* 110% Pony - because people go "dafuq" when you keep up with their unicorn, etc on a pony. * 110% Blue Ribbon Pig - best animations in the game. * 110% Fawn - sooo KWWAAAAAAIIIII * 110% Cube - It's a Gelatinous cube, need I say more? * 110% Shadow Wolf - Best looking wolf mount, imo. * Black Ice Warhorse - Asthmatic…
My personal favorite is the fact that Flawless sapphires are still a better RP to AD (0.1667 RP/AD) item than the 3 pack of blood rubies (0.15 RP/AD at 500 AD per zen). Just what are the cryptic pricers smoking?
I think everyone is getting a bit argumentative here. Nobody can deny that successfully holding both mid and home node and intercepting the opposition before they can contest will win a game. I would however say that such a game is already won, because you already outclass the opposition badly enough that they are…
Yeah, it's a thing. http://www.deloitte.com/assets/Dcom-UnitedStates/Local%20Assets/Documents/Tax/us_Tax_VAT_POV_2011Sept_100711.pdf http://ebiz.pwc.com/2013/01/eu-2015-vat-changes-to-eservices-the-keep-it-simple-edition/ Sadly, PWE/Cryptic charge ~27-30% which is about the same as the highest VAT rate in the EU(Hungary…
GPF is easily tested. Grab a friend, note their defense stat, then hammer at them with a GPF and monitor the defense stat while doing so. You'll see it works as advertised in PvP. It is however, a damage buff in PvE.
So pack contains: Unlimited* Dragonborn race -cool * Dragonborn Fashion set -cool * Dragonborn Armor transmutes -cool * Accountwide leveling ring -cool One per character* Heart of the Red Dragon blue quality artifact -no info on stats... One time only* Gemfinder enchantment, r9 - okaayyy, I suppose? * Draconic Enchantment,…
The standard afaik is north/12 being the stairs, south/6 being the entrance. If you're ever confused it's easiest to just ask people to line up around the campfire in their relative positions.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bmlkfB41-scwGydBUrUpzH0kRRqt3ycsR6jer0BZQvM/edit?usp=sharing You can surely calculate the glory/rp gain yourself. Match the fodder artifact type to the one you intend to level, so raven for power and the various banners for union and stability.
*Slowly and meticulously buys blood rubies from the zen store*...oh wait, I'm not convincing anyone here am I?* But yeah, I get the feeling a lot of the supposed positive changes are just to try and make blood rubbish more desirable as RP instead of actually, y'know, farming it yourself or buying it from bots for a…