Seriously? I just found a decent guild to join and you stopped recruiting Anyways, I'm #1 in the line then -
I am living in Sweden, female and 39 years old. I played AD&D for a long while between 1993-2000 and it was the best time of my life Nowadays I'm not able to find a nice group/DM to play together. I've always loved Black Isle games (and played all). My most favorite one is Planescape: Torment ^^
I am actually sort of new to this game but trying to improve myself in order to be able to travel to Icewind Dale. I'm a lvl 60 Hunter Ranger and name is Bow Jovi :P I am an easy going person, though, a little bit strict with rules. I would really appreciate it if you accept me in. I wouldn't mind being in a nice guild.
Tyrs Paladium has opened it's wrought iron gates once again for recruitment!!
If you are green, highly experienced, or anywhere in between, are tired of being a nobody in your current guild, or looking forward to a group play experience where you feel PART of something special, look no further!
We are looking for only the finest adventurers, measured not in gear score or self accomplishments, but in the yearning for CAMARADERIE, TEAMWORK, and GREAT ADVENTURES in a no drama setting.
Build and Play YOUR CHARACTER, YOUR WAY, in Tyrs Paladium.
Tried to PM you, Andre - guess it didn't go through or something.
I'm looking for a guild to run some dungeons, maybe a little PVP, and just chat with on TS. My current Guild (just me, my wife's old characters, and a couple of other family members) is pretty dead, but I'm still willing to play Neverwinter for a while.
You guys sound like the perfect place.
sandolphanMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 25Arc User
edited September 2014
A Little testimony here. I just joined Tyrs a few days ago. Everyone has been very welcoming. They have a great website and active forums which I love! They have regular events which I am looking forward to taking part in as soon as work allows (grumble grumble). I log in at weird / random (non-peak) times and there always seems to be active / social people on.
Another thing I noticed was they are definitely interested in the person behind the "toon". Not at all in what class or what "spec" you are or even what in game experience you have so far. Those things can be learned and I have seen many examples of people willing to help others learn.
They are multi-game! Something I was looking for. They have different branches so you can be active in other places and still keep the same family.
I love these guys and if your shopping for a great group of gamers its really worth your time to have a chat with them.
Tried to PM you, Andre - guess it didn't go through or something.
I'm looking for a guild to run some dungeons, maybe a little PVP, and just chat with on TS. My current Guild (just me, my wife's old characters, and a couple of other family members) is pretty dead, but I'm still willing to play Neverwinter for a while.
You guys sound like the perfect place.
Hey there!
I did get your PM and responded. In fact I sent two PMs your way. Take a look if you dont have them I'll resend them to you.
In short however, it sounds like you and your wife would make a great fit. We'd love to offer you both membership into the guild I think you'll both make friends here
Tyrs Paladium is a multi-game, drama free, 25+ yr old (most are early 30s-50s+) guild.. We are an American guild with an international/Euro flavor. We are happy to arrive in the Neverwinter community, and are seeking new blood. We plan to have members on at all times, but left & right coasters (from California to New York) in the US should find plenty on during peak hours.
Demographics: We are looking for Americans and Eurozone players who are:
* seeking great adventure and camaraderie with like-minded players.
* looking for a NO DRAMA GUILD.
* who enjoy teamwork.
We will be a decent sized guild, yet we'll run it tight knit. We believe in helping each other, and most of all having as much fun as possible while we play. We are a Neverwinter and DDO guild only. Our specialty is Dungeons & Dragons.
We play hard, laugh hard, and play it old school, with much respect to the
camaraderie found in tabletop D&D of years past.
We will have one of the most active guild websites possible, created by and for guildies only. On this site, you will find plenty of game tips in the Tyrs Library, sign up for scheduled raids in the Tyrs War Room or the Tyrs Arena (non-raid runs), shoot the ***** in the Tyrs Tavern, or listen to our esoteric MP3 player in the Tyrs Mosh Pit! And that's only a mere taste of Kargon's Tasty ham! You will ALWAYS find good times and a helping hand in Tyrs Paladium.
We are on theMindflayershard, until they merge shards. If you'd like to join, post here, tell us a bit about yourself, and we'll see if you'd make a good fit.
- Aandre the Giant
We enforce our drama free policy.
PS: We will have a contingent of current military and veterans. We are a patriotic guild, and are proud of it! We always appreciate and remember our heroes who fight for freedom all over the World, regardless of country of origin. We sincerely thank you. /salute
(Naturally, you do not need to have served to join our guild. We just like to appreciate those who risk their lives to protect our freedoms that we enjoy, and to remember those who gave it all.)
Greetings I notice that you stopped in the 50's well I am 68 and played mmo's for awhile now I really got into it with EQ being my first and My character then was a Half/Elf ranger named Smintar. It has taken me awhile to get used to Neverwinter now I can think about asking to joina guild. There are several issues that I like to adress first. I am East Coast most Guild clans seem to form on the west so time constrains r indeed a factor for me. I used to be able to stay up late at night and that has changed now I get up early and get bed fairly early 9 est. I have a handicap issue aswell. I have suffered 2 strokes and a mini so my speed comprehension has changed. But I like to dungeon crawl with the best of them I have TS or Vent atm My character is Half/Elf Trickters atm lvl 60 and been working on improvements with him I also have 2 others Wood Elf ranger and a Human Guardian Woodelf named Tholdiel lvl 46 and my guardian Alain I look forward to hearing your response here or in game
Greetings I notice that you stopped in the 50's well I am 68 and played mmo's for awhile now I really got into it with EQ being my first and My character then was a Half/Elf ranger named Smintar. It has taken me awhile to get used to Neverwinter now I can think about asking to joina guild. There are several issues that I like to adress first. I am East Coast most Guild clans seem to form on the west so time constrains r indeed a factor for me. I used to be able to stay up late at night and that has changed now I get up early and get bed fairly early 9 est. I have a handicap issue aswell. I have suffered 2 strokes and a mini so my speed comprehension has changed. But I like to dungeon crawl with the best of them I have TS or Vent atm My character is Half/Elf Trickters atm lvl 60 and been working on improvements with him I also have 2 others Wood Elf ranger and a Human Guardian Woodelf named Tholdiel lvl 46 and my guardian Alain I look forward to hearing your response here or in game
Well met Smintar! Thank you for taking the time to research us and express interest to join.
I think you will fit in terrific in Tyrs Paladium. Your age/medical concerns are not issues at all in our guild (we'll have to introduce you to AK, he's one of our young, svelte 71 year old guildies!). In fact, you'll be playing along and getting to know the gang in short order if you like!
Check your PMs here, I'm sending you instructions on how to register on our website and fill out an intro/roster!
We've been red hot in September! We are excited to most recently welcome Dugakrum, Bowjovi, TeflonDon, Neeshka and Justifiable187 to the Tyrs Paladium roster!!
Veteran player looking to try a new guild since my current one is dying....still have some friends in guild but I have 6 lol 60 ' and would like to see more of what's out there. At work atm, will look up info when I get home and try to PM someone..thx
Veteran player looking to try a new guild since my current one is dying....still have some friends in guild but I have 6 lol 60 ' and would like to see more of what's out there. At work atm, will look up info when I get home and try to PM someone..thx
Hey there Sancid! Thank you for researching Tyrs Paladium. Got good news, head over to our site for the verdict!!
We are the Founders guild that just keeps on tickin'! Thanks to our leaders and officers, and all of our members!!!
If you'd like to join in the hi-jinx... ahemmm ADVENTURES, let me know via pm, in our thread here, or track down anyone in game from Tyrs Paladium.
Heya, this sounds like a Guild I could find a home in. I dont play much MMo's but I'm having fun with Neverwinter. Used to play pnp DnD with friends, good memories. Played some old DnD games (from Pools of Radiance/Curse of the Silver Bonds/Pools of Darkness to Baldurs Gate and Planescape Torment). Looking for a guild to relax in, run around with, exploring and dieing (I seem to be expert at the last one, could even call it my speciality). Im very late 30's. Characters ingame Grimnir@rednaxelanewe and Tsathoggua.
Heya, this sounds like a Guild I could find a home in. I dont play much MMo's but I'm having fun with Neverwinter. Used to play pnp DnD with friends, good memories. Played some old DnD games (from Pools of Radiance/Curse of the Silver Bonds/Pools of Darkness to Baldurs Gate and Planescape Torment). Looking for a guild to relax in, run around with, exploring and dieing (I seem to be expert at the last one, could even call it my speciality). Im very late 30's. Characters ingame Grimnir@rednaxelanewe and Tsathoggua.
Howdy renaxellanewe, Like what I see in your post here. Tyrs is in a bit of flux right now in the fact we are fireing up a brand new web sight, while still hanging on to our old site till we get setteled into the new one. Here's the link the the new one for Neverwinter: Tyrs Paladium Neverwinter . Find your way to the guild rules and read through them. If you like and agree with them, then go to the forums and follow the steps on how to register and apply. Hope to be seeing your application soon.
Ty kindly sirra, had a brief look at the new website, looks shiney , busy with lil uns right now so I will read the rules later (I hope their not too complex and not too much small print, last time i signed up to something with small print it did not go so well, I miss my soul). Out of curiosity what game is that pic taken from (in reference to your sig), looks most curious. Ok better go feed the dragons.
Howdy rednaxlelanewe, Our guild rules are prety short and simple. Basicly, we like playing games and have fun doing so and want to make sure others do too. And good luck with the littel ones, they be worse than Dragys at times!!! As to my pic for both my avatar and sig, the avatar is art work from the old Pools of Radiance game. The sig pic is part of a screenshot of my Half-Orc fighter form a NWN2 PW Mod that I played on. and yeah, the lighting in that area provided a nice shadowing that gave my Half-Orc just the right look.
I recognised the Pools of Radiance, I ended up playing those games not in order, started with Pools of Darkness, curse of the azure bonds, pools of radiance then secret of the silver blades, finished the pools of darkness, even the last adventure... absolute nightmare, i think i... eh... cheated a little by heaing my peeps up between fights when i shouldnt have been able to, *ahem* Played so many games, but get sidetracked (NWN 2 im looking at you) too easy. Ever try the Buck Rogers games? old DnD in space, was quite fun i thought And yeh lil uns are worse than dragons at times, talking of which, i better go start my change the nappy adventure, wish me luck.
Announcement: Tyrs Paladium moves to new upgraded website!
We are definitely excited. We made the move to Shivtr, and are blown away by its front end for our guildies. Recruitment couldnt be faster. Signing up for scheduled runs is a breeze... as hard as selecting the character you are going to sign up with and PRESTO, you are in! For any guild looking to upgrade their experience for their guildies, Shivtr is hard to beat.
I've been exploring the option of joining a guild and yours seems like a good place. I liked the mindset and the age bracket fits me (I'm an old school gamer and in my 30s).
A few things I didnt find an answer to here and at your website:
1)How many members are you? and how many are on nw? How active are they?
2)What are your main activities in the game?
3)What times you guys are on? You mention its mostly an american guild and I'm in euro timezone.
I've been exploring the option of joining a guild and yours seems like a good place. I liked the mindset and the age bracket fits me (I'm an old school gamer and in my 30s).
A few things I didnt find an answer to here and at your website:
1)How many members are you? and how many are on nw? How active are they?
2)What are your main activities in the game?
3)What times you guys are on? You mention its mostly an american guild and I'm in euro timezone.
1. This number is always in flux, we have approximately 70 on our roster at the current time. Its a great time to be in Tyrs now, as we are successfully building our size back up to full capacity which is about 65-70 active members. We have active members that communicate on our website, in game, and on raidcall. Its a real family atmosphere, as members really do care about each other, and it shows. When most Founding guilds have long dispersed, we keep chugging along! Tyrs Paladium WILL be here until the servers come down.
2. We are a predominately PvE guild. We run any content the game has to offer.
3. We have guildies on pretty much 24/7. We are very friendly with Euro time zones and have Americans that also play during Euro peak times.
1. This number is always in flux, we have approximately 70 on our roster at the current time. Its a great time to be in Tyrs now, as we are successfully building our size back up to full capacity which is about 65-70 active members. We have active members that communicate on our website, in game, and on raidcall. Its a real family atmosphere, as members really do care about each other, and it shows. When most Founding guilds have long dispersed, we keep chugging along! Tyrs Paladium WILL be here until the servers come down.
2. We are a predominately PvE guild. We run any content the game has to offer.
3. We have guildies on pretty much 24/7. We are very friendly with Euro time zones and have Americans that also play during Euro peak times.
thanks for answering.
I'll drop an application later.
October was the most successful recruiting month for Tyrs Paladium: Neverwinter Chapter since before the game went live last year.
We would like to welcome all these wonderful October recruits to our ranks, who we hope to run with for years to come: Bow Jovi, Amon Jerro, Mistie Peaks, Nyktobia, Akemenos, Rovan Dragonbane, Alowishus Mudd, YourSoulForABuck, Major, Blix Blindstrike, Virtus, Fern, Lara Winterfunkel, Evva Silverlight, T'rissna Mallochar, Preying Mantis, Tempesta Abraxas, Alaice, Ida, Lerissa Incubore, Travok Justifiable, Lightfoot Tom, Tsathoggua, Lorkeon, Griplash, Thock, Valna Gentleharp, Kaldari, and Ferrix Elderbough.
We will be recruitment for a bit longer. The next post will be to shut the gates down as we often do so we can get to know our guildies better.
If you are looking for a drama free, zerg free, ego free zone, where the kiddies are replaced with adults who have one thing in common, playing a fun game of D&D together online, then we might be your guild. Drop by, read our guild rules, and fill out an application.
I'm from The Netherlands, 31y old and looking for an active guild to join. I'm in an semi-active guild right now, who hardly run instances as a team, or when they do, they run it with the same people all the time.
I've recently became a father and that means I don't have a lot of time to play. I usually run the daily quests every day, but only have time to run T2's etc 4/5 times a week. Is that a problem?
I have a lvl60 CW and a lvl60 GF. Both around 13.6K GS.
Oh. And I've served in the dutch army for 7 years. I'm a 2 times Afghanistan veteran.
Hi grw0lf. One saying we have in Tyrs is that Real Life comes first. Also thank you for your service to your country. Just follow the instructions in the quoted posted
The Tyrs High Council is proud to promote Rhoric to the rank of guild leader of Tyrs Paladium!
We are really excited for the future of Tyrs Paladium in 2015. We have two very knowledgeable and capable co-leaders in Rhoric and Ghosty, who have been around since the beginning, who care about upholding our guild rules and are committed to ensuring Tyrs Paladium continues to be one of the greatest guilds to join for members 30 years of age and older who enjoy no drama, no zerg play in Neverwinter.
Im proud to say.. no drama rules are strictly enforced in these parts, so if you prefer to game in a relaxed atmosphere and have a ton of fun while feeling like an "integral part of the gang".... give us a holla, ya hear!?
Are YOU an Old School D&D player? Ever roll dice? Ever play the Balder's Gate series? Did you ever play Pool of Radiance, Dark Queen of Krynn, or Curse of Azure Bonds? Ever heard of TSR or SSI? A legendary Game Master called Gary Gygax, perhaps?
Then Tyrs Paladium is interested in talking with you! Did you ever wish Neverwinter was MORE than just a solo game? Well it IS in good company!
Head on over to our website, and read our guild rules carefully. They are strictly enforced. For the enjoyment of our members, drama will not be tolerated.
Bow Jovi!? Ok yer fired!
Oh, wait....
That's right we didn't even hire you yet!!
Please check your PMs
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
If you are green, highly experienced, or anywhere in between, are tired of being a nobody in your current guild, or looking forward to a group play experience where you feel PART of something special, look no further!
We are looking for only the finest adventurers, measured not in gear score or self accomplishments, but in the yearning for CAMARADERIE, TEAMWORK, and GREAT ADVENTURES in a no drama setting.
Build and Play YOUR CHARACTER, YOUR WAY, in Tyrs Paladium.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
I'm looking for a guild to run some dungeons, maybe a little PVP, and just chat with on TS. My current Guild (just me, my wife's old characters, and a couple of other family members) is pretty dead, but I'm still willing to play Neverwinter for a while.
You guys sound like the perfect place.
D&D Home Page - What Class Are You? - Build A Character - D&D Compendium
Another thing I noticed was they are definitely interested in the person behind the "toon". Not at all in what class or what "spec" you are or even what in game experience you have so far. Those things can be learned and I have seen many examples of people willing to help others learn.
They are multi-game! Something I was looking for. They have different branches so you can be active in other places and still keep the same family.
I love these guys and if your shopping for a great group of gamers its really worth your time to have a chat with them.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Hey there!
I did get your PM and responded. In fact I sent two PMs your way. Take a look if you dont have them I'll resend them to you.
In short however, it sounds like you and your wife would make a great fit. We'd love to offer you both membership into the guild
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Well met Smintar! Thank you for taking the time to research us and express interest to join.
I think you will fit in terrific in Tyrs Paladium. Your age/medical concerns are not issues at all in our guild (we'll have to introduce you to AK, he's one of our young, svelte 71 year old guildies!). In fact, you'll be playing along and getting to know the gang in short order if you like!
Check your PMs here, I'm sending you instructions on how to register on our website and fill out an intro/roster!
Welcome to Tyrs Paladium, Smintar!
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Hey there Sancid! Thank you for researching Tyrs Paladium. Got good news, head over to our site for the verdict!!
We are the Founders guild that just keeps on tickin'! Thanks to our leaders and officers, and all of our members!!!
If you'd like to join in the hi-jinx... ahemmm ADVENTURES, let me know via pm, in our thread here, or track down anyone in game from Tyrs Paladium.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Howdy renaxellanewe, Like what I see in your post here. Tyrs is in a bit of flux right now in the fact we are fireing up a brand new web sight, while still hanging on to our old site till we get setteled into the new one. Here's the link the the new one for Neverwinter: Tyrs Paladium Neverwinter . Find your way to the guild rules and read through them. If you like and agree with them, then go to the forums and follow the steps on how to register and apply. Hope to be seeing your application soon.
We are definitely excited. We made the move to Shivtr, and are blown away by its front end for our guildies. Recruitment couldnt be faster. Signing up for scheduled runs is a breeze... as hard as selecting the character you are going to sign up with and PRESTO, you are in! For any guild looking to upgrade their experience for their guildies, Shivtr is hard to beat.
Drop on by and say hello!
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
I've been exploring the option of joining a guild and yours seems like a good place. I liked the mindset and the age bracket fits me (I'm an old school gamer and in my 30s).
A few things I didnt find an answer to here and at your website:
1)How many members are you? and how many are on nw? How active are they?
2)What are your main activities in the game?
3)What times you guys are on? You mention its mostly an american guild and I'm in euro timezone.
1. This number is always in flux, we have approximately 70 on our roster at the current time. Its a great time to be in Tyrs now, as we are successfully building our size back up to full capacity which is about 65-70 active members. We have active members that communicate on our website, in game, and on raidcall. Its a real family atmosphere, as members really do care about each other, and it shows. When most Founding guilds have long dispersed, we keep chugging along! Tyrs Paladium WILL be here until the servers come down.
2. We are a predominately PvE guild. We run any content the game has to offer.
3. We have guildies on pretty much 24/7. We are very friendly with Euro time zones and have Americans that also play during Euro peak times.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Tyrs Paladium is healthy and ripe with action! Check out our NEW YouTube video to see how EASY it is to sign up for Tyrs Paladium!
The Tyrs Paladium Website. Sign up here!
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
I'll drop an application later.
Sounds great, looking forward to reading it!
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
We would like to welcome all these wonderful October recruits to our ranks, who we hope to run with for years to come: Bow Jovi, Amon Jerro, Mistie Peaks, Nyktobia, Akemenos, Rovan Dragonbane, Alowishus Mudd, YourSoulForABuck, Major, Blix Blindstrike, Virtus, Fern, Lara Winterfunkel, Evva Silverlight, T'rissna Mallochar, Preying Mantis, Tempesta Abraxas, Alaice, Ida, Lerissa Incubore, Travok Justifiable, Lightfoot Tom, Tsathoggua, Lorkeon, Griplash, Thock, Valna Gentleharp, Kaldari, and Ferrix Elderbough.
We will be recruitment for a bit longer. The next post will be to shut the gates down as we often do so we can get to know our guildies better.
If you are looking for a drama free, zerg free, ego free zone, where the kiddies are replaced with adults who have one thing in common, playing a fun game of D&D together online, then we might be your guild. Drop by, read our guild rules, and fill out an application.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Ok, I admit, that made me snort. Well played
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at
I'm from The Netherlands, 31y old and looking for an active guild to join. I'm in an semi-active guild right now, who hardly run instances as a team, or when they do, they run it with the same people all the time.
I've recently became a father and that means I don't have a lot of time to play. I usually run the daily quests every day, but only have time to run T2's etc 4/5 times a week. Is that a problem?
I have a lvl60 CW and a lvl60 GF. Both around 13.6K GS.
Oh. And I've served in the dutch army for 7 years. I'm a 2 times Afghanistan veteran.
Hope to hear from you!
Hi grw0lf. One saying we have in Tyrs is that Real Life comes first. Also thank you for your service to your country. Just follow the instructions in the quoted posted
The Tyrs High Council is proud to promote Rhoric to the rank of guild leader of Tyrs Paladium!
We are really excited for the future of Tyrs Paladium in 2015. We have two very knowledgeable and capable co-leaders in Rhoric and Ghosty, who have been around since the beginning, who care about upholding our guild rules and are committed to ensuring Tyrs Paladium continues to be one of the greatest guilds to join for members 30 years of age and older who enjoy no drama, no zerg play in Neverwinter.
Im proud to say.. no drama rules are strictly enforced in these parts, so if you prefer to game in a relaxed atmosphere and have a ton of fun while feeling like an "integral part of the gang".... give us a holla, ya hear!?
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Are YOU an Old School D&D player? Ever roll dice? Ever play the Balder's Gate series? Did you ever play Pool of Radiance, Dark Queen of Krynn, or Curse of Azure Bonds? Ever heard of TSR or SSI? A legendary Game Master called Gary Gygax, perhaps?
Then Tyrs Paladium is interested in talking with you!
Did you ever wish Neverwinter was MORE than just a solo game?
Well it IS in good company!
Head on over to our website, and read our guild rules carefully. They are strictly enforced. For the enjoyment of our members, drama will not be tolerated.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!