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Official Feedback Thread: Guardian Fighter Changes



  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    My only concern here is it seems a GF could replace the usefulness of a DC in PVP...

    Seems like a party would rather have 50% damage boost and +50% DR with a GF over a DCs benefits....
    Is there any plan to increase DC effectiveness?
  • colonelwingcolonelwing Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Anvil of doom! We're singing anvil of dooohooooooom. A, to the N, to the V, to the I, to the L, of... DOOM!

  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited July 2014

    So great and so much neded. Thank you!

    I remember using Griffons wrath at low levels and the slow cast time and menial effect made me never put a point into it again. Looks like that will be changing, particularly for PvP options.

    And Into the Fray is looking very attractive now. Very attractive. Can't wait to try it out.

    These changes look like they are going to provide some great synergy between parties and Guardian Fighter powers in general. Definitely headed in the right direction!
  • shamgar4shamgar4 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I agree that they shouldn't stack.

    And I wonder the same for easier content. In T2's lets say, you can probably survive taking the groups damage without a cleric, especially with CW's doing control. However, you can do it without a cleric at all now already. 2 GW, 3 CW parties are all over. But that guy above is right, you can't truly out dps the benefit of a debuffing/buffing cleric.

    To me, this makes it more viable to have a cleric. You are focusing agro on the tank, because it benefits the party (Tact spec especially). You probably want a cleric to make this less risky, and the cleric is buffing/debuffing as well.

    I see this meaning less sing's, as you are ok with the tank getting the agro, for high risk/high reward. Using it more of a grouping function instead of just a control function. And really it will still be viable to do it the old way, of course... its just a new viable way.

    GWF's should like all the changes too, which i was worried about before. If I am on my GWF i want agro, so i get unstoppable. Alongcomes this GF that takes my agro and adds little damage. Now however, he is buffing my damage, he absorbs damage so i can stand in red for more party reward, etc. So its ok.
  • pingconcherepingconchere Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Concerns about Into the Fray:

    I'm glad to see such a buff to the group utility of the GF. I have two mains, a PvP GF and a PvE GF, and these changes coming with Mod 4 encourage me to really pick up on them again. I also play every other class, so I try to hold a more balanced view when considering buffs and nerfs to classes. Because of this, I do have a concern with these new changes to Into the Fray.

    I like the idea behind Into the Fray now. It gives some movement speed, Action Point gain, a small bit of temp hp, and a whopping huge increase in damage. Before these changes, it was still a nice utility power to have, though not a must-have nor a drop-in-the-bucket power. Speccing into Tactician simply made it a bit more appealing for PvE GFs with the 5% increase in damage. With these changes, Into the Fray will be a must take, and while that's not necessarily a bad thing, my concern is that it is too powerful. My INT/recovery/HP GF (which I understand is not conventional) has 48% DR, so that would equate to a 48% damage boost (not counting the Tactician feat). With my very high recharge speed, I can have Into the Fray up almost all the time, with about a 2-3 second delay in between activations. That means the party will basically have 48% extra damage all the time because of my very existence.

    On top of this, Knight's Valor will make the party take significantly less damage, and my high DR (which is actually boosting the party's damage) coupled with my high HP help me survive using it a lot, so the party will now take half damage and deal about 50% more damage because of me. That is gigantic. Is both of these combined maybe too much?

    I love the fact the GF will give the group a lot of support and buffs, but as a more rounded player, I would not like to see the GF become buffed to the heavens. Assuming a more average DR here, these changes mean a single ability is giving the entire party around a 45% damage boost. Divine Glow in DCs gives less damage on the affected enemies, and while it does damage, it does not give movement speed, Action Point gain, and temp hp.

    My concern is that 100% of DR turning into damage bonus might be too much. We'll have to see when it hits the preview, but I hope GFs don't turn into the new utility CWs. And to clarify, I am not suggesting removing the Into the Fray change. I just want to raise reasonable awareness that, as of now, it is incredibly powerful for a single ability.
  • gentlemancrushgentlemancrush Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 445 Cryptic Developer
    edited July 2014
    Concerns about Into the Fray:

    I'm glad to see such a buff to the group utility of the GF. I have two mains, a PvP GF and a PvE GF, and these changes coming with Mod 4 encourage me to really pick up on them again. I also play every other class, so I try to hold a more balanced view when considering buffs and nerfs to classes. Because of this, I do have a concern with these new changes to Into the Fray.

    I like the idea behind Into the Fray now. It gives some movement speed, Action Point gain, a small bit of temp hp, and a whopping huge increase in damage. Before these changes, it was still a nice utility power to have, though not a must-have nor a drop-in-the-bucket power. Speccing into Tactician simply made it a bit more appealing for PvE GFs with the 5% increase in damage. With these changes, Into the Fray will be a must take, and while that's not necessarily a bad thing, my concern is that it is too powerful. My INT/recovery/HP GF (which I understand is not conventional) has 48% DR, so that would equate to a 48% damage boost (not counting the Tactician feat). With my very high recharge speed, I can have Into the Fray up almost all the time, with about a 2-3 second delay in between activations. That means the party will basically have 48% extra damage all the time because of my very existence.

    On top of this, Knight's Valor will make the party take significantly less damage, and my high DR (which is actually boosting the party's damage) coupled with my high HP help me survive using it a lot, so the party will now take half damage and deal about 50% more damage because of me. That is gigantic. Is both of these combined maybe too much?

    I love the fact the GF will give the group a lot of support and buffs, but as a more rounded player, I would not like to see the GF become buffed to the heavens. Assuming a more average DR here, these changes mean a single ability is giving the entire party around a 45% damage boost. Divine Glow in DCs gives less damage on the affected enemies, and while it does damage, it does not give movement speed, Action Point gain, and temp hp.

    My concern is that 100% of DR turning into damage bonus might be too much. We'll have to see when it hits the preview, but I hope GFs don't turn into the new utility CWs. And to clarify, I am not suggesting removing the Into the Fray change. I just want to raise reasonable awareness that, as of now, it is incredibly powerful for a single ability.

    These are fair concerns but something to be mindful of is that in your proposed build you bring very little (if any) meaninful damage to the party. So you sacrifice a full players potential damage output for the benefits you bring, and with the incoming damage being heavily focused onto the GF it is quite likely you will need a Cleric to heal you (unless you far outgear the content). Given this you have gone from 5 DPS (or 4 DPS and a buffer, your choice) to 2 Buffer/Healers and 3 DPS. That said, it is entirely likely the amount of DR translated into damage might have to change, and we want that testing to get the tuning right.
  • shamgar4shamgar4 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I play GWF/GF/CW, so I am with you, I want balance. Not must have x class.

    Look at a cleric now. He ups damage by a ton, and lowers damage taken by a ton. I would say more than the 50%/50% you see with KV and IF. And clerics are nowhere near OP, or required.

    Will the two stacking be too much? Will a party take no damage because of KV + cleric? That is fine, cuz the tank will be taking damage and will want/need the cleric. And with only 1 encounter to use, the GF, like the cleric, will not be adding that much personal dps.

    Needs to be tested,and if need be tweaked, but I think before we worry about OP-ness lets see how it does....

    EDIT: Lol crush and I are on the same page.
  • ctf4voidctf4void Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This is pretty ironic - I played GF since the start of open beta and allthough it was a weak class, it was fun and I never abandoned my GF. And now that we get huge buffs, this stamina-guard gets introduced and because of it, it is no more fun to play GF for me, it just doesn't feel right. I will switch to a different class if the stamina-guard goes live, no matter how strong the buffs are.

    Well, this isn't over until it is over. Gentlemancrush, please don't make the stamina-guard go live, it was pushed by a vocal, well connected pvp-focused minority, comes with many problems and just destroys the spirit of the GF class.
  • pingconcherepingconchere Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Thanks for the reply, Gentlemancrush. You bring up important facets to the scenario I described. One indirect change from these GF changes makes DCs more valuable to bring (not saying they weren't valuable already, of course), and that's obviously great. As for the lack of GF dps, the buffing from the GF would outweigh any loss of dps that the GF and potentially another class would have provided, which is the intended purpose. I don't have any math to back that claim, but I can work some up if someone requests it.

    Overall, these changes are actually playing on other class changes. Basically, a lot of the damage from the CW and survivability from the GWF, both of which were nerfed, have been transferred to utility/support from the GF, and this is excellent in my mind. Archery HRs were also buffed, leading to more balance overall, and we know changes to the TR/DC are in the works. This change is in the right direction, and as you said, testing will be required to tune the abilities to where they need to be.

    I just didn't want people to under-appreciate the value of 50% bonus damage to the whole party. Keep up the good work :cool:
  • nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014

    My Conqueror GF has 48.4% DR in DPS set, 47.8% DR in Knight Captain set

    Add 15% to that from the Armor Specialization feat which is not reflected on the character sheet, making that 55.66% and 54.97% respectively.

    So me using Intro the Fray buffs my party's damage (including my own apparently) by 55%.

    If I use Knight Captain, I buff my party's damage (but not my own) additionally by ~6% (25% power)

    As my GF (~9.4k power is rank 7s and green companions) is fully damage specced with high defense, I also contribute a fair amount of damage already to the group and do not require a cleric because of how powerful Fighter's Recovery daily power is (and Lifesteal on top).

    So rather than a group being say 2 GWF / 3 CW, it will now be 2 GWF / 2 CW / 1 GF for example and overall dealing more damage than in mod 3 at present, as GWF is not losing any damage in mod4 (swordmasters anyway) and CW damage is only slightly decreased.

    My feeling was that in mod 3, damage output generally is already too high due to buff/debuff stacking, and I don't see how this is being addressed at all in mod4.

    If anything, players are just going to get even more powerful than before and PvE content ever more trivial.

    What I would like to see is something to combat all the buffs to players so that content becomes challenging again, but not a DPS race to survive (such as in Valindra's Tower or Temple of the Spider)
  • oicidrazoicidraz Member Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I like the changes of everything, the only thing I would say seems OP is the Temp HP + AP + ~50% Damage in 1 Encounter, but all the other things seems right for me.
  • cheesegromitcheesegromit Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Colour this lowly solo player excited by that latest change list as well. For me at least GF has always been the class with the largest variety of fun skills to use even if those skills were shunned in other modes. Now some of those skills are getting better.
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The reason the CD is still 10 seconds is that the choice between "Will I die if I keep intercepting" vs. "Can my party survive ok while I don't intercept for 10 seconds" is an interesting one, and if the CD gets too short you lose some of that. Turning it off should feel like a bit of a punishment. Something on the order of "We made a mistake so we have to regroup" rather than "Too much heat, toggle off, top me up. IN WE GO AGAIN!"

    Hopefully that makes sense :)


    We have more changes coming your way, hopefully this week or early next week!

    Guardian Fighter:
    Guardian Fighter: Griffon's Wrath: Now stuns targets for 1.5 seconds (up from .75).
    Guardian Fighter: Griffon's Wrath: Now activates ~15% faster.
    Guardian Fighter: Knee Breaker: Base duration increased to 8 seconds (up from 6 seconds).
    Guardian Fighter: Knee Breaker: Rank up bonus increased to +2 seconds (up from +1 second).
    Guardian Fighter: Knee Breaker: Now activates ~15% faster.
    Guardian Fighter: Anvil of Doom: Base damage increased by ~20%.
    Guardian Fighter: Anvil of Doom: Bonus damage is now dealt to targets below 40% HP (up from 25%).
    Guardian Fighter: Anvil of Doom: Now activates ~15% faster.
    Guardian Fighter: Into the Fray: Into the Fray now also increases the damage of affected players by 50% of the Guardian Fighter's base Damage Resistance.
    Guardian Fighter: Into the Fray: Ranking this power up now also grants +25% of your DR as damage bonus.
    Guardian Fighter: Frontline Surge: Now correctly benefits from Pin Down and Reinforced Surge in PVP.
    Guardian Fighter: Block: Block should no longer randomly appear broken when fighting.

    Thank you all for your continued feedback!

    Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer

    I just wanna ask i have GF too i made it in beta(you can chek this if y want ) ,but i see devs over buffing CW/HR/GF .
    Yesterday i was thinking the game will be balanced but now i am not soo sure .
    I think this is too much if y do this after mod 4 all will ask nerf GF and i dont want this .
    The KV change was cool but i think this will lead to total extinction of GWFs.
    Give much lower bonuses pls .

    I dont think all GF palying ppl agree with this change .

    I want to play GF but if you owerbuff it and nerf it agan i dont think i will never spend money on this game .
    First you eliminated Stalvart i lost 70mill AD and this was in mod 1 where rank 8 echants was much more worth.
    Then i maked GWF. Nerfed it buffed it nerfed it buffed it and finaly maked GWF not desire for me agan i lost here more then 200kk .

    But if i spend some money now agan for my GF, and you will turn it back to garbage agan i am not sure this is the game for me.
    I dont have Dagobert Duck at home.
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • spongebob56spongebob56 Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    gentlemancrush- Could you please update your post on first page of this thread with all the changes? It is really hard keeping track of all the changes being done on this class thread and the other ones too. It would be greatly appreciated!
  • shamgar4shamgar4 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Like I mentioned before, these buffs will help GWF's. If you make a GF equalish to a GWF in how desirable they are in dung's you have to nerf GWF survivability or buff GF damage. Then you just end up with copies. This makes GF clearly a better tanking option, and GWF clearly a better DPS option. The option to dps as a GF, or tank as a GWF is still there, and has a lot of room especially in PVP, but at its core, the GF is a tank, and the GWF is a DPS class.

    This wasn't clear for a long time, but now it is crystal clear the intent.
  • aethanasaethanas Member Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Nice changes, I cannot wait to test them. Now Guardian Fighters with Devoted Clerics in a party are making things easier and become an alternative to pure high dps parties.
    I am curious how useful these changes turn out to be in PvP.
  • epclipseingmoonepclipseingmoon Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I'm glad to see we shall finally have our roles back from the "prefered tanks" GWFS :) I'm excited :)
    Princess Amber - DC
    Shieldmaiden Amber - GF
    Valkyrie Amber - GWF
    Huntress Amber - HR
  • hypervoreianhypervoreian Member Posts: 1,036 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    :):) !!!!!!

    Thanx Chris!!!!

    Many GFs in pve for group support were running with Knight Captain's Set and Lunging/Enforced Theat /into the Fray.
    With these Into the Fray buffs Gf will be more usefull in parties and more fun to play!

    Control powers in pve are again most usefull for someone to know.GWrath stops casting of battlewights in iWD for anyone who do not know.GW was one of the most well designed powers of the Gf in potential and aesthetically.But it's slow animation made a lot of GFs to drop it.Finally GW is back!!!! :)

    Anvil of Doom was extremely difficult to land a hit at 25% health remaining cause GFs in frustration were using before 25% less health .
    And most of the times its bonus was wasted.

    KB is a nice buff.It gives an alternative to a control/dps GF.So a GF can now choose between GW/KB/Bc/AoD/FS/Flourish.(Lunging never goes away)
    These changes will make GFs more diversed in their builds .

    I am excited!!
    Thanx Chris!!!
  • aethanasaethanas Member Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    So far, all sounds fine but are the defensive capabilities really enough? I am not sure if they should get a little push (HP-wise or Deflection-wise or Damage Resistance-wise) after all these changes for more Threat, and then there is the thing about PvP competition.
    Are you guys quite sure? Or should there be an similarity with the Devoted Cleric insofar that she offers better defensive possibilities for her team mates than for herself?
  • epclipseingmoonepclipseingmoon Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Wht we still need is the dr soft cap raised from 47% to maybe 55% or 65% if you spec protector. Deflection would not bother me really if our soft cap was raised. GF only I've course.
    Princess Amber - DC
    Shieldmaiden Amber - GF
    Valkyrie Amber - GWF
    Huntress Amber - HR
  • umcjdkingumcjdking Member Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This is awesome, and in my opinion, these changes have answered the bill in regards to GFs being able to do anything monumental in PVP.

    Tank GFs will buff the absolute hell out of their party to the point if you don't take them out then you are in a losing proposition. Not only that, but they also have the capability to bottom out a GWF's resistance after unstoppable.

    Conqueror Focused GFs are going to be scary. Villain's menace will be a core skill here.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2014

    Really enjoying the direction of GFs in this game right now. It seems we have ALOT to choose from. Kudos! I would STILL highly recommend a few items that would really make this class shine... All of these truly make sense in that the GF is a support class but seeing as its also a striker should have the ability to shoot for a damage centric roll (maybe not THE most effective) as well.

    OPTION 1) Stat re-work
    CON = HP/ARP/AP gain
    DEX = 1% deflect/.5% Crit

    AC BOOSTED: 3%DR for every 2AC

    OPTION 2) TAB re-work.
    - Increase ALL weapon damage 15- 20% (this accounts for the "mark" damage) - solves a major issue with the class/enchants.
    - Put Knights Valor on Tab.
    - Make all "mark" abilities have a fixed duration (like Enforced Threat) that perform LIKE Tab Mark in that it gives all allies CA (maybe it already does this)

    This gives GFs a little more options for viability in groups. Most GFs will be running Into the Fray and Knights Valor, they are just TOO good of party buffs to not run. I am fearful this is forcing GFs who will all look/spec the same (minus some rogue GFs who go Conq for DEEPS)

    It also would be MUCH more fun to be able to slot KV on Tab THEN Into the Fray and still have TWO options for encounters. The other system only really allows 1 encounter making the GF feel more like a buff bot... Just my personal preference...

    Knights Valor *NOW* seems much more like a great "tab" ability that we toggle on and off, and THIS would really give us more options for layouts. Especially NOW someone for PVE could run enforced threat and get an AOE mark instead of currently having a TAB mark that applies to 1 target only. Having more weapon damage helps the GF make up for the damage they would lose for this.

    Please consider either one (or BOTH!) of these two changes! its not that the current changes are not great - but these would REALLY make the class shine and feel like it has strong capabilities for ALL specs.

    EDIT: If your worried about KV not offering any "solo play" benefits, I believe it does, or it should, give a +% DR when activated, maybe 5%? This offers the GF solo play ability running around with KV active for solo play.
  • caexarcaexar Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I just read and caught up on the proposed changes... holy...
    I'm just...

    Seriously though, wow. Any word yet on the guard rework?
    Threat level 60 Guardian Fighter
    Gloom level 60 Control Wizard
    Dusk level 60 Trickster Rogue
    Dawn level 60 Devoted Cleric
    Eclipse level 60 Hunter Ranger
    Wrath level 60 Great Weapon Fighter
    Jinx level 60 Scourge Warlock
  • ripyourlipsoffripyourlipsoff Member Posts: 1,552 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Wht we still need is the dr soft cap raised from 47% to maybe 55% or 65% if you spec protector. Deflection would not bother me really if our soft cap was raised. GF only I've course.

    Right on! If we are never to have viable DPS then make **** sure we will always have the highest Damage Mitigation iin the game! There should never ever be any class higher in DR then the GF.
    Shieldbash 60 GF ~ Iron Vanguard 19.0k
    Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k

    ~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
  • evaliraevalira Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    So basically I have to be a buff bot if I want to get into dungeons? ITF, KV and ET, and probably KC set. If I don't do this, I will get kicked from dungeons and called useless.

    I like the fact you have made some major changes, but it looks to me like I am being pigeon holed into a certain playstyle/spec, just like currently I have to kite in FH or get kicked.

    Please make conq spec a viable dps option for those of us that want to play that way - and no I do not want to roll GWF and lose all my epic companions/artifacts and have to start again. And before anyone says - GF is not a dps class I should have roledl GWF. When I rolled GF in open beta we could do decent dps with the SB set, and GWF were pretty uesless, so at the time I had chosen the correct class.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    evalira wrote: »
    So basically I have to be a buff bot if I want to get into dungeons? ITF, KV and ET, and probably KC set. If I don't do this, I will get kicked from dungeons and called useless.

    I like the fact you have made some major changes, but it looks to me like I am being pigeon holed into a certain playstyle/spec, just like currently I have to kite in FH or get kicked.

    Please make conq spec a viable dps option for those of us that want to play that way - and no I do not want to roll GWF and lose all my epic companions/artifacts and have to start again. And before anyone says - GF is not a dps class I should have roledl GWF. When I rolled GF in open beta we could do decent dps with the SB set, and GWF were pretty uesless, so at the time I had chosen the correct class.

    This is EXACTLY why I posted what I did. If KV was changed to our tab ability, and our weapons got a 15%+ increase in damage, this fixes the "buff bot" issue AND our problem with having VERY limited weapon enchant options.
  • grimahgrimah Member Posts: 1,658 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Now back to some testing, (yey my new foundry is complete). I have to say again that i am against the new guard changes. The old way absorbing 100% was a way to keep marks on aoe targets, now they just drop off unless you spam threatening rush.

    Please consider lowering the guard duration but making it 100%. You did want to buff our guard, so please just make it like the old version but with stamina please. The way it is now on preview just makes me want the old one most of the time in pve, and only the new one in pvp.
    Creator of the featured survival horror foundry: "The Silence of Haydenwick" Video Review
    and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
  • shamgar4shamgar4 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Grimah are you sure about the mark? The little testing I did seemed to keep mark on if I had my shield on, and I saw something Crush posted that it stays on if you block... I will try and find it...

    Quoted from Crush on the discussion thread, think it was 7/10....

    1. Works the same way as it did before. You generate AP based on incoming damage while blocking.

    2. Yes. Marks are the same. The only difference is that your mark applied by tab is not removed when you are struck while *not* blocking

    I really like the longer duration guard and letting some damage through, and I like how it doesn't break. It will be even better when the DR works right.
  • daggon87daggon87 Member Posts: 288 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Last time I tested, normal marks did not disappear if you blocked, even with the partial damage taken.

    The new guard feels like it could be a big improvement in PvE, but I can't decide for PvP ... I would love to be able to test a working version and to have the queues back up on preview ...
    Olaf, freelance guardian fighter.
    Enorla, Oh so devoted cleric.
  • ladysylvialadysylvia Member Posts: 946 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    The buff of the skills is nice.

    My group get ~65% damage bonus then alone from my fray(toggled KV). xD Then add the +8% from mark +20% from ToI and maybe weapon enchantment too. *.*

    Out of that:

    1) Can one post ARC+script for it? I want to test golems!
    2) Does the capstone of protector(-20% damage from debuffed attacker) influence the reflected damage by Guarded Assault? -->10k Hit from enemy vs. me --> 300 damage to him. But 10k*0.8 = 8k = 240 damage to him or still 300?
    3) It's WAI that CW can freeze through block with Ray of Frost?

    ayroux wrote: »

    EDIT: If your worried about KV not offering any "solo play" benefits, I believe it does, or it should, give a +% DR when activated, maybe 5%? This offers the GF solo play ability running around with KV active for solo play.

    Sorry, but as Protector I write it clear: That's a big Brainshot suggestion. 1) KV is nearly useless in PvP. 2) It have even only a few moments in PvE. 3) A Protector feat give +5% DR while KV is active. 4) It kill the CA/-8% DR bonus! So NO NO AND AGAIN NO.
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