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  • Hello Everyone, For those who believe that rogues are a Striker class, fair enough but on the other side of that coin. If there are traps put into the content by the Devs then why shouldn't they be disabled by a rogue if there is one in the party? Should they be a blockade in the content? No. However if there happens to be…
  • Hello All, Never understood why Devs do this to rogue types, I can make this an easy comment, If you give rogues as a class, then others who are not Don't get to run through traps. I would like to see anyone put their finger in a " Real " basic rat trap and see what happens. Devs you take the time to put the traps in the…
  • Hello, Welcome back, seeing how you have NVidia you might check this sight out. http://www.geforce.co.uk/whats-new/guides/neverwinter-graphics-and-performance-guide#1 Cheers!
  • Good Day All, Gosh, I skimmed these posts for a quote that summed it all up for me, but for the life of me I can't find it now, it was something to the effect that, this person states, so they are supposed to run a dungeon with this preferred Greed system, Roll for loot that they actually need but someone else gets it,…
  • Good Day Everyone, I would like everyone to know that I had nothing to trade but I was looking for the announcement myself, I believe I read in the original advert that there would be in game announcements as well, and I thought they said this due to the fact that they were probably aware that some people wouldn't be using…
  • Hello All, WoW this Thread is getting a lot of attention I'll say that, nice to see a good discussion going on and it didn't get shut down. Been gone on some family stuff so hadn't been active in this one but seems a lot has been said so I won't take to much of anyone's time, there seems to have been a remark made that my…
  • I guess that would depend on the type of group that we are talking about, as I said earlier their are 2 different groups/dynamics we are talking about here and they are getting spliced together. Is this a group of friends/guildies or is this an actual P.U.G./strangers? If it is a group of friends/guildies then hopefully…
  • The only way that this para-phrase holds any water is if everyone was honest from the start, and assumes the fact that none of the 5 players in this PUG really don't know each other, and if that holds true then there would not be..... A) No one complaining that they didn't get this or that B) No one would get vote kicked…
  • And if you were able to go back and re-check all those scans how many of those " On Sale " items did you over pay for because you just took that scan for granted..... ? Just A Thought :) Cheers!
  • Agree with this comment, I will take it one step further, the intent should be in the LFG not brought up after the fact ( Entry ). Why? for the simple fact that if I, you, or others spend their time in group and waiting for another to fill the Que that's time wasted you could find another group, then when you get into the…
  • Hello Again, Offer equivalent salvage value????? That's just absurd..... Suppose the item is worth a substantial amount on the A.H. so the person just gave the rest of the party salvage costs, what's that 10K max ( LMAO ) for an item that may be worth 1m ++++ on the A.H. Lets face it people, everyone is saying they want…
  • GoodDay Everyone, I have to say, I never liked this " Greed " thing either and in playing NWO for a little while now I thought I had it figured out but it is a real cluster F@*# if you ask me. When I first started playing I was green ( no pun intended ) to the way of looting, or so I thought. However it seemed to me that…
  • GoodDay All, I like this quote as it deals with the broad spectrum, I don't deal with PvP, just doesn't appeal to me but the comment holds true, The player base ( PvE, PvP ) are 2 different animals changes to one should not trickle over into the other, for none other than the ease of applying of the changes. And this quote…
  • Good-Day All, This was a good thread to start again the only thing I wish to O.P. would have done was to give several vote columns as I think this is another flaw when talking about stuff on these forums, everyone likes to lump everything together into one easy answer, and sometimes you just can't because there is a myriad…
  • I think people ( And Devs ) need to re-think their terminology of what a bug is when talking about this stuff, 1) When your playing content and you completed it and got your reward... " It is not broken " 2) Here I'll use the mimic chest as an example, sometimes when I fought and defeated them the game would get extremely…
  • Good-Day Everyone, I have to agree with the Rogue stuff, something did happen to them even as of late as I notice it with my TR, I have better weapons then I did, have some upgrade enchants etc. Have better armour then I did also with better enchants. Which in my mind equals better than before A.C. as well as damage from…
  • Hello. I can see the flaw in my logic, but I ask you, then what are we suppose to do? So giving it some more thought the only reasonable answer I can come up with is....... If you join a P.U.G. then you'll have to take the good with the bad. And if you want to do runs of anything then you'll have to join a guild, for…
  • Hello All, Sounds like the same person I got in a SOT run one time, Well I said it once and I'll say it again, " There should be NO kicking after entry " This would solve this kick B.S. completely, geesh what are the people going to do now???? Take screen shots of every group they get with just in case this happens, play…
  • Hello Everyone, I like what the O.P. is saying as well, Devs made these expansive areas and they fell into their own cookie cutter molding as well, quick and dirty creation the way I see it. Make it seem like it's something new, but in reality.... it is not. I'm am getting very tired of playing the same newold content. I…
  • Hello Again All, And A Good-day to you Tolfy, I'll begin by saying...that Tolfy you probably think I'm flaming you but I am not I sincerely mean that and I can honestly say I can agree with some of what your saying. To be honest I would agree whole heartedly with just about everything in this thread if not all, except for…
  • I'm not sure how long you have been playing, but are you telling the truth, you have never joined a group that stated a particular GS, just to get into the party then when you did the dungeon they short cut everything just to get to the end...... I find that hard to believe..... Heck I seen the same thing during events,…
  • Hello all, I kind of agree with it but on the other hand this would just be another way to exploit, because I can see groups/people that can solo content for the fun of it and just using toons via a separate account bringing them in and farming hard to obtain items. Great ideas in thought but this game has become so…
  • Hello All, I had and still have on occasion the mis-fortune of finding groups that I get kicked and I am 1 of those individuals that feel that this vote/kick system has to go, period. The way I look at it, if you get excepted to a group via LFG and your in that group waiting for others to join the que, and then after such…
  • Hello Again All, WOW!!!! 150+ people looked at this post and no one has anything to say?????? Not even a Dev. has anything to say on this? I find it very odd that everything else in the list for favor is in the vendors' list all except the other trowel ( 1 star Version ) so where is it? Dev(s) care to answer that riddle…
  • Hello Everyone, Can someone provide the info of what things are considered character based as apposed to account based? If I decide to delete a character or two I don't want the pain of losing something that I bought, I feel that anything you buy should be account based and be usable by a new toon or class. Cheers!
  • Hello Everyone, Although I some-what enjoyed the event(s) so far I have to be very honest I am quickly getting board with what has been done thus far, they are just mindless grind fests. It's a shame that someone takes their time to design these events/areas as they are done well, the summer event area was very very nice (…
  • Hello Everyone, Although I some-what enjoyed the event(s) so far I have to be very honest I am quickly getting board with what has been done thus far, they are just mindless grind fests. It's a shame that someone takes their time to design these events/areas as they are done well, the summer event area was very very nice (…
  • Hello Djtlite, I can agree with that, and being someone who is not too interested ( At least ATM ) in PvP I never understood why something for that group of player base would effect me as a whole, I suppose it is just one of those global coding issues. it would be nice to have something to click when you need it. Eg. When…
  • Hello All, As a mostly Solo runner or just a person who runs with a good friend I would like to say, My friend and me have played NWO together faithfully sense Open Beta. We had our irritations that's for sure but we came on and played the game for what it was/is. if during the fight unforeseen things happened ok we let it…
  • Hello All, Just wondering....what happens during the log in, as my thought would be that if there is account info checked during this process wouldn't those people who are using the Gold Seller sites be easy to detect? If I started a new toon today ( Level 1 ) and there was some way to keep track of your days account…