To say that it was a disappointment going to redeem the code and seeing it was disabled (I received it 2 hours ago) would be an understatement. I have faith you guys will make it right though, you have in the past even if it took awhile.
A few hundred megs is not a huge download and does not take a lot of time to get, if these downloads are taking a long time to grab you may want to consider a better ISP.
It is very much DnD, if you were playing pnp and not attempting to use the environment to your advantage then you were just not thinking outside the box. They need to give some benefit to killing the trash, people will stop tossing it off ledges if it was actually worth killing but it currently is not. They need to have a…
The boss is not overly hard it just requires a little bit of coordination. The group I run with is one of each class and we simply alternate stuns and dazes while the GF and GWF pick up and kill the blademasters while the rest of us burn the boss.
The zen shop is only charging for convenience items not required items. As stated in an earlier comment clerics in 4ed do not have res until epic levels. The scrolls you can purchase are a convenience item, they allow you to res yourself or party (depending which you have) without having to walk over to them (or them to…
I can understand making the tier pieces BoP, I am however confused at why you would make seal gear BoP. What are we supposed to do with our thousands of seals from running dungeons if the gear is BoP ? Can you also please stop giving me T1 garbage loot in my T2 delve chests, the loot that comes from them should be limited…
T2's actually seem to be substantially easier now, the trash seems to be dying substantially faster, the end bosses all seem nerfed into the ground other than Dread Vaults (the one boss that should have been most nerfed imho).
We did not have enough people on last night to do the dungeons but you can assemble a group from whoever took part in the phases of Gauntlgrym. The people in your party simply need to have the items required for entry that are gained from each phase (the T1 requires 1 item, and the T2 requires 2 items one of which only the…
Seals have always simply been a way for me to make astrals, it would be nice if the gear from them was actually worth getting or that they could be exchanged for higher lvl seals though.
I find it more enjoyable HAMSTER around in dungeons and blaming my cleric for my deaths then pretty much anything else in game currently, so I guess I am enjoying endgame content although not due to the content itself as much as the time spent with friends having a laugh. As more things are released I am sure there will be…
Where did they say it would be the exact same gear ? I saw they said it would be T1 in the one dungeon and T2 in the other but it could be they simply made more T1 and T2 sets. I do agree that the game is too highly exploited but I feel there are several things that are responsible for this. The trash mobs need to have…
FFXI implemented xp after max level to both retain your level when you die (gotta love deleveling and not being able to equip your endgame gear anymore) and to obtain merit points used to further enhance your characters skills. Saying that no mmo does this is incorrect, and how they did it made perfect sense in their model…
on the launcher click options and check disable on demand patching, it will require you to download a patch at that time to grab everything you are missing however you will never have this issue again.
In Ontario these are the first payment cards I have ever seen get taxed on redemption, our government does not collect taxes on currency conversion (virtual or otherwise).