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  • Took the words right out of my mouth. So long Neverwinter.
  • I agree with your Fiery Bolt assessment, leading off with curse + fiery bolt....clean up with SS. Try out Infernal Spheres instead of BoVA for solo stuff, tell me what you think.
  • I take back my "unfortunately" comment. I've found the rework of Infernal Spheres quite nice paired with Fiery Blast and Soul Scorch (SB-Damn). Survivability for solo play is huge and the insta AE is pretty nice too. In case you didn't notice the rework, each Sphere provides 5% of damage resistance for a total of 25% when…
  • Unfortunately they completely changed how Infernal Spheres works. Too bad, I really enjoyed the combo with Owl Bear.
  • While I didn't do any official parsing with dummies or anything, my average eDemo output increased 8-9m, from an average of 55-56m to 65m+. 9 random runs. SB-Damn, HG-HS-SS, Immo spirit uptime 95%+ combat time. I replaced Yeti, and kept the rest of my +dmg companions, 2 elementals, siege companion and lightfoot as my…
  • Given that I use HG > HS > SS as my primary loadout (SB-Damn w/lolset), I'll definitely test and confirm Fernuu's results. -Dagruk the Vile
  • Yup, is one of my passive companions. It does indeed proc on you very often, and if not you then your active companion; either way you benefit. -Dag
  • The Lightfoot Thief (which I use) is good because it shadowsteps right behind the target and essentially gets into combat just as fast as the warlock or a ranged striker. He also is a baddie and stands in the red and dies, but this just leads to stacking of the bonding buff when he resurrects and thus is not so bad at all.…
  • The reason for the popularity of the Zen Warlock is it's rate of attack and Bonding Buff uptime. You would still need rank 10 or greater bonding runestones for it to be better than an augment. It also has the benefit of attacking from range and thus not eating as many red ring of deaths, thus stays up and spamming it's…
  • My 3 cents: If you are in the 2K ilvl range, SB/Damn and focus on Crit > Pwr > Arp (maximize crit severity bonus; active companion buffs, feats etc). If you are in the 3K ilvl range, SB/Fury(or Damn) and focus on Powr > Crit > Arp (maximize damage bonus; active companion buffs, feats etc). Equally geared/skilled SW still…
  • I use a mythic wheel in primary. Using Immolation Spirits and snail my AP bar is always full long before immolation spirits despawn. In short i have a full AP bar for every pull and while I don't have any parsing done with the wheel I have noticed a nice increase in my splash damage. Average eToS and eCC runs are well over…
  • Has anyone actually tested being able to have TT up all the time? I use primarily Immo Spirits, with flail snail my AP is always full before they expire, but if you accidentally hit the daily again before they expire (any daily, TT, Immo etc), nothing will happen, it just drains your AP to zero and spirits despawn on their…
  • Dust to Dust + All Consuming Curse Warlocks Bargain + Hadar's Grasp + Soul Scorch (spam) - In that order. Tyranical Threat if a pack of mobs will last more than a few seconds, otherwise Immolation Spirits. Stat Prio: Crit > Arp / Pwr I've come to above after many hours of parsing. I've found 200k+ crits of SS to be >…
  • Hope you don't mind my throwing in my 2 cents. I have done 3-4 hours of parsing with various encounter combinations and companions to optimize. I can confirm that the Zhentarin companion provides higher personal dps than the priestess, roughly 7-8k encdps higher. I believe it mainly to be a result of the loss of power…
  • This battle is the first time in-game where I really desired the ability to switch between encounter sets (AE set for protection phase - single target set for head phase). Trying to time it and not lose too much time opening up char sheet and changing was just down right annoying. Does not seem like a game changing or…
  • Further tweaking of single target rotation: Warlock's Bargain > Wraith's Shadow > Curse Bite GS is 18.4K, geared for AP to 24% Power > Crit > "therest" I was unable to get any sort of rotation or priority setup that included Dreadtheft to exceed 18K dps consistently(again for singlet target). Curse Bite turned out to be…
  • After trying different combinations the below is my best single target parse on IWD dummy:
  • Cat Wild Hunt Owl Lightfoot Thief Intellect Devourer Have not finished leveling Devourer and did not have a blink dog, still unsure if there isn't a better option for that last active bonus but I'm just not starting to get into the min/max stats here in Neverwinter. -Dag
  • I've been playing MoF since it was added. I've never built my CW for pure dps, having just recently delved into dungeons for the first time, it performs well in terms of dps currently if played right, but the real benefit is the debuffs and the overall affect that has on a group run. MoF has made for a great…