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  • SOLO, not elite, Solo is harder than elite and I have found 3, 1 Solo that is by it self and 2 SOLO what have 2 mobs with them, select hard, melee and you will find htem. As of right now SOLO = boss
  • 1) Correct 2)Semi incorrect They have under orc, a boss that has "Solo" in its description, this is the Orc Savage. Use this for bosses right now. (There may be other solo's but I just see a ton of elites, which a few elites could equal a boss encounter) 3) Correct, though you have to do it for each one, make sure your are…
  • So what I am afraid of is a great plot but having little words (maybe a sentence or two) and people think :god this guy got lazy with dialog: but I seem to put paragraphs in each dialog.
  • How about, instead of demanding as if you are entitled to the game... You make a suggestion. You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar
  • Yea I got it figured out now :D I will post an edit fix for those who do not know
  • Then you probably wont be able to do what you what. Error messages show up for a reason, the system is not full yet (I hope not at least) so you may not be able to do what you want.
  • I would think this would be an exception, this is not EVE online so that should not be happening. I feel he should be allowed, this is not a name and shame post, this is a "beware, this is a scammer" Also, its been almost a week since I joined the forums.. why the hell can I not start my own topics yets? I have serious…
  • This tactic can also be used to stack encounters properly with out causing the Story to be unbeatable. Have one encounter "appear" after one is done, how ever with that there is a problem, Encounters which spawn smaller ones when killed do not count the smaller spawns, so you will have those to encounter with, but they are…
  • Oh and how I am using the hell out of this in my quest.... I have it so that it is going to take a good amount of time to finish (because of the story invovlved) I actually have digital notepads with character names, maps and everything and I am utilizing every mechanic I can for this, I am making every map as detailed as…
  • Dont, just hit CTRl + S and it fixes it, at least it does for me.
  • Should be back up guys, I just got in.
  • Yea, I just saved throught the keyboard shortcut and it fixed it for me, Just do not place the item until after it saves or it can lock the save and you have to restart
  • You are in fact correct, it looks at performance, not place. So those try hards who only go for kills to get first place, never get full rewards, but those who get good kills, caps and assist and such... get rewarded better
  • This lol, if it was an AD farm that was worth it, maybe.
  • I tried to log into foundry and nothing so I am really hoping that maybe they are either fixing a few issues Mouse Dissapearences (Mouse sometimes freezes / dissapears when you drag an item out, quick fix was to hit Ctrl + S to save and it fixed that issues) to laggy systems if you have to much text in a advanced dialog.…
  • I do not care if there are XP grind quest, thats fine. I am still making a queality quest, the first one I am working on I am making it so it has twist, red herrings (hopefully) and a story line to follow. In fact it wont have a ton of encounters because encounters to me are trivial, its about the story and IF I can figure…
  • I already have a possible AD farm tactic and I am only lvl 18.... cant friggen wait to hit 60 and have fun! Game is solid so far in my experience.
  • I feel this is selfish and rude to be stated. They are not being disrespectful by not giving an ETA and frankly I would be more pissed if they gave an ETA and was incorrect. How about you get a life and do other things, check back once in awhile and play when its back? They had hardware failure, its going to take a good…
  • How long are maintenance usually? Is it estimated time frame, or open ended "be done when its done"
  • Logged in because of your post, I love it! I never spend cash on F2P games (except league) I might actually drop a few cash on this game (waiting to see if they change it so you get more zen for your cash) but yea, just know what to buy, mainly we be buying keys (not a lot but a few)