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  • Yep and clearly you enjoy wasting your time in game. Look I'm all for helping friends who are not very good. It's fun when they have bad gear too. It's completely fine. But when it comes to random strangers? Most people want to play with other players with high gearscore. The reason is time is precious and you want to get…
  • Just like education in the real world, hard work, or time invested in a career. These things seperate people - the ones who make effort from the ones who don't. There are some exceptions of course. But the reality is only bad players or casual players who don't care about gear really freak out about such things. Look if…
  • The only reason I bought the pack, to be completely honest. Was because I thought it was going off sale. I kind of wanted the goodies, and was very interested in the race -- but it was still 75 dollars. I waited to the very last minute. Electing to pull the trigger, because I did not want to decide later I wanted the pack,…
  • As a poker player, this is completely true. When you tell someone, "You have 50/50 odds." Most people honestly think, those odds aren't too bad. That at worst? They can break even. Suddenly they lose 10 times in a row, or 20. In 50/50 odd situations, they seemed shocked, thinking things are rigged. But the longer you play…
  • I have no mathematical proof of this, but it does seem this way. Did not buy keys at first. Then around mid twenties I caved, but up until that point seemed like I got a slow pace lockbox drop. Bought two sets of keys, to try my luck (did above average), decided that was enough of a gamble for me. However lockboxes started…
  • Thursday seems a good day, to spend my 100m Astral Diamonds.
  • Good point and thank you for the information. I have been here since launch and in beta. But I also quit a few weeks after launch. Never even got a level 60. Certainly did not give te game a fair shake, but I love it now. So this information helps a lot.
  • Just maybe. If Cryptic sold the race by itself, away from the goodies? They would have a point, that the race does not cost 75 dollars. But there is not an option for that. I would love to use this tatic in real life, "I have some magic beans. With a bunch of other stuff, for 75 dollars. The magic beans do not cost 75…
  • Some kind of currency exchange system would help. My vote is for Astral Diamonds. I know, I know, "But people will farm Dragons all day long!" They don't do that right now?
  • The beam, should not clothesline. It should follow enemies and it should bend. It also should not handle and aim, like a kite blowing in the wind and trying to steer it. It takes for too long for it to get back on targets, when you aim. Almost makes me want to drop the power even though I like it.
  • Try riding the Hero of The North, Spider mount around as a Dragonborn. They messed up the animation bad. The Dragonborn's head acts like sprinkler, that is broken, and twitches horrible. It is so bad, I cannot use the mount for the race. It's like a broken robot, and I hope Cryptic got more complaints than mine. The helm…
  • But of course, they also never paid anything for the game to begin with. So it is more like, "16 pages of PAYING CUSTOMERS who paid more than a AAA game at retail (while never buying neverwinter to begin with) for a new race and some extra goodies who thought they were getting a special deal, and now believe it to have…
  • Or; They could make this all go away, with some scope of Zen store credit for people who bought the pack. This would go a long way to politically mend fences, which would make the players happier, which gets your company more money in the end. You lose nothing by making your paying customers happy. You are giving away…
  • I won't pay the price. As you can see, I have no problems, or trouble spending money. The problem I have is, I spent 199.99 dollars over one year ago, and still do not feel I have gotten my money's worth. Also feel looking back, the pack itself was lacking but still better than this one. 100 dollars (normal price) for a…
  • This is how free to play works. 10% of the players pay. 90 percent freeload and don't pay a thing. So the company, not just Cryptic, jacks up the prices as high as possible, where items will still sell (whether lower prices would net the more money is another debate, I think they would make more). So they overcharge the…
  • I consider bag prices way too high. But to be fair. I consider all F2P MMO prices too high. It's just the way the business model is set up. 5% of the players are whales, 10% of the players pay, so they jack up the prices, to get as much out of the 10% as possible. So it pretty much comes down to, we pay for free loaders.…
  • Thank you. Very well said, a shame it's also rarely said on the forums.
  • I think a guild hall would be a much better investment, it seems to fit the universe itself much better. Think housing is a better option in single player games or smaller games with multiplayer options, to be honest with you. Just because some players would enjoy it, doesn't make it the right fit for this game.
  • I agree, a separate role play server is a great idea - on paper. However when set into motion, it will likely suffer from a big problem, server population or a lack of it. I don't see this game ever having the kind of population that could support a healthy RPG server. Beyond the population problem itself, great idea but…
  • You are only cheating yourself and nobody else. This game is made for content enjoyment, made by the studio and other players, it's also made for Dungeons and Dragons fans. Not WoW children who want to race to max level as fast as possible, ignoring all lore and quest content of the game. Pretty much it's like making the…