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  • There's another thread. Same title. Same issue. The MOD posted an email link in it. Should probably check it out.
  • /popcorn.gif Just making sure the users of the forum who read this besides the Op, who seems like an intelligent young man, of course, is well informed. My nose is clean, thanks. I haven't paid a dime to them, nor do I intend to until the game's Live. You're cute. Carry on. I'm enjoying my popcorn watching fools try to…
  • popcorn.gif
  • I lost about 80copper worth of charcoal I was going to craft all day at work. (Chat support 12a-12p). My life is over. </sarcasm>
  • One word. Beta. Thanks for the thread!
  • Support currently is down and/or behind in requests from my understanding. Soon as they thin it out, more support will be available.
  • You received 2,000,000 AD, did you not? You received said product. If the value changes, oh well. That's business and economy.
  • Dunno what you're looking at. The main page states it plain as day: "Dungeons and Dragons: Neverwinter. Now in Open Beta! Play Now!" You should refresh the front page... If you click on Neverwinter, it states it's in Beta. Are you feeling okay?
  • </opinion.>
  • I remember hearing about that. It's crazy, but these things happen, I agree.
  • I can totally agree with you, as you're looking at it from a business perspective. The business benefit lies in the card holder, but that's indemnifying them in the long run as customers too. (Worked for many of them in the past. Chargebacks have a huge penalty, even if you have great history.) It just sucks but if people…
  • They will wipe when they're done with the Beta. It's going to happen. Don't worry about it. Just wait for the final release of the game and you'll be fine. Until then, enjoy it for what it is.
  • Agreed! /10char
  • Ever read a Terms of Service before in your life? You really should. You look stupid. Edit: Just because I like being right...Subsection 16. on the Terms of Service at the bottom of the page states, and I quote; As a Beta tester, you are invited to play Beta Games for the sole purpose of evaluating the games and…
  • I'll set expectations here. If you charge back anything regarding something you purchased with a company, they have full rights to ban you from anything and everything they support. This includes, but is not limited to the following: Blacklight: Retribution Torchlight I & II Perfect World Forsaken World Star Trek Online…
  • Meh. It's a beta. I'm content being able to just read the lore and play the game at my own pace. Equipment treadmill or not, it matters little. People who invest time and nothing else into this game have nothing to complain about. If you've lost the six or so hours from this rollback and have something to complain about,…
  • I'm honestly not really investing any money into the game myself for now. It's reassuring to see people being banned. I can't understand how the economy works as I'm oblivious to it and just enjoying the grind and questing/lore. For the time being, I'll support the game with means of Zen as I'm sure Cryptic…
    in banned why Comment by alturen May 2013
  • I'm not sure if I'm completely oblivious to the way of Cleric or what, but I just hit 21 last night, grouped a few times and found absolutely no problems. I'm enjoying the threat game and my HoT's are actually more beneficial with my current set up. I rarely use Divinity unless I channel a heal that's pretty good as a…