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  • The game is horrible its an obvious attempt to grb as much cash with the IP and move on. Its simply bad at every angle P2W. they should have kept this a small co op game with the foundry left in. its simply the worst example of F2P and even worse example of a MMO
  • and is a kickstarter sandbox MMO now https://goblinworks.com/
  • there is no way this game can fil its F2P and the current way the cash shop runs there will be a constan rotation of people spending money in it from time to time there first order of buisness should be making the foundry more powerful, and filtering the content that they would deem tested and in line with lore . make it…
    in End-game Comment by wifeaggro13 May 2013
  • this si the only short coming of foundry really that and not having really any power over scripting and encounter customizing
    in End-game Comment by wifeaggro13 May 2013
  • That does not make the game fun so hickman can say anything he wants reguarding numbers. Profit does not equal a good game all it means is they have found a way to milk their subscrition for extra money with items that should be attainable in game. TOR is a very very shallow game with little in game consquence or feeling…
    in End-game Comment by wifeaggro13 May 2013
  • that is your problem, get a new Mobo and CPU the new genration of intels are very reasonable compared to the 900 series sandy bridge. you can get a i7 3770 for about 300 bucks that will murder anythng you through at it.MMO's are much more CPU dependent then single layer games, id not try to play any modern one with a dual…
  • This is the short coming of foundry. its a limited toolset and very hard for devolpers to intergrate into the end game play field. its awesome for lvling new chrs though its a constant stream of new content that keeps leveling feeling fresh
    in End-game Comment by wifeaggro13 May 2013
  • The reason why SWTOR had long ques i because people wanted to be on specific servers with their gameing communites by the 2 nd day the had over 90 servers to choose from. this game has no where near 2 million people trying to play to need over 100 servers . but they do need to double their server capicity. which they are…
  • i love the war between the long time fanboi community and the newcomer F2P. I personaly expected it to be a reocky launch, dont kid yourself with open beta nonsense. Personaly they could have released this as a 60 dollar B2p model or even 60 dollar 9.99 sub model its that good. But i suspect their gouge zen shop is making…
  • Im not the one makig any whinny Que posts i expected it. Ive seen many MMO releases and Que times are usally rapidly addressed like PW is doing. But i do have the right to call it as i see it, though the F2P is friendly, your content is not restricted to what you can play , the price point is ridiculous sorry you read blah…
  • PW is EA's little sister. The que times are ridiculous even a small company like Trion had things worked out extremely fast and launched enough servers for people to reroll on. I dont anticpate Cryptic or PW breaking the bank on a F2P game for servers or log in slots. Its a fun game but people are acting like this is a AAA…
  • The marketing scheme was its F2P when its actually spend your whole paycheck to play and if you have any money left you can buy these keys !!!!
  • Every MMO ive ever played launches with a Que, the only difference is thye had the balls to call it a launch instead of a F2P open beta that charges 200 dollars for priority posistion. Serioulsy just make the game B2P with a option for subscrition that gives zen in monthly increments and free 10 free lock box keys pers sub…
  • for 60 bucks i coulda got a 6 pack of bear and a chinese massage *wink* *wink* instead all i got was this stupid shirt that says "Q" on it
  • Rookies wish i had my 60 bucks i could buy a single player game with Co OP and get the same expierence with no Q or QQ lol
  • that would be the proper response . and everyone that keeps saying its not a launch its a open beta is pretty funny you can put lipstick on a pig and call it your wife but at the end of the days its still a pig. the only reason why they are calling it bopen beta is because they knew they would have issues. Cryptic does not…
  • I dont know why wizards keeps liscensing small companies that dont make true MMO's to make a DND MMO? . The game is fun but it does nothing to re invigorate the franchise nor longevity, with ctypric and PW and the small budget its not their fault the launch is shoody its to be expected . when your in and playing youll be…
  • Well first off i do like the game, its very well done and enjoyable first run through lvling.But their price point is way off i mean way off. Keys 15 bucks for 10 on those chests ? Seriously thats one month of a premium sub for a mount that drops RNG of maybe 1 and 100 . the zen store is way over priced and there is really…
  • That makes sense . what confuses me still is why they are calling it an open beta still when they have stated to different publications the launch is on the 30th
  • Interesting so its actualy a two and a half day head start. every pre launch headstart program ive ever been involved in has started at midnight . and servers were available at 12:01 my guess is this whole thing will not go down smooth.
  • sorry i misunderstood the question, but aplha for all intents is usally a very very small group of people. usally equated to friends and family of the dev team. alot of companies are actually hiring people as well for focus devolpment tests. why would you want to know what aplha was like anyway? its not even a game in…
  • I would think it does for all intents and purposes they are calling this early access just about everywhere and even in our founders mail it says its early access . i dont think they could enforce a Beta EULA on a product they have released. not that they really need to this thing is pretty polished
  • I agree with the OP for the most part. Neverwinter is a fun game on its base but is far from a MMO. I constanly need to remind myself the game was originally devolped as a co op multiplayer game not a full fledged MMO. The game lacks depth and alot of other things that i think are just not attainable with having the…
  • I was typing and playing, but fear not you can completely rebind keys to mouse turn and hot key abilites to any key you would like.
  • no what i am suggesting is making mouse moving an availble option there are really only 6 abilites that could easily be bound to 1,2,3,4,5,6 instead of Q,E,R,TAB, mouse 1 and 2. mouse moving is basicaly hold the mouse button 1 and 2 down to move and guiding the camera with the mouse exactly the way the targeting is already…
  • First everything ive staed was My own opinion. It's opinion based on gaming expierence as for your refrence to salvatore i have all four of the neverwinter series on Pre order with audible and i am well aware of the books coming forth. Salvatore is making a ton of money on this series not because of WOTC its because of…
  • I do not believe DND will survive which is very sad FR's is they pinnacle of all game worlds i feel its lore and indepth world with all the books supporting it is hard to recreate and would take a generation to devolp. It's why your seeing most of the core of WOTC and the people responsible for creating it have left. Games…
  • Thier is a reason why people are abandoning the 4 e ruleset. Its also the reason pathfinder completely blew up and the CEO of wizards of the coast broke of with all the Game writers for DND to make their own game. Goblinworks has all the original DND devolpers from the last 30 years. the onlything WOTC have currently is…