This thread is for feedback/bug reports on Stats with the new combat changes.
- Your Total Item Level is now the cap for your ratings
- All ratings, including power, cap at 50% effect when equal to TIL
- Every 1000 rating below TIL is a 1% reduction. Ex. If your TIL is 40,000 and you have 38,000 Defense, you will have 48% defense from ratings.
- Total percent of rating stats is 90%. Up to 50% can come from ratings, the rest comes from direct percentage sources such as boons, ability scores, racial bonuses, companion powers, player powers.
- Armor Penetration and Companion Influence are no longer stats. Armor Penetration has mainly be replaced by Critical Severity. Companion Influence has been replaced by Forte in many places.
- Forte is a new stat which will have its own feedback thread.
- The Character window has had adjustments for the stats display, which includes now showing the percentages.
- Base Maximum Hitpoints are now based on your TIL and are TIL * 10. Tanks get a 20% bonus to this value. Healers get a 10% bonus.
- Base Damage is also based on TIL now and is TIL / 10. DPS get a 20% bonus to this value. Healers get a 10% bonus.
- When scaled, only Hitpoints and Damage change. Your other stats remain as they are whether you are scaled or not.
- Power – works as it did before, now capped like other ratings.
- Defense – works as it did before
- Critical Strike – works as it did before
- Critical Severity – is now a rating. Most sources of Armor Penetration were swapped to be Critical Severity.
- Critical Avoidance – this now reduces Critical Severity instead of Critical Strike.
- Deflect – works as it did before
- Deflect Severity – a new rating which increases how much damage is reduced when deflecting. This previously existed behind the scenes for the most part.
- Accuracy – now reduces Deflect Severity
- Awareness – works as it did before
- Combat Advantage – works as it did before, now capped at the same value as other ratings
- Incoming Healing – is now a rating, but the end result works as it did before
- Outgoing Healing – is now a rating, but the end result works as it did before
- Control Bonus – is now a rating, but the end result works as it did before
- Control Resistance – is now a rating, but the end result works as it did before
- Forte – new stat which will be covered in another thread
Utility Stats are now called Boosts but work as they did before:
- Action Point Gain
- Recharge Speed
- Movement Speed
- Stamina Regeneration
- Magical Damage Boost
- Physical Damage Boost
- XP Bonus
- Gold Bonus
- Glory Bonus
Why barbarian feat Overpenetration depends on accuracy ? Before it was straightforward, cap armor penetration + 2k to have this 10% bonus and now we have to find extra accuracy and it only gives 5%.
I think Critical Strike/Critical Severity is underpowered for DPS players.
Combat Advantage gives, at full cap, 1.9x outgoing damage. All you need to do is position for CA, which is remarkably easy to do by simply positioning for CA with your companion, or getting a companion to give you free CA on the enemies, or with your teammates during group content.
Compare that to Critical Strike/Crit Severity, which doesn't give as big of an expected damage increase and requires the player to cap two different stats: Critical Strike and Critical Severity.
If you go out of your way to cap out both Critical Strike and Severity (which will be difficult to do in this new system, probably by intention), you get a 1.81x expected damage increase. This is theoretically equal to Accuracy, but weaker than CA & Power. Critical hits additionally require you to cap two stats, whereas CA and Power have easier trigger requirements and only asks the player to stack one stat.
On live it is a 50% cap from ratings and there aren't really many other things that can apply it beyond ratings. On Preview it is still a 50% cap from ratings, but now there are a lot of other sources that can add to the actual percent to get it as high as 90%.
Having 90% power will increase your damage by 90%
Having 90% Defense will decrease incoming damage by 90%
90% Combat Advantage will increase your combat advantage damage by 90%
average damage = Magnitude * Damage * (1 + Power) * (1 + Crit Strike * [Crit Sev - Enemy Crit Avoid]) * (1 + Combat Advantage - Enemy Awareness) * (1 - Enemy Deflect * [Enemy Deflect Severity - Accuracy] ) * (1 - Enemy Defense) * (1 + ∑ other buffs)
With all values beeing the percentages?
Also what kind of stats do the critters have? Is it the same for all critters or does it vary by type?
Augments have been identified as bugged and will be fixed in a future patch.
By 'other' part do you mean the value above the 50% from ratings? That would come from companions, racial traits, boons, equipment bonuses, food and potion buffs, etc.
Who says we aren't getting new content? We haven't even seen what all will be in M20. I'm only defending this as far as to actually get people to spend time to actually learn what you can do with the system. I know I haven't yet spent enough time to see how to be a more effective dps with the new system. I can't possibly know if this system or the old one is better.
Devs, it's disingenuous to say that we can push a stat to 90% if you deny us any means of chasing that stat. Why can't we boost Control Bonus in any meaningful way?
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
We will be able to have let's say 80%dr from gear and we will get the extra 20%mitigation from iron warrior as it is right now ?
The reason for highlighting it is the sheer number of changes he had to make to get close to the equivalent of where he was before (capped offensive stats). It could be there are other ways to achieve a similar result with fewer changes, but the fact he had to swap out most enchantments, runestones, insignias, artefacts, companion bonuses, weapon/armor modifications indicates the amount of change involved.
This mainly seems to be because it's much harder to cap multiple stats than previously, which may not be a bad thing, but it does necessitate a move away from many of the items and bonuses used today.
EDIT: I actually think the new system could be better in the long run, because it could make more different options viable depending on what players want to focus on. But I do think there needs to be more thought given to the transition between old to new. In order to make variety work for existing players, there needs to be a path for equivalent exchange of quite a few different items, not just bondings.
If I then set the offhand weapon enhancement to give me +2k defense BOTH values changed. The Defense value was +2k which put me over TIL and so the 48.3% went to 50% and was highlighted in red, but why did "other" go to 1%? Surely the +2k should affect only one source?
I would also have thought that if anything is to be classed as "other" then the enhancement "built in" to a weapon would be it.
Finally, am I missing something, but given the new system say my toon finds new head gear which is 1000 higher item level (exaggerating), but the same Defense as my current. That would mean my TIL would increase, but since my Defense was the same the rating % would decrease? That makes no sense. I lose defense even though I have basically the same armour.
Due to the new cap of Power stat all gears with power increase in fight become useless (at least T3 Hunt gear from Avernus).
Will you do some modifications on this type of elements?
Thanks for your feedback
Eleonore - CW Mof Renegade 17.5k
Harlgard le Vieux - OP Prot 18.3k
Valrik - DC AC 18.2k
Furiela - SW Temp 18.1k
> Then we have a deficit in flexibility, e.g. Control Bonus (no, I'll never let that one go).
> If not all items have Combined Rating, then using an item that does not provide Combined Rating by definition will lower the percentage effectiveness of stats that the particular item doesn't upgrade. So not upgrading a stat is an effective *downgrade* of that stat's effectiveness because its percentage of an increasing whole will decrease.
I feel the same about Outgoing Healing as you do about Control. Getting anything to give raw OH has been nightmarish on live and I don't see it getting any better. So I did what everyone else suggested and worked on Crit then Power. Now that I'm so over cap on Crit, it's really hard to rework, and then to find it so meaningless is disheartening.
There are items with various equip bonuses that add percent to the stat rating (to the 50%), and there are others that give percent to the stat (other sources) or should? or shouldn't? don't know.
It's not clear enough which is which. And will be a major confusion on which item is worthless and which worth more.
Maybe defining some keywords for each case, like "rating" and "secondary source" and writing it them in bold, or something.
Quick example, there is no way for a player who doesn't know before hand to differentiate the sources:
On Preview your comparison is with your total item level. If your Critical Strike is >= your Total Item Level, then you have a 50% chance to crit, which is the maximum from ratings. That is 1% lower for every 1000 your rating is below your Total Item Level.
In addition to that, you can now get up to a total of 90% when including other sources outside of ratings.
That 90% is how often you crit. All of those percentages are what you will do in combat. You don't need any information from the critter anymore as it is all based on your total item level and is all there on your character sheet at all times.
Different zones have different item levels for critters which gives them more HP and Damage (just as it does for you). But the zones have no impact on your ratings at all.
90% critical and deflect severity
With these are the cross interactions:
Enemy deflect severity - My Accuracy = % Reduction on deflect.
My Combat Advantage - Their Awareness = % Damage bonus on CA
My Critical Severity% - Critical Avoidance = % Damage bonus on crit
My Deflect Severity - Their Accuracy = .....
My awarness...
My critical Avoidance
Do the mobs have Awareness, Critical Avoidance, Accuracy? Or it all became relevant only to PvP interactions?
Edit - Also safe to assume all mobs have 50% defense?
But there are still items out there we need to swap over. And always feel free to report any that don't line up with that.
deflect (50) that we cant counter
deflect severity (90) that we counter with accuracy
critical chance (50) that we cant counter
critical severity (90) that we counter with awareness
or I am mistaken?
pvp is another world tho
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor