the GWF. With the GF, you always have massive aggro and can add some DPS, but not as much as the GWF, some tankiness, again not as much as the GWF, or support/utility.

    This seems to be a pretty good balance between the two fighter classes. So now that the GWF has lost its utility and also isn't the clear-cut winner in damage any longer, you might want to think about adding a little bit more aggro to your group composition. And this shouldn't be done by buffing the Sentinel path, this should be done by inviting a GF.

    There is also this huge problem that's called CW. These damage monsters make it unable to truly evaluate the abilities of tanks to hold aggro at the moment. I take every report of this and that player unable to hold aggro with a grain of salt. The other aggro magnet Split Shot is toned down a bit so this will certainly help tanks as well.
  • wildfire5wildfire5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    BY Odins beard NO pls dot destroy our GWFs at least buff Sentinel tree agro/threat generation "aoe Threat by huge amount the nerf is huge too" .

    Aren't you being a little selfish? The GWF was never meant to be the aggro generator. That was the GF's job from the beginning. They are fixing it so that the GF is the only class that can generate aggro well (aside from the cw).
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    in any case, such a delay, after restoring the strike there is a short pause. do not know if connected to a certain amount of damage, whether it is casual, or just a random lag that eventually helps the gwf. but is the explanation I found.

    ps:increase the quality of video.
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    wildfire5 wrote: »
    Aren't you being a little selfish? The GWF was never meant to be the aggro generator. That was the GF's job from the beginning. They are fixing it so that the GF is the only class that can generate aggro well (aside from the cw).

    Pls look at GWF sentinel tree before y say i am selfish . Agro and treath generation boost over agro and treath generation boost but i think mybe all of them bugged or idk but not working at all ,also i have gf and her threat is not working too .
    Only viable option is now to outdps any one to keep agro this is not rigth.
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    This is a bug in the math. I have fixed it locally and it should be heading to preview this week.

    As far as goals for these changes, there are actually a few primary goals here.

    First, SoS and Deep Gash were both far more powerful than any other options at T1 and therefore were required choices by every single GWF regardless of spec. This isn't good for the health of the class or balance changes.

    Secondly, The Destroyer tree really struggled to compete with the other trees in terms of being unique because the large portion of the damage any GWF dealt was coming from Deep Gash, which was not functioning as intended.

    Third, we are ratcheting back the highest damage sources a bit to make other classes more competitive rather than trying to buff everyone else to that level because dungeons and foes were never really designed around players being able to deal as much damage as Wizards and GWFs deal on live currently. *Note* Wizard is also getting changes soon. A better comparison would be to TR at this time.

    We want the three feat trees to feel distinct, but fixing a broken feat should not stop the other feat trees from working, and this belies some far more serious issues with those trees as well as some core issues with identity in the Instigator tree. These are things we would like to fix, but we have to get damage and broken feats in line before we make those changes because otherwise we won't have the right information to make those changes.

    problem is new power will buff up cws massivly and after huge dps nerf and lose of all utilly noone will want gwf in team any more cws used to be superior to dps and utily to gwf even before mod 3 but after it they will dominate by far

    can u at least remove almost 100% up time from eye of the storm on spellstorm cw this is broken op and makes them broken op ty it they do few times better dps then mof
  • kozi001kozi001 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    loboguild wrote: »

    There is also this huge problem that's called CW. These damage monsters make it unable to truly evaluate the abilities of tanks to hold aggro at the moment. I take every report of this and that player unable to hold aggro with a grain of salt. The other aggro magnet Split Shot is toned down a bit so this will certainly help tanks as well.

    Have you played with Hunters?
    They do much more aggro than cws...
  • kozi001kozi001 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Destroyer feat- Great Weapon Focus needs a buff to 5/10/15/20/25% at will dmg its a joke that GWF have probly worst atwill dmg with greatsword as weapon

    GWfs just get another +3% dmg to passive and another stats to get power form.
    Now its def, recovery, armor pen has 20-25% power...
    Roar was just buffed preparing for the next module to make unstopable fest.

    If you can't get enough dmg from it. Well maybe some testing needed!
  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Destroyer feat- Great Weapon Focus needs a buff to 5/10/15/20/25% at will dmg its a joke that GWF have probly worst atwill dmg with greatsword as weapon

    damage of at aoe at wills should be improved by 200 and of sure strike by 350 at lest
    but main reason for failure of gwf is 5 target caps on encounters and joke of damage and way to low ap gain on class as whole
  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    can u pls improve spining strike its damage and target caps are to low it is not worth to cast at all since it dose less damage then unsstopable at wills would do in the same time
  • burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    i would really like to know WHY THE F... is our at-will damage so pathetic, it makes no sense at all, tr at wills do 3x the damage with tiny toothpicks, gf do more with 1h sword
    Paladin Master Race
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    warpet wrote: »
    can u pls improve spining strike its damage and target caps are to low it is not worth to cast at all since it dose less damage then unsstopable at wills would do in the same time

    Honestly what I would LOVE to see this daily become much stronger. If they upped the damage caps, AND increased duration - I think this could be a very attractive balance to the class IMO.

    When I first saw this I thought it was amazing until I saw it was only 3 seconds long... Something LIKE this would make it a good daily for GWFs...


    If they made it so the damage per SINGLE target was say 75% of the damage of Indom STR then the damage on hitting TWO targets would be 50% more with ALL the hits.

    I think this could then be a good filler inbetween encounters - but thats one thing to consider. Some Dailies like Slam dont require much "down time" from at will or encounters, so the damage MUST take into account the LOSS of damage IF able to use at wills or encounters.

    Another thing I would love to see changed as well is Avalanche of Steel.

    - This daily I should be able to press the daily again and control WHEN I come clamming down. I can either make this a quick daily or a LONG daily depending on the situation. Sometimes I use this as an "escape" from damage for a few seconds, sometimes I wish it were much much faster since it gives alot of time for classes to escape out of it....
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    burkaanc wrote: »
    i would really like to know WHY THE F... is our at-will damage so pathetic, it makes no sense at all, tr at wills do 3x the damage with tiny toothpicks, gf do more with 1h sword

    THis entirely! One IDea is something like this:


    Reduce the speed of each hit by 60%, and double the damage of each hit or MORE! Right now my tool tip damage says "565-678" on Sure Strike.

    My GF Crushing Surge says "1279-1522" how is it a BIG 2h weapon deals 1/3rd the damage?
    My TR says "1177-1418" HECK CLOUD OF STEEL says "549-661"

    So your telling me, a 2h Sword in your face attack deals about the same damage as a small dagger thrown from a distance?!?! ?!?!?!?!?!?!??!

    I get Sure Strike has a fast attack - so slow it down ALOT but beef up the damage ALOT! (Sure stats affect the above, but THAT MUCH?!) Its ridiculous.

    If you SLOW down Sure Strike by even 50%, But give it like 3-4x the damage! This at will should say something around, "1600-1900" More than the GF at will thats forsure...

    I mean Look at what happens when I take off weapons:

    Sure Stike: 53-53
    Crushing Surge: 169-169
    Duelist Flurry: 86-86
    Cloud of Steel:40-40

    Tell me whats wrong with this picture.......

    Sure Strike should be on par with Crushing Surge or ATLEAST Cleave which is 127-127...

    Again I realize stats come into play here... But that is rather silly its that big a difference.

    I actually am starting to wonder if ALL at will damage was boosted on GWFs if this would fix a major part of their issue in both PVP and PVE.

    I mean Heck Wicked Strike is 52-52 with no weapon for heavens sake! Its speed is VERY slow AND damage is reduced based on targets hit...

    Just TEsted a FULL charged Reaping Strike on IWD mobs and its doing about the same as my Sure Strike damage, but it takes a few seconds to charge up - How does that help in aoe fights? I can spam Sure Strike and get 4 hits in 2 seconds or charge for 2 seconds and hit 4-5 mobs for about the same damage?! If I have an AOE at will It should be a clear advantage to use that in AOE fights over my single target - not to mention the final hit can hit multiple?

    It makes no sense.

    NOW is the time to fix these things if your looking at them Crush!
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Father Odin why Loki hit like a mad Truck with knifes & Freya Kill millions from 1 spell ?

    Why Thor the migthy warrior with Mjolnir The best weapon ever crafted by Dwarfs hit like workhammer?

    By the sons of Asgard what a hell is wrong with us what have we done wrong father why you doom us?

    You say we must go in the front line to kill monster with single blow and protect the weak from certain death .

    Have we done somthing wrong?
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
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