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  • I've said it before, and I'll say it again: you have to be masochistic to PvP in Neverwinter as a new player, end of story. Even more so if you are one of the poor sods who wants to make it work with free to play. I was already talking about how utterly screwed new players were in that area, two mods ago. Nobody cares over…
  • First Strike works with it. That's all that really needs a fix, make it so First Strike doesn't work with piercing. First Strike is the enabler for all those high damage blows from Shocking Execution. I personally feel that passive is useless outside of a SE-focused build, and wish it was replaced with something better.
  • Personally, this situation isn't acceptable for me. Instead of fixing the biggest mistakes in Mod 6 (starting with the fact that Mod 6 even exists), you're doubling down on making the game far less fun to play. As well as far more inconvenient to your player base, thanks to having so few ways to make any decent amounts of…
  • Never has a point been missed so much. The reason people are botting Leadership is because you have no good ways to make AD in the game. You have CREATED the demand for Leadership botting just to be competitive in Neverwinter, and now you want to speak of 'fixing' that as if your company's greed didn't create the issue in…
  • That's even being generous. I would say it's more like 1 in 10 to 20. Anyone who speaks of 'permanent stealth' builds as if they're still popular these days is either ignorant about the TR or doesn't PvP in the current mod much at all.
  • To clarify: I've played each feat tree for the TR repeatedly in the most recent mod -- in every which way feats can be sensibly allocated -- and it's no secret that I'm a big fan of the Whisperknife. I don't just play MI/Sabo, as people who have fought with me in PvP can attest to. For a while, I was even messing around…
  • The TR is currently among the weakest classes in PvP, only topped by most Warlocks as far as I'm concerned. They only really 'pay off' when you have BiS gear... if you don't have said gear, you can prepare to be spanked a lot. If the Shocking Execution piercing nerf (which is really better solved by having First Strike not…
  • Since some individuals have seen fit to track me and my guild down, I feel the need to state that this sort of childish vindictiveness is unwelcome harassment. I specified that I did not want this sort of contact... my opinions are my own, and people have already been denigrating my guild in Zone chat. You know who you…
  • So why would we slot a daily in Shocking that can regularly fail to hit 6/8 classes, on the same token? Any good player with sense in his head is going to attempt to dodge it, and many of them succeed. Like I've said, this topic is a complete non-issue since the Shadowy nerf. The damage just isn't there anymore.
  • Read what I said above very carefully to make sure you understand it, and then read this again: Shadowy Opportunity has since been nerfed, and it is the sole reason he was doing that much damage. In PvE gear with 20,000+ Power and First Strike on, the most we got Shocking to do was 85-90k. So yes, it's possible in very…
  • Read the above post, about how the video is before Shadowy got nerfed. That rogue has also got First Strike perma-slotted, despite that it's practically useless in any fight where the teams are remotely even. He's in a top tier PvP guild from what I can tell, meaning that his team was likely steamrolling the new…
  • *posts something from before the Shadowy nerf* "Oh my god guys, he was murdering new players in one hit when it was mostly only one guy at a time, with First Strike slotted. Look at how you can see that Control Wizard (or anyone else, really) barely fazing him! Clearly this calls for more nerfs than just the Feat that was…
  • Well no, it is. You claimed it does 85k. It doesn't do that without a very specific setup and boatloads of Power. That's not legitimate grounds for a nerfing. The TR's damage abilities have been drying up for a while now as it is, and you want to nerf the final one that does any damage so that your defenses can finish…
  • I didn't just claim it, I can prove it. Like I said above, the burden of proof is on each of you; you folks made the claims. I've stated that people are lying about the basic damage it does, because I am certain I can back it up. Isn't it funny how that works? Making claims that someone can back up, what a novel concept!…
  • Sigh. Okay, let me repeat myself one more time for you: 1. I can get proof that SE is a skill that regularly deals 45k with crits and a Pure Vorpal in-slot. 45k is at best, half of someone's HP -- I'm at a 2k IL, and I still have 90,000 HP. Even a 'fragile' class like a Control Wizard has roughly 100k. This is not a…
  • 45k damage is not the 'majority' of any serious PvPer's hit points. It is at best half, and I noted that other classes are doing equivalent amounts of damage without piercing. And for a GWF (especially with Determination active), half of their HP is even unlikely. (Edit: The Warlock might have a case here, but the Warlock…
  • 1. Sorry, but it's simple math. This has nothing to do with my 'low level of PvP gameplay' -- three top tier TRs (as in BiS, much like the one who tried it with PvE gear) in my TeamSpeak said it's simply not possible as well. The rogue who did the PvE gear test for me is sitting at near-perfect BiS, with maxed Rank 11's…
  • 1. Nobody I know uses First Strike (there are a number of far superior class features, especially if a TR is specced into Master Infiltrator). If they did, the likelihood that Shocking Execution would be that 'first strike' is pretty low. Perfect Vorpal, possibly -- but how many people do you know that have one? Do you…
  • For a few weeks spent playing, I didn't think it was too shabby. Still, you're missing the point about as much as anyone has ever missed a point -- I showed that the skill is far from consistently doling out the kind of damage he claims, and merely used my current situation as an example. The most Power I've seen in…
  • I've never seen Shocking Execution doing 85k in all of my time as a TR in Mod 6, so I'm going to call nonsense on that. Please prove claims like this with screenshots or video footage, before you expect anyone to take you seriously. At around 7,500 power on my TR (2000+ IL), this skill is currently reporting a maximum…
  • Speaking as a pretty good TR player (I was in the top five pages of the current PvP Preseason for a while in the 60's tier before I made L70, and have main played a Whisperknife build successfully), Shocking does not need a nerf. It's avoided often enough as it is by people who are paying attention, is one of very few ways…