Gentlemancrush will never ever balance the game while powers have the same effects in both pvp and pve , people have tried telling him to copy the old GW1 system several times over the past 12 to 18 months but he pays no attention , pve and pvp in the game need to be completely split apart and powers need to be balanced…
It's only the same as pvp CW players who run around the HE's in IWD bouncing around like some crack addled psychopath using single target powers on everything instead of aoes cringggggeeeeee
I doubt Strongholds will be released that late ,the Rage of demons/underdark campaign is due to start in September ,cryptic don't have the manpower to release 2 big module updates 1 after the other in August and September.
We need (to deal with the well geared real players epic,legendary,mythic bots)- 1)Report bot thread on the forum , no bad mouthing or stuff , players simply report the names of suspected bots , as the names are investigated the devs update the posts with the results of each investigation for example banned, real player etc…
I'm starting to think that there are a few too many special snowflakes here who don't want anybody else to get a chance to level up artifact gear. I think the whole point of adding rp to he's was to give players a reasonable way to level up artifact gear at more than a snails pace , getting a few thousand rp once a day or…
i've been running the HE's all day with slight lag but nothing that makes the game unplayable and the 20 to 30 people i was with seemed to be playing fine too , as for getting rid of the RP rewards from HE's and only rewarding them for weeklys , no thanks , some of us want to level up our gear this century thanks.
The founder program ended on May the 30th 2013 , that was when the guardian of neverwinter and hero of the north packs were changed , seen everything now , people complaining about packs that were changed 2 years ago…
They postponed the cta for a few weeks but added some new pvp event , no idea why they had to do that but i'm sure they have a reason , the pvp thing could be kind of cool anyway. yes because the team responsible for creating and releasing events are the same people who do QA and bug fixes , I wonder what they spent the…
This is just neverwinters version of what happened with T5 ships in Delta rising when T6 ones were released, even if they give us the ability to upgrade existing T3 mounts they will not be as good as the T4 ones.
I wouldn't count on pvp being removed , not only is pvp a HUGE part of the game on other servers such as Drider but the next module is partially focused on pvp . As for pvp making it difficult to balance the game I do agree with that , they should use a system like the original Guild wars where powers have different…
Of course it is an exploit and it is nothing like a badly coded power or set of powers that have unexpected effects , people have to get the companion and level it up to a certain level before it can be used to carry out the exploit , in other words it is something they have control over whether they use it or not , also…
I must have missed the jagged blade bug report , the trans feytouched report 1HK bosses and the report about the huge over performance of the lostmauth set to name but a few game breakers that got through , all pre module 6 release of course . I also didn't say everybody who goes on there only to find exploits , I know…
@OP it is xbone only but even if it had been on pc too it would be very welcome , you need to remember that the player base isn't static , new players join all the time so what is an old event to you is a really cool new event to them , plus it is quite a nice little event for old and new players alike IMHO.
I wonder how many of those 20 runs involved numerous Tran feytouched , bugged lostmauth artifact sets and various other broken companion powers etc , if you use broken mechanics it doesn't really count dear.
Lostmauth Artifact Set + Transcendend Feytouched As if is wouldn’t be enough that the Artifact set alone is fairly strong, the set currently completely explodes in combination with a Transcendend Feytouched Weapon Enchantment. Not sure what exactly happens, the Enchantment might apply the debuff too often or whatever, but…
Quite possibly the most idiotic argument ever , using your thinking then why fix Feytouched? everybody can get one , why fix the dungeon exploits? everybody can learn how to do them , in fact why did they ever fix the astral resonator exploit? everybody could do it so it wasn't unfair , some peoples way of thinking makes…
Don't bother replying to the guy , he was a troll on the preview forums too saying the content was still easy when I think abbadon posted a similar thread about Cragmire crypts , I called him out and asked him to post a video of him doing one of the T2 dungeons he reckons are so easy and never heard anything back , just…
no , no you won't , heres an example another forum user pointed out from abadons act log , the enemy cleric in the competing adventurer party can do a 800k+ sunburst you know something is broken, that is an instant attack doing close to 1 million points of damage. you seem to be missing the point of the test server , why…
so that when you go on the forum boasting about how easy everything is and how bad other players are you have something to back your words up with , the OP clearly explained the reason he got stuck in red but you post like they did it intentionally like he doesn't know what he is doing , all I asked is if you reckon it is…
Any chance you can video a run of lvl 70 CC and lvl 70 ToS to show us how easy they are please using the current client build , it shouldn't be a big issue , in another thread you made out you ran lvl 70 ToS with ease.
Who said anything about extra new content? the release date they set themselves was too ambitious so they have delayed the launch by a few weeks so they can try to fix as many of the issues in the current module 6 build as possible .