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  • No, before the last patch, auctions would go into negative time if new bids were still being offered. This was changed (auctions will never go into negative time now), but auctions that were currently in negative time when the patch was released still need to time out naturally, however long that will take. 19 days is the…
  • I calculated the probability of the second one. I got a negative number.
  • Yep. Someone with enough liquid capital to buy all of the zen under 500 AD. Or, more probably, it's a guild doing it.
  • I agree that the scoring needs to be changed. I'm often at the bottom, but only because I seem to be the only one who realizes that we don't need 5 people sitting on an empty point to cap it. I run off to go do something useful while most people sit on the point to get the +300, even though we only need 1 person to do it.…
  • Who are you disagreeing with? That's exactly what has been said.
  • Here they are ingame (I happen to have both). The "brindle" horse is on the left. Sabino is on the right. As you can see, the brindle horse has roan, not brindle stripes. The sabino one has brindle. I don't think either of them can really be called sabino, so I guess it may not be a simple case of switched names as I…
  • Yes his complaint is that his "brindle" horse has no brindle. The "sabino" horse has brindle.
  • I'm pretty sure the sabino horse isn't sabino, either. It has white socks and a blaze on its head, but that's it. I don't think anyone would call that sabino. Now that I think about it, the sabino horse is actually brindle. They may have mixed up the names.
  • Both. The damage numbers initially come off as the damage from that single attack, but they will float up and combine into a cumulative total as you keep attacking.
  • Yes clerics can certainly be hard to come by, but I didn't mention them because a cleric does not fill his other requirements. As for being less common than GF, I've been in many parties without a GF, but only one or two without a cleric. This could just be a symptom of how the matchmaker likes to put parties together,…
  • It's a bit inconsistent. Some buffs (such as potions) do not change your GS, but some other stat-affecting things do. For example, GF's can get a feat that doubles their Power if their guard meter is full. This affects GS, and can artificially add ~1500 or more to their GS. Also, humans get a small boost to their GS…
  • Regarding underplayed classes: Not sure about in PvP, but in dungeon parties, I see at least 2 GWF's for every GF. I'm fairly certain the GF is the least played class in the game. It has been in my experience, anyways.
  • If you mean the illusionary walls that can be found in some 5-man dungeons, no, I don't think they are available in the foundry yet. However, you could place a wall and use a marker to make the wall disappear when a player approaches it. When objects disappear, they fade away slowly, which, if combined with some FX that…
  • It's an emote. All mounts can do it. Horses, for example, rear up and neigh.
  • Heal-over-time abilities stack with themselves (at least the Devoted Cleric's does), so her casting it more often will mean more healing.
  • I believe they are both Strikers. Not sure about the panther, but the wolf is basic quality, if I recall.