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  • I don't think this would be a losing bet in court. Simply changing the name does not change the contents. If they had promised only an exclusive title you might have a point. A good argument can be made that all contents of the founders pack should be exclusive. This was what was promised. And yes that might be taking it…
  • do a /claim deadguild
  • Well Im in then if that is what it takes. Its just wrong to behave this way. And I agree it's so short sighted to waste your company's reputation for a comparatively small amount of extra money. They might regret this decision when they want to sell something else to a public that no longer trusts them.
  • Cost me like 300,000 AD just to remove all these broken enchants. So yeah its pissing me off too
  • Its definitely a form of false advertising, they might lose a case like this is court, but then again who is going to take them to court over this and they know it.
  • Kinda got to agree.....its a bit of false advertising. And its really really wrong
  • Class balance really is not that big an issue if you ask me. The worst is the way the PVE groupign feels like everything kind of just thrown in there. Bad tanking mechanics, bad healing mechanics, just random krap doing whatever. Copied a lot from GW2 which was a bad idea, copied the healing from Age of Conan which was an…
  • Why would the savage enchant be any different from the countless others? They must be the worst programmers in the world. The Dark enchant already has life steal on it and the HP bonus works as well on other enchants. I am losing faith in the competence of these guys more and more......it SHOULD be a 15 minute fix.....the…
  • Loremaster in LOTRO was way better CC wizzie....loved that class.
  • Yea this build wont fly in random pugs in enclave...they want a RUSH RUSH RUSH grind. So it might be for groups who need the extra defense up front. Maybe undergeared, not the best players.
  • I have to agree the push mobs of ledges lameness is old. I was severely disappointing when I saw just how much this was being done. It really makes the quality of this game seem really bad when something like that is a legit tactic that is used over and over. I really hope they just overlooked this, and did not…
  • Yeah this is getting ridiculous tired of my companions being level 15
  • This is what I am talking about I was shocked when I hit 60..I was so psyched for some challenging level 60 dungeons....and when I got in no one talked they ran to a wall jumped up it,...one ran ahead of the rest and I was just left wondering follow them or not? So I try to follow they are running past all the…
  • going to chime in and say game is really gonna suffer...maybe die if they dont fix the exploiters in epic dungeons. It should be impossible to skip mobs for gods sake. Joined one group and saw first hand what is going on. Needless to say its hard to find a group that does not exploit...people calling for "experienced"…
  • the game is not dying...but it will be a fast burner that is for sure. I imagine Elderscrolls will take this one down to a very small playerbase. But the game isnt going to die. I think Age of Conan is still going...and that game was sad.
  • Fixing the Savage Enchant is not even something hard to do, you are making a comparison between these items as if they are all the same level of hard. The Savage Enchant is like one or two lines of code and should be easy to locate. The krap you are complaining about is going to take a month to fix...or more. The Savage…
  • Ok I will agree about PVE, its sad just had a discussion with guild and they basically said Guardian Fighters and GWF and basically other than DC and CW were not needed in dungeons. Because you can dodge everything, no need for tanking, and people just exploit as much as possible. Not the traditional DnD dungeon…
  • Loyalty, when was the last time a MMO was released in a finished state? And let me tell you getting charged 10 bucks for a bag to barely alleviate the overflow of inventory trash in this game does make want to be "loyal" to the game. They are fleecing us with that cash shop this game is more of a money grab than a f2p…
  • Ill agree this should be fixed quicker, just letting things sit around like this especially in the beginning when there is a lot to get patched makes you wonder about the competence of the team behind the game. is this going to carry on into updates for content? I will wait a little longer to see but I am wondering this…
  • Absolutely who was making CW armor...its horrible I have tight pants and a snug fitting clown jacket....and a point weird bishop looking hat. And that dorky ball instead of a staff. The CW armor made me think this game had poor art design. Absolutely whoever thought of the CW class and the armor was a fool. A proper staff…
  • Acolyte of Kelevmore = garabage 20 dollars ...might as well burned the 20 dollars would have gotten more use from the heat exerted from the fire than I have from that companion in game.
  • What I cant stand is like 75% of rogues are garbage...just like every MMO I have every played. Seriously utter and complete garbage. They are so concerned with DPS meter that they run ahead and try to solo mobs, constantly moving away from the group. Then you get there and everything is a mess mobs running around...I wish…
  • The enchants work sometimes and sometimes don't. I have heard varying explanations like you cant stack the same rank of that enchant on armor. But I have had only one and it did not work on my companion. But then I put a rank 5 in my armor and it worked. It could be that some of the ranks are not coded correctly. Like Rank…
  • I mean why does it take them so long? I have coded in the past, it should be a few lines of code at the most that are screwy....they should have all the enchants listed in one spot......just scroll down to the newly added Savage enchant and its syntax should be identical to other enchants....just fix it...and move on. This…
  • Yes why is that no developer besides a very very few realize that PVP skills need to be DIFFERENT from PVE skills....we get watered down krappy classes because of the neverending whines and complaints around PVP. I mean these classes already started based off older watered down (becasue of PVP adjustment) classes from…
  • I have to agree the XP for running dungeons needs to be quadrupled at the very least. I am not even sure why you would want to run them while leveling up? A blue item you will out level in a day..one you can buy easily enough? The XP rewards for dungeons are part of the reason no one runs them. I am just going to skip them…
  • very odd, I had someone argue with me about in zone chat...said working fine. I doubt they were lying. And I had stone with it...and I knew for a fact it was not working with it. So I put some on my own armor and it worked....I got no clue why it works sometimes and not other times then. I assumed it was a problem with…
  • Yeah about that....apparently it works on your personal armor but not on companions....yeah this needs a hotfix imo pissing me off
  • The foundry was supposed to alleviate content issues, but it is limited and the loot is so gimped. They could fix this by making foundry only loot drop...thats is loot that can be used only in foundries.
  • Yeah...really this should be easy to fix, else they can reimburse me AD I spent puttting that thing on my T2 item