Good point; mine was a crash to desktop with box stating "game has crashed, please give us a report of what happened while we gather data." Edited post to reflect this. I had Firefox open with three tabs while in-game and it was unaffected (before you ask -- I do this all the time and game has never crashed before today, my computer can handle it).
This is basically my problem too. Everytime I log in it crashes within 2 to 3 minutes. Why has this been going on so long? I didn't see a new patch when I got on, so that means this has been going on all day since this morning.
Good point; mine was a crash to desktop with box stating "game has crashed, please give us a report of what happened while we gather data." Edited post to reflect this. I had Firefox open with three tabs while in-game and it was unaffected (before you ask -- I do this all the time and game has never crashed before today, my computer can handle it).
If you are repeatedly crashing at this time, please IM me and attach a copy of your GamePrefs.pref file from your localdata folder.
I sent you a private message with a link to my googledoc for this (as it's over 5000 characters), it is not showing up in my 'sent' items though, so I don't know. Please let me know if I should re-send. I crashed over 15 times yesterday (never once before), and can't enter a dungeon/skirmish without repeatedly, immediately, crashing. I'm leveling my first character and it's very frustrating to miss content like this.
Thank you.
Edit for clarification: My entire computer does NOT crash, just Neverwinter. I get the crash report pop-up, when I restart Neverwinter it says 'detected error' and does the 10 minute or so scan, which I did 5 or more times yesterday (to no avail). Outside of dungeons/skirmishes, crashes also occurred in Protector's Enclave (a couple while just walking around, 1 while using mailbox), and one in the open world while fighting mobs.
hmm mine wasent so much a crash to desktop the game just stoped responding was like it took a ss and nothing carryed on no matter how long i waited had to force close it allways happened in dungeon instances and seemed to happen when alot of mobs were around
rolo4Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 9Arc User
edited August 2013
I can't figure out how to PM on this forum, I'm not signing up for a file-hosting service. Don't you think configuration information should have been sent by the error reporter? (quite the oversight there)
My GamePrefs.pref:
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Aticrossfiregpucount 0
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Audiodrivername
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Audiodriveroutput
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Audiodriverversion
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Audiox64checkskipped 0
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Computername ZAPHOD
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Cpucachesize 6619136
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Cpuidentifier "Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel"
Apart from all the random crashing I also get (if I don't kill the game from task manager, methinks it would stay "hanged" forevah), I'm also starting to get awsomely long loading screens. From what I know ppl see me as discoed, but I know it was 2 minutes loading screen only. And I don't know why, if I don't relog before opening the 3rd seal in Vaults Dungeon, I will lag for mintes right after and then will lag for minutes after entering boss' room.
Bids he then the spruces to singer him an anthems!
And the Woodsie Lord binders them fleshes to stone!
Every 3 - 6 minutes I am getting "Server Not Responding". It counts up to about 18 seconds and then throws me back to the login screen. This has happened constantly since Module 1.
_________________________________ Silence speaks louder than words...
I reported my problems in a previous post, but I have a new one to add: I was in Helm's Hold on my mount, on my way to the last part of the quest chain there (not in combat), and the game crashed to this screen:
But, unlike all my other crashes that were just Neverwinter (the computer was fine), this time the entire computer was unresponsive. Had to restart. That picture was taken with my ipad, as I couldn't screenshot.
seonsaengnimMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 16Arc User
edited August 2013
I a couple more map crashes on load screens and then a crash at the launcher with no error message. I tried deleting my game preferences file as suggested in another thread but that didn't stop the crashing. I've tried playing on low settings but it doesn't stop the crashing and I tend to get more BSOD then.
I haven't crashed again since the first time and it seems to run okay, but I have noticed that the game keeps saying "Material files reloaded" excessively every time I'm at a loading screen, when it used to do this only upon me changing graphics settings. Something is definitely wrong with the way it's loading and rendering stuff after the current patch.
Testing Nasher Hideout on my GF right now to see if anything happens since that's come up as a problem area in here; I'll post if something goes wrong.
From my previous message last night where I couldn't get in on either of my machines, but was able to get in on my wife's Win 7 Machine.
So this morning I get up, and over morning coffee I patch my laptop. Lo and behold I am in. So I putter around, holding my breath thinking its going to pop out. But it doesnt.
So I do all my trades, do the prays then I log out as I have things to do before I my workday starts (it starts in the afternoon).
I come into work where I am now on my laptop, that was fine this morning. I repatch as I login as something else is there.
Neverwinter quits on me and I write an expletive filled bug message to the devs. Thanks for ****ing up whatever it was that you completely had right this morning and ****ed up again today.
I am just wondering if its too late for me to dispute the charge on my card and get my money back for a game I can no longer play.
I reported my problems in a previous post, but I have a new one to add: I was in Helm's Hold on my mount, on my way to the last part of the quest chain there (not in combat), and the game crashed to this screen:
But, unlike all my other crashes that were just Neverwinter (the computer was fine), this time the entire computer was unresponsive. Had to restart. That picture was taken with my ipad, as I couldn't screenshot.
This seems... different. I would suggest that if you have issues that do not match the problems that are being discussed in this thread (repeated crashes in PE, e.g.), you open a different thread or submit a bug report. Your screenshot looks like a driver issue to me.
From my previous message last night where I couldn't get in on either of my machines, but was able to get in on my wife's Win 7 Machine.
So this morning I get up, and over morning coffee I patch my laptop. Lo and behold I am in. So I putter around, holding my breath thinking its going to pop out. But it doesnt.
So I do all my trades, do the prays then I log out as I have things to do before I my workday starts (it starts in the afternoon).
I come into work where I am now on my laptop, that was fine this morning. I repatch as I login as something else is there.
Neverwinter quits on me and I write an expletive filled bug message to the devs. Thanks for ****ing up whatever it was that you completely had right this morning and ****ed up again today.
I am just wondering if its too late for me to dispute the charge on my card and get my money back for a game I can no longer play.
I assure you we have not been changing things back and forth. We are working to diagnose the problem and we will have a patch with a fix as soon as we can.
twstdechoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 630Bounty Hunter
edited August 2013
I'm crashing every few minutes or so, in the new content, running the Hunt skirmish, and once after in the general area of the new content as well. Crashing to desktop with the Cryptic box that comes up asking for comments on what I was doing at the time.
Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
Intel Core i7 - 2630QM
I assure you we have not been changing things back and forth. We are working to diagnose the problem and we will have a patch with a fix as soon as we can.
Well given that I am a retired software engineer . I know that this makes sense. Going back and forth is bad, though something someone did actually did the trick. The patch that happened this morning solved the issue for me, either that or I was extremely lucky on both my machines.
Even so, very frustrating. But hey if its a database issue oracle or sql, give me a ring
twstdechoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 630Bounty Hunter
edited August 2013
I did play for an hour + during my lunch hour without issue. I didn't start having this crashing issue until this evening when I got home from work.
I crashed a number of time in Protector's Enclave yesterday. After the patch they were more frequent.
One crash after I filled out the crash report window, I noticed the icon still on my Start bar. I clicked to open it and it was downloading information and said it had 23 minutes to go.....are you downloading my entire hard drive? I have around a 20 Mb/s connection and I figured something was wrong to be downloading so much data, so I aborted it.
I've been playing since day 2 and the game has never crashed until today. The game played smoothly after downloading the Feywald update and I stayed on for a couple hours.
The next day, after the latest patch, the game has crashed twice.
lilnaerynMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited August 2013
Same thing over here - I mostly play from an old laptop and had no problems before the Feywild release, but now I mass crash with no warning after about half an hour. The same thing happens on my recent Windows 8 computer, and no amount of checking files or lowering settings seems to help. It doesn't matter what I do in-game, even if I just leave my characters standing in an isolated area doing strictly nothing I'll still crash, and I'll crash even faster if in the Feywild hub area, for some reason I crash in 10 minutes tops over there. I have no idea what's going on.
Just crashed to desktop again in the same spot, at mail courier near Auction House in Protector's Enclave. It must be that it's too busy there for the client to keep up.
I don't know if this is the same crash as the others but I've got it 2 times today in only an hour.
Yes this is one of the exact crashes I have gotten as well. I have others but they seem all to be related to the DirectX 11 in some way. I am crashing to desktop, I am getting in game artifacts at times. I also get black screen with in game cursor then I can come back but it crashes within a few minutes. I have now tested at EXTREMELY low settings with the Raideon 3000 running. This ran and allowed me to play for 30 minutes with no crash. Maybe the the DX11 and or high end graphics is the issue.
I think the devs should look at Lighting/Atmosphere etc since these are the main difference between high and low graphics. There are shader possiblilties as well and I will start testing with the 650Ti in and disabling various portions to see if I can narrow.
ONCE I DO.. I would love it if you other players can confirm some tests with me. I am on Dragon and will be testing in the next few minutes if you want to PM me in game its @Coogrrr
Updates you all soon!
It Can Wait!!!
Dont text and drive please. Dont risk your life and the lives of others. Join the cause and take the pledge - See more at:
Yes this is one of the exact crashes I have gotten as well. I have others but they seem all to be related to the DirectX 11 in some way. I am crashing to desktop, I am getting in game artifacts at times. I also get black screen with in game cursor then I can come back but it crashes within a few minutes. I have now tested at EXTREMELY low settings with the Raideon 3000 running. This ran and allowed me to play for 30 minutes with no crash. Maybe the the DX11 and or high end graphics is the issue.
I think the devs should look at Lighting/Atmosphere etc since these are the main difference between high and low graphics. There are shader possiblilties as well and I will start testing with the 650Ti in and disabling various portions to see if I can narrow.
ONCE I DO.. I would love it if you other players can confirm some tests with me. I am on Dragon and will be testing in the next few minutes if you want to PM me in game its @Coogrrr
Updates you all soon!
I do'nt get that error..i get the one that pushes me straight to desktop and doesn't tell me a thing just a spot to submit report.
Sitting in the Sharandar Hub - typing to a guild mate in whisper. Logged in for 5 minutes - and crash.
You have to fix this ASAP or the game will suffer many losses. I love the game PLEASE fix it
so I can continue to play, if it isnt and I cant play I take my money and play time elsewhere
NOT BY CHOICE - I want to play NWO and spend money with you but if I can play it
I cant spend the money on it. Simple math. PLEASE HELP.
This time it was the GTX650Ti with full everything turned on highest graphics and DX11
Edited to add this - BUG TICKET ID: 14630075
It Can Wait!!!
Dont text and drive please. Dont risk your life and the lives of others. Join the cause and take the pledge - See more at:
mrvincent1959Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 740Arc User
edited August 2013
Crashed several times during new skirmish. You guys got a real bad situation on your hands. I hope ur techs can isolate the problem.
Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
I sent you a private message with a link to my googledoc for this (as it's over 5000 characters), it is not showing up in my 'sent' items though, so I don't know. Please let me know if I should re-send. I crashed over 15 times yesterday (never once before), and can't enter a dungeon/skirmish without repeatedly, immediately, crashing. I'm leveling my first character and it's very frustrating to miss content like this.
Thank you.
Edit for clarification: My entire computer does NOT crash, just Neverwinter. I get the crash report pop-up, when I restart Neverwinter it says 'detected error' and does the 10 minute or so scan, which I did 5 or more times yesterday (to no avail). Outside of dungeons/skirmishes, crashes also occurred in Protector's Enclave (a couple while just walking around, 1 while using mailbox), and one in the open world while fighting mobs.
My GamePrefs.pref:
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Aticrossfiregpucount 0
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Audiodrivername
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Audiodriveroutput
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Audiodriverversion
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Audiox64checkskipped 0
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Computername ZAPHOD
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Cpucachesize 6619136
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Cpuidentifier "Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel"
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Cpuspeed 3.311e+009
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Diskfree 106471456768
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Disktotal 1570897915904
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Fmodversion 0
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Hassse 1
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Hassse2 1
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Hassse3 1
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Hassse4 1
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Isdx11enabled 1
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Isdx9exenabled 0
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Isrunningnortonav 0
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Isunsupportedspecs 0
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Isusingd3ddebug 0
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Isvista 1
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Iswine 0
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Isx64 1
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Material_Hardware_Supported_Features
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Material_Supported_Features "SM20| SM20_PLUS| SM30| SM30_PLUS| SM30_HYPER"
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Nummonitors 1
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Numrealcpus 4
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Numvirtualcpus 4
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Nvidiasligpucount 2
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Osver0_Lowversion 1
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Osver1_Highversion 6
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Osver2_Build 7601
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Osver3_Servicepackmajor 1
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Osver4_Servicepackminor 0
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Osver5_Hostversion 6.1.7601.18015
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Physicalmemoryavailable 4410249216
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Physicalmemorymax 8545726464
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Ramspeedgbs 3.24848
Prefentry SystemSpecs.RenderingHacks REHA_NONE
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Supporteddxversion 0
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Svnbuildnumber 153271
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Trivia
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Videocarddeviceid 4224
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Videocardname "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580"
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Videocardvendorid 4318
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Videodriverstate 0
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Videodriverversion
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Videomemory 1536
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Virtualaddressspace 2147418134
Prefentry SystemSpecs.Wineversion
Silence speaks louder than words...
But, unlike all my other crashes that were just Neverwinter (the computer was fine), this time the entire computer was unresponsive. Had to restart. That picture was taken with my ipad, as I couldn't screenshot.
Testing Nasher Hideout on my GF right now to see if anything happens since that's come up as a problem area in here; I'll post if something goes wrong.
Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
From my previous message last night where I couldn't get in on either of my machines, but was able to get in on my wife's Win 7 Machine.
So this morning I get up, and over morning coffee I patch my laptop. Lo and behold I am in. So I putter around, holding my breath thinking its going to pop out. But it doesnt.
So I do all my trades, do the prays then I log out as I have things to do before I my workday starts (it starts in the afternoon).
I come into work where I am now on my laptop, that was fine this morning. I repatch as I login as something else is there.
Neverwinter quits on me and I write an expletive filled bug message to the devs. Thanks for ****ing up whatever it was that you completely had right this morning and ****ed up again today.
I am just wondering if its too late for me to dispute the charge on my card and get my money back for a game I can no longer play.
This seems... different. I would suggest that if you have issues that do not match the problems that are being discussed in this thread (repeated crashes in PE, e.g.), you open a different thread or submit a bug report. Your screenshot looks like a driver issue to me.
I assure you we have not been changing things back and forth. We are working to diagnose the problem and we will have a patch with a fix as soon as we can.
Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
Intel Core i7 - 2630QM
Well given that I am a retired software engineer
Even so, very frustrating. But hey if its a database issue oracle or sql, give me a ring
One crash after I filled out the crash report window, I noticed the icon still on my Start bar. I clicked to open it and it was downloading information and said it had 23 minutes to go.....are you downloading my entire hard drive? I have around a 20 Mb/s connection and I figured something was wrong to be downloading so much data, so I aborted it.
The next day, after the latest patch, the game has crashed twice.
Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
AMD 965BE (liquid cooled in/out fans)
8gig corsair vengeance
geforce 460
Crashes during dungeon and skirmish mainly. Lair of the Mad Dragon and the Helm skirmish for lvl 30 range.
Yes this is one of the exact crashes I have gotten as well. I have others but they seem all to be related to the DirectX 11 in some way. I am crashing to desktop, I am getting in game artifacts at times. I also get black screen with in game cursor then I can come back but it crashes within a few minutes. I have now tested at EXTREMELY low settings with the Raideon 3000 running. This ran and allowed me to play for 30 minutes with no crash. Maybe the the DX11 and or high end graphics is the issue.
I think the devs should look at Lighting/Atmosphere etc since these are the main difference between high and low graphics. There are shader possiblilties as well and I will start testing with the 650Ti in and disabling various portions to see if I can narrow.
ONCE I DO.. I would love it if you other players can confirm some tests with me. I am on Dragon and will be testing in the next few minutes if you want to PM me in game its @Coogrrr
Updates you all soon!
Dont text and drive please. Dont risk your life and the lives of others. Join the cause and take the pledge - See more at:
I do'nt get that error..i get the one that pushes me straight to desktop and doesn't tell me a thing just a spot to submit report.
You have to fix this ASAP or the game will suffer many losses. I love the game PLEASE fix it
so I can continue to play, if it isnt and I cant play I take my money and play time elsewhere
NOT BY CHOICE - I want to play NWO and spend money with you but if I can play it
I cant spend the money on it. Simple math. PLEASE HELP.
This time it was the GTX650Ti with full everything turned on highest graphics and DX11
Edited to add this - BUG TICKET ID: 14630075
Dont text and drive please. Dont risk your life and the lives of others. Join the cause and take the pledge - See more at:
Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR