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  • I just have to say thank you. To all the wannabe Richard bransons who bought up all the bulks of rank 4/5 enchants. What you have done, has allowed me to buy rank 9 enchants much much cheaper (as people think they going to be worth way less) sure, farm the hundreds of enchants you need yourself rofl When in fact you have…
  • I find that statement quite amusing and quite naive, in a game that you buy currency direct from the makers of it. You buy zen-exchange to Ad- Use Ad to buy rank 9-10 enchants. The difference is people will buy AD from wherever its cheaper. Dont be fooled in thinking tons of people don't already, or they wouldn't be in…
  • Lol perfects? Ha ha, yup 12 rank 10's and 1 perfect armor+weapon spots filled. Do you have any comprehension of how much that person would need to spend to get that? If you use normal methods its going to be a few thousands dollars. Oh and you can't have bis weapons when you just hit 60 sorry, it's impossible (I hope some…
  • Ha ha best troll ever from a GF. Learn to perma knockback more!
  • When revived you should be given a 2 second immunity to cc/prone effects etc. Otherwise instant res is pointless.
  • Why you all go on about pvp nerfs, when there is just 2 WF's and no more being added in the new module, nothing for pvp. Yet your content with playing meaningless pvp.
  • BUG: Guardian packs do not give rare bow like all other classes get with their weapon from guardian packs. Might be an idea to get this one in, or there will be quite a few annoyed people if this slips through.
  • The ones who won't play tend to be the ones who quit at the first sign of a challenge. More than likely the same type of people who quit after 1-2 wipes on a boss in pve. Quitters will always be the same, they expect an easy time in most things and I am willing to bet reflects them in real life also. It's a trait that…
  • Remove daily for pvp, that way pvp is for pvp players and u won't have quitting.
  • It will show the devs are so far out of touch with the players if they don't bother to bring in another WF or the means for foundry creators to make them. People don't gear up with the best enchants for pve, as its easy and no challenge, people gear up to compete against others in pvp. Bringing in the ranger class will…
  • Lol Yeh because 90% of players play in premades so there team works as a group. Lol keep defending, it was just the same for the other classes, learn to adapt now from being a 1 trick pony, because it will get fixed. And to the clueless nab who keeps talking about 2 stealthed TR's, 2 of any class tends to kill a player you…
  • It's good to see people coming out to defend the chain prone of a GF, it's just like the rally of GWF's and even TR's before they were nerfed /cough fixed. Don't worry, it will get fixed. Don't compare chain proning someone like any other cc, as it isn't. Every other form of cc can be broken out of, or can only happen once…
  • Just for men products?
  • Incorrect. Tr's ITC breaks out of CW's joke unstoppable does the same. Prone you can't do anything, which is fine when it happens once, but chain prone from a gf is total bs. If gf's couldn't do that then people wouldmt have an issue, and it' no diff to a TR 1 shotting any class, they nerfed the damage so now it's only the…
  • No it's nothing like that, GF is the one class you can't do anything about as prone is broken, cc breakers don't work against it. If they fixed it so when prone you can still use cc breakers/immunities then it would stop the stupid perma KB and death.
  • Nothing to see here, FOTM perma KB scrub class for those who can't play anything else.
  • Because they are to lazy to code abilities so they work differently in pvp to pve like a lot of other games do. But balancing classes around a non existent pvp that ruins pve is one of the biggest fail I think I have seen from an mmo company.
  • A broken new class (the ranger) that's abilities won't be tested properly, it's feats won't work for 3 months and will be nerfed heavily after 5 months after plenty of clueless pvp players complain about rangers killing them and then they will no longer be viable in pve Ooooh de ja vou!
  • I would like more of an update from devs as to what they are doing about Tennes and if they go through with this then those who have them slotted are able to remove them for free. 2mill to remove 7 is disgusting considering how long they have been in the game working as they are.
  • Shhhh, let them think otherwise :)
  • Yes, totally silly that you can't. I purchased dyes for armor, only to find when using soulforge it ruins it.
  • Bahh, now less people will be easier kill targets. I have always laughed whenever I see someone sat on a horse while capping, well at least plenty still don't come to the forums, so plenty will still do it and make life easier :)
  • Any chance you could increase the number of instances of gauntl grym so everyone that doesn't happen to queue as soon as it pops is able to get into the battleground? Ever since the merge, it's been awful, when if anything it should be much faster and better getting in as so many more people signing up.
  • That sprite returned to a character with a bow on his back /nudge nudge
  • Lmfao they lost **** loads because of the NGE, the game run bit was never the same again and most of the HC players left after that. This is no different, you screw with something that the top end competitive use and then you remove a lot of people who spend **** loads on your game. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but just…
  • This to those those old enough to remember is cryptics NGE And just like soe, they will suffer for this moronic idea. The top end of you customers spend money on enchants like this, but you want to change it many many months after the game was in open beta (why didnt you change it then?) And getting rid of it now, I hope…
  • That's the kicker! This long after release and they are the most talked about think on the forums, yet they come up with this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> now. Sorry, but they need to come up with a middle ground here, because its going from one extreme to another.
  • It's fine, I am glad they are nerfing them. It means I have a reason along with the **** loads of others who spent more than most on this game have a reason to leave, in doing so it will be there undoing and I will get this warm fuzzy feeling inside knowing that while I am still working and doing well for myself, those…
  • No I didn't come to the wrong thread, the OP seemed to think having the highest gs makes all the diff in a dungeon, it doesn't.
  • Pro? I don't get paid to play neverwinter do you? As to the low gs comment, Greater tennes don't give a gs value, having 7 of them and 2 Rank 9 Radiants along with 3 Rank 9 Darks won't put me over 11.4k gs (**** at how come I am always top compared to those in 15k gs) If i thought gs made a diff to my character/s I…