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Daigotsu: Scourge Warlock Guide, by "Leeroy Jenkins" of GWF Fame... ;)



  • bensupremacybensupremacy Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Hi, Sincerly I prefer 24 14 24 cos/int/cha, for me Int is useless. I use this powers and feats http://nwcalc.com/sw?b=nln:4d7ow:b8hr,1x6iu0i:bu0zv:60000:6u000&h=0&p=hlb

    Fiery bolt is useless.

    At will: Hand of Bight; hellish
    Encounter: killing flames; warlocks bargain/harrowstorm; Dreadtheft
    Daily: Tyrannical and Phelgethos
    Passive: No pit no mercy and prince of hell/Shadow walk
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    Hi, Sincerly I prefer 24 14 24 cos/int/cha, for me Int is useless. I use this powers and feats http://nwcalc.com/sw?b=nln:4d7ow:b8hr,1x6iu0i:bu0zv:60000:6u000&h=0&p=hlb

    Fiery bolt is useless.

    At will: Hand of Bight; hellish
    Encounter: killing flames; warlocks bargain/harrowstorm; Dreadtheft
    Daily: Tyrannical and Phelgethos
    Passive: No pit no mercy and prince of hell/Shadow walk

    FB useless what crack you smoking
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • bensupremacybensupremacy Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    voltomey wrote: »
    FB useless what crack you smoking

    I'll tried and I don't like. I prefer other encounter than it.

    I smoke marlboro light.
  • candinho2candinho2 Member Posts: 550 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Greetings all!

    To begin thanks for taking the time to read this guide... It's based on my experience on the test shard leading up to Mod 4, and since with leveling up my Scourge Warlock on live.

    Daigostu - Tiefling Scourge Warlock : Fury Tree Build

    Race: The best races, in my opinion, are Tiefling, Human, and Dragonborn. Currently I selected Tiefling as I wanted to see how the Race worked out.. Though I believe Dragonborn/Human Racial Traits are completely viable, and in some cases may be better DPS wise.

    Stats: I went with +2 Con and +2 Cha, with a start of: 18 Con, 12 Int, 18 Cha, 10 in everything else. I put 6 Points, during leveling, into Con and Int, to reach a final allotment of - 24 Con, 18 int, 20 Cha, and 12 in everything else.

    Link to Neverwinter Calc Build: http://nwcalc.com/sw?b=pa2:4yh4j:b8e4,1r0iu23:bz0zv:60000:60000&h=0&p=hlb


    Heroic Tier -

    Weapon Mastery - 3/3
    Energizing Curse - 4/5 (Can be 5/5 if you drop one from Weapon Mastery)
    Shadow Fold - 3/3
    Determined Casting - 5/5
    Scornful Curse - 3/3
    Blood Pact of Cania - 2/5 (5/5 if Human)

    Fury Tree -

    Daughter's Promise - 5/5
    Critical Promise - 5/5
    Offering to the Prisoner - 5/5
    Executioner's Gift - 5/5
    Brutal Curse - 5/5
    Murderous Flames - 5/5
    Creeping Death - 1/1

    At-Wills -

    Hand of Blight
    Dark Spiral Aura/Hellish Rebuke

    I am starting to prefer Dark Spiral Aura while running through dungeons, as if you are conscious of using it when you have 3 spirals I've found it to be good damage. Particularly since my style of playing the Fury Warlock is to stay at decent range and not getting into Melee if I can help it. Thus limiting the use of Hellish Rebuke. However if you are getting hit a lot, and/or prefer to play closer to the action you can use Hellish Rebuke to good effect!

    Encounter Powers -

    Killing Flames
    Warlock's Bargain/Fiery Bolt

    Killing Flames and Dreadtheft are pretty much self explanatory for the Fury Warlock. Though I'll touch upon proper use of Dreadtheft in a bit... Warlock's Bargain (is my preference over Fiery Bolt) as it's Necrotic Damage, and leaves a lasting curse on the target, so it's good to lead off with on an Elite mob, then Killing Flames/Dreadtheft-ing them. Fiery Bolt I can see use in a more AoE centric runs, if needed. It has it's merits, however I prefer the Necrotic Damage and the non-consumable curse of Warlock's Bargain most of the time.

    Now Dreadtheft is an superb Encounter Power, and I've found that it's target/use is paramount to maximizing DPS. Usually when I target an Elite Mob (or a Boss with lots of adds) I tend to run in a large circle around them. This allows me to find the best point to pause on max add killing (if that's available) and to avoid AoE targeting effects as I am constantly moving. Normally I prefer clockwise, however I've been training myself to be able to go counter clockwise so that I can maximize my damage based on the position of the enemy. Dreadtheft is the key aspect of maximizing DPS for the Fury Warlock, so I recommend practicing with it religiously until you feel comfortable moving in all different directions, with being able to double back for better positioning as necessary.

    Dailies -

    Tryannical Threat
    Anything Else Your Heart Desires...

    Tryannical Threat is the Alpha and the Omega of the Fury Warlock build. Maximizing AP Gain, and popping this bad boy whenever you have the chance (strategically of course!) will allow you to absolutely melt adds faces, particularly by following it up with Dreadtheft. If you have time, I tend to build it up to start a dungeon and/or boss fight. Before moving forward, I pop it, then move/Shadow Walk forward into range, drop 1-3 of the Tryannical Curses on the appropriate bad guys and then the DPS Festival of Awesomeness begins with Dreadtheft. Though depending on cool downs you can lead off with Warlocks Bargain/Killing Flames if you'd like.

    Basically... Practice, practice, practice. When you get this down, it should be simply awesome, particularly when you're able to maximize AP gain via feats/companions/artifacts.

    Passive Class Abilities -

    No Pity, No Mercy
    Shadow Walk/Flames of Empowerment

    No Pity, No Mercy is simply an ama-za-zing Passive Class Ability. Granting Combat Advantage gives you a great increase in damage, and it can hit multiple targets when you Dreadtheft. It lasts for 2 seconds, and with my current Crit Chance of about 35% I am Crit-ing over a 1/3 of the time. This should never, ever, leave your bar as a Fury spec.

    Shadow Walk is my preferred second Class/Passive ability as it allows me more ability to change position faster, in short bursts or longer sustained runs. I just really enjoy it's ability to allow me to be where I want to be as fast as I possibly can be. Flames of Empowerment I find useful when I want to save my Tryannical Threat for later on, thus obviously increasing my DPS. I'd say it overall increases DPS in a run more, but the Shadow Walk allows you to be where you want to be and also assists. It is basically a playstyle decision on my end.


    Here I will touch upon a few key equipment choices...

    First and foremost, maximizing AP Gain. For that I highly recommend the Thayan Book of the Dead and the Devoted Cleric Artifact: Sigil of the Devoted. I currently have the DC Artifact and it's in my active spot, and will thus remain their indefinitely. The Thayan Book of the Dead will replace the Dragonborn Artifact: Heart of the Red Dragon as soon as I get one. It's pretty self explanatory, as you want to get as many Action Point Increases as possible.

    My other Artifact is currently Kessel's Spheres of Annihilation.

    Mainhand, Fabled Fomorian is the way to go IMO as it's set bonus and stats are better for a DPS Warlock. My Lifesteal is around 12% w/Endless Consumption and I'm perfectly fine as is.

    Armor, Accursed Diabolist. The proc rate of this, particularly with Dreadtheft is amazing, and highly recommend it. Different builds use the other sets, but this is still the alpha set IMO.

    Enchantment, I prefer Perfect Soulforged and Perfect Lightning. Soulforged for those times you do die, why Lifesteal isn't enough... Get rez'd then Shadow Walk to freedom. Perfect Lightning procs so much with many of our abilities, I've found in my testing it to be the best. However Perfect Vorpal is definitely viable and with some changes in the build could be close or surpass DPS. It merits more testing honestly...

    I'll be posting a pic of my current gear in a coming post, so you can see my other stuff also...

    Current Companions:

    Ioun Stone of Might (Purple)
    Wild Hunt Rider (Purple)
    Laughing Skull (Purple)
    Dancing Blade (Blue)
    Erinyes of Belial (Blue)

    I prefer Ioun Stone of Might to Radiance, as I prefer the Stamina Gain bonus over the stat bonus's the Radiance gives. Just personal preference here...

    Wild Hunt Rider is silly good with Dreadtheft.

    Laughing Skull, a free 1000 GS increase for everything but boss fights? SIGN ME UP! Switch to whatever you want before boss fights.

    Dancing Blade/Erinyes of Belial - These are for increased damage via crits, however I do want to get a Lightfoot Thief and possible drop the Erinyes, however at Purple it is 10% Severity increase which is a REALLY good bonus, thus Dancing Blade will leave first.

    Special mention for the Sprite(s) that can increase AP Gain, as I am considering them also!

    Boons - I'll have pics up soon, but this is what I will be doing (I have full Sharandar/Dread Ring, and working on the rest)...

    Sharandar -

    Dark Fey Hunter - +250 Power
    Fey Precision - +250 Critical Strike
    Elven Haster - +2% AP Gain
    Elven Ferocity - 400 Arcane Damage
    Elivish Fury - 20 Power for each enemy killed, lasts 45 seconds, can stack up to 30 times

    Dread Ring -

    Reliquary Keeper's Strength - +125 power/Movement
    Evoker's Thirst - +250 Lifesteal
    Forbidden Piercing - +250 Armor Penetration
    Shadowtouch - 1k Necro Damage randomly
    Endless Consumption - Chance for 3x Lifesteal Healing

    Icewind Dale -

    Encroaching Tactics - +250 Combat Advantage
    Refreshing Chill - +250 Stamina Gain
    Rapid Thaw - +250 Recovery
    Cool Resolve - +500 Power depending on how much Stamina is missing
    Winter's Bounty - +10% AP Gain when killing a target. (Cannot wait for this one!)

    Tryanny of Dragons -

    Dragon's Claws - +200 Power
    Dragon's Gaze - +200 Critical Strike
    Draconic Armorbreaker - +200 Armor Penetration
    Dragon's Greed - +200 Lifesteal
    Dragon's Fury - +3% Critical Severity

    So that's the basic gist my friends... I'll be fleshing this out with some pics, etc., in the coming days.

    Feel free to ask questions, render constructive criticism, and let's make this build the best it can be!

    wow u just wasted 3 heroic feats on Scornful Curse - 3/3, it a 30% boost on lesser curse and deadly curse only, wich means very low damage and very low proc rate. and ur encaunter are realy a mess if u'r going on dps spec, drop killing flames and put blades of vanquised armies, start rotation always with warlock bargain, then blades adn dreadtheft, it's realy silly dones't using blades before dreadtheft once dreadtheft hold for 6 secs wich is +/- the cd of blades, other than that u'r realy good spec.
    killing flames is great if targed has something like 20% hp, but blades hit for 30k hp regardless of targed hp, that's my opnion, sorry for the bad english xD
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    candinho2 wrote: »
    wow u just wasted 3 heroic feats on Scornful Curse - 3/3, it a 30% boost on lesser curse and deadly curse only, wich means very low damage and very low proc rate.
    Usually it's not cool to quote yourself, as it's highly pretencious, but in this case I'll make an exception... ;)

    Post #27, 8/25/14, 08:46 PM - Reads as follows:
    Update: Saw the changes to Scornful Curse in the Heroic Tree, since I am currently not using Lesser Curses, or Dreadful Curse, so probably go for Devastating Critical or Blood Pact.. :)
    Looks like I caught it there mi amigo, though I do appreciate it being pointed out. Because if I had missed it until now, then I'd be a sad panda, so thanks!

    <image removed>
    candinho2 wrote: »
    and ur encaunter are realy a mess if u'r going on dps spec, drop killing flames and put blades of vanquised armies, start rotation always with warlock bargain, then blades adn dreadtheft, it's realy silly dones't using blades before dreadtheft once dreadtheft hold for 6 secs wich is +/- the cd of blades, other than that u'r realy good spec.
    If my build wanted to get in close, I'd say Blades of the Vanquished Armies is good for the build, however this build focuses on ranged DPS. It's not really capable of surviving prolonged close melee encounters. That's more a Temptation build focus IMO.
    candinho2 wrote: »
    killing flames is great if targed has something like 20% hp, but blades hit for 30k hp regardless of targed hp, that's my opnion, sorry for the bad english xD
    Killing Flames is still a good encounter as its heavy AoE damage and even at a baddie being at 75% still hits well IMO.

    English mastery is no big deal, thanks for your replies! :cool:
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Hi, Sincerly I prefer 24 14 24 cos/int/cha, for me Int is useless.
    Int isn't useless as the increase of cool downs is good, and until my ArmPen from Artifacts get's high enough, I'll need it that high. Though I do plan on lowering it as time goes by...
    Decent allocation, though a few thing stand out to me as sub-optimum... In particular the use of 5/5 in Hope Stealer.

    I just don't think you need that at all.
    Fiery bolt is useless.
    We can agree to disagree... :cool:
    At will: Hand of Bight; hellish
    Encounter: killing flames; warlocks bargain/harrowstorm; Dreadtheft
    Daily: Tyrannical and Phelgethos
    Passive: No pit no mercy and prince of hell/Shadow walk
    Solid rotation right there!

    voltomey wrote: »
    FB useless what crack you smoking
    I'll tried and I don't like. I prefer other encounter than it.
    Hey you two, no fighting...

    <image removed>
    I smoke marlboro light.
    L to the O to the L!!! :eek:
  • bananachefbananachef Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Killing Flames is still a good encounter as its heavy Necrotic damage

    <image removed>
    2 GWFS, 3 TRs, 2 GFs, 1 HR, 1 CW
  • imit8rimit8r Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I suppose this means I will have to post my temptation build now, eh?
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Member Posts: 601 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    imit8r wrote: »
    I suppose this means I will have to post my temptation build now, eh?

    Most locks have been saying temptation. You can be heavy DPS while being support. I don't get the asinine belief that especially one of the posters around here keeps spouting that temptation can't be good DPS. Not only is that wrong, it is provably so many times over.
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    bananachef wrote: »
    Funny Pic
    Corrected to AoE Damage, my mistake. :)
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Most locks have been saying temptation. You can be heavy DPS while being support. I don't get the asinine belief that especially one of the posters around here keeps spouting that temptation can't be good DPS. Not only is that wrong, it is provably so many times over.
    I'm pretty sure I've never said Temptation can't do some sweet damage... I tested it on the Test shard during July/Early August, and I just enjoyed the Fury tree better which I believe has superior DPS overall.

    Just a personal preference, that's all... :)
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I'm pretty sure I've never said Temptation can't do some sweet damage... I tested it on the Test shard during July/Early August, and I just enjoyed the Fury tree better which I believe has superior DPS overall.

    Just a personal preference, that's all... :)
    Agreed fury seems to have the max dps but temptation does very good dps still while being able to keep a party healed. I've been actually working on getting all the armor sets though because inevitably this mod next mod who knows the devs will change powers and feats around and I may want something different.
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    charononus wrote: »
    Agreed fury seems to have the max dps but temptation does very good dps still while being able to keep a party healed. I've been actually working on getting all the armor sets though because inevitably this mod next mod who knows the devs will change powers and feats around and I may want something different.
    Yea, I am working on collecting the other 2 sets myself, and once I do so I'll be copying to test shard to test all variant builds. That is a few weeks/month long process, but we'll see where get at the end of everything... :)
  • stonewall72stonewall72 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Great Guide! Thanks for taking the time to share the build and all the effort in the write up.

    I'm struggling a bit transitioning from my CW to my new SW. I was wondering if I am not gearing correctly for the right stats for this class. I believe I am headed in the right direction. I am running The Ioun Stone of Radiance and Erinyes of Belial. I only have a regular Lightning and Vorpal enchant at the moment and rank 7-8 enchants. Soulforged for armour enchant.

    Should i reduce defense and replace with LS and/or Regen? Thanks for any comments or help you can provide. Apologies in advance if this is the wrong place to post this.


  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Great Guide! Thanks for taking the time to share the build and all the effort in the write up.
    No problem whatsoever bud, thanks for taking the time to read it... Writing it, and discussing it with other players is a big help in improving my play and the guide itself! :cool:
    I'm struggling a bit transitioning from my CW to my new SW.
    It is a bit different, though practice will help... Don't worry and keep plugging away!
    I was wondering if I am not gearing correctly for the right stats for this class. I believe I am headed in the right direction. I am running The Ioun Stone of Radiance and Erinyes of Belial. I only have a regular Lightning and Vorpal enchant at the moment and rank 7-8 enchants. Soulforged for armour enchant.
    Now, may I ask if you're doing a Fury build? If so, as that's what the guide is focused on, I'd say your companions and enchants are fine. Test it out and find out what works best for YOU, because that is what matters in the end.
    Should i reduce defense and replace with LS and/or Regen? Thanks for any comments or help you can provide. Apologies in advance if this is the wrong place to post this.
    As this is a build designed for DPS, and staying at range (unless things go FUBAR!) I'd say reducing defense is a good call, and upping Lifesteal over Regeneration.

    Definitely not the wrong place, and we can work on improving what you're doing mi amigo... This is a team project after all! :D
  • stonewall72stonewall72 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Thanks! I appreciate it. Yes I am on the Fury tree for starters. I'll try reducing the defense and adding to LS. This class is tons of fun - my CW is quite upset that I stole his Vorpal....looking forward to discovering what we can do with the SW.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Thanks! I appreciate it. Yes I am on the Fury tree for starters. I'll try reducing the defense and adding to LS. This class is tons of fun - my CW is quite upset that I stole his Vorpal....looking forward to discovering what we can do with the SW.

    I see you're running 2 and 2, go for the 4pc accursed diabloist set. That will be a big difference in and of it's self. Also i you can get the dc artifact it is so worth it.
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Thanks! I appreciate it.
    You're most welcome ese... :)
    Yes I am on the Fury tree for starters. I'll try reducing the defense and adding to LS. This class is tons of fun - my CW is quite upset that I stole his Vorpal....looking forward to discovering what we can do with the SW.
    Yea, it's about practicing, manuevering, Cursing the right targets, etc. Good times! :D

    charononus wrote: »
    I see you're running 2 and 2, go for the 4pc accursed diabloist set. That will be a big difference in and of it's self. Also i you can get the dc artifact it is so worth it.
    100% agree with the above statement. ;)
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    PS - I cannot state how awesome the Sigil of the Devoted (DC Class Artifact) is for the SW. It's ability to reload, for all intents and purposes, almost immediately another Tyrannical Threat is amazing.

    If you don't have a DC, start leveling one today. It really is simply....
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Update: Currently running tests with P. Vorpal versus P. Lightning to see which is better DPS. I'll have some friends PARs runs also, but I hope to have some final information by early next week. :)
  • greensaigreensai Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 39
    edited August 2014
    sooo its safe to start specing our Warlocks with your current feats list? You mentioned there was one you where going to change, has it been reflected yet>?

    Thanks for posting this
  • hudman21hudman21 Member Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited August 2014

    Regarding bugged feats in Fury for Warlocks:

    I am not saying that any of the information is accurate. I cannot attest to it but it is worth looking at. The post is titled "Unofficial Warlock Bugs Post" by championshewolf on 8/23/14.

    Life is full of drains, I prefer to be a fountain
  • zuthuulzuthuul Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Hey Kolat,

    As much as P Vorpal will help with this crit crazy class, I just can't take myself away from using a P Lightning. I also find that I tend to do more damage when using Killing Flames, Fiery Bolt and Blades of Vanquished Armies as my encounters and Hand of Blight and Dark Spiral Aura as my at-wills. I also use No Pity, No Mercy and Deadly curse as my passives. I do some serious damage for a toon still grinding out the accursed set.

    Also, my personal opinion on how to build up the class is to stack power first and crit second, then go to life steal as a third stat, but that's just my opinion. Either way, good guide!

    Dragon Server

    Ragnos Fireborn - 18.7k GWF Half-Elf
    Eva Darkblood - 13.8k TR Elf
    Venger Force of Evil - 13.7k CW Tiefling
    Azaghal Belegost - 16.5k GF Dwarf
    Drak'ar - 13.3k HR Drow
    Roghthar Darkspawn - 11.5k SW Human
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    greensai wrote: »
    sooo its safe to start specing our Warlocks with your current feats list? You mentioned there was one you where going to change, has it been reflected yet>?
    Currently the only changes are I am using Perfect Vorpal as my main weapon enchantment and I have dropped Daughter's Promise in favor of Vengeful Curse. Aside from that I am working on a bit more of a strategy article update detailing my focus on remaining at range and the positioning it takes, etc. Hope that helps!
    greensai wrote: »
    Thanks for posting this
    You're welcome bud, happy to be of service! :)

    hudman21 wrote: »

    Regarding bugged feats in Fury for Warlocks:

    I am not saying that any of the information is accurate. I cannot attest to it but it is worth looking at. The post is titled "Unofficial Warlock Bugs Post" by championshewolf on 8/23/14.

    Ok, I'll take a look at it bud, many thanks! :cool:

    zuthuul wrote: »
    Hey Kolat,

    As much as P Vorpal will help with this crit crazy class, I just can't take myself away from using a P Lightning. I also find that I tend to do more damage when using Killing Flames, Fiery Bolt and Blades of Vanquished Armies as my encounters and Hand of Blight and Dark Spiral Aura as my at-wills. I also use No Pity, No Mercy and Deadly curse as my passives. I do some serious damage for a toon still grinding out the accursed set.
    I've had some friends work on PARsing, and thus far Perfect Vorpal has been working out better in Dungeons then Perfect Lighting. Though I do have two on Fomorian Pact Blades one with each Vorpal/Lightning, so I am able to switch as necessary. If you still believe Lightning to be better, I'd suggest running one on for the ADDs during the actual run and running Vorpal on the boss fights and focus firing it.
    zuthuul wrote: »
    Also, my personal opinion on how to build up the class is to stack power first and crit second, then go to life steal as a third stat, but that's just my opinion. Either way, good guide!
    Oh I completely agree that Power is King. Crit Strike up until the soft cap of 3k-ish is legit, however after that really do whatever you want, though I'd focus on Power... :p
  • binto1binto1 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Update: Currently running tests with P. Vorpal versus P. Lightning to see which is better DPS. I'll have some friends PARs runs also, but I hope to have some final information by early next week. :)

    Any thoughts on P.Terror? It seems to me that more Necrotic Damage is a good thing...
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    binto1 wrote: »
    Any thoughts on P.Terror? It seems to me that more Necrotic Damage is a good thing...

    Unfortunately it doesn't work.

    Creeping death does not seem to proc off of

    Weapon enchants
    Critical Promise
    Daughter's Promise

    and maybe some other things.

    It used to, but in one of the last few patches on preview they changed it. It's unfortunate as it could have given more of a use for terror, lifedrinker, and tenebrous enchantments
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    binto1 wrote: »
    Any thoughts on P.Terror? It seems to me that more Necrotic Damage is a good thing...
    I'm going to side with charononus's response here:
    charononus wrote: »
    Unfortunately it doesn't work.

    Creeping death does not seem to proc off of

    Weapon enchants
    Critical Promise
    Daughter's Promise

    and maybe some other things.

    It used to, but in one of the last few patches on preview they changed it. It's unfortunate as it could have given more of a use for terror, lifedrinker, and tenebrous enchantments
    It's rough, as the Necro damage would be a nice addition for triggering Creeping Death stacks. It is currently unavailable, but we'll see how things go in the future! :cool:
  • silence1xsilence1x Member Posts: 1,503 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    That's a bummer that Terror doesn't proc Creeping Death (anyone else think of Metallica when they hear that?). Terror is all that I have on my SW, no AD right now for anything else (Fury build).
    I aim to misbehave
  • truescramblestruescrambles Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Murderous Flames - 5/5

    I would say don't put any points in this at all. It is currently bugged and the damage is horribly inconsistent.
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    silence1x wrote: »
    That's a bummer that Terror doesn't proc Creeping Death (anyone else think of Metallica when they hear that?). Terror is all that I have on my SW, no AD right now for anything else (Fury build).
    Yea, I would have liked that also, just to make it a viable alternative to Perfect Vorpal, but that's the way the cookie crumbles... :)

    I would say don't put any points in this at all. It is currently bugged and the damage is horribly inconsistent.
    It may be inconsistent, but I've still found it to me decent damage when it procs correctly and I don't see anything else doing as much damage as it currently is... If you have a suggestion feel free to share it though! :)
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