Someone keeping our rate hostage at 500 on Dragon, started a few hours ago.
It started out slowly climbing from about ~380 to 390, then suddenly just exploded to 500 and wiped out all the zen orders.
Was chaotic, then slowly dipped back to 400 or so and was going steady. Then suddenly exploded again and straight back to 500, zen orders wiped out.
Happened like 2 more times after that I think. So I'm assuming someone was just buying a ton of zen out and waiting for it to go back down to keep rebuying like that.
this means the people on beholder has no AD to sell or no interest on buying zen, which is not the case for dragon.....which leds me think the majority of the exploiters are on dragon imo
Reason for which the zen price exploded, they need more zen....because 2 days ago i bought zen at an exchange rate of 350.
I do hope the exploiters won't cash in their AD!
Here the example of how the economy of a game can be broken by cheaters....
Right because it makes a lot of sense for said explorers to throw 10k$ around to just crash market for fun.
also if they crashed it with ad, the zen price wouldnt go down as there were flood of zen sellers. And why would they drop down price by 10 or 20 or even 50 ad from lowest.
What's the AH looking like?
Someone keeping our rate hostage at 500 on Dragon, started a few hours ago.
It started out slowly climbing from about ~380 to 390, then suddenly just exploded to 500 and wiped out all the zen orders.
Was chaotic, then slowly dipped back to 400 or so and was going steady. Then suddenly exploded again and straight back to 500, zen orders wiped out.
Happened like 2 more times after that I think. So I'm assuming someone was just buying a ton of zen out and waiting for it to go back down to keep rebuying like that.
how he managed it?
Someone with a HAMSTER ton of AD I'm assuming? lol
It's lower now
this means the people on beholder has no AD to sell or no interest on buying zen, which is not the case for dragon.....which leds me think the majority of the exploiters are on dragon imo
Reason for which the zen price exploded, they need more zen....because 2 days ago i bought zen at an exchange rate of 350.
I do hope the exploiters won't cash in their AD!
Here the example of how the economy of a game can be broken by cheaters....
Yep. Someone with enough liquid capital to buy all of the zen under 500 AD. Or, more probably, it's a guild doing it.
Nice for me since I flip diamonds alot for zen for keys
EDIT: I logged in and checked, and it went back to 360-370. Strange.
Shard: Mindflayer
Characters: Grim, Rune, Holy, Ruin - If the name isn't the @FearGXxD handle, it's not me!
Isn't. Ten chars.
It's far from dead. LOL. Besides what does it matter, all three shards will be merged.
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Bored GF exploiters who didn't lose their mule accounts
also if they crashed it with ad, the zen price wouldnt go down as there were flood of zen sellers. And why would they drop down price by 10 or 20 or even 50 ad from lowest.
It just doesnt make any sense.