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Foundry spawn issue

shiinchan01shiinchan01 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
edited May 2013 in The Foundry
Alright so I have a TON of questions but this is the biggest one and most important.

K so I have a map that has an elevated "spawn in zone" and when I try to get it to spawn on that "deck" we will call it.. it spawns on the nearest true ground under the deck, I even place the Y at 0.2 above the Y of the deck (example, Deck, Y: 5 Spawn, Y: 5.2 to 5.5) yet it still spawns at the lowest map point (when I mean map point, I mean the closest part of the stock map / room that is not a detail add) How do i get it to spawn on the deck (also have the same problem with Encounters and NPC's) I tried to have the override height set to Geometry and that does not work either.

Alright, so to clarify more.. The issue happens when I play on that map only (especially right clicking play map) but it seems if I start playing from an earlier point in the story, it loads up correctly.


Ok so the way you get things to sit ontop of geomotry like spawns or npc is make sure your y relative is selected to the same thing, in my case I select terrain. Then you can set you Y value properly. As user tilt42 said, make sure it is quite a few feet above what you think the floor is. NPC and SPAWNS will happen at the floor, not above in the air.
Post edited by shiinchan01 on


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    tilt42tilt42 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You should place the encounter further above the area where you want it than a mere 0.2. Place it 3-5 feet above.
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    shiinchan01shiinchan01 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tilt42 wrote: »
    You should place the encounter further above the area where you want it than a mere 0.2. Place it 3-5 feet above.

    Yea I got it figured out now :D I will post an edit fix for those who do not know
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