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  • This is perhaps the most well written and truthful post on all the forum threads. WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO and you all cheer and give them money. Whoever tells us this is D&D along with the devs should be ashamed.
  • I'm glad to see our points came through and excited by the prospect of these changes taking place. Ambisinisterr's 2nd post was very well written and the suggested changes are much needed by the current game. In response to this question and addition to his summary I would recommend the following changes: Merging current…
  • Dwarf Barbarian with Greataxe=awesome :)
  • Every "class", like guardian and great weapon fighter, has it's own "paragon path" choices. Each currently has only 3 and I doubt they will add more since they fill the interface. But they don't really mean much, all they do is give you a single "daily" power. No need to flip through the PHB for these, the devs don't give…
  • Actually this game is like showing up to a D&D table and being handed a pizza then being asked to use it to roll for initiative (see what I did here, because pizza isn't in it self bad but can't be used to play?). Did I mention D&D has initiative? :D
  • I'm the one stating opinion yet you say "no one wants to listen to you" as a fact. You should take a course in debate and learn at least how to speak indirectly if you want to have a proper discussion kid (I will assume you are one because you got filled with agression over some forum posts). If you wan't to drag God…
  • Everything I wrote was in hopes of helping Cryptic make a good game and in the end make money. The sad thing is forums are supposed to give feedback to devs, but they will never read any of this or take it into consideration because they respond to simple questions instead of serious matters that might interfere with their…
  • Actually using LOGIC which is reliable and TRUTH which is absolute we can in fact conclusively answer the question. There are a lot of RPG systems out there, GURPS, Black Eye, Vampire the Masquarade, Pathfinder, Warhammer, to name a few. Now what is the difference between them? You could think where the game is played and…
  • 100% agree. But would settle for 50% of it at launch since any of these things would take some time to produce.
  • You misunderstand the argument. The argument isn't about what edition feels most like D&D, it's about the fact that NW states it's 4E when in fact it's not, it's not any D&D edition, it uses it's own system.
  • I guess we have different meanings for well developed classes. I think a class is well developed if it plays similar to it's original and is customizable, while you think it's well developed if it's shredded up to bite sized pieces Cryptic can make a lot of money on :) "Slap in the face" is a figure of speech. Google the…
  • This is exactly the problem. In NW int does not mesure the characters inteligence and reasoning. It measures an arbitrary bonus to spellcasting. You could also be a non intelligent wizard and cast powerfull spells with just a slight disadvantage. Problem? Yup
  • If you open the 3E rulebook you will find all of the following rules that are listed here inside it: Damage Reduction - example under barbarian Ressistance - given by potions, spells and certain items Miss Chance - rules for concelment under stealth, Incorporal under ghost type monsters and some spells Fortification -…
  • I keep saying not following the PnP rules to the letter is expected and perfectly ok. But you can't look over the complete ignoring of them that was done here. I'm aware DDO has it's problems, I'm aware it didn't follow 3.5E rules exactly, but come on, at least they TRIED. They kept AC, attack bonuses, core atributes and…
  • Please show me where are those 5 stats you speak of because I cant see them.
  • Thats why I left "resemble" in there. You can justify Cryptic all day long and say that it's not possible but in the end we all know where they went wrong, why they did it and that it IS possible. DDO exists, it uses a d20 system, it's a MMO, deal with it.
  • If you could just make it resemble anything fourth edition
  • There are good movie adaptations that stick to to books and bad ones that don't. Thats exactly whats happening here. The fact that it's a video game has nothing to do with it. Baldur's Gate is one of the best games ever made in general and it stuck to the rules 14 years ago, with far less technology available and a far…
  • The number 1 complaint should be the utter lack of any mechanics even resembling D&D or its 4E. But will probably end up being give moar lewt
  • I have been a 4E Dungeon Master for 2 years and a player since 2E. I'm quite sure I know what I'm talking about.
  • The game has consumables that grant you the skill of a nother class for 3 minutes and you can buy them for copper at any vendor. I don't see whats strict about that. I would prefer strict myself but that would require actual D&D rules in the game ;)
  • Actually they are nothing like D&D classes apart from the visuals and ability names. Because it has no d20 system in it and instead uses the Champions one :/
  • Here's some constructive advice: Who is a game called D&D targeting as it's player base? Gee, one would think D&D players. The problem is Cryptic couldnt make up it's mind does it want D&D players or MMO players or WoW players so it tried to cater to everyone and historicaly that approach caters to no one. What do D&D…
  • Here's some constructive advice: Who is a game called D&D targeting as it's player base? Gee, one would think D&D players. The problem is Cryptic couldnt make up it's mind does it want D&D players or MMO players or WoW players so it tried to cater to everyone and historicaly that approach caters to no one. What do D&D…
  • In this case WotC certified the equivalent of printing a Ferarri T-Shirt instead of making a car . Sure, you can wear it, but it doesn't mean you drive a Ferarri. Cryptic got the D&D sticker, but it doesn't mean we'll play a D&D game. But hey, Cryptic's thoughts must have been "most people are happy with the T-shirt", and…
  • Not really, real D&D players understand that while 4E might not be the best one it IS the best one to use in a video game. The problem is there is none in this one
  • People dislike being taken for fools and lied to. No one is disputing the games quality, just the amount of D&D it really has. This
  • Then don't worry, this game has no 4e in it beyond the names/looks
  • You read my mind...they just went chasing after the magic WoW dragon again here, with hopes f2p would help
  • Or people have just played the beta now and realised that it has way more in common with GW2 and WoW than actual D&D, and it kinda stings