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PvP Domination Trickster Rogue Class



  • utuwerutuwer Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    healhamsta wrote: »
    Wait....you're a GF and you easily die to a perma stealth TR?
    You must be one of the worst GF on the server.

    Perma stealth is much less likely to actually manage to break through your guard. (Their knife stacks will run out, they can't risk getting close & risk taking your perma prone combo, they don't take lashing so no real risk of taking a giant 9k+ hit to your rear.)

    I bet he is one of those GFs holding their shields whole day, scare of being hit. It was so hilarious when I saw my teammate GF fighting another GF, I rushed to help him. I brought down other GF's block bar, yet my teammate still kept his shield up and stared at the other guy...Then I realized that they were having a staring contest. /facepalm.
    You say 4v5 is impossible? Cool story bro.
  • nukeyoonukeyoo Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    modimor wrote: »
    Not really, a "real" Executioner build, Blue Blade encounter whatever it's called, hits me for between 20-25k dmg on crit, a stealth executioner blue blade hits me for around 10k if they crit, and they never crit.
    They start to hurt when they are stacking tene, wich imo should have it's proc rate nerfed to ground.

    I would say 43% chance to crit is a pretty good chance. Lurker's Assault + Lashing Blade (which is automatic crit when used from stealth) you'll see 20-30k+ from rogues with 1500+ armor pen and 3k(130dmg bonus)+ power + vorpal enchantment (25% crit sev). x3lade's build looks to use around 1.5k (60dmg bonus) power 1.3k armor pen. I guess the math could add up to be close 50%. Gracias senor even tho I did the math myself :p
  • karmionakarmiona Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    actually ive been pvping quite a lot lately against TR and despite the fact that with 1 skill my hp reaches 50% or 10% (and i have full pvp gear)in pvp matches (im CW)im useless against them cause i cant even target them even if im healed and the pvp goes on they stay in stealth makin it unable to even land a skill let alone make a full fledged pvp against them fix it or remove the game
  • masu84masu84 Member Posts: 134 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    healhamsta wrote: »
    AoE damage.
    The best ones are the ones that counter perma stealth TRs are the ones that do constant AoE damage to random targets. (Like slam or PoTB)


    Are there any good AoEs for PvP? Most good PvP Skills are not AoE. So you cant spam a single skill. Most classes cant support more than one AoE skill because they need their stun skills. Additionally: Most AoE skills have a lower range than CoS AND: the class with the best AoEs is the CW which is killed by CoS within 2-3 seconds.

    Sounds NICE :p
    No leaver penality in PvP!

    And here is the reason:
    ghostravyn wrote: »
    If you want people to stay for the match end even when you're sitting on a 600-10 score and you've decided to be ***-hats and spawn-camp, you need to give them a reason. Punishing them is not the answer. That's just pouring salt-acid into an already bleeding wound.
  • yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    masu84 wrote: »

    Are there any good AoEs for PvP? Most good PvP Skills are not AoE.

    You just got schooled in the fact that AoE's have a tremendously good purpose in PvP when you use it on your hated-TR's.

    But you'd rather just ignore that and continue to whine and complain I see. Deliberate ignorant, and there's no nerf strong enough to counter that.
  • ujavcadujavcad Member Posts: 48
    edited July 2013
    I have a DC and I can handle TRs, permastealth or not, I can push them away, I have dots which slow their stealth regen, I have a dot which slows their movement.. I move a lot and dodge their lashing blade, duelist's flury and dazing strike (only the noobs use dazing strike because it's almost always a miss) and I've seen a lot of TRs use Path of the Blade to do some damage to me because I move so much
    I have a TR and GFs, GWFs, CWs are not that easy to kill.. GFs have a shield and can stun lock you, GWFs always knock you down and do sometimes more damage than you, CWs can dodge 3 times and can freeze you, choke you, push, pull into singularity all kind of CC and can put their tornado thingy on you and see you in stealth

    should I also mention that if the TR is in front of you and close you can see him? and if you have some dot on him you see the numbers when he is close and if you use an AoE and he is close, again you can see the numbers coming out of him, or if you use an AoE and u see your AP going up it means you hit him and he is close, so you dodge and he 99% of the time misses and is on cooldown for that scary Lashing Blade

    If you are getting killed by his CoS, then I'm sorry.. you are not geared for the fight
    If you are at 60 and he has top gear, of course he will kill you, just go to the AH, by the time you get to 60 you should have AD enough to buy some gear, sell some stuff on AH, check your assets inventory chances are you don't do that much crafting and you have some expensive assets, a Dragon Egg or something.. sell that on AH, get some AD, gear up, and go play in the same league with those scary TRs

    IMO the only thing which might need fixing are the enchants which cause those 1 shot kills all of you hate so much

    just get better at your class watch some video streams of people playing TRs and study their weaknesses, u will also see how they die

    PROs in all sports watch their opponents play, why don't you?
    and it's more rewarding when you eventually start winning against a class everybody says is OP
  • malkaviermalkavier Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Some things to consider:

    Not all TRs go the Vorpal/Tenebrous/Soulforged route.

    Some, lately, have been going the Greater/Perfect Lightning + Tenebrous + Greater/Perfect Briartwine route.

    This combo....has interesting effects when used by TRs (and CWs for that matter). It can allow even permas to have damage output as good as or in some cases better than the pre-nerf pure Executioners.

    Briartwine reflects will proc both Tene and Lightning, they don't even have to actively "cast" on you. If they are running this and you are a GWF that has Slam going for instance...they'll basically have you dead without even throwing a single dagger.
    How Cryptic trolls the entire NWO playerbase: 9200 GS listed for CN, implying anyone who needs more has no skill.
  • yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    malkavier wrote: »
    Briartwine reflects will proc both Tene and Lightning, they don't even have to actively "cast" on you. If they are running this and you are a GWF that has Slam going for instance...they'll basically have you dead without even throwing a single dagger.


    What's the point of wanting to nerf class-skills when stuff like this happens?

    I mean, I'm kinda smiling about the ingenuity of this set, but are the enchants really working as intended?
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