welcome to neverwinter, a game that makes sure you neverwin-ter. 2 boons which are +25% effectiveness for the already established 5th ToD boon, each. offhand & neck artifacts. i think a new t2/3 set... a dungeon... followed by months upon months of copy & paste mounts, loathing of RNG, admitting defeat and purchasing off…
This entire thread is I'm crying because or i'm defending because I dislike/like the use of greed via player implementation because they don't want to feel like 45mins to 1-1/2 hours of their time was wasted because of the RNG-hell that this game suffers from. TL;DR boys, if you don't like greed runs its simple - don't go…
Still no word on the outcome prizes or winners - but with the announcement they were pretty vague with when it would be announced it was strictly stated as "The following week" could be in 10 minutes or several days.
You've got that one right, when the company thinks it's going to sell you blood rubies @ 8 bucks a pop for 50,000 refinement points, this will never happen. errm, has anyone actually ever been foolish enough to shell out the 8 bucks for a blood ruby when they could have sold the zen for AD and bought 20x that amount? lawl
Exact same thing, i too have reported this but seeing as its the weekend i'm pretty much boned for the double enchantment drop weekend because i know i won't see any fix or help til atleast monday
-facepalm- Dragon Hoard Enchantments DO NOT increase, decrease or have any effect on runestones and enchantment drops. It does however give you a chance to get one of the following between its cooldowns; Black Opal Flawless Sapphire Aquamarine Lesser Resonance Stone Minor Resonance Stone Peridot White Pearl
(1) You are assuming people can leave that instance, do something else for 19 of that 19:30 countdown and magically get right back in to that instance. WRONG. yes we can beg on zone for timers and switch, but do you literally know how much flak people get for that? It's insane. (2) Should you feel the need to progress, yes…
You're bringing something completely new to this discussion with the "running the numbers" bit assuming anyone would be foolish enough to completely gear up on cash alone, unless you're Richie Rich, retired with a damned good parachute or some other kid born of exceptional privilege I doubt anyone would completely gear up…
I agree with your points and I like how you coined it as casino styled content. I love this game, I seem to be one of the few who likes the ToD module and it's content although I do wish the dragon timers would be halved, it's hard for most adults with money (ya know, we have to go out and work for this money 5-6-7 days of…
My last try at this since the contest ends today but here goes! Background Provided By; http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100401225610/dragons/images/9/9a/Tiamat.png
I got my gloves via this box not but a couple hours ago and I'm still in disbelief that they didn't take this opportunity to force more hellish RNG down our throats - Don't get me wrong, i'm thankful that they didn't but still hard to believe I do agree lol
As runo mentioned, you could have read the other threat relating to this before asking your second question, but i'll cut the TL;DR out for you. You get to choose the exact piece of gear you want, corrupt/purified, gloves,weapon,shield,ect ect
I'm starting to think people can't read... People have posted in the last couple of pages that they had gotten to choose which piece of gear they wanted...
Excuse me, don't alter what I say to put words in there I didn't say. They have gone on the record and made it public notice that the drop rates will be increased for the boon books and artifact belts in SoT and LoL
Well, can't say I blame you after 700+ runs of eShores and not getting a belt nor a book drop of my own. I would however unlock them now for when mod 5 rolls out and the drop rates are increased.
I'm tempted to be the first to get a hammerforge pack and see if you can actually pick the gauntlets or not... then again I'm thinking knowing my luck you won't get to pick the specific piece of gear so I'm thinking I might wait to see someone else pay to test this lol
I to agree, not longer after TOD launched is when I joined the game, I enjoy it. I also enjoy the artifact system (not the refining system though, that seriously needs work) the boons are quite alright, I did however find it a big pain in the butt to catch up on all the previous modules sharandar being the absolute worst.…