While I don't expect they will ever offer up the race for free. I'm holding out hope that if sales prove dismal enough. They might be forced to reduce the price below the current sale price. It's not a very likely chance, but Cryptic has lowered prices on things in the past. So, at the very least, the possibity exists
They've also added to packs in the past, so I'm holding out for a late addition to the Dragon pack before I pull the trigger.
If i pay for the pack can i be a dragonborn but not look like one, because they look so ugly. I'd buy it but would hate looking at my char if it looked like any of the pics. ugh!
Look at the bright side: your most-often view will be from the back of the head. LOL
Did they ever state the final stats at legendary for the artifact, cuz on neverwinter wiki is says power defense and regen but the pack show it with crit anyone know?
That might be a old version , the one in collection page on preview gateway shows power , defense and regeneration.If it is the picture on the sales page needs to be changed since it's misleading.
That might be a old version , the one in collection page on preview gateway shows power , defense and regeneration.If it is the picture on the sales page needs to be changed since it's misleading.
Ya that's what i'd like to know cuz this is on the pack page
and on the wiki is says only +300 power , def and 400 regen at lvl 100. I'd like to know what it will be and what is the primary stat, and secondary stat? Then i might consider investing the $ but otherwise its like buy the artifact and hope its got the stats u want, or maybe they differ per class that gets it i dunno but its way to vague, and needs to be clarified.
fr3akout3Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 72
That might be a old version , the one in collection page on preview gateway shows power , defense and regeneration.If it is the picture on the sales page needs to be changed since it's misleading.
Wow, really, deals 2608 fire damage to 7 plus extra 20% if dragon born, 323 0.5 for 4 seconds; RECHARGE TIME 10 SECONDS
Yeah I'm guessing that recharge is incorrect , I think the tooltips of the mod 4 artifacts need a final pass because the one that drops in the new Dungeon shows as doing over 10k damage per enemy as a frontal cone aoe .
Wow, really, deals 2608 fire damage to 7 plus extra 20% if dragon born, 323 0.5 for 4 seconds; RECHARGE TIME 10 SECONDS
Now this is pvp, wow... Can't be real
That has to be a mistake - surely they mean 100s recharge time.
fr3akout3Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 72
edited July 2014
Yeah otherwise 5713.6 dmg, if 10 secs, imagine 5 premades running the same artifact, active at same time 28568 dmg lol every 10 sec. Imagine open world pvp, 7 playes same arti, 40k dmg.. ****
hiukulimusMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 117
I enjoy Neverwinter . I also understand they need to make money. But The Price for Dragonborn is wayyy to High . Here's a tip to PWE Lower price means more sale more sales equals more money and since they product is digital manufacturing cost go down so lower prices actualy mean more money.
Sorry Maybe im just new to this kinda thing, But Ive been playing NW since open beta, I have over 130 days play time.
And I would back up this game if anyone ever spoke bad about it.......
But now....We have to pay $75-$100 to Choose a race?........ !! really ?
Can i have some sort of explanation, as this is a BIG hit in PWE and Cryptic's reputation as not being "Pay to you know what", I dont wanna say it as it might be against ToS rules, and I really dont want this thread to be closed.
But there has to be some sort of explanation as why a Race that is getting +2 to ANY Ability Score they want, and has a chance to increase crit and power dmg by a certain % , and a + 5% incoming healing bonus, has to be Purchased with $$ to play? ...
I don't mean to say "I told you so" to all those who were complaining early on when the drow was split into two kinds and there was all kinds of hubbub about how unfair it was with other players saying it was only a matter of a little extra tweak and there was no misbalance to the game, therefore it is still F2P, or to the same people defending the Moon Elf when it came out with the same reasoning, but here it is.
I told you so.
Sooner or later they were bound to add content that was going to be pay related. Now here's a pack which, to my eye, looks not only very overpowered, but has in it what appears to be an overpowered race as well, and I note so far not one word about a less powered free version anywhere. So this is not the drow again. This is not the elves again. This is a totally new issue and yet is the same issue.
In the meantime they've screwed up the economy of the game to the point that if anyone is selling Zen, it is never seen because it is a seller's market without any sign of recovery. The only thing saving the market from complete chaos is the 500 AD cap. That is not a balanced economy.
So suck it up, people. Eventually they will have to, just for the sake of saving the game from collapsing as frustrated F2P players leave, go to some form of pay system just like, as you kept slapping in my face, STO and CO started off with and continue to have in cohabitation with an F2P aspect.
jennyavarielMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 167
Eventually they will have to, just for the sake of saving the game from collapsing as frustrated F2P players leave, go to some form of pay system just like, as you kept slapping in my face, STO and CO started off with and continue to have in cohabitation with an F2P aspect.
Um, no? Clear logic failure on your part. See, if the people who are *not* buying packs / zen leave, why will need charge a sub? Not to get more income, since the people who are *not* buying packs / zen aren't a revenue source. The revenue source are those willing to buy packs / zen.
As long as people keep buying packs / zen, they'll keep selling packs / zen, and the game will continue to turn a profit.
And, if the game collapsed because the people who won't pay a dime leave... how would a subscription save the game?
I Just wanted to say Thank you for all the Positive Feedback on the post and many different views on the "Situation"
I agree and listen to everyone's side and point of view.
Except for the ones saying that this is only "COSMETIC"
If this was Pay for "COSMETIC's" only.....I Wouldnt have even opened this thread.
It is NOT Cosmetic Only, It is literally a Competitive PAID Advantage specially in PVP.
+ 2 to any TWO STATS. (Thats 1,000 - 1,300 HP increase, and also a 2% DMG or 2% Crit chance increase)
Chance to get POwer and Crit Increase . (Insane)
and a 5% Incoming healing Bonus (Thats a falt +5% Regeneration or incoming healing bonus )
Ya Im sorry, I play End game premade's, And that is a Competitive PAYED Advantage.
If it was only cosmetic I would never have created this post to begin with.
Um, no? Clear logic failure on your part. See, if the people who are *not* buying packs / zen leave, why will need charge a sub? Not to get more income, since the people who are *not* buying packs / zen aren't a revenue source. The revenue source are those willing to buy packs / zen.
As long as people keep buying packs / zen, they'll keep selling packs / zen, and the game will continue to turn a profit.
And, if the game collapsed because the people who won't pay a dime leave... how would a subscription save the game?
I agree that a sub doesn't fix a thing. However free players are an asset. They fill queues and parties, make more people visible in the world and keep the game moving. Without them the paying players feel like they're in a wasteland and stop paying.
jennyavarielMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 167
If this was Pay for "COSMETIC's" only.....I Wouldnt have even opened this thread.
It is NOT Cosmetic Only, It is literally a Competitive PAID Advantage specially in PVP.
+ 2 to any TWO STATS. (Thats 1,000 - 1,300 HP increase, and also a 2% DMG or 2% Crit chance increase)
Chance to get POwer and Crit Increase . (Insane)
and a 5% Incoming healing Bonus (Thats a falt +5% Regeneration or incoming healing bonus )
If you choose various races, you can gain the following stat mods:
+2 dex, +2 wis - drow, drow
+2 dex, +2 cha - drow / halfling
+2 dex, +2 con - halfling / half orc
+2 dex, +2 str - half orc
+2 dex, +2 int - wood elf / sun elf
+2 to any two stats just means that the dragonborn can effectively be any class, as opposed to being restricted to a few classes it's good at. Done most likely to increase the value of the dragonborn. I'm a little annoyed by it, since it goes against (really) the whole point of having racial selection and makes the dragonborn race superior to others, but I'm not really upset. A dragonborn GWF won't be any better than a dwarf GWF.
kaiserschmarrnMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 390
edited July 2014
Sorry to all the nay-sayers, but I missed the part where the game forces you to purchase this additional content.
Sorry to all the nay-sayers, but I missed the part where the game forces you to purchase this additional content.
Most of the people that are upset aren't upset that it's behind a paywall. Many many many f2p games restrict some races behind a paywall. What almost everyone is upset about is the size of the wall. Most of us would pay 15-30 for the race alone. The pack however is 100.00. That's the main complaint.
I bought the Feywild pack, because I think it had great value with an account-wide epic mount and companion, 600k AD, and an exclusive race. This pack simply doesn't have the same value without these items, and it is even more expensive. I think I'll pass for now, just like everyone else in this thread
kaiserschmarrnMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 390
Most of the people that are upset aren't upset that it's behind a paywall. Many many many f2p games restrict some races behind a paywall. What almost everyone is upset about is the size of the wall. Most of us would pay 15-30 for the race alone. The pack however is 100.00. That's the main complaint.
+2 to any two stats just means that the dragonborn can effectively be any class, as opposed to being restricted to a few classes it's good at. Done most likely to increase the value of the dragonborn. I'm a little annoyed by it, since it goes against (really) the whole point of having racial selection and makes the dragonborn race superior to others, but I'm not really upset. A dragonborn GWF won't be any better than a dwarf GWF.
-You have a 5% chance when attacking a foe to apply Dragonborn Fury to yourself for 6 seconds, increasing your Power and Critical Strike by 3%.
-You receive 5% more healing from all sources.
A Dragonborn GWF will be MILES stronger then any other Race as a GWF.
This is a PAYED Competitive advantage whether you agree or disagree, Specially in all end game Premades.
Sorry I disagree, I think halfling would still be on top in pvp which is what you're talking about I believe.
no no thats not what I meant to say, I meant to say Dragonborn Will be the most OP class in PvP with +5% incoming healing bonus?.... lol You do understand that the +5% is a FLAT 5% increase in healing dont you? Its not effected by healing depression.
Not to mention :
--You have a 5% chance when attacking a foe to apply Dragonborn Fury to yourself for 6 seconds, increasing your Power and Critical Strike by 3%.
Ya this is hands down the strongest Race in PvP.
Rather have a power/Crit 3% boost, whilst having a 5%+ increased Healing from ALL SOURCES (constant)
Then having a 10% CC resist.
jennyavarielMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 167
edited July 2014
If you're only here to PvP, then maybe Dragonborn is a good race for you. For the rest of us that like to look good when we RP in this MMO *RPG* game, we'll still be playing elves, humans, etc. Sometimes, looking good is it's own reward.
That's a pretty good selection. Pick your race, based on the stats you want. Same as DnD has always been ( except the lack of need for darkvision )
That's pretty much it for anyone who wants it completely free. It is PURELY a cosmetic item. Even if it provides an advantage, it's still just a boost+cosmetic item. Booth are pay for items in NW Online.
Free players are... good for the game, yes. But let's face it, you'll ALWAYS have cheap people who will play the game for free to fill up space. What you need to do in a game like this, is appease your buyers. Like I said earlier, I'd have bought a reasonable 50 dollar pack, I'd have paid 20 dollars for the race. But 100 dollars for a junk (in my opinion) pack. Even someone who broke it down to 40 dollars for the race. Well, that's still way too much.
If they're going to sell races, sell it on the zen store. If you want to sell a second version that's a little better as an exclusive race, that's fine too. Just give us access to the core race that isn't 100 dollars.
They've also added to packs in the past, so I'm holding out for a late addition to the Dragon pack before I pull the trigger.
Look at the bright side: your most-often view will be from the back of the head. LOL
That might be a old version , the one in collection page on preview gateway shows power , defense and regeneration.If it is the picture on the sales page needs to be changed since it's misleading.
that atleast looks "some" what like a dragon give or take maybe his mother or father had a fling with a Snake
* i keep expecting the tongue to come out and his
Ya that's what i'd like to know cuz this is on the pack page
and on the wiki is says only +300 power , def and 400 regen at lvl 100. I'd like to know what it will be and what is the primary stat, and secondary stat? Then i might consider investing the $ but otherwise its like buy the artifact and hope its got the stats u want, or maybe they differ per class that gets it i dunno but its way to vague, and needs to be clarified.
Wow, really, deals 2608 fire damage to 7 plus extra 20% if dragon born, 323 0.5 for 4 seconds; RECHARGE TIME 10 SECONDS
Now this is pvp, wow... Can't be real
That has to be a mistake - surely they mean 100s recharge time.
they have to pay the bills
so does the average gamer with other commitments in life.
you'll catch more bees with honey than you ever will with vinegar.
But they make a lot off of Bags,Cosmetics, keys, companions, health stones, Mounts, Profession packs, respec tokens, and character slots already.
I don't mean to say "I told you so" to all those who were complaining early on when the drow was split into two kinds and there was all kinds of hubbub about how unfair it was with other players saying it was only a matter of a little extra tweak and there was no misbalance to the game, therefore it is still F2P, or to the same people defending the Moon Elf when it came out with the same reasoning, but here it is.
I told you so.
Sooner or later they were bound to add content that was going to be pay related. Now here's a pack which, to my eye, looks not only very overpowered, but has in it what appears to be an overpowered race as well, and I note so far not one word about a less powered free version anywhere. So this is not the drow again. This is not the elves again. This is a totally new issue and yet is the same issue.
In the meantime they've screwed up the economy of the game to the point that if anyone is selling Zen, it is never seen because it is a seller's market without any sign of recovery. The only thing saving the market from complete chaos is the 500 AD cap. That is not a balanced economy.
So suck it up, people. Eventually they will have to, just for the sake of saving the game from collapsing as frustrated F2P players leave, go to some form of pay system just like, as you kept slapping in my face, STO and CO started off with and continue to have in cohabitation with an F2P aspect.
Um, no? Clear logic failure on your part. See, if the people who are *not* buying packs / zen leave, why will need charge a sub? Not to get more income, since the people who are *not* buying packs / zen aren't a revenue source. The revenue source are those willing to buy packs / zen.
As long as people keep buying packs / zen, they'll keep selling packs / zen, and the game will continue to turn a profit.
And, if the game collapsed because the people who won't pay a dime leave... how would a subscription save the game?
I agree and listen to everyone's side and point of view.
Except for the ones saying that this is only "COSMETIC"
If this was Pay for "COSMETIC's" only.....I Wouldnt have even opened this thread.
It is NOT Cosmetic Only, It is literally a Competitive PAID Advantage specially in PVP.
+ 2 to any TWO STATS. (Thats 1,000 - 1,300 HP increase, and also a 2% DMG or 2% Crit chance increase)
Chance to get POwer and Crit Increase . (Insane)
and a 5% Incoming healing Bonus (Thats a falt +5% Regeneration or incoming healing bonus )
Ya Im sorry, I play End game premade's, And that is a Competitive PAYED Advantage.
If it was only cosmetic I would never have created this post to begin with.
If you choose various races, you can gain the following stat mods:
+2 dex, +2 wis - drow, drow
+2 dex, +2 cha - drow / halfling
+2 dex, +2 con - halfling / half orc
+2 dex, +2 str - half orc
+2 dex, +2 int - wood elf / sun elf
+2 con, +2 str - dwarf
+2 con, +2 wis - dwarf, half elf
+2 int, +2 cha - sun elf, tiefling
+2 cha, +2 con - tiefling
That's a pretty good selection. Pick your race, based on the stats you want. Same as DnD has always been ( except the lack of need for darkvision
^^^ This ^^^
-You have a 5% chance when attacking a foe to apply Dragonborn Fury to yourself for 6 seconds, increasing your Power and Critical Strike by 3%.
-You receive 5% more healing from all sources.
A Dragonborn GWF will be MILES stronger then any other Race as a GWF.
This is a PAYED Competitive advantage whether you agree or disagree, Specially in all end game Premades.
no no thats not what I meant to say, I meant to say Dragonborn Will be the most OP class in PvP with +5% incoming healing bonus?.... lol You do understand that the +5% is a FLAT 5% increase in healing dont you? Its not effected by healing depression.
Not to mention :
--You have a 5% chance when attacking a foe to apply Dragonborn Fury to yourself for 6 seconds, increasing your Power and Critical Strike by 3%.
Ya this is hands down the strongest Race in PvP.
Rather have a power/Crit 3% boost, whilst having a 5%+ increased Healing from ALL SOURCES (constant)
Then having a 10% CC resist.
Note: My GWF is a halfling
That's pretty much it for anyone who wants it completely free. It is PURELY a cosmetic item. Even if it provides an advantage, it's still just a boost+cosmetic item. Booth are pay for items in NW Online.
Free players are... good for the game, yes. But let's face it, you'll ALWAYS have cheap people who will play the game for free to fill up space. What you need to do in a game like this, is appease your buyers. Like I said earlier, I'd have bought a reasonable 50 dollar pack, I'd have paid 20 dollars for the race. But 100 dollars for a junk (in my opinion) pack. Even someone who broke it down to 40 dollars for the race. Well, that's still way too much.
If they're going to sell races, sell it on the zen store. If you want to sell a second version that's a little better as an exclusive race, that's fine too. Just give us access to the core race that isn't 100 dollars.