It can be, particularly if you don't think you'll be able to max out ArmPen to 24% relatively shortly once you hit Level 60. If that's the case raising Int to compensate for lack of ArmPen is perfectly viable, in fact I did so until I hit ArmPen on my gear and boons. Then as my Gear and Boons improved I respect'd once or twice to lower my Int.
Currently I ended up where I wanted at: 24 Con, 24 Cha, 14 Int, 12 in the rest.
Kola I think that is where my stats are too. It is painful right at hitting 60 though...I had a whopping 6.2% armp running CN. My guild was laughing me, in good nature. Now I sit at a comfortable 24% without having to use our class feature to boost.
If you do go low int just remember you can use our armp boosting class feature to mitigate the issue until your gear and boons fall in line with what you need.
Kolat I think that is where my stats are too. It is painful right at hitting 60 though...I had a whopping 6.2% armp running CN. My guild was laughing me, in good nature. Now I sit at a comfortable 24% without having to use our class feature to boost.
I'm laughing at you, right now, actually... 6.2% bud? Oh man, I'm gonna remember this one! :P
If you do go low int just remember you can use our armp boosting class feature to mitigate the issue until your gear and boons fall in line with what you need.
100% accurate statement, and my apologies korpakukac1 as I should have mentioned using the Prince of Hell class feature as a viable option.
Yeah that run was brutal...but manage to get through it...and will using combinations of all the SW skills was not so bad, and well it was a guild group, and I was on draco only in the end except for our AE daily and they would pull all the adds into draco.
But things have changed tremendously for my SW since the day I hit 60.
And yes 6.2% for real and no armor set yet, nor drake seals.
Yeah that run was brutal...but manage to get through it...and will using combinations of all the SW skills was not so bad, and well it was a guild group, and I was on draco only in the end except for our AE daily and they would pull all the adds into draco.
But things have changed tremendously for my SW since the day I hit 60.
And yes 6.2% for real and no armor set yet, nor drake seals.
Sounds like a memorable adventure right there mi amigo! Glad you survived...
I have a question to ya. Is the Artifact weapon for warlock a good idea? And if, which one should I pick?
I think it is a great idea.
For the Fury build above I would recommend Hubris of the Golden Dragon, the one that increases the utility of Dark Spiral Aura At-Will. My reasoning for this is that it is the only Artifact Weapon that increases the damage of a Necrotic Ability. I've been using Dark Spiral Aura as my 2nd At-Will opposite Hand of Blight for a few weeks now. Hellish Rebuke is a good At-Will, however since I tend to stay out of Melee as much as possible, it wasn't really working for me. Plus I like the stats better on the Hubris of the Golden Dragon then the ones on Golden Dragon's Pride, which is the Hand of Blight weapon.
Bottom line ANYArtifact Weapon is better then any main hand. The +36 Base Damage from any of the Weapons is the single most important stat on ANY weapon. It is what everything is calculated off of: At-Wills, Encounters, and Dailies.
i am also using that but that only works if a cursed target dies and if you are using dread theft it doesn't work i just find it easier to use the spheres. 6 for curse bite is the max only because its 3 warlock curse 3 lesser curses max great thing about cursebite is it is a necrotic damager and it only hits cursed targets so its good for the capstone.
I will take a look into Cursed Bite on the test shard, and get back to you in a week or two with my findings.
Cayapap and I do a lot of testing, theorycrafting, etc. So we'll see what we come up with!
What a weekend it's been... An absolute marathon of Refining for everyone I know, including myself! I spent over 10 hours refining the following to Legendary status:
Hubris of the Golden Dragon
Plated Belt of Constitution
Sigil of the Devoted
Thayan Book of the Dead
Kessell's Spheres of Annihilation
Mind you those 10+ Hours had over 14 client crashes where I had to restart the game. Pandapaul, a superb GWF and an amigo of mine, kindly hinted there was a way to refine without the crash, but he of course mentioned it late last night... Once I was already done!
<image removed>
No skin off my back though, cause I was already finished! lol
So without further ado, here is my current Gear load out in pictures, along with my current PvE stats, etc.
Burning Necklace of the Shore
Draconic Ring of the Shore
Barbaric Ring of the Shore
Based on the reasoning that basically I'm fully tricked out, for all intents and purposes. I could get more Power from using some Rare Equipment, like the rings in my companion and I do have those available in my bags... It's just that I felt the other stat increases helped round out the character a bit more.
I do eventually want to get the Ring of Pain from the Lair of Lostmauth Dungeon and/or Shores of Tuern Skirmish, whatever it falls from!
That ring gives:
+181 Power
+138 Critical Strike
+181 Recovery
I'll probably be replacing the rings on my Ioun Stone of Might with these when I get them. I also need/want to get the Fallen Dragon Grimoire, so I can spread out my ArmPen slightly for if I want to take the current Ring/Neck of the Shore off eventually.
Just a bit of tweeking on my end, seeing what I can do. I am a tad low on Recovery and I want to increase that... So I'm looking into balancing that out a bit!
Kolat.. dude have to ask, is how the hell do you afford all that HAMSTER so fast ?lol. so heres a question , you went charisma , Im guessing to pump up your companion stats? because otherwise i saw no reason to not go int/con for the resistance ignored. I play allot of PVP pugs with my warlock and been considering planning out a pvp only SW, tell the truth. I think if you switch int/con, go human and have stats like mine which is 23 con, 19 int, 19 cha end game it feels pretty solid and Im way undergeared. same build would work perfect for the pvp mow down glass cannon. just an idea of course maybe you might want to consider trying for another build to post hehe. or divide this one into pvp variant or something.
i am also using that but that only works if a cursed target dies and if you are using dread theft it doesn't work i just find it easier to use the spheres. 6 for curse bite is the max only because its 3 warlock curse 3 lesser curses max great thing about cursebite is it is a necrotic damager and it only hits cursed targets so its good for the capstone.
I could have sworn I have generated more than 3 Lesser Curses, but perhaps I have miscounted.
Module 4 Comprehensive DC guide |Module 4 MoF CW Handbook |New! Scourge Warlock Guide| NW Numbers and Mechanics guide |Crit, Power and DPS guide | Dungeon Delving guide and more
One important questions from my side
What should i best do, when i reached lvl 60. I mean, how to get good enough equip, to be able to go and farm the T2?
What I did, was to get dragonbone weapons, xvim set and blue lvl 60 armour set, then just farmed dread ring to get purple set. I also put some lvl 5-6 enchantments in eq. After that I was ready to go into T2 with my 11k SW
Remember to open chests 2nd It worked for me, so I run Sp/Karru only once
Maybe it was luck, but I find opening as second to have better chance for T2 set drops.
I have question Kolatmaster, what daily are you using for heroic encounters, like dragons, where there are no mobs arround.
I tried flames of phegetos, but maybe there is something better?
Kolat.. dude have to ask, is how the hell do you afford all that HAMSTER so fast ?lol.
Well I was able to pull a bunch off my old GWF who was my main prior to the SW. Plus know that it was coming out I bought/sold/traded on the AH and Trade Channel a lot to gain a reserve of AD so that I could be ready. Then finding out about 2x Refinement Weekend, I bought over 180 stacks of 99x Peridot's on the AH mid/late August at much cheaper then they were last weekend...
so heres a question , you went charisma , Im guessing to pump up your companion stats? because otherwise i saw no reason to not go int/con for the resistance ignored. I play allot of PVP pugs with my warlock and been considering planning out a pvp only SW, tell the truth. I think if you switch int/con, go human and have stats like mine which is 23 con, 19 int, 19 cha end game it feels pretty solid and Im way undergeared. same build would work perfect for the pvp mow down glass cannon. just an idea of course maybe you might want to consider trying for another build to post hehe. or divide this one into pvp variant or something.
I went Cha over Int, as I knew (via number crunching) that I would be able to hit 24% ArmPen with 14 Int and the items/equipment I was looking to build up. Thus Cha with it's Crit Chance and Combat Advantage Bonus seemed like the way to go. Now PvP, Int might be the better play as it also has cool down reduction. So I can definitely see that as a better option for PvP!
One important questions from my side
What should i best do, when i reached lvl 60. I mean, how to get good enough equip, to be able to go and farm the T2?
I'd join a Guild and run T1s with them, then T2s, and forward from there... Or you can PvP and try and gain Glory to buy the basic T1 PvP gear, and then run T1 from there!
What I did, was to get dragonbone weapons, xvim set and blue lvl 60 armour set, then just farmed dread ring to get purple set. I also put some lvl 5-6 enchantments in eq. After that I was ready to go into T2 with my 11k SW
Remember to open chests 2nd It worked for me, so I run Sp/Karru only once
Maybe it was luck, but I find opening as second to have better chance for T2 set drops.
I have question Kolatmaster, what daily are you using for heroic encounters, like dragons, where there are no mobs arround.
I tried flames of phegetos, but maybe there is something better?
Flames is solid, sometimes I'll wait for some adds to run in and pop TT, but whatever you want
Since i dont really want to start farming dungeons, i was thinking on just using dread/shan purple until i unlock IWD, and then just go full purified. Any thought on how much i am gonna gimp myself comared to the normal T2 sets?
Since i dont really want to start farming dungeons, i was thinking on just using dread/shan purple until i unlock IWD, and then just go full purified. Any thought on how much i am gonna gimp myself comared to the normal T2 sets?
That is definitely a viable method... As for gimping? Eh, it's all about what you enjoy in the game bud!
Bottom line is best set is the: Accursed Diabolist set Armor wise. Get that, eventually, no matter what.
All my Offensive slots are Radiants, all the Defensive slots are Darks (though I think I do have an Azure in my Armor slot, I'll need to look!), and Utility is all Dark also.
So basically pumping up Power as much as possible, while staying around 12-14% Life Steal.
Okay, thanks
If you do go low int just remember you can use our armp boosting class feature to mitigate the issue until your gear and boons fall in line with what you need.
I'm laughing at you, right now, actually... 6.2% bud? Oh man, I'm gonna remember this one! :P
100% accurate statement, and my apologies korpakukac1 as I should have mentioned using the Prince of Hell class feature as a viable option.
So try it out as necessary!
But things have changed tremendously for my SW since the day I hit 60.
And yes 6.2% for real and no armor set yet, nor drake seals.
I have a question to ya. Is the Artifact weapon for warlock a good idea? And if, which one should I pick?
Thanks for answer
I think it is a great idea.
For the Fury build above I would recommend Hubris of the Golden Dragon, the one that increases the utility of Dark Spiral Aura At-Will. My reasoning for this is that it is the only Artifact Weapon that increases the damage of a Necrotic Ability. I've been using Dark Spiral Aura as my 2nd At-Will opposite Hand of Blight for a few weeks now. Hellish Rebuke is a good At-Will, however since I tend to stay out of Melee as much as possible, it wasn't really working for me. Plus I like the stats better on the Hubris of the Golden Dragon then the ones on Golden Dragon's Pride, which is the Hand of Blight weapon.
Bottom line ANY Artifact Weapon is better then any main hand. The +36 Base Damage from any of the Weapons is the single most important stat on ANY weapon. It is what everything is calculated off of: At-Wills, Encounters, and Dailies.
Hope that helps bud! :cool:
Cayapap and I do a lot of testing, theorycrafting, etc. So we'll see what we come up with!
What a weekend it's been... An absolute marathon of Refining for everyone I know, including myself! I spent over 10 hours refining the following to Legendary status:
Hubris of the Golden Dragon
Plated Belt of Constitution
Sigil of the Devoted
Thayan Book of the Dead
Kessell's Spheres of Annihilation
Mind you those 10+ Hours had over 14 client crashes where I had to restart the game. Pandapaul, a superb GWF and an amigo of mine, kindly hinted there was a way to refine without the crash, but he of course mentioned it late last night... Once I was already done!
<image removed>
No skin off my back though, cause I was already finished! lol
So without further ado, here is my current Gear load out in pictures, along with my current PvE stats, etc.
I went with the:
Burning Necklace of the Shore
Draconic Ring of the Shore
Barbaric Ring of the Shore
Based on the reasoning that basically I'm fully tricked out, for all intents and purposes. I could get more Power from using some Rare Equipment, like the rings in my companion and I do have those available in my bags... It's just that I felt the other stat increases helped round out the character a bit more.
I do eventually want to get the Ring of Pain from the Lair of Lostmauth Dungeon and/or Shores of Tuern Skirmish, whatever it falls from!
That ring gives:
+181 Power
+138 Critical Strike
+181 Recovery
I'll probably be replacing the rings on my Ioun Stone of Might with these when I get them. I also need/want to get the Fallen Dragon Grimoire, so I can spread out my ArmPen slightly for if I want to take the current Ring/Neck of the Shore off eventually.
Just a bit of tweeking on my end, seeing what I can do. I am a tad low on Recovery and I want to increase that... So I'm looking into balancing that out a bit!
Thanks for reading! :cool:
~Vladimar Zul - Fury build SW ~
~Takadump onzcrapper - Iron vangaurd GF~
~Vladimar Zul - Fury build SW ~
~Takadump onzcrapper - Iron vangaurd GF~
That's all!!
Guild and guide info
Module 4 Comprehensive DC guide |Module 4 MoF CW Handbook |New! Scourge Warlock Guide| NW Numbers and Mechanics guide |Crit, Power and DPS guide | Dungeon Delving guide and more
One important questions from my side
What should i best do, when i reached lvl 60. I mean, how to get good enough equip, to be able to go and farm the T2?
Remember to open chests 2nd
Maybe it was luck, but I find opening as second to have better chance for T2 set drops.
I have question Kolatmaster, what daily are you using for heroic encounters, like dragons, where there are no mobs arround.
I tried flames of phegetos, but maybe there is something better?
I went Cha over Int, as I knew (via number crunching) that I would be able to hit 24% ArmPen with 14 Int and the items/equipment I was looking to build up. Thus Cha with it's Crit Chance and Combat Advantage Bonus seemed like the way to go. Now PvP, Int might be the better play as it also has cool down reduction. So I can definitely see that as a better option for PvP!
Panda, you should be happy that now that I'm 'gone' you can finally assume the position as best/coolest GWF on the planet... Congrats!
PS - Miss you also ese!
Thanks bud, much appreciated!
Hey there!
I'd join a Guild and run T1s with them, then T2s, and forward from there... Or you can PvP and try and gain Glory to buy the basic T1 PvP gear, and then run T1 from there!
Solid advice here!
Flames is solid, sometimes I'll wait for some adds to run in and pop TT, but whatever you want
Bottom line is best set is the: Accursed Diabolist set Armor wise. Get that, eventually, no matter what.
Could you please also state your enhancements?
All my Offensive slots are Radiants, all the Defensive slots are Darks (though I think I do have an Azure in my Armor slot, I'll need to look!), and Utility is all Dark also.
So basically pumping up Power as much as possible, while staying around 12-14% Life Steal.
You're welcome! :cool:
I hit lvl60 with my SW yesterday night, now I outdps 13kgs players with my 8kgs SW lol
Fury Warlock spec is insane DPS, that's for sure... lol
When played with the right timing on abilities and using the right ones as well.
Now I am starting to really fear the nerfhammer :eek:
Here's a secret everyone... Dread Theft is really good. REALLY GOOD.
Shhhhh, don't tell anyone!!!