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  • GF cant dodge. Thats the price for the shield. LOL Bull Charge - prone, 12sec CD Lunging - no CC, 8sec CD Frontline Surge - prone, 28sec CD Waiting 28sec for next full rotation just with shield up? Sounds funny to me. Most of the time its: Bull Charge -> Enemies dodges. GF is unhappy and waiting 12sec for next try. Main…
  • Ork GF here :D +5% crit damage is very nice. +2Str +2Dex is very nice too. My Stats: 24str, 22Con, 16Dex (Base stats without any buffs/bonus (campfire)). 5500power 22% crit % 24% arpen 14% recov (+Features) Its really nice for PvP...
  • Dude, there is a special key called "shift" - use it. Just dodge the first stun and kill the GF. Stalwart-Gear: Bla... stalwart=low ArPen and Crit. stalwart=no stacks. no damage. If a GF is doing the first hit: low damage ... niceone. Well, medium+ skilled CW/DC/TR are able to dodge 2/3 of the skill rotation. medium+…
  • This will be impossible after next patch (PvP gear = Char bind!). So what would you do after patch? Maybe you will not play PvP any longer. But PvP was the only reason for playing NW? Well... same here...
  • CoS has been nerfed because of PvP But: Perma stealth has been fixed because TR was able to kill bosses of epic dungeons ALONE. People which are crying because they think that PvP was the only reason did not realize the potential of perma stealth in PvE.
  • ... Sry dude but you are totally wrong. 1) Each other class is able to dodge GF attacks (except GWF) 2) again: every 10th(!) Knights Challenge might result in devastating hits, each other class got much higher chances for critival hits 3) while shield is up, the GF is moving slowly, everyone is able to run away easily! 4)…
  • Sorry but you are totally wrong. A GF can do 28k crits, yes... every 30sec for 5secs (Knights Challenge...) and GFs have a maximum of 25% Crit Chance! Most GFs have something around 10% crit chance. In your scenario a GF must use knights challenge and has to hit critically with one of the two encounters which are left. And…
  • Stalwart Set? Easy to counter. Just the same as killing a GWF: Do not attack him while he got Stacks or CC him (GWF: CC him before unstoppable or run away while he is unstoppable). Well... most players dont know this and then they fail in PvP. If you are not (ab)using Tenebrous Enchantments, the best GF PvP items are just…
  • Well, the chances are somewhere between 0% and 0,001% ... Try to target something which is invisible and 40' away. If it would be possible at all, we would not have 23897832478 Threads about this stupid OP build (perma stealth). And what about other classes? Any stun/prone skills with 40' range? Uhm no. Well we got some…
  • Shield ... and without shield? Dead... instantly. K thx bye
  • Well you are always saying "its not op, adapt your playstyle". But Perma stealth is something differend. You did describe normal stealth most of the time. And normal stealth has windows of vulnerability. Perma stealth: Stealth meter is refilled constantly by several skill. You cant wait until the TR will be visible because…
  • AoE-Spamming? Wow. Are there any good AoEs for PvP? Most good PvP Skills are not AoE. So you cant spam a single skill. Most classes cant support more than one AoE skill because they need their stun skills. Additionally: Most AoE skills have a lower range than CoS AND: the class with the best AoEs is the CW which is killed…
  • Your stupid posts make no fun ...
  • They got at least(!) 15% more movement speed than me and they are able to dodge roll away and i have to block because otherwise im getting 15-20k damage. You are funny! LOL im moving towards them to get in range and i should do that in an unexpectable way?! come on... what are you smoking all the day?!
  • The bold part is important. Well, you think the discussion about the "X" is over, but you are still showing wrong informations. All effects applied to a stealthed TR are stealthed too. Your informations are still wrong.
  • Stupid argumentation... written by a TR surprisingly ... :rolleyes: 1) CoS range > Frontline surge range 2) TR is able to dodge frontline surge 3) chance to detect the position of the TR that accurate before the CW dies is impossible 4) daylies are required to prevent a TR from killing everything by using his at-will…
  • Ah... when i meet a perma stealth abusing child most CWs are dead instantly, clerics will be killed in a second, single nodes will be captured and everyone who is trying to recapture it will be killed without a chance. Normally the perma stealthers got something around 20:1 or 20:2 kills. Yea, they get killed... maybe up…
  • do you enjoy lying? The stealthed TR is visible at 5:40 because its targeted by the CW! The "X" is visible too. Both (the TR and the "X") are not visible perfectly while the TR is stealthed but targeted. Its normal! The main problem is still there: How to target a perma stealth TR which is not acting as stupid as the TRs…
  • You didnt get the point. If you cant target the TR you cant do anything vs perma stealth TR! 90% of all useful PvP skills are requireing a target! marks on a TR will increase the damage the TR will get by a very little percentage and thats all.
  • The mark does not help to see a stealthed TR because the mark is only shown in case that the TR is already targeted by the player...
  • The TR went stealth and the mark went stealth too. In the moment the TR will be targeted, the TR and the mark will be shown too. A TR which is not targeted by YOU will not be shown for YOU. Marks does not change this fact. Watch video, reduce the speed of the video because the TR is out of focus for a very short duration…
  • Edit: Used 0.25 speed... Video 2 is showing that all TR which said something about marks and stealth IS NOT TRUE! At 1:20 in Video 2 the TR is out of target area of the GF and the whole(!) TR disappears and the mark disappears too. In the moment the TR is in focus again, the TR and the mark is shown clearly. Going stealth…
  • Well, some TRs got the stupid "hint" that a stealthed TR with a mark will be visible by the red "X". Well, thats NOT true. I tested it several times, marked as many TRs as possible in PvP by using threatening rush and enforced threat, and there was no "X" visible. I tried to block everything so that there was a small…
  • Plz NO Penality. There are Bots and tons of incredible noobs. Leaving is the only option if you dont want to waste your time. With a leaver penality everyone will be just running around the spawn point. There should be a benfit for fighting even if the whole team is very bad - instead of a penality. What would you do if 3…
  • @OP: 100% wrong PvE is balanced by damage over time. PvP is balanced by damage burst. in NW its possible to get many encounters so that you are able to change all your skills for PvE->PvP. theoretical balancing example: ==== If TR is OP because he is onehitting everything: lower the damage and the cooldown. Overall damage…
  • Sounds great, BUT: 200 people with GS 8000 are in queue. 9 people with GS 12k+ are in queue. All low geared are finding games very fast. High geared players will wait until chrismas. I would prefer a matchmaking system which is trying to create balanced teams. In case that some low geared must be added so that both teams…
  • Range of threatening rush < than dodge range Just dodge and you are out of range of the GF until lunging strike is rdy again. If you are stealthed and the GF cant target you, he has NO gap closer. Well GWF is able to sprint to the TR, but: the TR got dodges again and additionally (at least) +15% movement speed. should be…
  • Well the damage will be reduced in this case. But this does not matter at all. Throwing 4-5 daggers until the enemy realized whats happening is very easy. Then the enemy dodges or tries to block. CoS resets. But the TR dont need to hurry. He is stealthed. The amount of damage doesnt matter at all because the TR is very…
  • And your statement that stealth bar refills very slowly is wrong because there are mechanics which are filling the stealth bar instantly or even faster. Well this is not a open PvP threat, its all about stealth. So ill explain it in a shorter way: All classes got encounters which are nearly useless in PvP. All encounters…
  • Because these "counters" are not working / are stupid / bull sh*t / ... "change your most important gap closer to a weak AoE skill which marks enemies around you" ... 1) reduzing overall damage 2) reducing mobilty 3) marks will be removed instantly because the TR did throw a dagger on the GF "target him and do awesome…