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Please remove piercing damage from Shocking Execution or...



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    quspivquspiv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    clonkyo1 wrote: »
    Again, right now, the main problem with SE is its range. It must be toned down to 5' at max range, allowing SW and GWFs to outrun it.
    clonkyo1 wrote: »
    Again, right now, the main problem with SE is its range. It must be toned down to 5' at max range, allowing SW and GWFs to outrun it.

    They wont, cause they would've to make it instant cast then, since in 5 range you'd visible and get cc'd all the time. Unless they buff TR encounter dmg to GWF encounter dmg, so you can 2 shot tanks. (which is unlikely to happen, even if TR is an assassin classs)
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    quspivquspiv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    Maybe it's supposed to be a hard counter? Devs in this game follow their own weird rules, so it's hard to predict what they perceive as WAI.
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    vaulwynvaulwyn Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    SE is not fair for any class, my main is a 3.4k GF, I have been hit by SE multiple times for over 90k, that might as well be instant death because you will never recover. Any CC and you have not chance to use any defense. Piercing dmg is a major problem in pvp right now, it needs to be removed from pvp period.

    When a TR can COS a GF to death and he has zero options to defend himself or retaliate then something it terribly terribly wrong.
    GF - Sigh
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    vaulwynvaulwyn Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    morenthar wrote: »
    metalldjt wrote: »
    morethner you want to bring back the m3 TR with no damage? are you even advocating for your class?
    what is the problem with the TR is not damage, but surviability, they have them both, so atleast just think about it, if you keep your damage you will still be able to kill your enemy, but if you get rid of some of your surviability, you will problably die couple of times, meaning that you have to chose carefully because nerfs/fix/buffs will always be in this game, so depending on what you are advocating your class will go in totally ruin because your opinion doesn't take everything in consideration, while me by sayin deflect severity should be 50% and not 75%, and keep the SE, you are sayin they should remove piercing damage.

    and yes, he is low on deflect, if u watched the video you would've noticed the amount of heals he got from LS, meaning that his defensive slots are full of DARKS.

    morethner your opinions are far far away from what is really happening in the game and about class mechanics you are just bad.

    You really have no idea what you are talking about, as well as no idea what I am talking about. I have full Dark Enchantments and my deflect is 36%. So what? I don't deflect everything, but I will deflect some things. Why is that so hard for you to cope with? You do realize TRs get Deflection percentage increase from both DEX and CHA? Trs also have access to other feats that allow for more Deflection and Damage Reduction. It comes at the expense of offensive feats.

    About class mechanics I am just bad, huh? Well, I've never claimed to be a geek of the game. But after playing a TR now for almost exactly 2 years, I have a pretty good idea how most of the class works. Executioners have a bit more recent experience with that tree than I do, but Sab and Scoundrel? I've tested the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> out of both of those trees. Lots of different builds. I know exactly what is overpowered and what is not. I've advocated for the overpowered things to be changed. I've also defended the class against the nerf-herders that really have no friggin' clue what the hell they are talking about.

    So, just keep on with that Deflection Severity argument of yours. It makes you look like a damn fool. Once again, you people have a power STARING YOU IN THE FRIGGIN' FACE.

    It's saying, "Hi, I'm Impossible To Catch. In case you didn't already know from my name, I kind of make TRs impossible to catch when I am activated. I provide and immunity window that allows for survival that is disproportionate to the amount of damage a TR can do. This immunity window allows an MI TR to very easily rotate to devastating attacks. Most notably, Shocking Execution."

    So, is there a problem with ItC? Yes. How this escapes some people is baffling.
    Is there a problem with SE? Yes. Lower the range and have it respect the 50% HP threshold.
    Is there a problem with Piercing Damage? Now that SO has been fixed, not as much. Address the above two issues and SO becomes a whole lot less of a problem. That being said, if you want to remove it from the game entirely, I can get behind that.

    What's so hard to figure out here?

    I almost completely agree with this, I am am advocate of completely removing piercing dmg from all classes it never should have been included in pvp.

    I also think TR survivability is a major problem but ITC is not the only culprit half of the problem is also dodge immunity, with how fast TRs can regen stm they can stay immune almost the entirety of the time they are out of stealth, the window of opportunity is simply not wide enough.

    .5 seconds is not enough time if you consider latency as well, dodge immunity needs to be reduced to 1 second from the initiation of the dodge.
    GF - Sigh
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    pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    shrewguy wrote: »
    Oh right, and as I mentioned earlier GWFs can actually dodge Shocking executin, both Mighty Leab and Punishing Charge have dodge frames on them that can let you dodge shocking execution.. It is possible for GWFs to dodge, but realistically, who would every use those abilities?

    So.. yeah I support the idea of letting Warlock and GWF sprint damage reduction reduce piercing damage.

    Yeah, basically, a GWF would slot, for example, mighty leap (not sure if punishing charge has immune frames...it didn't last time i used it but it was a LONG time ago, might have changed). With the sole purpose to dodge.
    Now you lose one damage encounter (and it's not like CW shield on tab, it's just a chance to dodge using it with perfect timing). So, you go with which rotation? ML-FLS-IBS? Lose 40% damage from daggers. ML-HD-IBS? Lol good luck landing a direct IBS. ML-HD-...X? You lose IBS huge damage, expecially since it's feated on destro tree. Might use restoring strike in place of IBS but you still lose a lot of damage to have a chance to dodge SE vs TR.
    Then you meet other classes and your rotation doesn't work. Like using ML on a GF, for example.

    Simpler solution is make GWF and SW shift working like shield on tab for CW: a flat DR on a separate layer. Plus may be increase GWF stamina regen a bit since sprint must be used both for gap closing AND defense while other classes dodges are for defense only AND said classes have way faster stamina regeneration.
    In fact, PvP GWFs need to go IV to be optimal cause threat rush is needed to fill the gap. With sprint alone a TR, or CW, or HR with marauder, would outrun you.
    Also, threat rush is bugged and rubberbands you back even if you're not spamming it. *shrugs*
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    murthag1990murthag1990 Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    > @metalldjt said:
    > you are just not gettin it?
    > IMPOSSIBLE TO CATCH - like the name implies should only make you immune to CC, because they can't grab a hold of you, and not mitigating all of the incoming damage.
    > with a recovery build (recharge speed) you will always have an itc up.
    > when a TR uses ITC it will go straight into a cooldown, before they can use another itc it's a gap of 3seconds, in those 3seconds he can stay in stealth or use 1 of the 5 dodges.
    > when in itc the deflect % is multipling with 1000x , because no one knows why 1000x, maybe you can tell me? and it also grants some DR.
    > so tell me with a 75% deflect severity + ITC always up, tell me why a TR should facetank all of my damage?
    > it's simple dude, you bring deflect severity down to 50% like other classes have, and next time when a TR will facetank in itc you atleast dealing some damage to them like you should and it's needed.
    > we dont need to touch Shocking Execution, cause it's not broken, and it's not a 1-shot anymore, and more or less is needed for a TR in mod7:strongholds.
    > SE is not a problem of RANGE, it's a problem that it shouldn't deal damage when you are out of sight, like he prepares to use a shocking on you and in the same moment a CW will repel you to abyss, in that moment you should be out of sight.
    > again, it's not a problem of how much damage TR does,it's about how less damage he takes, because a dead TR will not have time to kill 10 players in a row and have 0 deaths in a match.
    > if you played TR for 2 years please remember from where will the TR get his damage, like check the video above me fighting a BIS TR that can beat you with 2 fingers, the only damage dealer he has is SE, if you take that away, how can he clear me or anybody else?

    This is maybe truth in case a tr plays mi/sab but this wont work for the other trees if you nerf the deflect severity, i really dont care about skullcrack/exe but others do. And yes SE is the only dmg source against you, a GWF but not every class has so much dr and even with the nerf of SO,cos still hurt other classes. The old SE was fine because you actually have to build ap with landing a df and get your enemy's hp down to 30%-40% to benefit from the 200%dmg increase based on health but things have changed now we have devoted and cloaks which generate too much ap without doing anything expect dodging/re-stealth/hiding. Just change it back like it was before and make the dmg based on HP missing so a scrub cant slot first strike and 1hit pugs and a top tr cant start a fight with 1 dazing strike + se and nearly "1shot" people. Tr's can also force you to dodge until you are out of stamina they can easy decline SE like a CW can do this with his ice knife by pressing shift.

    Idk what to do about itc maybe it should only deflect dmg in the first 3 seconds or if you use it out of stealth it just gives you flat base dr. The rechargespeed is ridicilous but i believe you cant just nerf a whole stat just for one class.
    Post edited by murthag1990 on
    Black Turtle TryhartzIV
    Deadpool // HR
    Shakur // Tr
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    greenkrickettgreenkrickett Member Posts: 85 Arc User
    metalldjt wrote: »
    i am still gettin used to my build, but here is the POV of a bis TR going against a GWF.
    we've done 1vs1 mostly, since SO fix, i can see the GWF is having a chance to beat the TR in a 1vs1 situation(and ofc other classes aswell)

    You are the perfect reason TRs need a good big nerf. You being immune to damage (itc) stealth and good damage is BS and needs to be fixed. No clue why stealth doesn't break on damage stupid mechanic and one I hope they never reproduce in ANY other MMO.
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    pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    Then you should know that survivability is given by tnegation+tfey+20% LS chance if i can guess.
    Basically the gear fills-up the build issues.
    Give both guys a soulforged. TR survivabilty will stay high. GWF survivability will drop a lot more.
    It's the same as mod 5 intimidation gwf imho.
    Current gwf is allowed to get serious only once half-dead.
    The above BiS setup allows him to recover and benefit from his full power.
    Other classes instead are effective indipendently from gear. Cause it's their mechanic that gives them most of their power.
    GWF must always use gear to make their crappy mechanics work.
    Problem is, not all gwfs are BiS and can reach the sweet spot where gear allows you to recover and benefit from your full power.
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    quspivquspiv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    pando83 wrote: »
    Then you should know that survivability is given by tnegation+tfey+20% LS chance if i can guess.
    Basically the gear fills-up the build issues.
    Give both guys a soulforged. TR survivabilty will stay high. GWF survivability will drop a lot more.
    It's the same as mod 5 intimidation gwf imho.
    Current gwf is allowed to get serious only once half-dead.
    The above BiS setup allows him to recover and benefit from his full power.
    Other classes instead are effective indipendently from gear. Cause it's their mechanic that gives them most of their power.
    GWF must always use gear to make their crappy mechanics work.
    Problem is, not all gwfs are BiS and can reach the sweet spot where gear allows you to recover and benefit from your full power.

    GWF isn't the only class gear dependent. Try playing TR without good weapon enchant and elol set. Let me know how much you can kill.
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    vaulwynvaulwyn Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    Yeah gwf is definitely not the only gear dependent class, GF is just a dependent.

    That said TR is not as dependent as those two, only class that might be would be SW, they are pretty weak till they get close to BiS then turn into monsters. Huge Shift for them, rather a large shift for GWF and GF once they hit that point as well. Little more so for GWF than GF.

    GF - Sigh
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    icyphishicyphish Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,255 Arc User
    Piercing is not wanted by majority of the players including some of the TRs agreed on this themselves. I do not ask for this piercing damage to be removed completely, however it should be more of a minor-sub dmg, not what it is atm... :\

    Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
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    pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    @quspiv: TR is not nearly as gear hungry as gwf. Reason is, their strenght comes from powers, feat, mechanics. At lower GS you still deal enough damage to kill and have the same dodge roll spam, ITC, stealth rotation to survive a lot more than a low gear gwf.

    @metaldijit: i think you are wrong about SE. Huge damage must be dodgeable. BiS vorpal gwfs kill faster than any other class, but you can dodge and mitigate. SE is a flat monster damage gwfs and sws cannot dodge. Must respect tenacity since it's the one and only power ignoring it 100%. It's nonsense. Is't it enough to flat out ignore dr of the target?
    Also: must be mitigated by shift dr on gwf and SW. If i dodge it with my shift or the TR hits me while i'm in unstoppable, he must get punished, not rewarded. It basic of skillful play.
    Right now trs just have to pop DC artifact and have free monster damage in 10 seconds.
    Yesterday i got to slot leap-daggers-RS fighting a TR doing that. Then change rotation when going on another node to face a paladin and a DC. Need a 3rd rotation for other gwfs, cws, sws, HR. Can go into details if you want.
    That way i am able to have 100% efficiency on each situation.
    And TR is the only class that basically need a rotation just to avoid nonsense "kill button" mechanic of SE on warlocks and gwf cause going unstoppable, sprinting, nothing works.

    I am working my <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> off changing rotation and predicting the TR actions, while a TR must only pop artifact, wait 10s, press a button when fighting me. *shrugs*
    Is it really too much to ask for a big nuke to be dodgeable and respect the pvp stat that mitigates all the damage sources?

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    kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    When GWFs relied on mechanics to be powerful they were called op and rivers of tears later the devs started destroying the class. The current situation is far from being the worst as you surely know

    Yeah. Comments like these explain a lot about your basic stance when it comes to these sort of things.

    So basically your stance on an established mechanic is sorta like "if it exists, then it's not a bug, so it's no problem, no matter how much you dislike it." And of course, being the good, faithful benefactor of such mechanics and such classes with such mechanics everytime, you'll tend to just ignore, face away, or pretend to not see what's going on. "How dare they say my favroite XX class is overpowered?? Shame on them."


    It almost makes me want to call to the devs to bring back EVERYTHING the TR "lost, because of some whiners who need to L2P", up to date.

    Almost. But not quite. LOL.

    Stop making excuses. Be a man.
    If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
    Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
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    threnodicthrenodic Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Speaking as a pretty good TR player (I was in the top five pages of the current PvP Preseason for a while in the 60's tier before I made L70, and have main played a Whisperknife build successfully), Shocking does not need a nerf.

    It's avoided often enough as it is by people who are paying attention, is one of very few ways to do any serious damage to the tankier classes in the game outside of Wheel, and the TR's former main source of piercing damage (Shadowy Opportunity) has already been nerfed to the ground with the 'bugfix' they put through in the recent patching.

    It may gall you folks who aren't so good at PvP to read this, but the Trickster Rogue is currently one of the most balanced classes in the game. Outside of the Scoundrel tree needing a bit of a buff (they nerfed the dazing feats way too hard), no more changes need to be made to the class overall. Maybe ITC could be looked at in the near future, but the Trickster Rogue is not NEARLY as broken as armour enchantments like Negation (or the Paladin, with certain setups and builds that exploit to do damage or become nigh invulnerable -- they aren't completely broken, otherwise).

    Many of you are comparing 'credit card warriors' who have Rank 12's and BiS gear with Transcendent enchantments to the rest of us. I can assure you that TRs die aplenty with gear they've had to work for, if they are played foolishly.

    Unfortunately, Cryptic/PWE has turned this game into a battle of the dollar -- ANY class that's geared from paying AD farmers WILL have a huge advantage over their normal counterparts. That can't be helped. You want to be a serious top tier PvP player? Better break out that wallet, instead of complaining about the silly stuff you die to.

    Find something new to gripe about. The TR's been nerfed more than enough.
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    pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    metalldjt wrote: »
    right now i can swear without lying or anything that the GWF has a 40% chance to beat a TR 1vs1.
    SO + cloud of steel spam made a huge impact on TR damage.
    shocking execution is someth that should not be touched.

    i can clear alot of TRs that in mod5 they were killing me because of the class being really OP.

    there might be some builds over there for TRs, but it's clearly that if they build to deal only damage without any sustainable resource they are dying from me.

    i am pretty much competent and i know alot of stuff about the gwf and how to build it.
    i am for balance, and balance pvp, iam not advocating for my class or tryin to make other classes worthless.

    with module6, they gave a worth having DR stacked, it's mitigating alot of damage.
    and with SO being fixed they won't deal that amount of damage.
    so basically if i have a 40% chance to fight a TR and i can even win, what can u ask more?
    i didnt said that i dont agree with the stuff you are sayin, but tbh if gwf can mitigate SE it will be way to easy.

    I clear many TRs in my ilvl range and i usually can fight unless they really are overgearing me by far.
    But the point is: to clear the TR you work your <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> off right? You sprint, you predict, time your unstoppable to build stacks instead of wasting it, time your hits cause if you throw them out they will be dodged and deal no damage.
    What does the TR do to land se on you? NOTHING. TOTALLY EFFORTLESS. Just pop sigil, press. Button.
    40% means no balance. Dodgeable SE means going from 40% to 50/50 and if the TR is skill-less, he gets his <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> beaten.
    No profit from totally skill-less and 100% landing mechanic. Increase damage on dodgeable attacks. Take away piercing damage.
    You fail at landing hits clean and crush them on my sprint or unstoppable? You die a miserabile death like a gwf do if he fails at timing his encounters on a multiroll, ITC, stealthy TR.

    That is fair.
    Me being punished if i don't time perfectly my powers and TR just throwing his attacks randomly "who cares, he can't dodge or mitigate them"... is just bad mechanic. Read it.

    On ma side note, i think negation makes bis perception distorted. Without negation, with maxed tenacity, i get 50/60/70k SE through sprint and unstoppable. Unavoidable damage. With 25% total dr and 35% deflect.
    Negation dr on separate layer may be the reason you don't see how unfair the mechanic is...
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