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  • Can anyone help? I'm looking for a super boring, absolutely normal looking floor length robe. No crazy metalics or frills or designs. Nothing. Just floor length, covers all robe.
  • I got some hood, that perfect - no wizard hat. Now I just need some floor-length boring *** robe
  • I want to look like just a basic, boring ***, wizard. I've got a normal hood finally (some blue or green thing), I just want like a floor length, plain robe. Not all these hipster-wizard robes with spikes, and knee length bs. Is there anything like that in game?
  • Thanks bud - we're pretty close but I do notice a couple of small difference with major impacts: 1) I didn't stack power - at all. My Power is pitiful. Probably 2500, - I have not adjusted for Mod 3 yet. 2) So for your offensive slots, you're using what? Radiants as well? No Tenebs anywhere? 3) Whats your weapon-enchant?…
  • Yes because fighting 4v5 for two points that are barely going to give points vs holding one for the ENTIRE time by following your tactic is a valid move!! :rolleyes: Almost as valid as thinking that rogue is going to do nothing for minutes on end, but sit at a single point while his entire team fights. What a bunch of…
  • Because the rogue is bad. You can't assume the rogue is going to fall for <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>
  • Or do you know if reactive abilities will strike you and break stealth? Like will storm-spell hit you and break stealth?
  • Does the artefact that increases stealth detection help at all? Is there anything else that increases stealth detection?
  • You shouldn't expect that certain classes just completely laugh at you in a 1v1 either. We have small scale pvp which can quickly become some 1v1s when you have 3 points (domination). Trying to balance everyone 1v1 is difficult... But having unbeatable 1v1s is a bit of a joke. Like unkillable nearly always invis TRs are a…
  • Ok, so obviously a little/crazy OP at the moment. One last question - you guys speak a lot about AoE and I totally understand as that is straight forward. However, I'm noticing a lot of times when I do bust them out of stealth its almost always immunity flashing when I try to CC them. What is the CC immunity cycle/CD I'm…
  • So what are some of those ways to deal with it? Other than more trickster rogues please... and I do hope they're more than "make sure you bring a Hunter, or run away and dont fight him" or other such none-sense.
  • Thanks - what about the accessories? How is power scaling for us nowadays? Warding? Defiance?
  • This is someone new to PvP. As it has been made clear before, if you don't realise thar TRs, GWFs and GWs are the pvp kings, you're still in baby-mode pvp. CWs are sometimes ok in that.. with a daily up, they can maybe one shot a TR or another CW or so. However, if you're losing to a CW as decently geared anything else,…
  • Here is how it works: New to pvp: Complain about everyone but you Think you know pvp: Complain about CW Really PvP for a good while and do it vs geared (not greens/blues) folks: Complain about Rogues killing you from stealth without ever destealthing and GWFs that are CC immune and deal out crazy damage and GFs that juggle…
  • No - it's damage, and control. Control wouldn't be an issue if I it still took 30 seconds to kill you, even if you were controlled for 10 seconds of those (control lasts for how long in pvp? around 25% of the duration? maybe 33%? except knockdowns) I can 1 shot people. I can be 1 shot by people. I can take over 30k of…
  • Actually no. I think he means useless as in there are way better options in pvp. You may prefer, but it is a clearly inferior choice due to cooldown, animation, 2 step casting process, etc etc. You want CC abilities that are super low cooldown and any way to reduce their damage. Which is why you see people running with…
  • Or the simpler question: What are all the methods to get gauntlgrym coins?
  • Ok so how do you get gauntlgrym coins? I would assume the coins, that you need for T2 pvp, would be from the pvp portion of the game not the PVE portion? Right? Right?!?!? Or do you get nothing for the 20 on 20 pvp and have to pve for the pvp gear?
  • Hell - the intro has a Warlock not a wizard (dagger implement) - so maybe that or Sorc.
    in New Class? Comment by nerhesi May 2013