guys... there is only 1 class in this game... and is the rogue.. all the others are HAMSTER spec with are victim of slashing blades.. and shocking execution... CW van do better than GWF and others but he dies too vs a rogue... is the worst balance in the game... never seen a game like this... GWF is non existing class...…
ye!! and not only at 50%!! he critted mi like 2 min ago 19k with slashing blades... i unistalled the game.. cant belive this... return to WOW lol the class r more balanced on it and this is not good lol
GWF is the same... smae exact damage with minor CD.. WOOOW... a rogue hit me for 13k... and i have 23 k HP.. this is insane.. 3 times he do tath bha... a heavy armored warrior who takes 13k! lol this is balance! i can do my best and hit for max 8k lol MY BEST!
GWF is a striker... This class relies on brute strength alone to overcome the enemies. They are warriors who sacrifice shields in favor of large two-handed weapons. this is the manual of 4a -.- warrior is a defender not the gwf path...
have you ever play D&D??.. lol seems not... GWF path is a striker path... and is 1 of the best damage of all D&D together with barbarian and sorcerer... rogue do less damage than a warrior GWF so pls dont say this bull**** and go to learn real D&D classes... and yes is defensive too.. is a melee face to face combat... need…
lol can do this only on weak mobs.. and of the same size.. cant do vs dragons or bosses ye u can kill a civilian not a knight... read the rules of D&D... and another time.. roges never had best damage in D&D barbarian,warrior,sorcerer do better damage than rogues
lol and here come the nerd... u.u ahha XP listen.. play real D&D and tell me if rogues! do more damage than GWF! lol yes have the highest HPs highest burst of the game yeah this is a warrior.... -.- in evry game... rogue is a speed class difficult to play wich can do damage from sthealted and play all on stuns and poisons…
no.. this game is based on D&D and the GWF is a striker.. a dps build.. and have the highest damage of whole D&D (after barbarian of course) the rogues... have good dps... but far faaaar away from the high burst of a GWF... and in this game GWF dont have this BURST... lol
so... in the range of 1 year... this game fail... becose the most used class in evry MMO of the world is the warrior... or at least a plate DPS.. so... wow good... we want to see real damage!! from a GWF more than a control class!!(CW) and little less than a rogue...
ahhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahhahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa X'D u never NEVER!!! play a good game if you like this pvp... CW and Rogue r too OP... no DR!!! no nothing!!! is just a waste of time... some times CW and TR 1 shot me... and i have full pvp set.. pff... i cant belive
this is the situation... WAKE UP DEVS!!!! DO SOMETHING!!! GWF r the most useless class of the game!!! it must have the best burst in the game together with rogue...
no... the GWF single target encounter should be the stronger attaks in the game... coz of 2h weapon... this is a all do more damage than a GWF.. lol this is not D&D guys... 2h hit 1d12... bha.. ridiculus
this absurd and no dev has answered after all this time! vuoldire what he does not care anything about the feedback of their players! after weeks I wanted to see a slight balance if only to see the effort! but continue to fixare bug .. instead of improving the gameplay! I do not think this situation very hard ... I come…
yeah... fix the trhreat for GF and improve the GWF!!! single target DMG!!! is just a joke!!! CW can do much better!!! TR have OP damage and GWF is just sensless... i want to see a big Fix/Buff for GWF or goodbye this is sensless... GWF is too weak in pvp is just not balanced... if i dont see a real try for balancig this…
again... NERF the CW or buff the GWF and orhers!! coz cant see CW kill all fuc...g classes in 5-6 seconds... this is totaly unbalanced! is not fun! today crit me with 9k!! WTF!! 9k!!! lol i have 17k!!! of total HP
nerf CW... and maybe can play fine in PVP... -.- do 10 times mine damage and i'm a DPS.. CW isent a DPS class but a control class... why the **** dont try to balancing classes with the next patch?? mha...
nothing is right here.... a 2-handed fighter must have a big burst! and here i see toooooo low damage for him... GWF need a boost in evry single attak to kill all other classes like rogue and Cmage i have a good spec based on damage and reach most of the time 2-3
total quote this post.... i never seen an MMO with warrior suck like this... i build all for DPS! and any other class beat my damage... and in pvp... o god pain... evry class run away from me and i dont do any serious damage... WTF! i play D&D and warrior is a Striker class 5W 4W+prone 2handed weapon=best at will…
yeah this is the ugliest part of the game... the classes! wtf the gwf have this low dmg!??? lower than a protector!!! LOL! and his defence is not too big but i'm not complain defenses but the attak.... the GWF should have the most burst of the game... and rogue best dps but warr suck... dont do damage and is a PDS class..…
total quote the part of rogues.... nerf this class... cant see tath class with overpower damage and tath survavility... lol i've played rogue in real D&D and daggers hit 1d4 guys.... the warrior!! have a 2handed sword and hits 1D12!!! but in this game warr suck in damage and survival too... so nerf the rogue so all classes…