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Sentinel GWF Build - PvE Focus (PvP viable) - Leeroy Jenkins!



  • calfencalfen Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    amazing guide, I will try out your build once I hit level 60. I just read the Feywild patch notes and there is a ton of changes to classes. I would like to ask you (and any other GWF) what do you think about it in terms of sentinel build? Will it significantly influence it? I mean I am currently not able to do the math. What would you recommend to change? I play only PvE.

  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    calfen wrote: »
    amazing guide, I will try out your build once I hit level 60. I just read the Feywild patch notes and there is a ton of changes to classes. I would like to ask you (and any other GWF) what do you think about it in terms of sentinel build? Will it significantly influence it? I mean I am currently not able to do the math. What would you recommend to change? I play only PvE.


    The changes aren't confirmed yet, so it would be best to just wait and see if they are implemented as is, or with alterations.
  • banaancbanaanc Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Thanks for guide, though not lvl 60 yet, its fun being 1st in Damage dealt, damage taken, enemies slain AND healing done(yeah, it does happen) :D

    would be nice having a little low lvl section, pets(cleric ftw) what stats to focus on green items etc.

  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Hey everyone, thanks for the feedback/comments... I was at GenCon all last week, and that took away all my gaming time here on Neverwinter! lol

    I'll be responding back more completely tonight/tomorrow for sure! :)
  • banaancbanaanc Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    btw what encounters u use for pvp ? u mentioned ibs, leap, flourish and takedown, what and when

  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I use the sentinel build too and I find myself more useful in PVP. Sometimes I can double kill a cw and TR. I have different sets in my bag for different situations. I use the Valiant Warlord Set when there's a GF in the team and Titan's Set for PVP/GF-less team. I might respec and try your Feat distribution.
    Using different gears for different situations is a good call, I do that with my weapons in particular. :)
    mconosrep wrote: »
    Question for Kolatmaster , or any other experienced GWF player of course, What do you think about swapping one of

    Deep Gash: 5/5 OR
    Great Weapon Focus: 5/5

    (probably Great Weapon Focus) for Scale Agility or Disciple of War?

    If you have 3K recovery, DoW would allow you to move 750 points from Armour Penetration to something else, perhaps Life-steal, Regen or Power.
    I really like the extra DPS I gain from Deep Gash/Great Weapon Focus honestly. It's honestly a preference, and if ya like the ArmPen to free up more slots I say try and see what you like best. This is simply a guide, a way of doing things... If something works better for you, then rock it bud!
    calfen wrote: »
    amazing guide, I will try out your build once I hit level 60. I just read the Feywild patch notes and there is a ton of changes to classes. I would like to ask you (and any other GWF) what do you think about it in terms of sentinel build? Will it significantly influence it? I mean I am currently not able to do the math. What would you recommend to change? I play only PvE. Thanks!
    I believe mconosrep answer is very astute, particularly with the patch going live in less then 12 hours!

    You're welcome for the guide, and I'm glad you enjoy it thus far!
    banaanc wrote: »
    Thanks for guide, though not lvl 60 yet, its fun being 1st in Damage dealt, damage taken, enemies slain AND healing done(yeah, it does happen) :D

    would be nice having a little low lvl section, pets(cleric ftw) what stats to focus on green items etc.
    You're welcome, and I'll see what I can do about getting time free to spice that portion of the guide up a bit!
    banaanc wrote: »
    btw what encounters u use for pvp ? u mentioned ibs, leap, flourish and takedown, what and when
    My current standard rotation is: Takedown/Flourish/Indomitable Battle Strike
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Well folks, tomorrow is a big day for every class... With all the changes, and debuffs to Deflection w/in the Sentinel Path I am going to go for the full defensive spectrum of Elven Passives. I'll keep you updated with how it goes, and how the build evolves! :)
  • kulrigkulrig Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Looking over the passives, and assuming they aren't 1/x and increase with multiple ranks, gotta say I mostly agree with your initial choice of passives. 1% less damage taken and Deflect severity... wooo, hardly helps at all if I don't have threat, which 1% damage helps more with even if it's just barely. Speaking of, more AP means more Threat and damage, so that's pretty cool. As for the 10% power damage vs the 30% defense heal, I'd say it all depends on the proc rate. But if DC's and the healing companions are any indication, healing threat is by far the highest threat you can deal (seriously, I struggled to pull aggro from my companion when chaining encounters during Unstoppable and Slam after a single heal while leveling, and it seemed only marginally better than taking aggro from a DC if I failed to get a hit in before the heal ticked).

    As a fresh 60 GWF with an 11K GS (8K from defensive stats) for about 1/3 million AD (amazing how cheap GWF tanky gear is), including the enchants which took most of that, that's probably what I'd take; mostly offensive, and likely the proc heal based on Defense. After all, the best defense in the world means little if there is nothing is attacking ya.

    Side note, for those on an extreme budget is Holy Avenger OK? I noticed it deals the highest damage of all the lessers, and is also among the cheapest of enchants.
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    kulrig wrote: »
    Looking over the passives, and assuming they aren't 1/x and increase with multiple ranks, gotta say I mostly agree with your initial choice of passives. 1% less damage taken and Deflect severity... wooo, hardly helps at all if I don't have threat, which 1% damage helps more with even if it's just barely. Speaking of, more AP means more Threat and damage, so that's pretty cool. As for the 10% power damage vs the 30% defense heal, I'd say it all depends on the proc rate. But if DC's and the healing companions are any indication, healing threat is by far the highest threat you can deal (seriously, I struggled to pull aggro from my companion when chaining encounters during Unstoppable and Slam after a single heal while leveling, and it seemed only marginally better than taking aggro from a DC if I failed to get a hit in before the heal ticked).
    Yea, with the new changes to lower Deflection though I may try the 1% reduc/1% Deflect... We will see, worth a shot to at least test, right? :)
    kulrig wrote: »
    As a fresh 60 GWF with an 11K GS (8K from defensive stats) for about 1/3 million AD (amazing how cheap GWF tanky gear is), including the enchants which took most of that, that's probably what I'd take; mostly offensive, and likely the proc heal based on Defense. After all, the best defense in the world means little if there is nothing is attacking ya.

    Side note, for those on an extreme budget is Holy Avenger OK? I noticed it deals the highest damage of all the lessers, and is also among the cheapest of enchants.
    Holy Agenger isn't bad, though for cheap a Lesser Plaguefire isn't all that much... On Beholder it is less then 100k, and frequently as low as 70k from what I have seen. Hope that helps a bit bud!
  • cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Well folks, tomorrow is a big day for every class... With all the changes, and debuffs to Deflection w/in the Sentinel Path I am going to go for the full defensive spectrum of Elven Passives. I'll keep you updated with how it goes, and how the build evolves! :)

    I like what you did there, they aren't nerfs they're debuffs eh =P
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    I like what you did there, they aren't nerfs they're debuffs eh =P
    LEEROY JENKINS, diplomat extraordinaire! ;)
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    So the first two boons in Sharandar are as follows:

    image4_zpsd24636bb.png vs. image9_zpsde5cd768.png


    image6_zpsfcca2628.png vs. image5_zpsac499542.png

    I chose, to attempt the continue with the theme of this PvE build, Dark Fey Warder (250 Defense) and Dark Fey Elusiveness (250 Deflect) to add to my character.

    Thus far I have been pleased with it, as it continues with the theme of the builds main theme: "It's not what you can do to your enemy, it's what they can't do to you."

    I'll be continuing on with the boons as the come forward... Next choice is either 700 HPs or +2% Action Gain. The hitpoints would put me at 32,300ish, and the 2% actions point gain would put me from 26% to 28% (not counting any feats/abilities that increase it like Unstoppable Action). So I'd love to hear opinions on this!
  • mqgnusmqgnus Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    Since FoF is released, i have few questions for you. First, i'm glad that such a build is shown to all, i like to see people considering tanking as a real matter in this game. I usually play my GF, i played both in Conqueror and Protector Spec but something i never do (did?) was to play GWF tank. So i'm actually starting building with the GWF i made in a great boring time last month. Enough life sharing, here come the questions :

    1/ Why Powerful Challenge if Daring Shout isn't in your main Encounter rotation since it may be hard to mark ennemies with IBS because of your lack of damage as a tank ?

    2/ Because of the fix of using Slam & Crescendo at the same time, wich Daily power would you use with Slam (not simultaneously but as a situationnal Daily) ?

    3/ You did any mention about your defensive and offensive enchantments slots except their are "various", wich one do you really use or consider beeing optimized ? I may slot only with Radiant for both slots but i'm not sure.

    4/ Do you agree using Thunderhead armor enchantment ? I use it on my GF and it's pretty cool.

    5/ For the newb, do you have any advice about using situationnals power such as class feat and encounter ? :p

    Thanks for all. Cya
    Top tip for passing the time : Read a book, write a book or book a holiday for your book !
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    mqgnus wrote: »

    Since FoF is released, i have few questions for you. First, i'm glad that such a build is shown to all, i like to see people considering tanking as a real matter in this game. I usually play my GF, i played both in Conqueror and Protector Spec but something i never do (did?) was to play GWF tank. So i'm actually starting building with the GWF i made in a great boring time last month. Enough life sharing, here come the questions
    Glad you enjoy it, hope to continue to evolve it as the game itself changes/evolves, and now we move onto your questions! lol
    mqgnus wrote: »
    1/ Why Powerful Challenge if Daring Shout isn't in your main Encounter rotation since it may be hard to mark ennemies with IBS because of your lack of damage as a tank ?
    Well since the changes I have been using Daring Shout/Restoring Strike/IBS a bit more. Still trying to figure out the exact encounter rotation I prefer, but I've been finding adapting the encounter combos to the boss I am facing is best. So basically you need knowledge of the bosses and adapt accordingly.
    mqgnus wrote: »
    2/ Because of the fix of using Slam & Crescendo at the same time, wich Daily power would you use with Slam (not simultaneously but as a situational Daily) ?
    Been using Spinning Strike, but I haven't been overly impressed with it at all. I still use Slam 90% of the time, and looking into a few of the others to see which I like better. Gonna take some experimenting, so I don't have a definitive answer for you here yet unfortunately.
    mqgnus wrote: »
    3/ You did any mention about your defensive and offensive enchantments slots except their are "various", which one do you really use or consider beeing optimized ? I may slot only with Radiant for both slots but i'm not sure.
    In the Sentinel spec I went with all Dark Enchantments on my Defensive slots for Lifesteal, and I currently have 9.9% lifesteal. On my pet I run Crit/Recovery/ArmPen as necessary to keep my numbers at the levels I want them to be. :)
    mqgnus wrote: »
    4/ Do you agree using Thunderhead armor enchantment ? I use it on my GF and it's pretty cool.
    I think Thunderhead is a fine enchantment for ones armor, I currently use a Greater Briartwine, but I am looking into some of the new ones from Sharandar to see what I like best out of that!
    mqgnus wrote: »
    5/ For the newb, do you have any advice about using situationnals power such as class feat and encounter ? :p
    Well I mapped out what I prefer, though I respec'd slightly with the patch so I need to update that. Again the general concept is your trying deny the opponent the ability to kill you, while you whittle them away. It's not a DPS oriented spec, but I believe with the given drop in DPS overall thus far in PvE a survival oriented class (Tank/Off-Tank) may be even more necessary. Just my theory here! lol
    mqgnus wrote: »
    Thanks for all. Cya
    You're more the welcome mi amigo! :cool:
  • mqgnusmqgnus Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    Your answers are pretty much in accordance with my mind, except for the lifesteal wich is a "new" stats for me, i'll see results IG soon. The job now is to convince my guild to take me as GWF and not as GF, they will cry. :>

    I may have some bouts about the threat generation, but i obviously got a lack of experience.

    I'll come back to you whatever happens. ^^
    Top tip for passing the time : Read a book, write a book or book a holiday for your book !
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    Scenic bad ***...


    Throwing the devil horns in the air because rock'n'roll will never die!


    And a new personal favorite, close up from the 1st photo...

  • duba11duba11 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    So the first two boons in Sharandar are as follows:

    image4_zpsd24636bb.png vs. image9_zpsde5cd768.png


    image6_zpsfcca2628.png vs. image5_zpsac499542.png

    I chose, to attempt the continue with the theme of this PvE build, Dark Fey Warder (250 Defense) and Dark Fey Elusiveness (250 Deflect) to add to my character.

    Thus far I have been pleased with it, as it continues with the theme of the builds main theme: "It's not what you can do to your enemy, it's what they can't do to you."

    I'll be continuing on with the boons as the come forward... Next choice is either 700 HPs or +2% Action Gain. The hitpoints would put me at 32,300ish, and the 2% actions point gain would put me from 26% to 28% (not counting any feats/abilities that increase it like Unstoppable Action). So I'd love to hear opinions on this!

    Dark Fey Warder also stacks with Steely Defense, which means an extra 50 power. By far the best choice IMO for GWF.

    I went with the 250 deflect feat(about 2%) because I'm probably going to take the 400 damage on a deflect feat at the very end... great synergy with my halfling dex-based sentinel.

    In regards to the HP or 2% action point gain... I'd probably go with the gain... its such a small increase either way... if you were a CON build, Probably the HP one.
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    duba11 wrote: »
    Dark Fey Warder also stacks with Steely Defense, which means an extra 50 power. By far the best choice IMO for GWF.
    Yep, I took Dark Fey Warder.
    duba11 wrote: »
    I went with the 250 deflect feat(about 2%) because I'm probably going to take the 400 damage on a deflect feat at the very end... great synergy with my halfling dex-based sentinel.
    Also went with Fey Elusiveness, and will most definitely be taking the 400 damage on Deflect capstone boon.
    duba11 wrote: »
    In regards to the HP or 2% action point gain... I'd probably go with the gain... its such a small increase either way... if you were a CON build, Probably the HP one.
    I am Con based, but still leaning towards the Action Points honestly. I don't need HP, as that is what I am spec'd already for at: 31k, not the highest, but certainly survivable! ;)

    I'm basically doing the exact opposite of most other GWFs post patch for PvE. They are trying to maximize DPS, and I am trying to max out my survivability. Why? Because I want to, and enjoy that roll with out Unstoppable/Mobility effects. :cool:
  • kahmiikahmii Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Hi Leeroy,

    thanks for this amazing guide, I built my GWF last week in a similar way and your guide influenced me greatly as I trully believe that with all those diminishing returns on every stats, it is a (almost) waste of points to put everything in 3 or 4 of them like a lot of players do !

    With this in mind, I created my gwf with a lot of CON (for obvious reasons : max HP and the good amound of armor penetration) and DEX (so my crit chance is not too bad and I had a vorpal enchantment + the gwf feat)
    I may try lightning enchantment as it seems very nice as well but lower levels that I can afford at the moment (lesser and normal) are not worth it in my opinion, maybe I am wrong ?

    I found that regeneration (I'm trying the Ioun stone of might with 2 seal of the executioner (+478 regen and offensive slot) and it works very very well) and lifesteal are great stats that are too much overlooked by most players (its true that you have to really invest in it to see the benefits) especially with that much health points ( I sit at 33500hp at the moment, which you may find a bit too much :rolleyes: )

    What I had also in mind is being able to solo T1 dungeons, I tried normal karrundax (so not T1 but the mobs are 59, i'm not very stuffed at the moment) yesterday and went to the final boss without troubles (but the fight on this one is very very long). Did you try this and if so, what can you tell me about it ?

    Also, when i'm in group, I just fail to keep mobs aggro on me, I guess your weapon and armor enchantments helps you for that but is it all or i'm doing it wrong ? (i'm using daring shout and slam)

    thanks ! (sorry for my english)
  • mqgnusmqgnus Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I think i can help about either 700 hp or 2% action gain.

    Tier 1, you have to choose between 250 power and 250 def. Compared to an enchantment, it's roughly a Rank 9 and that's the same for the second tier.

    In the third tier, you have only a 700 hp bonus wich is rather a Rank 7 Enchantment as opposite to a +2% action point gain wich can't be compared to an enchantment since it's only half of the recovery's usefulness. However, we want to stack as much recovery as possible so the more recovery we have, the more viable is this boon since we are impacted by diminushing returns (for exemple, i will hit 40% extra AP gain with this boon with my 2k5 Recovery but GFs gain extra AP gain with CON while GWF doens't) and this a flat bonus for ap gain, not a recovery bonus.

    And don't forget what you need to do in order to unlock this tier, so i think the +2% action point gain is definitly the best choice.

    I'm also agree with the last boons that deals damages when you deflect but i'm not sure for the previous tier (Elven tranquility or Elven Ferocity) because of the lack of details about what hit exactly, proc ratio and even internal cooldown if implemented.
    Top tip for passing the time : Read a book, write a book or book a holiday for your book !
  • grimah1grimah1 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Hey leeroy, this is on a totally no-related post regarding your thread, but its darque here. Just wondered if you could tell my guild (front of armament) that my account got banned.
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    grimah1 wrote: »
    Hey leeroy, this is on a totally no-related post regarding your thread, but its darque here. Just wondered if you could tell my guild (front of armament) that my account got banned.
    I'll let the next one I see know for sure bud... :(
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    kahmii wrote: »
    Hi Leeroy,

    thanks for this amazing guide, I built my GWF last week in a similar way and your guide influenced me greatly as I trully believe that with all those diminishing returns on every stats, it is a (almost) waste of points to put everything in 3 or 4 of them like a lot of players do !
    Hey bud, and thanks! It is important to get close to the max soft-cap in many skills. Though not sure what you mean by '3 or 4', did you mean 3,000/4,000? If so, then it depends on the stat, like my current 2850 Crit, 3250 Recover, 24% ArmPen, etc. are at, if not above the Soft Caps. Just a min/max way of playing, though variations are of course allowable!
    kahmii wrote: »
    With this in mind, I created my gwf with a lot of CON (for obvious reasons : max HP and the good amound of armor penetration) and DEX (so my crit chance is not too bad and I had a vorpal enchantment + the gwf feat) I may try lightning enchantment as it seems very nice as well but lower levels that I can afford at the moment (lesser and normal) are not worth it in my opinion, maybe I am wrong ?
    My Con is at 23 w/o Campfire Buff, 24 STR and 15 Dex, as a Dwarf I went a bit more thematic with the toon. However, I can see a Dex/Con Halfing being an extremely good Sentinel build honestly. I have a Perfect Lightning currently and have enjoyed it. Though I am also experimenting with a few other enchantments and will update my build over the weekend!
    kahmii wrote: »
    I found that regeneration (I'm trying the Ioun stone of might with 2 seal of the executioner (+478 regen and offensive slot) and it works very very well) and lifesteal are great stats that are too much overlooked by most players (its true that you have to really invest in it to see the benefits) especially with that much health points ( I sit at 33500hp at the moment, which you may find a bit too much :rolleyes: )
    I have 4.8% Regen and 9.9% Lifesteal currently. I prefer Lifesteal first, over Regen, but that's a preference as I am looking to hit as many Mobs as possible, thus triggering more Lifesteal immediately opposed to waiting for Regen. Both are good though, so well done there IMO!
    kahmii wrote: »
    What I had also in mind is being able to solo T1 dungeons, I tried normal karrundax (so not T1 but the mobs are 59, i'm not very stuffed at the moment) yesterday and went to the final boss without troubles (but the fight on this one is very very long). Did you try this and if so, what can you tell me about it ?
    kahmii wrote: »
    Also, when i'm in group, I just fail to keep mobs aggro on me, I guess your weapon and armor enchantments helps you for that but is it all or i'm doing it wrong ? (i'm using daring shout and slam)
    Yea Enchantments are the key there, as I am not fulling convinced that Daring Shout is any good. I am experimenting with it currently though with's its (albeit small) AOE with my current enchantment experimentation.
    kahmii wrote: »
    thanks ! (sorry for my english)
    No worries my friend, it is all good! :D

    mqgnus wrote: »
    I think i can help about either 700 hp or 2% action gain.
    mqgnus wrote: »
    Tier 1, you have to choose between 250 power and 250 def. Compared to an enchantment, it's roughly a Rank 9 and that's the same for the second tier.
    Oh it is almost a Rank 9, the Boons are phenomenal content addition and I love them.
    mqgnus wrote: »
    In the third tier, you have only a 700 hp bonus wich is rather a Rank 7 Enchantment as opposite to a +2% action point gain wich can't be compared to an enchantment since it's only half of the recovery's usefulness. However, we want to stack as much recovery as possible so the more recovery we have, the more viable is this boon since we are impacted by diminushing returns (for exemple, i will hit 40% extra AP gain with this boon with my 2k5 Recovery but GFs gain extra AP gain with CON while GWF doens't) and this a flat bonus for ap gain, not a recovery bonus.
    Hence I am leaning towards the 2% AP generation as it is the equivalent of a boatload of Recovery honestly, particularly as I am just over 3k Recovery and past the soft cap.
    mqgnus wrote: »
    And don't forget what you need to do in order to unlock this tier, so i think the +2% action point gain is definitly the best choice.
    I am grinding it out ASAP, don't you worry! lol
    mqgnus wrote: »
    I'm also agree with the last boons that deals damages when you deflect but i'm not sure for the previous tier (Elven tranquility or Elven Ferocity) because of the lack of details about what hit exactly, proc ratio and even internal cooldown if implemented.
    Yea, the lack of details is a downer, and that will be the hardest decision I make at that time. Though, since I am trying to Min/Max my build, eg. be as tanky as possible, while still being viable in a party I feel the heal will be solid. Then again an extra 400 damage on attacks that I use AOE (eg. not limited to only when you crit) may be comparable... We'll have to see! :cool:
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    That's right everyone... Effing Butterflies are the new hotness! ;)

    @PandaPaul, I was about to comment on your post to mine but apparently we weren't given the chance to make it a meaningful discussion before it was submerged to The Lower Depths, but yes I am using it also. Loving it thus far, it really solves my Threat generation issues and allows my survivability to shine more in the runs I have been doing. :)

    I will be updating my build in the coming days with more specifics, but yes I do believe this Enchantment is amazing and I have been rocking Epic instances with it. Though I will admit I am not topping the DPS charts, that's not my builds goal... As we all know! :cool:
  • duba11duba11 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    That's right everyone... Effing Butterflies are the new hotness! ;)

    @PandaPaul, I was about to comment on your post to mine but apparently we weren't given the chance to make it a meaningful discussion before it was submerged to The Lower Depths, but yes I am using it also. Loving it thus far, it really solves my Threat generation issues and allows my survivability to shine more in the runs I have been doing. :)

    I will be updating my build in the coming days with more specifics, but yes I do believe this Enchantment is amazing and I have been rocking Epic instances with it. Though I will admit I am not topping the DPS charts, that's not my builds goal... As we all know! :cool:

    From what I can see, there was some decent modifications to threat generation in the sentinel tree. Slam might be nerfed dmg wise but it produces double threat , can be feated for more through defiance . Has anyone tried specing for tanking yet to see how viable it is?
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    duba11 wrote: »
    Has anyone tried specing for tanking yet to see how viable it is?
    Yea, I have... :)

    That's what this entire thread is about! lol
  • dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Hence I am leaning towards the 2% AP generation as it is the equivalent of a boatload of Recovery honestly, particularly as I am just over 3k Recovery and past the soft cap.

    I agree with you on this one and I've been steering this direction too. 2% AP appears to carry more weight unless of course you are a Regeneration Tank. Then 700 HP can equal a good amount of more Regen Ticks.
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    dkcandy wrote: »
    I agree with you on this one and I've been steering this direction too. 2% AP appears to carry more weight unless of course you are a Regeneration Tank. Then 700 HP can equal a good amount of more Regen Ticks.
    It's just to me, if I want 700 HP I can get them other places with Ring/Belt/etc. However 2% AP is the equivalent of a huge increase in Recovery, thus I am leaning towards it more so.

    As for Regen, my toon currently has about 4.8%, nothing amazing, but it is useful! :)
  • dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    It's just to me, if I want 700 HP I can get them other places with Ring/Belt/etc. However 2% AP is the equivalent of a huge increase in Recovery, thus I am leaning towards it more so.

    As for Regen, my toon currently has about 4.8%, nothing amazing, but it is useful! :)

    My Regen / Deflect tank has 36k HP with 11%+ Regen. So 700 equals 35+ more health tick.

    Otherwise the 2% AP is a really nice gain.
  • copticonecopticone Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    That's right everyone... Effing Butterflies are the new hotness! ;)

    @PandaPaul, I was about to comment on your post to mine but apparently we weren't given the chance to make it a meaningful discussion before it was submerged to The Lower Depths, but yes I am using it also. Loving it thus far, it really solves my Threat generation issues and allows my survivability to shine more in the runs I have been doing. :)

    I will be updating my build in the coming days with more specifics, but yes I do believe this Enchantment is amazing and I have been rocking Epic instances with it. Though I will admit I am not topping the DPS charts, that's not my builds goal... As we all know! :cool:

    What enchantment are you referring to?
    Check out my personal Nerf Proof T2 Thaumaturge Build.
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