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Not going to waste my time healing in this game anymore.



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    calaminthacalamintha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    adabisi wrote: »
    Sadly i am forced to agree but we can also call it very realistic?

    Who do we , as players, go after first and immediately? The healers maybe a dps mob but certainly the cleric first...

    Realistically turning your back to a guy with a huge sword should be a death sentence. In PnP fighters have skills that make ignoring them rather painful too.
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    diggotdiggot Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    aeonbluess wrote: »
    It sure is not fun to enter an epic dungeon with no cleric. The party sits around, player after player dropping from the party, because cleric is such a vital role that there is no chance of defeating the boss with out one. I know one solution for this problem...

    Unless this issue gets fixed RATHER FAST, you're gonna start seeing people leave the beta/game in droves
    because no one will run any dungons due to the lack or Clerics. Our healing isn't that powerful to begin with,
    so telling us not to "overheal" is kinda mehh..
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    trickshawtrickshaw Member Posts: 497 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    FunFact: You don't need dedicated healers in Neverwinter.

    Clerics are there for EMERGENCY heals. They're not there to behave like healers from other MMOs. If your party members aren't sporting some level of Regen and/or Life Steal then that's their fault not yours. I can count on one hand how many times a Cleric has had to heal my GWF as he pulls multiple packs.

    Then again I'm not a complete idiot either.
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    horrorscope666horrorscope666 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 415 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    The good thing about NWO is if you are a cleric and you "don't want to heal", 90% of your heals happen anyway. This is by far the most indirect healing game I've played, most offensive skills give automatic healing side affects. So OP when you say you give up, if you just play your cleric as is, you are still healing plenty making a real difference.
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    lyaiselyaise Member Posts: 491 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Keep seeing the age old - go back to wow for your easy healing class. Which assumes that most other gamers have only played one other mmo before this one.

    There maybe a few who fit this description, but a minority.

    Most people, like myself, can compare the standard of the Cleric class here to healers in several other games.
    So forget wow, and look at the healers in Tera and Aion. Why these two? Well:

    Tera has a similar manual aiming system, healing classes are Mystic and Priest.
    Aion is open world pvp - and the Cleric healer is always the class that other groups go for - that is aggro.
    I have lvl capped Mystic & Priest in Tera, and lvl capped Cleric in Aion

    Both of these games have managed to avoid the one heal every dungeon mob on you near farcical state that is the current situation in NW. Once again I have rolled a healer here- I like playing this roll - but to see the way the class is playing I can fully understand the exasperation voiced here. This is the least enjoyable healing class I have played in an mmo, and basically I've played the lot.

    To have healing done by damage isn't new - most recent example would be the Rift Chloromancer. So, it can be done effectively.

    To me the Cleric issue here is just another example of the current awful quality level of the game. Open beta? No, it is more like Alpha at the moment.
    ...............vote for your favourite expansion..........
    "Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity".
    ..............not this one then.............
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    blanddudeblanddude Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Healing is fine in this game, take the time to learn how to do it and stop PUGGING, PUG = asking for pain.
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    slaughterfallslaughterfall Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm only level 20 on my Cleric right now, but this is the first game with a dedicated healer that hasn't bored me to tears; I couldn't stand playing a Priest in WoW (although I liked Druid).

    The lack of burst healing doesn't bother me, probably because it's what I'm used to from playing a Druid. Haven't noticed any aggro problems or issues where my entire party is nearly dead, but that might be a result of low-level encounters being easier than what you're up against.

    I agree that healers are often under appreciated, however they are utterly essential to any party. People might not pat you on the back as often as the Rogues who are doing "ph4t DP5 2 th4 b0ss!!!111" and it can suck to feel like the group doesn't notice that you're contributing just as much (if not more) to a successful run. However, you'll also never fail to find a group for any instance you want, whereas finding a group who is desperately begging for a Rogue is like finding a unicorn riding a dragon riding a bigger unicorn riding Cthulu.
    drexl420 wrote: »
    IN EVERY OTHER MMO I'VE PLAYED, healers always have at least one spammable DIRECT HEAL ability with no cooldown whatsoever. Why does this game have to be different?

    How many of those MMOs utilized a mana bar or another non-cooldown method of limiting your resources? I'd wager that they ALL did. Games need to impose SOME kind of restriction on healing, otherwise every fight will be a joke. Since Neverwinter only uses cooldowns they decided to implement alternative ways of capping a healer's abilities. The Divinity bar is one way of doing it, and the stacks on Healing Word are another. That's not to say it's balanced right now--they certainly could've made a mistake with the number of charges on HW or the rate of depletion on Divinity--but an instant direct heal with no cooldown is a RIDICULOUS request in the context of this game.
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    kisraenkisraen Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There are people that stand on fire, always. Though that doesn't necessarily mean it's their fault.
    The servers are physically located in US, pretty much everyone outside US has bad latency(100-250) and thus, can have severely gimped reaction times. Feel free to claim otherwise, you will only manage to make yourself look the part of a jester.
    Healing, imo, is fine(except for the broken stuff)
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    watever2watever2 Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Anyone who is trying to play NW clerics like the trinity healers are assuming this is WoW, it is not. Also clerics have powers and feats to lower aggro, if you don't put any points in these then don't complain about aggro. Clerics in NW are more like protectors than actual healerz.
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    bigg4merbigg4mer Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Speaking as a GWF atleast u guys are wanted, infact essential to the T2 runs
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    horrorscope666horrorscope666 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 415 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    watever2 wrote: »
    Anyone who is trying to play NW clerics like the trinity healers are assuming this is WoW, it is not.

    Or I could assume another 100 games not named WoW.

    Like any game, you figure out what it is doing, there is a madness to the Devote Cleric. If you don't like it... might as well play another class or just move on. Like do you think they are really going to overhaul the class? Your only chance is someday they come out with another healing class that is more traditional.
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    calaminthacalamintha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm only level 20 on my Cleric right now, but this is the first game with a dedicated healer that hasn't bored me to tears; I couldn't stand playing a Priest in WoW (although I liked Druid).

    The lack of burst healing doesn't bother me, probably because it's what I'm used to from playing a Druid. Haven't noticed any aggro problems or issues where my entire party is nearly dead, but that might be a result of low-level encounters being easier than what you're up against.

    To put it mildly. The first instance is so easy you complete it with 2 players. You are basically still playing the tutorial.
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    bakedpotardobakedpotardo Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Threat with the cleric is just insane :(

    I enjoy playing still, took my cleric to 60 and have no plans of stopping..

    What annoys me is how many times I have to tell my party to focus ads and keep them off me (how did these guys get through the game and hit 60 not knowing this?) I can't build divine power or heal while I'm running for my life, I find myself having to tell my party this almost every time, even then we have to die before they take me seriously, at times I have to cast astral shield away from where they are focusing their attack onto the ads just to get them to move their attack and keep me alive, the imps are the most frustrating thing for me, I'm never going to that dungeon again, even if the party focus on them, unless they are VERY good I'm usually mobbed and having to chug pots until I inevitably die.
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    bman1978bman1978 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    i have a cleric that i use for pvp most of the time and i enjoy the build and how i can heal my team mates. I don't see how we are broken. If anything 2 clerics casting area affect shields can control most pvp matches and pve dungeons allowing the rogues and cw to finish every one off.
    Moonshadow Drow Cleric, Mr. Pickles Human Control Wizard, Ogre Hafling Guardian Fighter
    On Dragon Shard @bman78
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    chintaechintae Member Posts: 110 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    bman1978 wrote: »
    i have a cleric that i use for pvp most of the time and i enjoy the build and how i can heal my team mates. I don't see how we are broken. If anything 2 clerics casting area affect shields can control most pvp matches and pve dungeons allowing the rogues and cw to finish every one off.


    I have been tracking this thread and watching how people think the issue is with 'how the clerics heal'. It isn't. It's the stupidly broken aggro system.

    Clerics heal JUST fine. I just did a skirm and had over 1.5mil healing WE CAN HEAL JUST FINE! That is true and NOT IN DISPUTE. It's the ridiculous aggro a cleric generates healing EVEN WHEN SPECCED INTO AGGRO REDUCTION. Plus, clerics have a -40% heal reduction on themselves which only exasperates the issue. Most often, a cleric can withstand an add or two, but when you generate aggro on the LT. mobs that flop down cones, or red circles that you have to dodge out of, along with the adds circling behind you to get Combat Advantage on, and the fact that you can't heal yourself for as much like you can to your group, you have clerics that go down way too fast and adds to a whole level of frustration that is the main issue here.

    Just last night in my skirm run with over 1mil healing, at one point, I had the attention of everything 3 drow assassins and the driders and the spiderling adds and as I was bouncing around, trying to avoid the AEs and the numerous adds on me, I watched ALL the DPS playing with the main spider boss and very angrily (once I died ) yelled at my screen: "Screw you all! I'm taking my heals and going home!" Someone rezzed me and I went back about my business healing them, but still, at the apex of the encounter, having a brain aneurism is par for the course.

    This is the issue. Not that we 'can't heal' its the having all the adds on our behind making it impossible to heal that is the issue.
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    oghieroghier Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 84
    edited May 2013
    I've played healers in a dozen MMO's, and I prefer the ones that require movement and reaction, not standing in one spot and spamming a heal. I really liked my cleric in NWO -- until I got to T2's.

    I'm done as a healer here. T2's are just ridiculous. It's an hour+ of every critter in the zone chasing one target, the healer. Heal threat is so over-the-top broken, it makes me wonder whether the devs even pay attention to gameplay.
    - Snit (Cleric, Dragon Server)
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    nymbylnymbyl Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    chintae wrote: »

    I have been tracking this thread and watching how people think the issue is with 'how the clerics heal'. It isn't. It's the stupidly broken aggro system.

    Clerics heal JUST fine.

    This is the issue. Not that we 'can't heal' its the having all the adds on our behind making it impossible to heal that is the issue.

    quote edited for brevity

    /dev input?

    this is all just about adjusting the aggro, if they would do that, everything else about the cleric rocks
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    aeonbluessaeonbluess Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    diggot wrote: »
    Unless this issue gets fixed RATHER FAST, you're gonna start seeing people leave the beta/game in droves
    because no one will run any dungons due to the lack or Clerics. Our healing isn't that powerful to begin with,
    so telling us not to "overheal" is kinda mehh..

    My point is that cleric is a vital role for dungeons. Parties don't survive the boss with out them. The game michanics is different then other games, when under development everyone is like, "don't make this game like WoW". I love playing a cleric and the solution to groups with no cleric is to play one. One major tip I would offer is to not use tab for only Los heals, but primarily for encounter powers which often provide healing and protection buffs.
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    oghieroghier Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 84
    edited May 2013
    watever2 wrote: »
    Anyone who is trying to play NW clerics like the trinity healers are assuming this is WoW, it is not. Also clerics have powers and feats to lower aggro, if you don't put any points in these then don't complain about aggro. Clerics in NW are more like protectors than actual healerz.

    Are you under the impression that these abilities do something to change monster behavior? The general consensus is that they do not.

    Heck, maybe soothe really does reduce your threat 30%, and perhaps break the spirit reduces it further. You're still #1 on most critters' threat lists. Your lead may have shrunk, but they're still chasing you any second a CW doesn't have them tied up in a ball.
    - Snit (Cleric, Dragon Server)
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    knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bigg4mer wrote: »
    Speaking as a GWF atleast u guys are wanted, infact essential to the T2 runs

    Yeah, as a Tank, that also relies on a single OP ability.

    I don't feel like playing a tank.
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    speedstersonicspeedstersonic Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Not gonna lie, i've practically had it with this game after trying T2, game is super fun up till the end and then it's all freaking add fight after add fight, It's lazy design, let's just throw <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> tons of adds at the players. ya'll should only use aoe skills cause single target is pointless. God, that spider boss and the wolf den boss epic versions are utterly stupid. Just keep spawning add waves and so many red circles the players can never dodge in time.

    Really starting to hate this game after I loved it so much the first two weeks. If players are finding exploits to skip stuff cause it's faster than dealing with the craploads of adds, that means your dungeons are not designed to be fun.
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    karandordaockarandordaoc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 51
    edited May 2013
    Yeah I wish they'd tune up the boss damage and tone down the adds.

    Make it so a guardian fighter is needed to tank the boss and make it so there are waves of adds instead of just constant adds.

    Epic Dungeon of Dread has one of the most <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> boss fights I've ever seen. It's hard enough without the giant guys that suck you in but I've had 3 of them show up at once sucking everyone into tentacles......

    The Pirate King is one of the more sane fights and that should be about the absolute limit of adds insanity. Spawning mini-bosses + tons of adds while fighting a real boss is just freaking stupid.

    Unless you have 2 clerics and can easily clear everything.

    And yeah, **** mindflayers.
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    slashylereuxslashylereux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    adabisi wrote: »
    In a real world setting it would mean you have Bigbys interposing hand and magic missiles and fireballs and lightning bolts and ice walls.....maybe phantasmal force some harms spells, maybe an ottilukes spell and Rary to boot......none of this is here..this is not DnD ADnD..it is an mmo with the background set in the FR's and nothing else.

    Rogues dont pick pockets. do not set traps or use poison.
    Clerics do not direct heal, have harm spells or raise the dead, or have any protection spells I am aware of.
    Mages do not use magic missiles, color spray or melfs or acid arrows or any traditional spells

    Once again just because a sign on it says it is a car if it does not honk, have four wheels, or does not look like car .....

    Well this game is based on 4th edition where a lot of that stuff you mentioned exists but as shadows of their ad&d and 3rd counterparts. You're correct that this is not ad&d, but weren't the 4e mechanics modeled after mmos? The tabletop pnp version definitely has that feel.

    There will never be a game made with the DnD moniker that could ever live up to that name as it stands in people's minds that are familiar with the pnp version. As a video game players are limited by the system and it's rules; at the table it's all imagination and completely up to the DM as to what happens and what can be allowed. I see no point in arguing or complaining about you don't have. If you want those things why not just find a pnp group to play with?
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    imivoimivo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,682 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    You're correct that this is not ad&d, but weren't the 4e mechanics modeled after mmos? The tabletop pnp version definitely has that feel.#

    Probably not "modeled after", but "made suitable for" MMOs and video games in general. I think it's a sensible move, too. Times change and more and more people do play online. Whether that's good or bad on a social/human level is certainly up for debate, but it's nevertheless what it is. Also, previous editions haven't disappeared. Plenty of people still use those.
    Unsure about skills and feats? Check the Master List of Class Builds!
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    serowforsakenserowforsaken Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. NW is an action MMO, I don't see how having a direct heal will help unless the target is already down on the floor. They should be moving to get out of danger. Your Cleric most likely will be moving most of the time to re-position too.

    2. Not beating on your complaint but... if I were an add, I would target the healer first too. It's common sense. It would be the controller's or dps's job to keep the adds off you. If they don't, then it's their fault.
    60 Hunter Ranger
    The rest still up-and-coming!
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    mgs1legacymgs1legacy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. NW is an action MMO, I don't see how having a direct heal will help unless the target is already down on the floor. They should be moving to get out of danger. Your Cleric most likely will be moving most of the time to re-position too.

    2. Not beating on your complaint but... if I were an add, I would target the healer first too. It's common sense. It would be the controller's or dps's job to keep the adds off you. If they don't, then it's their fault.

    The Average player lacks common sense.. which is why the system doesn't work and healers cant have too much threat.
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    khufutaronkhufutaron Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    My original main was a Cleric. Leveled to 60. My experiences were:

    1) Hide and Seek - I try to hide from the mobs, but they always find me. Run around dodging mobs. Slide slide out of stamina... Slide some more. Meanwhile the other 4 players were playing the kill the big bad guy for loot game.

    2) One Trick Pony - Astral Shield - over and over and over and over and over...

    3) Human Pinata - or PvP as some of you may call it. I have 22k hp - I've been crit for 25k by both TR & CW. But hey I can stand in the blue circle, stack blue forgemasters, and healing word. <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> pushed out of the circle, why do I have chains in all my abilities. Oh hey F2 time...

    4) Dying of Old Age - or trying to solo x4 foundry missions a day.

    5) The Same but Not Really - You find a foundry mission you can actually solo. You play it four times every day. Then the TR and CW stroll through it in 8.2348 seconds and reduce the average play time to under 15 minutes. The author goes in and adds more mobs. Sigh... 30 minutes foundry just became 40 minutes... /wrists

    Its just not a fun experience at all. I don't think Clerics scale very well (GF & GWF probably are worse off).

    Anyway, I'm not mad or anything. Those are just my observations. It was more frustrating than fun. I absolutely love the game play of the cleric, the functionality, and the animations. They just need to tweak the damage output, remove/reduce the heal debuff, fix threat, etc... I have no doubt it will get corrected. In the meantime, I've rolled a CW and I actually like doing foundry missions, pvp, and dungeons.

    Still love this game though - PW just needs some time to get things in order.
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    adabisiadabisi Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    diggot wrote: »
    Using this logic, we should all roll dps because our enemies would run around in circles trying to decide
    who to kill first... It just doesn't work. When a healer pulls the agro of an entire room by casting a healing
    spell, and then can't lose agro even if he/she stops, you got an issue with the agro-system... clearly.

    I have no issue with the aggro system in any form. They act like I would...bash the healer first then work on the dps and lastly the tanks.

    If it is bugged fix it so it works as the devs intended it to. If it is as intended then we must endure....until it changes. Your attitude, on the other hand, is amusing...please continue.

    2ndly yout snide little comment makes no sense. They would go after the mob who has the most aggro on a person to mob basis...whoever did the most damage to them would be their target...much like it is now. TSk TSK if your gonna be a smart *** be a good one or go home.
    Today we fight the GAULS......monstrous and HAIRY beyond reason.
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    alturenalturen Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mgs1legacy wrote: »
    The Average player lacks common sense.. which is why the system doesn't work and healers cant have too much threat.

    I'm not sure if I'm completely oblivious to the way of Cleric or what, but I just hit 21 last night, grouped a few times and found absolutely no problems. I'm enjoying the threat game and my HoT's are actually more beneficial with my current set up.

    I rarely use Divinity unless I channel a heal that's pretty good as a 'direct'. If anything, it feels as if it's a challenge and makes players actually think before jumping balls first into a hard hitting mob. I've intentionally let two Rogue's die and for good reason. They pulled everything on the map and it's not my responsibility to keep them alive.

    If I've got a HoT free, yeah, I'll throw it your way. If I need it for the tank? You'd better learn to hover near me for a arc burst heal otherwise you get nothing.

    Healing's actually way more fun in this game to me than any other MMO I've played, except one (FFXI). It makes you think, I should be bursting, carrying my buffs and laying out resistance so people don't take as much damage. Clerics are meant to ward and negate rather than completely faceroll boost.

    I guess this is why I'm getting into 4E.

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    hamoct72hamoct72 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 48
    edited May 2013
    the OP clearly doesnt play a healer.. I love it as my 60 cleric 10300 GS...

    play what you enjoy
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