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  • Every single person I've helped in game with problems like this has been user error. I don't even bother any more.
  • I've actually given up on this game already. They don't ban and they take ages to fix game breaking exploits. Unless they have some master plan to keep this up for a while longer only to find the rest of the exploits, THEN do a wipe, the game economy is not just broken but beyond repair. A roll back won't fix. No one knows…
  • My cleric just turned 60. I very much enjoy playing as one. Soloing, basically nothing can kill me, and in groups, I can dish out some serious heals. Healing IS different here, but it's why I enjoy it so much. There are a few things to get over. First, single target heals stink, and you're really not supposed to be using…
  • This is EXACTLY the problem. I've tried a healer, then a mage. And lastly a guard. LONG wait times for the first two. When I wait 30 seconds with my GF, I'm surprised. Seriously. The issue is lack of tanks. And to the guy that said 'why does pvp pop up so quickly?' You need ANYone, and you don't need a tank! It's mostly…
  • I played D&D before it got the advanced moniker. Basic D&D. :o) I never saw any 1st edition books, but when the second were around I got those, and still have them. I still like 2nd edition. Although 3rd edition was ok. I don't like 4th. But I guess it works kind of ok with video games. I liked 3.5 games that came out.…
  • As a cleric, what I did was pretty simple during a boss fight. Put up a astral seal, and then spend the next 10 minutes shift-evading. It got old the first 20 dungeons I did. It never changed. On any boss. It was the SAME EXACT FIGHT, repeated endlessly. This is what I hate, HATE about this game. It's also why I gave up my…
  • We tried that and failed. Three times. Like I said, dps can't keep up with the adds. Oh, well. I'll try again sometime. For the last try, we even ignored the dragon, and had the tank on adds, too, because he said it was ignoring him anyway. The group was all rogues, though, so maybe we just didn't have an ideal composition.
  • I understand about the maintenance. No biggie. What I'm wondering about is, why is everyone asking for a server merge? Isn't it crowded enough? Zone chat is insane. It's continuously scrolling. And it's not even hard to find groups. Unless it's that one with the dragon, and then everyone runs away. I don't blame them,…
  • I understand about the maintenance. No biggie. What I'm wondering about is, why is everyone asking for a server merge? Isn't it crowded enough? Zone chat is insane. It's continuously scrolling. And it's not even hard to find groups. Unless it's that one with the dragon, and then everyone runs away. I don't blame them,…
  • A spec is a specialization. Respect, on the otherhand, is something trolls will never get, even if they DO buy zen....
  • Maintenance wasn't scheduled until 6 AM pst on the 3rd. It's still only the 2nd, again PST.