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  • But who ever said that the biggest issue with this situation is the money? The people that are upset the most are the people that are offended at the stance of the Dev's regarding this situation. It's not about how many mounts are in the game. I've had mine for a few weeks, I paid a good chunk of cash to get mine early on…
  • Are you implying that the people who took advantage of this mistake by PW are the intelligent ones? Further implying that those who chose not to take advantage of it are stupid?
  • Hey, it's not my fault you guys can't stand some competition. I don't care how many of my posts you delete. I think people deserve to be aware that they have some options, if you don't then that's no skin off my back. Just money out of your pocket :) Nice smug smile too. Fits well.
  • Lmao. Dev's deleted a post of mine too, giving a list of alternate MMOs run by fair and respectable companies. Way to go guys!
  • Oh, and if they Devs want actual suggestions on how to make things better, try not letting it get to this point first. Try thinking ahead to the negative repercussions of siding with an bug that was exploited to a ridiculous level within a short time frame in the first place. Try using good moral judgement when making a…
  • Hopefully they'll learn but I highly doubt it. I've only been playing for a month or so, but I'd already spent over $100 on this game. I really don't mind dropping that kind of money on games that aren't "play to win", and this one really isn't. League of Legends has also seen a good chunk of money from me, and repeatedly…
  • Where are they asking for suggestions? I'll give them a few...
  • Not quite yet. Open beta was last weekend, early access for pre-orders is Friday night/Saturday morning, full launch is the 27th @ 2PM PSD.
  • Try the new Final Fantasy MMO. Great storyline, generic MMO play style for the most part with a nice few unique additions. That's what I'm doing.
  • Even the impact on the games economy wasn't that big of a deal. The AD to Zen exchange price has evened out, at least on my server, and the cost of the mounts dropped a bit for those who are trying to sell them now. It the principle of the entire situation. This isn't a "open door with a 'please come in' sign on the front"…
  • Exactly, these people exploited a mistake, oversight, bug, glitch, incorrect data, whatever (point being, it wasn't supposed to be that way) for their selfish and unethical gain.
  • It is as long as they are making money off of it. That's your security blanket right there. If they profited somehow from the bug being exploited, there will be no negative repercussions as a result because they would also be punished. Silly us for thinking morally instead of selfishly. Should have known better I guess.
  • It's happened to me in PE twice and the new Fey wild area, or whatever it's called, once.
  • You too? I was kinda hoping I was the only one. Those bug reports are where I'm expressing my opinion of the company and their tactics. If it's happening a lot that means they're probably not reading them. ****.
  • My thoughts exactly. They won't see another dime of my money after this. Not even via the "Earn Zen" freebies. A company that would stoop so low as to reward people who took advantage of their own oversight and screw over the players who chose not to because they knew it was wrong... it's pathetic. Completely pathetic.…
  • Awesome! So next time I see a clear exploit of a bug in the game I will take full advantage of it with no fear of repercussions! Love the business model guys, looking forward to your next screw up! <3
  • Realistically refunds wouldn't be mandatory. The people exploiting the bug were breaking the EULA and did so knowingly, ignorance isn't something that can be pleaded here. They put real money into a free to play game for the purpose of exploiting an obvious bug. I'm actually quite shocked that the official response wasn't…
  • Love this! lmao
  • I saw 100 flash by in a matter of seconds. This bug was being abused for approx 40 minutes. Everything else *might* balance out on it's own, but after how much time? Days? Weeks?
  • The reward for upstanding values and moral integrity. Ain't it great?
  • The game itself, that's pretty obvious... However using the AH in most games is unavoidable for many items, and no one should have to over pay as a result of peoples exploitations of mistakes in game or a companies unwillingness to use a fix to rebalance everything, assuming they don't have something more clever up their…
  • That's what they're teaching, yup. Way to spread good morals and ethics PW :3
  • No rollbacks? Wow... So we're stuck with a severely screwed up in game economy as a result of someone's oversight? The fact that the value remained from a test server was an oversight and forgivable in my opinion, but I'm interested to see what they're gonna do to correct a corrupted economy lol Thank god only one more day…
  • But they didn't... it was in the test server *intentionally*, it wasn't a bug in that environment. It only became a bug when they neglected to update it for the live environment. A huge goof on their part, but it's a mistake, these things happen. I think all these people raging about it need to just settle down.
  • Incorrect. Exploiting a bug found in the game is a clear violation of the EULA. You're required to report bugs that are found, you don't need in depth knowledge of programming languages to exploit bugs, as seen here today. This is exploitation, plain and simple.