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Sentinel GWF Build - PvE Focus (PvP viable) - Leeroy Jenkins!



  • sirindrasirindra Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Lately I've been using spinning strike as an easy daily in groups, but if what you say is true about punishing and being able to keep slam mostly permanently up, it could be well worth looking into, especially considering the 25% power increase as a destroyer spec.

    Did you end up keeping the 2% AP gain boon? Also how much was your net AP gain/rec when you were using it?
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    sirindra wrote: »
    Lately I've been using spinning strike as an easy daily in groups, but if what you say is true about punishing and being able to keep slam mostly permanently up, it could be well worth looking into, especially considering the 25% power increase as a destroyer spec.
    Well it is not almost constantly, the instances of getting it ready to pop right before the prior one ends isn't common. Only up to 5 times that's happened currently. However, it is much more active then prior to using Punishing Charge. My record in the Master of the Hunt skirmish is 16 Slams... Without Punishing Charge I struggle to get even double digits.

    And yes the 25% Damage bonus in the Destroyer spec is not too shabby at all! ;)
    sirindra wrote: »
    Did you end up keeping the 2% AP gain boon? Also how much was your net AP gain/rec when you were using it?
    Yes I did take the 2% AP gain boon.

    Currently, with my Vigilant Warlord 4x Set I have 27.3% AP gain, and 29.3% Recovery improvement. Obviously without the Boon it would be 25.3% AP gain... :)
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Just wanted to write up a bit about my experience running Full Titan and Full Vigilant over the 2x/2x split...

    To begin with I'd been using the 2x Titan and 2x Vigilant set combo for over 2 months. Part of is was because I was tweaking the actual stats/enchants/runestones I was running and just felt like going with the solid combination of stats they gave. After Sharandar, and after I had mapped out my boons, I started looking heavily into my armor selection as that was really the only thing left until I could save up/grind out enough AD to expand my Rank 8s into Rank 9s/10s (still working on that! lol)...

    So I began to experiment with the different full sets. Focusing on the Titan and the Vigilant as they did the 2 things I wanted most... Titan made me more tanky and Vigilant gave me enough Recovery/AP gain to spam Slam as much as possible (using Punishing Charge!).

    The following images are without the Campfire Bonus Stats, so take that into account also!

    Visuals of my current stats when wearing the Titan Set:


    Currently the Armor Enchantment is a Greater Negation, and the theory behind this was simply that I didn't want to go with the generic Soulforged (which is good!) w/my desire to try something 'new'. Negation was chosen to maximize the times my DR would be through the roof between the 4 Set bonus and the Negation effect itself. Thereby hoping to be as 'tanky' as possible.

    This set I use when I am PvPing/Tanking a Boss. Whereas it has far lower Recovery/AP gain then the Vigilant set, I find having 45% base DR and 28.3% Deflection to be superb for this goal. It's been doing very well thus far, and obviously the extra HPs plays a part.

    Visuals of my current stats when wearing the Vigilant Warlord Set:


    Currently my Armor Enchantment is a Greater Briartwine, and it's been a fave of mine for a while. Basically it just helps me heal a bit more (not a LOT but it can add up!) over the course of a dungeon and counts as damage to the baddies, so a slight aggro bump there (not a lot but every bit counts!). This is the set I use while running through a Dungeon/Instance with average level baddies and when I am on adds duty when in a boss fight. This is also the set that I use, and am able, to (on rare occasion) get a 2nd Slam ready to go during the duration of the first one.

    Here you can see my DR goes down to 42% or so, and Deflect below 20%, however the Recovery up to 28.3% (over 29% with Campfire buff I believe) w/AP of 27.3% really allows the use of Punishing Charge to pump up the AP generation to the max I can.

    So that's a brief summation, and showing visuals, of my current Armor Sets and Stats with each one individually. Feel free to offer any constructive criticism and/or comments/questions!
  • grimahgrimah Member Posts: 1,658 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Because you are using alot of lifesteal, i suggest you getting an avatar set and putting your greater negation onto it. You will still have enough tank, and you need to work on threat/damage. (since sentinel does roughly 30% less damage than destroyer), or if you do not like avatar, putting the negation on the vigil and just using that works too (my sentinel was regen built so just used vigil + negation and tanked every content without much difference)

    When i was tanking bosses (dracolich for example) i just ended up using avatar + damage features. because bosses only attack periodically.
    Creator of the featured survival horror foundry: "The Silence of Haydenwick" Video Review
    and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Still collecting the pieces for the AoW set, and will test/have fun with that once I have it. :)

    Still enjoying the using of different sets for different situations, as it adds a bit of customization to the game which I enjoy.
  • aadenlaaadenla Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    How did the Briartwine go? I've enjoyed it honestly, though I did put a Greater Negation on my Titan Set, and the Greater Briartwine is on my Vigilant Warlord Set... :)

    Since socketing a Greater Briartwine, I have really come to love the way it works with the Sentinel build. I will be switching it out for the perfect in a week or 2.

    I do have a dilemma. I currently wear 2 AoW (Bracers & Scale) / 2 Vigilant (Helm & Greaves). Now I could try the full set of Titan (just procured the pieces with nothing socketed yet) but I am not ready to add the Greater/Perfect Negation quite yet as I am still a long way from having the material to fuse it up.

    Should I keep wearing the 2 AoW set pieces for the bonus and the Greater Briartwine and use Titan for the other 2 or keep as is until I can get the Negation?

    I have also respeced and added my Perfect Bronzewood. This works wonders with the Briartwine just as you say. I have since noticed a huuuuuge change in survivability during dungeons and PVP alike. I have held a spot on a bridge in epic Spellplague while all my party wiped. Never went down and I cleared the mobs over time while they returned. Impressive sir!!! The build continues to be my favorite and I do so enjoy the versatility at the drop of a hat.

    Thanks again amigo!
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    aadenla wrote: »
    Since socketing a Greater Briartwine, I have really come to love the way it works with the Sentinel build. I will be switching it out for the perfect in a week or 2.
    Ditto. I just enjoy the constant usage of the enchantment, it's always on and also funny in PvP. :)
    aadenla wrote: »
    I do have a dilemma. I currently wear 2 AoW (Bracers & Scale) / 2 Vigilant (Helm & Greaves). Now I could try the full set of Titan (just procured the pieces with nothing socketed yet) but I am not ready to add the Greater/Perfect Negation quite yet as I am still a long way from having the material to fuse it up.
    Well... the Titan set is our BEST defensive set, with the stats it gives, etc. So w/o an Armor Enchantment your deflection should still rise close to 8-10 points. If you have it, I don't see a reason why not to test it out without the enchantment. Also the Negation is simply what I chose for look... :) A Briartwine there wouldn't be bad, though it would reflect less damage of course! lol
    aadenla wrote: »
    Should I keep wearing the 2 AoW set pieces for the bonus and the Greater Briartwine and use Titan for the other 2 or keep as is until I can get the Negation?
    I'd use the Titan as a 4x Set, the 2x set is nice, but the 4x Bonus with you spamming Slam (if using Punishing Charge for AP generation) is really good IMO. As for using one versus the other... Just test it out and see!
    aadenla wrote: »
    I have also respeced and added my Perfect Bronzewood. This works wonders with the Briartwine just as you say. I have since noticed a huuuuuge change in survivability during dungeons and PVP alike. I have held a spot on a bridge in epic Spellplague while all my party wiped. Never went down and I cleared the mobs over time while they returned. Impressive sir!!! The build continues to be my favorite and I do so enjoy the versatility at the drop of a hat.

    Thanks again amigo!
    I am a huge fan of Bronzewood... Glad to see it working for you also bud! The build is fun, but not perfect of course (if we had legit threat generation it would be stellar!), but as I said it's hella fun. That's why I play the game, for fun!

    Good to see it rocking well for you also mi amigo! :D
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Saw this, thought of this thread.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Saw this, thought of this thread.
    Love it! :D
  • oomystoooomystoo Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2013
    wondered wich kind of boons u use? im new to the game only played a few days, but managed to go lvl 60 on 2 days and im trying out your build here.
  • oomystoooomystoo Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2013
    oomystoo wrote: »
    wondered wich kind of boons u use? im new to the game only played a few days, but managed to go lvl 60 on 2 days and im trying out your build here.

    drshdsfh ddh
  • oomystoooomystoo Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2013
    Update: 9/26/13

    Greetings everyone, I hope your day is rocking well thus far!

    I've decided to share my current Sentinel build of my GWF - LEEROY JENKINS, along with my general opinion of the class and how it plays. Now this build is simply how I do things, it fits my play style, and I greatly enjoy it. That doesn't mean it's perfect, nor necessarily right, for you, but it is hella fun!

    So, let's begin with my general premise, then the powers/feats and so on... I'm going to type out as much as possible, with the 4 image limit, so you'll have to suffer through using your literacy skills to follow what I am throwing down for you. ;)

    So my general premise for GWF was to go with the Sentinel Build. I've been running this since before the June mega patch, but I have changed it up a bit w/respec's since then. So it is ever evolving. I wanted to play a toon that brought good things to a party, could stand laughing in the face of a Red Dragon's Breathe, and still be viable in PvP (as I find it fine to play a few matches a day). Thus this silly build began...

    I'm going to list the Powers that I have maxed out that are always in rotation on my character, as that leaves room for people to work around as they see fit.


    Sure Strike: 3/3 *
    Not So Fast: 3/3
    Mighty Leap: 3/3
    Restoring Strike: 3/3 *
    Slam: 3/3 *
    Takedown: 3/3
    Bravery: 3/3 *
    Weapon Master Strike: 3/3 *
    Roar: 3/3
    Weapon Master: 3/3 *
    Flourish: 3/3
    Daring Shout: 3/3
    Indomitable Battle Strike: 3/3 *
    Spinning Strike: 3/3 *
    Punishing Charge: 3/3 * The New Hawtness!!!

    Note: I have put a * next to the powers I use as my standard setup in PvE.

    Now in the order I took the Feats as I leveled are as follows...

    Heroic Feats:

    Unstoppable Action: 5/5
    Toughness: 3/3
    Armor Specialization: 3/3
    Steely Defense: 2/5
    Constitution Focus: 3/3
    Devastating Critical: 3/3
    Weapon Master: 1/3

    Sentinel Tree Feats:

    Student of the Sword: 5/5
    Powerful Challenge: 5/5
    Grudge Style: 5/5
    Master at Arms: 5/5
    Sentinel's Aegis: 1/1

    Destroyer Tree Feats:

    Great Weapon Focus: 5/5
    Disciple of War: 5/5

    As for items/weapons/enchantments, currently I am wearing/using the following:


    Now some insight to the stats, with varying enchantments that I use. Keep in mind I do use an Ioun Stone of Allure, which obviously affects my PvE stats. What follows isn't all, but it gives more insight into the build and where I went with it...

    Damage Resistance: 43.4%
    Deflection (Not counting Weapon Mastery Passive) Chance: 23.2%
    Damage Gained As Hit Points: 9.9%
    Hit Point Regeneration: 4.8%

    For weapon enchantments I use Perfect Bronzewood Enchantment and Greater Plague Fire. Yes that means I am rocking 2x Ancient Castle Champion's Greatswords. I use two because it allows me a bit of utility in PvE (and sometimes PvP). Since Plague Fire is a very common weapon enchantment, I saw it being doubled up a lot in my PvE dungeon runs. Thus limiting it's effectiveness. Therefore about a month or so ago I began collecting/trading for Shards of Lightning Enchantment and eventually worked my way up to a Perfect Lightning Enchantment. So for most dungeons I run Perfect Lightning (more damage on normal hits + threat/aggro generation), unless we don't have a Plague Fire on someone else or if the dungeon is (for example) Spellplague where the Perfect Lightning's Chaining ability is more of a liability.

    For Armor Enchantment I use Greater Briartwine. I know everyone loves Soulforge, but with the survivability this build brings I almost always (like has only happened a few times) have time to pop a Potion/Health Stone when I need to in PvE. Thus a few months ago I was looking around, and figured with my goal of getting oodles of lifesteal and desire to generate aggro whenever I can, that Greater Briartwine's 3.2% damage return to any attack on you would be cool. I've enjoyed it ever since! Yes, yes... I know it's not "optimal", but it's my choice and I've liked it. :)

    The build will not lead the DPS charts in a dungeon, and will usually get 2nd (mostly) with sometimes a 3rd place depending on party composition. Then again it's not designed to lead in DPS. The build is designed for survivability, while not being completely pillowfisted. You are also a great insurance policy if someone makes a mistake like if your DC messes up Astral Shield, the TR doesn't joust the boss and dies, or the CW doesn't Arcane Singularity correctly. Your ability to run in giant circles (no effing joke!) fast enough to stay alive and long enough for your party (who died) to make it back from the campfire (on the bosses this matters on) is invaluable. You can also Sprint to rez anyone, even within red circles, and make it back w/o detriment to the team.

    So there it is in a nutshell... Hope you enjoyed reading, and I look forward to quality discussion as it's never a bad thing for a build to evolve with intelligent discourse!

    Here is how my toon looks, and his evolution thus far, w/his gear: LEEEERRRROOOOOOOYYY JEEEEENNNNKKKKIIIIINNNNSSS!!!
    Here is my PvP treatise: The Tao of Disengaging (needs a bit of updating!)

    Wondered wich boons do you use?
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    oomystoo wrote: »
    Wondered wich boons do you use?
    Hey there mi amigo... :)

    I use, in order:

    1. Dark Fey Warder - Defense
    2. Dark Fey Elusiveness - Deflection
    3. Dark Haste - Action Points
    4. Dark Fey Tranquility - Heal
    5. Fey Thistle - Deflection Damage
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    From the Test Shard:
    panderus wrote: »
    [*]The Recovery stat can now properly enhance the cooldown of powers with multiple charges.
    Well that makes Punishing Charge that much better... I look forward to 5-6 Second cooldown on that, which should help our AP generation quite a bit! :)
  • tarmalentarmalen Member Posts: 1,020 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    From the Test Shard:

    Well that makes Punishing Charge that much better... I look forward to 5-6 Second cooldown on that, which should help our AP generation quite a bit! :)

    Except for the fact that punishing charge is broke and procs bleed for 0 damage.
  • starsk7starsk7 Member Posts: 36
    edited October 2013
    Hi there,

    I started my GWF but my stats are much different from yours.

    Im human,

    16 (18)

    Am I pretty fubared to run a sentinel build? now that Im level 50 Im thinking more and more Id like to tank lol. PvP was my orginal idea though.

    Also would it be possible to put a screen shot of your feats on the front page? i think it would help out a lot.

  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    starsk7 wrote: »
    Am I pretty fubared to run a sentinel build? now that Im level 50 Im thinking more and more Id like to tank lol. PvP was my orginal idea though.
    If that 12 is in Con, then I'd say you're gimping yourself a bit, because at the end of your progression you'll only have a 18 Con... If you want to be a better tank, rerolling may not be a terrible idea! :(
    starsk7 wrote: »
    Also would it be possible to put a screen shot of your feats on the front page? i think it would help out a lot.
    I'll try and do that over the next week, but the new Paragon Class and Patch will change them quite a bit. :)
    starsk7 wrote: »
    You're welcome!
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    tarmalen wrote: »
    Except for the fact that punishing charge is broke and procs bleed for 0 damage.
    Well, I hope they fix it then! lol :)
  • starsk7starsk7 Member Posts: 36
    edited November 2013

    Wish they would allow you to reroll base stats with a respec :(:(:(
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    starsk7 wrote: »

    Wish they would allow you to reroll base stats with a respec :(:(:(
    Yea, it's crappy that you can't... But it's the system we have to work with mi amigo. Sorry for being the bearer of bad news!
  • starsk7starsk7 Member Posts: 36
    edited November 2013
    well looks like I'll just shelf my GWF when I hit 60 lol

    was fun to roll one, maybe make something else when the new module comes out
  • cheapjingcheapjing Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    starsk7 wrote: »
    well looks like I'll just shelf my GWF when I hit 60 lol

    was fun to roll one, maybe make something else when the new module comes out

    If you want pve, there is nothing wrong with a bit less CON; go destroyer path and destroy everything in your path in dungeons, especially now we have better threat generation (still not enough for sure). if you want to specialized in PVP then CON is kind of low, but definitely not as bad as you think. I use to put all my pts on strgth and dex and do pretty well as a sentinel.
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    starsk7 wrote: »
    well looks like I'll just shelf my GWF when I hit 60 lol

    was fun to roll one, maybe make something else when the new module comes out
    You don't need to shelf it, it just won't be min/max'd... The new Module seems to have a LOT of good things for GWF, so I highly recommend not shelving it. Particularly if you enjoy it bud, it's all about having fun! :)
    cheapjing wrote: »
    If you want pve, there is nothing wrong with a bit less CON; go destroyer path and destroy everything in your path in dungeons, especially now we have better threat generation (still not enough for sure). if you want to specialized in PVP then CON is kind of low, but definitely not as bad as you think. I use to put all my pts on strgth and dex and do pretty well as a sentinel.
    This advice is also sound!
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I run with a variant of this build (the previous version, apparently, heh) on a half orc with 22 STR, 18 CON, 22 DEX and I have to say it's pretty nice. I'm not geared out as kolatmaster is (in T1 PvP gear, rocking CN rings, belt, and Neck though) but I can hold my own in PvP and PvE. I might switch to Destroyer though, but still. You may not have "optimal" stats but you can still roll with what you have.
    The T1 PvP gear is actually pretty good IMO, and it is a legitimate option in PvE, even more so in PvP.

    Destoryer is also a viable option, though I'd state that Sentinel Iron Vanguard is gonna be solid. Superb in PvP, and better then this build in PvE I believe. Still testing, but those are my initial impressions thus far! :)

    I'll update more when I have more concrete information.
  • raptorskyfireraptorskyfire Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 120 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    starsk7 wrote: »
    well looks like I'll just shelf my GWF when I hit 60 lol

    was fun to roll one, maybe make something else when the new module comes out

    I run with a variant of this build (the previous version, apparently, heh) on a half orc with 22 STR, 18 CON, 22 DEX and I have to say it's pretty nice. I'm not geared out as kolatmaster is (in T1 PvP gear, rocking CN rings, belt, and Neck though) but I can hold my own in PvP and PvE. I might switch to Destroyer though, but still. You may not have "optimal" stats but you can still roll with what you have.
    Part of Storm-Shore, a RP/PvE guild. http://www.stormshore.com/

    I have many alts, I am a class and race rainbow.
  • odd111outodd111out Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    You really just need to aim at being as hawt as Leeroy Jenkins, and as much a gentleman.

    For the sad faced GWF who want to PvE out there, I will offer a few tips:

    1. So the fight ended and you can now hit TAB. You may need to sacrafice that. Sorry. Astral Shield with CD help is about 14 secs. If your CWs are throwing Lightening at the ground it means Singularity is NOT up. Going and throwing yourself under the next mob group just to be able to activate Determination may not be the best option for the group. Respect that.

    2. Sprint is great. But Slides and Blinks for less armored squichies in your team are evasion mechanics. Never require them to use their stamina to keep up with you. If you want to move on to the next x ledge push spot, let the DC go first. The last person to run takes it in the posterior the worst (and you can arrive with some nice Determination).

    3. Roar is fun. So is IBS. Please be careful when using them if your GF is using Frontline Surge or your CW is using Icy Terrain. Roar will activate faster than FS for the GF even if you both push the encounter button at the same time. Don't use Roar to push the mob off IT especailly if the CW is using GPF. 60 seconds going over encounter rotations at the start of a run makes it better for all.

    4. Redcap Witherers must die. In Malabog's Castle. Must. As soon as they are born. That is all.

    And as always, it is a pleasure to run with Leeroy Jenkins and all of his GWF builds. I regularly schedule CN1/4 Ring Farms and I will tell you that it isn't the GWF class that excludes them from a CW slot in a normal 3 CW run, but their ability to be a solid team member.


    Circe HouseAll. 60 DC. Founder. The Noore.
  • caloriencalorien Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    What encounters do you recommend for an AOE specialized PVE Sentinel?
    The PWI info-fox formerly known as Mayfly - Dreamweaver
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    odd111out wrote: »
    You really just need to aim at being as hawt as Leeroy Jenkins, and as much a gentleman.
    Thank you amigo! Much apprecaited... :)

    We'll get on finishing Spellplague for sure!

    calorien wrote: »
    What encounters do you recommend for an AOE specialized PVE Sentinel?
    AoE would be Come and Get it, Not So Fast, and post patch Frontline Surge in the Iron Vanguard Paragon Path
  • tarmalentarmalen Member Posts: 1,020 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    I have run 15 con since beta.

    A high con only gives some ArP and some HP.

    The HP is useful in learning to play but not needed.

    I sit at 24k HP and PVP just fine.

    You can be a sent build with 18 con.

    The only difference is that regen tics harder with more HP pool.
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    tarmalen wrote: »
    The only difference is that regen tics harder with more HP pool.
    That and the additional points in Con for the ArP bonus helps you spread out those points into other area's of ones build.

    Though, as I stated, I agree that 18 Con is perfectly viable and shouldn't be seen as a major flaw. Just something to be worked around! :)
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